tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 16, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 p3 the avens ose two key john harbaughh -& lardarius webb and ray lewis this year. year.both guys were injured in pundays gamm agaanst the dalls cowboys.megan gilliland is live from m & t bank stadium with reaction. good morning guys,there is &ppunday's game here against th cowboys will be the final game of ray lewis' likely hall of
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famee word from lewis he will not play another game thii season... and neither will cornerbacc lardariusswebb. two key playyrs on the ravenn defense.webb tore an acl... while 37-year old lewiss suffeeed a complete tear of his tricep muscle in is right arm.with lewissout... dannnll ellerbe willlstep in. 3&we had to go through this before, i stepped in and we did a good job, buu you hate & he heart of the defense lardarius was coming on. are reacting to this news as well.on our facebook a. page... shebrah slowe- get bbtter, we still ave lot f peammvicki carter- i could we will really miss you. you
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for your team, they need your inspiration . et well soon. season.hees a 13- time pro - bowl elction nd a 2-time nfl defensive ppayer of the year. but it's his leadership that mosttplayers in the lockeroom areettlking about.many are expecting him toostill be on theesidelines this weekknd as the ravvns take on thh texans in from m & t bank stadium, i'mmmegan police need your help... ccnnection with a urder last m. month.they're trying to identify the ssspects in this surveillance photo... captured near the scene of a fatal shooting on september happened on chesterfield avenue near belair road in northeaat baltimorr.police found 51-year-old petee marvii died.anyone with informaaion r - is asked to call police. asked to call pollce. triil proceedings have started for twoopolice ooficers...
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accused of assaulting a university of maryland sttdeet in an incident auuht on camera.a prosecutor said yesterday during opening statementt that officers reeinald bakerrand james harrissn abused hhir power when thee went after john during a rowdd post-game ed -3 celebration after a basketball teaa win over uke. mckenna pnnnuncement to disperse.... before officees hit him with batons and shhelds and knocked him to the grouud.deeense lawyers said the officers were solliers"... who foolowed pheir commanders' orders.. and force. two hikers lost... in glacier &pnational park in monday.the men werr able to walk on their own... but werr flown byyhelicopter to the nearest ranger stations. the ffd-a is warning ppople, ttis morning...about tww addiiiinal drugs that may be linked to the meninnitis outbre. injection ... similar to the sttroiddinjections for back
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pain... where the disease was ps during transplant surgeries. health ooficials say the drugs were made by the same company in massachusetts. nationwidd 214 people have maryland . "wwll, i ddnt thinn we can ssy for urr, when weell be out of the woods. the longer we gett away from the outbreak and the less cases we see, that will be a positive sign for uss but agaii,,this issa new phenomenon, we encourage patients nd their physicians to be vigilant for the onsee of symptoms for some monthh to ne of these potennially re - conttminated medicationss" outbreak ii linked to 15 deaths nationwide. 3 gallaudet university's chief diversity officer is schhdulld to discuss her views about being placed on leave for signing a petttion to put
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maryland's same-sex marriage law on tte ballot for voters to decide. deeide. ngela mccaakill aanapolis , today. her - attorney says she is not aati-gay... but that she only signed the petitton becausee she believes the issueeshould be settled by the democratic &pprooees. mccaskkll wws placed pn leave last week. national and local n-dduble--ac-p leaders aree john rydell explains... - supporters and opponents of question six aae using personal storiess.. to makk their point. point. 3&"the reality hereeis this iss rights."benjamin sppakingg..not as the son of interracial arents. they got married backk in 19666in ashiiggon, d.c...beccuse interracial marriage...was sttll illegal ii maryland..jeallus) "my father was disowned because of that marriage,,my mom lost many friends."a story that has shapee how
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&pviiws... same-sex arriage. he calls support of question six...a matter of fairness. (jealous) people willing to is a civil rights issue, a matter offcivillllw."(rydell) "but some public opinion polls &psuggest that many marylandees pppose same sex maariage including a baptist minister from baltiiore county who is aaso a prominent state delegate.""it's not a ciiil right, it's aamoral wrrng." delegaae emmett burns ssys in the early 60'ss...e was arrested in mississipppi...for a sign that said "whites ooly."- (burns) "it was wrong to deny me the right toodrink water." (burns) "they would not haae arrested me for being gay if i were white."but the naacp says discrimination is aater whh is involved. in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ttn. state and local n-double-a-c-p same sexmarriage. ndorsing &p same sex marriage will be th hhll... on thursddy, ootober 25th..ou can watch it livv byy
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just click on "town all" in our hot ooics can past town hall meetings on &pdreem act. the marylandd 3if you haven't registered to haae just hours left to do so.the o'clock.this year... you can allo register tt vote online. doo com slash newslinks the presidential campaigg &ptakes a frightening turn in ohio.on monday... the motorcycle you're seeing here on that flatbed truck... which belongs to an officer... was part of he first lady's motoocade near columbus, ohii. he collided with another officer. iq: well we don't know what thier peed waaoo: and they &pran intt each other other neither officer was seriously
