tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 18, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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again soon.. and wwat you ccn ffx45 morning news. a big change at baltimore countyyschools today.what your ccild could have to do before entering class. you tthnn you're prottcting your computer...but it coull know if your anti virus software is actually a fake. aad... how americans measure up on thh "miserr index"... and whattit means for the election. 3 3 3 thuusday,,octoberr 18th. 3 - 3 3
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starting this morning... metal detectors will be used at baltimore countyyschools. schools.the security upprrae was put into place due o a umbbr of un relaaed e o a the schoollyearr not every student will be held metal dectors will only be used if tehre s reasonable suspeicion that something iin't riigt. right.baltimorr ccunty police chief jim johnson says this techhology has been successful natton... thee're even being used at n-f-l games now.the primmry urpose ere... is to keepp ur schools far this year... there have been
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three gunnrelated inncdents in baltimore countt.becauss of thht ffaa... both studenns and parenns we spoke to seemed to embraceethe 7 thousand dollar investment. "iive ever been nervous to go person bring a gun to school, p- will this person go off the deep end""as many guns i've peen innbaltimore ccunty, i thhnk this is a good thiig" thing"in addition to the hand metal deccors... there are extra officcrs clocking in at the middle schools and high schools.that's in addition to the school resourse officer... that each school already has. five amily memberr killed in a northhast baltimore fire willlbe laid to rest today.a wake for nancy worrell, three of her grandchildrennand a great-grandchild starts at 10 this morning at mounn pleasant mmnistry on adecke willlbe followed by the ffneral at 1.earlier this week....the city offered to
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victtms wwre found in the back bedroom of a home on denwood road nn week ago. 3&the seeood member of a robber crewwcaught in an a-t-f sting pleads guilty to his crimes in federal court. pouut. this was the scene after agents closed in on six drug suspects backkin june in half million dollars worth of - cocaine froo a stash house belonging to a souuh american &pno one knew a ederrl agent was working along side them. to bblieve that they were d s - gonna commit an armed robbery t. individuals who intended to do today11 yyar old isiah benjamin appeared in court yesterday and will bb sentencee in january. he faces at least 5 years in prison. eight more doctors are accused of playing a role in implanting uunecessary heart stents in patients at saint center.a towson law firm ffled the new claims wwdnesday... on
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behalf of 39 people.saint poseph's has beee involved in legal battles since 2009... when dr. mark midei as accussd of implaating stents ii hundreds of patientsswho didn't need them.most oo the doctorssnamed ii theenew batch of complaints are accused of performing the surgeries... or peeforming the medical -&procc. reviewing the complaints. middle-aged men may wwnt to stockkup on mmlti-vitmmins.. because a new study says... hundred male doctors for more than a decade.half of them were given centrum silvee and the otherrhalf took a pllcebo. the vitamin takers had an cancers.theyyalso say the men ii the study were all ggnerally healthyyand not smokers. f-b-iiageets aad new york city police work together tt foil a plot to blow up the federaa manhattannauthorities took an. custody wedneeday.police say to blow up what he thoughttwas
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a one-thousand-pound bomb hidden insidd a van. the sussect aalegedly told destroy america by going affer thh natton's fiiancial institutions. we are stiillvver much a ccvvted target y terrooist,, he said new york is theetop of this country and this just n nafis is from baagledesh.he came to thh united states oo a student visa. ccarging documents show milittry target ii baltimore was the idea as scrapped.nafis s charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destructionn and attempting to provide material suppoot to al qaeda. the rial of the man accused of shooting and kiiling trayvon martinnis mooed to next summer. summer. a judgg set george zimmerman's murder trial for junn 0--th. zimmerman's defense lawyers teeted hat they will likely ask for a hearing before thhn.. that would decide whetherror not zzmmerman's actionssare protected under florida's controversial "staad our ground" law. if the judge
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aggeesswith te mmtion... zimmerman woull walk free and theee would be no trial. zimmerran issfacing 2nd degree murder charges in the death of the 17 year old. cccling legend lancc armstrong of his cancer-fighttng hairman 3 charity, "livestrongg. "liiestroog".armstrong made theeannouncement a week after claims to have ooerwwelmmng a doping program.he's denied n - stattmenn on the group's website, he says his decision was made to "spare the &pfoundation of negetive effect as a result of the controverss." 58--15"what we''e noticeddhas been iicredibly humbling and support of donations, of out to teammmembers here. ing - today, the foundation has been aale to serve around 2.5 million people and raise close the fight of cancer." ccncer."armmtrong will remain &pon the charitt's board of directors. two big-name companies have decided to part wwasswith &pwednesday that it will remooe
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fitness ceeterron its oregon ending its contracc with armstrong.both companies initially stood by him.they have said they will continue a north dakota man makes a barbeque sauce for nearly of 10-thousand dollarr on e-bay... e-bay...buu this isnnt justt pny old jar f barbeque saaue. it was part of a mcdonall's the man owned a franchise at tte time... and the ompany was running a michael jordan buuger promotion.he says he plans to split the money he madeeon the c--ordan saucc with his daughter... whh llsting. one. a location where ve - business after business opens... and thhn fails. almost as intereeting as why they don't make it... is why the next owner hinks theii business will be different. different. joel d. smith is
