tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 15, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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,3 ggme nats nats the ravees keep their hooe-wiining streak... alive. the costly injuries ttat dallas.panied a victory against googll searches can be results that ooten show up... - for presidential candidates. pulling off... a amaainn helmee-cam videe of an aussrian daredevil's skydive 3pfrom sppce. - & 3- monday,,october 15th. &p
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catches it 8-yards deep inn &pthe end zoneethen followwshis blockers nd eeplodes down tte ssdeline... tying an n-f-l reeord with aa108 yard ick return ouchdown and giving the ravens 24-13 lead. later in the 4th dallas ties it p with a toochdown, and dez bryant can tie the game f he catches this 2 poiit conversion.... goes for the onside kick and wiil win it for the cowboys... misses frrm 55-yardss ut.the rrvens holl on for a 31-29 victory... but major injuries pt kke players could impact the rest of the season. (("...crazz finish."")
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sunday's game marked the ravens 4th straight pegular-season home winnit's the longess current home- a man is deadd this morning... after being shottin southeast b. baltmore.police say the 9- year-old was found lling on the ground near ast pallimore street and north decker avenue... ssufering from gunshot wounds toothh hip approached byya group of men wearing dark clothes and ski anyone with information should call policee pnooter maa is dead after he was hit by a pplice cruiser n responding to a call of a ssooting around 1 o'clock sunday morniig...when they say leondionas perez came out of avenue and 9-th street. police
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say lights and sirens were on at the time. the victimm of last week's deaaly fire in northeaat thurssay morning. laid to rest - morning.a wake for tte five pleasant church and ministries in east sttrts at 10 and wwll e ollowed y city has offered to pay for he - buuial plots have been donated. a grandmother, several offher grandchiidren and a great-grandchild were all found in the back bedroom of home on dennood road the home had three smoke alarms, but it's unclear if any of them were working. 3&pbaltimooe firefighters are tragedy mayyhelp them save of the department could be s - foond in northeast altimore neighbors make their homes a little safermelinda roeder hass more on theirrfire prrvention e. efforts. 12:26:43 nats of knocking on door - "fire departmenttgoing door to ddor.... firefightees pnnbaltimore are taking part
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in a safett sweep..2:18:14 - quick natt12:20:44 - installing alarrchecking homes iistalllng free ones - - wherever they're needed.kevin cartwright: 12:00:46-00 "ffrr thhse that don't have them, &p... literalll the lifespan of thursddy) the "((ile from - sweep comes ii the wwke of last week's deadly fire that claiied the lives of a 55-year- old grandmmtter and four children.... ranninggin age from just one toosevee yeaas from myranna pkg "it's too hard to lose a ffmily,, whoel of mmmbers. it hurts.. aad i can't deel with this."debbie booy: file from myranda pkg "we got a biggfamily. i mean we haveea large family so with that support we'll make it, we &pable to escape - bb jumping o others - clearly did not ave was literally blowing out ire eveey window of the tructure." 12:25:11 - going into houseand
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since every second counts.... they want to make others aware of the precautionssthat could saveelives. (11::2:26 - careful evacuation ppan.kevin - should jump up, go nto action - and if necessary get out.... arrive on the scene..(show todaa video of fire) noww- while one baltimore family struggles to ooe with heartbreaking loss....others &phope theer story will help as possible.12:24:08 - leaving possible.prepared aa 3 to others.... to be as prepared as possible.12:24:08 closing shot this is the time of year when the warning is first - especially timely..ire offiiials reccmmend you have one smoke alarm on every level &pof youu home. if yyu don't have one and you live in the pity... call 3-1-1.the fire departtent will brrng one out in montana.32 year old jason g - &phiser nd 32 yeer olddneal peekns from virginia... have been missing since friday, after failing o atch a
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flight home from montana.50 men, but they are concerned becauseerescuers re encountering 18 inches f snow on the rail... and clouds are preventing aerial searches. the number of people infected with meningitts continue to rise... nationwide 200 people have gotten sick from contaainated steroid injections which were desiined to treat ack pain. 15 of those cases are here in maryland...including one death. so far, 15-peoppe have died nationwide. cheek your a new mexico company called "sunland"... which produced jars of peanuu butter... is expanding its ecall.the roasted shelled and innshell --3 maryyand... he producc is sold at trader joe's.aa least 35 people have been siikeeed by salmonella... that's linked to he ompany's products. tooorrow night... preeideet obama anddgovernor itt romney
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face off in their second debate.president obama is under ppessure... after receiving poorrreviiws from the last debbte.this deeatee.. hassa differentt moddrated by c-n-n's candy crowley.but it's the undecided voters who willlbbeassing te 16 --:33 "the challenge is that they've got to connecc, not juss wiih the people that television and watchinggthem, but to he people that are on the stage with them -- some 80 or so uudeeided voters as chosen by gallup, so they have to keep those folks in mind. up lose adventure with voters.. voters."analystsssaa the forrat ccull be good orrthe president... who is able to draw energg froo the crowd. 3a fneral will be hell tomorrow... for formee u-s senator, arlen specter.he diid after a battle with non--odgkins yyphoma.specter served pennsyyvaaia in the senate from 1980 to 2011... longer than anyone else in history.tomorrow'' service will be open to the pubbic.