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huut.the ffrst lady waa also pot injured the uutice departmmnt is trying to squaah a laasuit... general eric holder to turn over reccrds about oppration fast and a filinn constitution doesn'' ermit the ccurts to resoove iisuee betteen the residenttann thh house committee that's going aater the docummnts.the republican-led house wants to see any doccments thattmiggt givv nsight into the botched gun-trafficking probb.the prrsident has invoked executive ppivilege... and over the records. today... the more than out how much they can expect - to receive next yeaa.payyents are xpected to increase anywhere between one and two percent.that would be the looest since the govvrnment started making annual adjustments inn19-75.right now... the average retiree gets just ovvr 12-hundred dollars a month. coming up n the early
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((ad lii meteorologiss)) 3 3((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 ad libs))((traffii reporter 3 meteorologist))((ad lib weather))((2-shot oss to ((2-shot toss to wwather)) weather))((2-shot toss to favorite for pheir visitorssthen got them. swam around at work as fish swam around them.visitoos then their favooite pumpkin.for ((2-shot toss tt weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporttr ad libs)) 3 3 3 3 3 ad libs))((traffic reporter ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 ad libs))((traffic reporter p 3 ((traffii reporter ad ibb)) map 40 mp liberty map fiier
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hundred and eighty million dollars for maryland schools. that's a lot of money. my classroom. games and a new casino for maryland. million more for education every year. the money goes where it's supposed to. it's the law. this is about our kids. this is about better schools. seven. i'm voting for question seven. i'm voting for question seven.3 flu season is hhre flu season is here and doctors
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recommend getting aavaccine to keep from getting sicc.but as &pbbua xionn reports... a university oo minnesota study finds flu vacccnes may not offer enough protection. proteecion. --reporttr pkg-as folllws --"a little pooe here maxine..."as a nurse tierni mcginn nows theeimportancc off a flu shot, especially for thee given morr than 50 shots in s just a few hoors aa becketwood cooperative, a senior livvng centerr but a new study from the university of minnesota warns, the vaccines we are so "that the current influenza substantially lower thannfor most routine recommenned vaccines nd is suboptimal." michael osterholm is with the ddseases research and policy. his team of ressarrhers found that during some ffu seasons eefeetive, especially for the elderly. the study says the adults at a ratt of aboot 59 percent and didn't protect children or seniors. the tudy also found that the nasal
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spray vaccine offered time for adults and shhwed nn evvdencc of protection for children or seniors. e till urgessppople to get the flu shoo because he ays defense we have. "we believe current influenza vaccines will continue to ave a role pn reducing influenza morbidity untii more effective but we can no longer accept the status quo regarding vacciie research and development."he says his findings are a clear reeson why there should e more investment in what he calls game-changing vacciies that says currently there are n. he almost 200 trial vaccines being tested, but vvry ew of them inntheeunited states. forr phey wiil work with what they have because some protection is better than none. ""hank youu"-----end----- cnn.script------ a new sttdy diiccedits thee &ptheory... thattthe h-p-v vacccne leads to increased sexuul activity among pre-teen girls.findings are published in this week's edition of the
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journal "pediatrics." reseaachers say that while it's known that haviig sex at an early age with multiple partners is a riik factor ffr getting h-p-v... their study is the first to find that getting vaccinated does not modify hese young girlss sexual behavior. llck of sleep... could pack on the poundd and cause seeious health problems.a new study finds not gettinn enough shut eye could cause harm to chicago researchhrs ollecctd abdominal fat tiisue ffom seven healthy young men and women after testing themmfor several days anddnights in a sleep lab.they discovered sleep deprivatton reduces the ability of fat cells to ooer time, this could lead to . weight gain, type 2 diabetes &ppnd otheerproblems. a lack of sllep... lso leads to crabby classmates.that's accorring to a new study... published in the journal pediatriis.researchees find that kids who get less and irritable than theer ve - welllrested classmates. theyy
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tempers... r get frustrattd. experrs say elementary school children need 10- to -11 hours of sleee each night. coming up in our 6 &phours of sleep need 11- to -1 sshool chhldren elementary experts say eleemntaay school children need 10- to -11 hours of sleep each night. coming up in our 6 o'clockk hour... a californii man takes his staace against speeeing... to extremes. he posted in his front yard.nn - two key aaens defenders out... but it's not all bad news.when terrell suggs coull &prejoin the team. ((break 3)) 3 ((break 3)) 3&rejoin the team.suggs could when teerell 33
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