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are you oor biggest fan?then you cann ecome.. ouu fannof the day! everydaa we'll pick one of our viewers ffom our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at 55to become a fan just go to our facebook page... acebooo dottcom ssash foxbaltimore. coming up on the early edition... republican prrsidentiil opeeul mitt rommey innthe spotlight... for a comment made uring tuesday's debate. hiss"binder full of women". 33 ((break 1)) 3p(break 1))
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as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6. 3(ad libbmeteorolooist))
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debating with romneyyand - president obama.stein didn't mmee the requirements laid out by the commission on faaing disorderly conduct chhrggs and have a courttdate, next month. steen will get herrchance to debate among third party presidentiil candiiates.foomer c-n-n talk showwhost larry king will moderateethat debatt on october 23rd at the chicago hilton.participants will include liberttrian candidate ary joonson, green party date candidate jill ssein, constitution party candidate &panderson of the justice party. the debbte will airron ora tv, theedigital programming service that carries king's latest talk show. a inder full of women.itts becomm a phraae oo the lips after last night'ssof milllons pressdential debate.lisa sylvester takes a look at the factssbehind the statement. statement. "we took a conccrted effoor to po out and find wwmen who had qualiffed to become memberssoo
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our cabinet. i went to a nuubbr f wooen's groups and said 'can you help us findd folks' and they brought us ttat binder comment as become moments of thh ddbate. within minutes,,it haa ts own board and a facebbok age, thoosand followers. there actually was a binder... but there arr diiferent stories oo how it cameeabout. a &pmassachusetts non-partisan women's coaaition put forth 2002, massgap did approach governorrmitt romney and shannon o'brien to highlight this issse and rrquest ttat they express a commitment to working with ourrgroup. and subsequently, after governoo romney was ellcted, massgapp camm tooether and we actually worked reelly hard to vet qualified womee candidatts. there were hundrees of resumess that were put together and patually put thhm together and administration."rrmney has behind president bamm in - winning thh ooen's vote. even
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&pas the deeocrats continue working their narrative that there is a ggp war on women. "i thought that this was a desperaae ttempt to try to peep this warron women narrattve aaive."at last &pnight's debate romney tried t couuteract that by relating a ssorr on work-balance issues: "my chief of staff, for instance, had two kids that &psaid 'i can't beehere until 7 to be ble to get home at 5 o'clock so i can be there for making dinner for my kidd and being with them whhn they et 'fiie. let's have a flexiilee that work for you.'" joaane s &pbambbrger is the author of mothers of intention, how women anddsocial media were america. she says that s in statement maddehim look out oo touch."that's ot is world view, hattssnot his that youuknow, it's the father pamily, who goes out to make phe money and the mother who stays at home."but despite the optics, history shows us, mitt
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romney has surrounded himmelf with women. he tapped a woman -- beeh myers -- tt lead his seaach for a vice-presidential massachusetts governor.and his lieutenant governor was also a woman, erry heaay. in his first two years in officc 42 pp positions went to women. "he &paatually took it a step further and said, 'iiwwnt my cabinet to be filled with some of the top women in the country. i want to make sure that therees equity there.' he mentors women, he prommtes their careers."--tag-- governorr the number of women 3 in senior positionn fell to then went back p o 33 percent. straight ahead... aaccnsumer's best intentions... baakfiring. scammers are taageting peeple... trying to protect thhir ccmputers. p(break 3)) hundred and eighty million dollars for maryland schools. that's a lot of money. my classroom. games and a new casino for maryland. million more for education every year. the money goes where it's supposed to. it's the law. this is about our kids. this is about better schools. seven. i'm voting for question seven. anti-virus software is one of
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the easiest ways consumers can as arin caifa explains... that protection has become a target for scammers... ann a consummr's best intennions can end up beeng pretty costty. it's one of the simplest stees the personal information stored ttere -- instaaling updating it on a regular baais. with that ii mind, internet security experts havee scammers trying to snare well- intentioned consuuers with malware.nowadays it's gotttn a lot worseebecause cyber- developed elaaorate graahical user-interfaces to mimic expert derek manky says the scaaeware can silently install itself on aa computer anddtry to hijack existing anti-virusssoftware. red flags ttat a virus warningg
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may not beelegitiiate can include redirecting a user to a website, and asking for a credit card number to fix the so-called the event of a scam, take the computer anti-virus softwaae, and complete a new scan of the avoid ggtting tripped up by suchha scam in phe first place, have saae wee browssng in place, as well as software and anti-virus protection to block malicious websittssfor consumee watch, coming up... stuuent loan debt... piling up. up.the record high billssthat americans are graduating from college with. how uniiersities hosting the
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