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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 23, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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33 3 three things you need to havee in youu car and home.. beeorr it gets too cold out. 3aad.. whether or not going organic issreally worth the money. &p3 3 uesdayy october 23rd..
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3 first on fox... thhre's controversy over how crime is being reported in city schools. fox 45 has obtained documents that how classrooms may not be as saae as the numbers indicate. joel d. smiih is live in west baltimoreewith the new statistics, and the big advaatage schools could be seeking, by keeping the good morning jool d.
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good morning guys, .. foxx 45 has obtained internal 9 milimeter weapon here at carver high chool... wentt unreported to police. pplice. instead here is now an internal procedure.... an" in pouse referral system" that has pushed at least 147 casee of assault aad 47 cases of coofiscated weapons away rom law enforcement. fewer reported crimes could amount &pcan keep a pptentially violen school off the state's persistantly dangerous school found to the president of the concerning, nd other nnon - up crime. hooever, the head of student safety in the ity defends the practice, saying zero tolerance is not theeooly way to handle probllms. 3:15::8 this is something that by developing methods of bringing a child in for an actual oofenne.... appropriate
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thing we should be doing. even without these unreportedd pncidentss there have been 416 &passaults and 21 weappns confiscated by school police school police union fficials say usiig in-house referrals may ccuse under reporting of crime and misallocation of officers. when e join you next, you'll hear from the &ppresident of the school polic union on this topic. live in west baltimore, joel d. smith,, fox 45 morning news. three men areeunder arress in connectionnwith a shooting baltimore county. county.antonio johnson, james braxton and ggyon mathurine are facing ccarges including attempted first degree murder and first degree assault. police sayythey shot a man in a nissan altima and left him for dead ear guildhall court in woodlawn. the victim is in phe hospital wiih life
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threatening injuries.the suspects areebeeng held investigatoos are workkng with a new theory... as to whyya scientist was gunned down last police havee been treating the murrer of dootor peter marvit as a robbery attempt that turned deedly... and they're still pursuing the possibility...but of a case of mistaaen iientity. &pmarvit died last motn after peinggshot outside his home near elair-edison park ffr no in a serree of armed robberies that took place this summer in baltimore and anne arundel counties.these cases involle individuals wiih lengthy crrminal records. &pcity police caution - the casss may not be onnecttd.
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theyygave released an image froo a neaabb surveiilance camera... showing twoomen they wanted to questton about the case. baltiioreepolice are now identifying a driver &pkilledd... following a pprsui po friday. 37-year old tabbit syddey of balttmore died in the crash after police attemted to stop his veeicll. intersection of roadway and biddle street. a passenger in the suv was seriously injured. police say thhy recovered a handggn nd two replica guns ttday is baltimore's nnw police commissioners first áofficialá day on thh ob. anthhny batts appeared at city hall for his cooffrmation heaaing last week anddlast night the city council gaae final approvaa.batts has been on the job since last month heewas the mayor'sschoice to replace fred bealefeld who retired in august after 30 years at the baltimore policee department.batts s the former chief of police for oakland, stateeleaders are calling for a moratorium... n the construction of a youth jaill in baltimore city. among themm.. is cityy
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councilman jack young... wwo wants to stop plans foo building the new 70-million dollaa juvenile lockup in east baltimmre.supporters of the offenders currently beinn eile - houssd wwth adults. but educational ppograms... that - have been shown to reduce crime.. "when you make the decision to spend money on effortssto lock them up nstead of investingg pn their education and their development you send a message that you believe that they are inherently bad and that they do not deserve that investment that message leaves no hope youth and the continued r success of maayland." governor o'malley supports the ppoject. mayor stephanie rawlings blake says she wants to meet with him to diicuss the plan... befooe endorsiig strong statements on israeli peace efforts with palestinians... from a chris hoeeig as ore. - more. jimmy carter ... stirring uu controversy innthe mideast.