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are you our biggest fan?then youuccn become.. our fan of phe day! everyday we'll picc one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot coo slash pdition... a sizabll religiius debate in ooe maryland town. peop want taken down... and why.
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david smallwood: maryland money needs to stay in maryland. it's just that simple, i mean, it's a no brainer. anncr: every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty... million at casinos in west virginia, delaware... and pennsylvania. one west virginia paper calls it a "cash cow" for them. but its cost maryland over one billion dollars. money that could have created good jobs and... better schools for us. question seven keeps maryland money in maryland. david smallwood: question seven, i think it will be a... good thing for the state of maryland. ((bump in)) the space shuttle endeavvur destination after a oad trip throogh the streets f los angeees.the spacecraft seemed to be passing ddngerously close to trees and power lines lining its route to the california science center. thousands of people came out
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a 40-ffoo tall ross standing n overnment contrrversy i a maryland town. joon henrehaa has more on the onflict. conflict. ffct, this 40-foot-tall ly as 3 concrete structure was built ammrican leggonas a memorial to the 49 en of prince georgg's county who died n the service of their country during worll warronee the fact that it's a cross -- tte american humanist bothers - pthis country is a iveese : have hindus, we have
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nonntheists, and we''e always representing ttose who have y only reprrsennaaive of one faith is just not uniivrsal &penough."" he uuannsts have sent a letter o the mmryland nationaa parkkand planning commission deeanding that the cross be removed from the rest of the war memorial. more than 120 people to express their support offy - kathyydavis, nn of the organizers, believes the war memorial should remain as t &pwas designed.davis says: "it was not put up there as a religious syybol. it was put up tteee as a memorial to our vvterans who died." moore believes tte humanists "cross" issuu, which he argues is not always religious symbolism.moore says: "the diisinguised air cross -- is that a eligious medall they
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have the cross-hairs in a 'cross' is there, is that a religgous eference as well?' henrehan says: now, the humanist group set a two week deadline for a response to iis request that the peece cross be remmved. roy willlnow prepareeand file a s - lawssit to get the ccoss (portion of tte emoriil) and file a lawsuit to et the 3 ccoss (portiin of the memorial) removed. army veteran elando lindsey doesn't like that idea.lindsey says: ppark and planning needs to turn it back to the american legion. we'll take carr of the courts (on the peace cross) could take a year or two. in blaaensburg, johnn henrehan,,foxxfive news. [inn bladensburg, md., john henrehan, fox newss strright aheed... search results... used as a winddw into the mind of web users. users.what's behind some strange search phrasess.. linked to the presidentiaa 3((brrak 3))
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and see what popssup for imagee... a slew of photos of pandidate mitt ssys it's not intenttonal, andd is simply the result of normal search algorithms.athena jones spoke wwth an expert about whaa's behind it... and pastt and presidential candidates. google; yahoo; engines are a part of modern ddring the vice presidential debaae were: "biden", "who s winninn thhedebate?" - it's a window into the minds &pof millions of web users.but you type "completely wrong" en into a google imaae sserch, you get a whole lot of pictures of mitt says the gallery of photos wass unintentional.its algorithms simply icked up on news description f his "47 n - similar trend on bing and -
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yahoo -- but o a lesser degree.for a search engine.... phey reaaly eey on the words understand what it's about. if you put a picture of mitt romney beside worrs hat say "completely wronn" then they say, i guees this is relevant forr"completely wronn."still, sometimes it's intentional. these are callee "googll bombs".innthe mid-2000s, pranksters created links that caused a google search for the put president george w bush at the top of the results page. google later tweaked its analytics to limit the prrctice.. intentional or not,, "debate fail" brings up images of president obaaa; but also of people like romney, governor rick perry and one-time presidential hopeffl &pjohh kerry.and speaking of kerry, who was accused of flip conservative bloggers managed to push his campaignnwebsite tt the op f google searches for the orr "waffles". is candidatessare pwerllss to
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