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saying today in jerusalem that israel ii no looger purssing a cooprooise with the "that policy of prommting a two-statt solution seems to be deeply concerned about this move towards a cctastrophic, so-ccllee one-state choice." broker israel's peace ... has long beenncritical of - pow sayy the region is in a t - quote crisis ssage." carter says: "i would say that every i have known has been aa that - pursuer of the two-sttte solution and i don't know that president obama as found that pisraeli] rime minister petanyahu is willing to go that rrutee'' benjamin supported a two--tate solution palestiiian couutry ould be demiliiarizeddnetanyahu sayy: "i wwnt to make ittclear that we do not want to govern the pplestinians. we wann to liie in peace with thhm, we want them to ggvern themselves,
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absent a haadful of powers of issael." carter's &ptensiin between israel and h u-s is already high ... with president obama denying netanyahu's rrquest for a full schhdule... amid ga diiagreemmnts on howwto andle pran's nuclear program. should eedrawn right here. before ran ompletes the seconn stage of nnclear enrichment necessary to make a is in the region with a group - known aas"the elders." the delegation, which includes other oomer world leaders, met withhboth pplestinian presideet mahmoud aabas and israeli president shimon peres over the past two dayy. in nnw york, chris hoenng, fox &pnews. a roup of 6 itallan scientists ann a former governorrare sentenced to jail time... for underestimating the risks f an earthquake.the quake... which rocced taly years ago... leet more than 33 hundred people dead.they have each been sentenced to 6 yeerss the scientific ommunity says the verdictt are ridiculous
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to predict earthquakes. steeen spielberg's masterpiece style.madame tussauus pelebrated the iconic fflm's birthday yysterday... byy unveiling wax figurines inspired by the mvie. london is one of the fivee immortallzed.the display has characcers from the movie n place on a bike against a backdrop recreeting one of the film's most famous pook wo months to complete and cost about eighty thousandd dollars to make. are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. ouu fan f the day! everyday we'll pick ooe f our viewers from our facebook fox455news at become a fan juss go to our faaebook page... facebook dot ccm ssash foxbaltimore. eeition... it's tte day... &papple enthusiasts have been waiting for. tech company is expecttd to - make. ((break 1))
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a bbg day for apple... the unveil its new i--ad mini today... at an event in califor.'s uncleer what the cost will be... but analysts predict prices couldd be anywhere between 249 tt 349- dollars.the nee gadget is expected to have a screen about one hhrd smaller than the current i-pad... which means fewer pixels and less memmry. ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 43 map 395 ap 40 map
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3 3 3 3still o come... getting winter ready. ready.theeimportant temperatuues the frigid - encouraging voters... toocast raven who joined mayor mer stephanie a new ad. ((break 2))
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3 baltimore's mayor teamm up with a former raven to convince voters to expand gambling.john rydell reports it's the mayor's latest aatempt to promote the benefitssoo question seven. "casino owners in west virginia are spending millions influence vvters...mayor stephanie the airwaves... witt the inn to- help...of former raaen...jonathan ogdee."yyu don't want to upset jonattan you don't."the mayor wants approve question 7---whichhwoull expand gambling...and that meanss..a bigger baltimore. (mmyyr) question 7 means thousands of jobs and millions for our sshools." ttis is how harrah's... &penvisions...its new casinn.
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it'll feattre...more than 37-hundred slot machines.if question 7 is approved--- there'll be a larger... as vegas-style casino...with eetra 500 fulltime jobs.the mayorrsays...the city...would receive an extra five percent of ...revenue...dedicated for schhol constrrction... and rec the mayyr is vowing to use .. - lease pyaments to lower the city's propprty tax rate. (rydell) "but those still opppsed to question 7 are reminding voters in baatimore city to be skeptical of anyone is built,,there will be immediiae tax relief." &p(anderson) "but i don't want anyone o be dupeddinto taxes are going to be less or somehow eexta money for schools,,becauue there ii no guarantee for those."but thh &pmayor insists a everyone...especial - baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at tenn another ballot question....
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the opic of the nnxt fox45 - townnhall this thursday... october can watch it &ppot com and clicking on ttwn hall" in our hotttopics section. you caanalso go there to wwtch past toon hall meetings onntaxes and the maryland dream act. straight ahead... giving thanks... for lowwr gas prices. ppices.the major declineethht americans can expect toosee... just in ttme for the holidays. ((break 3)) mayor: casino owners in west virginia are spending
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millions against question seven. that upsets me. and that upsets jonathan ogden. you don't want to upset jonathan ogden. ogden: no you don't. mayor: question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. but these west virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. we're not happy about that. ogden: no we aren't. mayor: so join us and vote for question seven. and west virginia, don't make me send jonathan ogden over there. mayor: vote for question seven. ogden: for baltimore. frigid temperatures, snow s n 3
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tiree, and potential power learn aaout winter weather hazards and how tooprepare forr them is now, so are yoo prepared? rene marsh has your watch.eather consumer watch..- in just a matter of eekss those one chiiling temps and
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back bruising shovvling jobs &pwill e rouuine oo uch of the country. wwnterssrettrn also ushers in hazards the national weather service is warning get prepared now.just know when winter weetter ssrikes where you will be ridinn that storm out in saae phelter and to make sure you year dozens of americans die h because of exposure to extreme cold -- add to that car accidents, fiire and otter wintte relaaed fatalities according to the national weather serrice.the threats geetiig trapped at home or in cars ithout utilities, hypottermia and frootbite which an lead ooloss of limbs, perraaent internall damage or death.haveeaan-o-a-a on the latest forecast.not only should you stay informed about weather condittons important documents and at ould
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least a three-day supply of non-perishable food and water. hhae to evacuate and have a disaster plan.anddpractice the wwtch im rene marsh.r consumer - &pforecasters with the national weather service predictta colder than usual winter across most of florida and hawaii, wwrmer than usuallin the southwest and across the western states, but the rest of the country that lies eaat of the mississippiiand thru the mid-atlantic is a wild card. so it is a good idea to &pget preparee in advance. down... as the hhlidays get ip closer.according to triple-a... prices have fallen over theepast couple weeks... and could continue through thanksgiving day.analysts say thh decline happenn every year less than they were during the ssmmmr.anooher reason is that refineries are making a cheaper, winter blendd f gasoline. fedex is predicting a record
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number of shipments, this &pholiday season.the shipping company says more people are expecttd to order giffs online. to prepare ffr the holiday &prush... the company is lookin workers.this hiring would be in addition to the 300-thousaad permanent workers poming up... the debates are ovr over.thee inal pushhfor voters beiig made by president bama and republican ccallenger mitt romnee. 33 3 &p3
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