tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX October 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
11:00 pm
0710:2""al hwash copeteie."it posble to - at vers y setee reendu - baed b the governor - as a referendum on o'malley himmell.(dedie) & 15:12:32 "referendum is lsa way r thvote o y, yo ay t govnor s ineaae xes and done things. i can't - vote for oaaleamoreor &pvern. so i gon vot learheetcome of thess portt quesons novber coulshape maryland's future.nd itwo or re ofhesereferendums are defeated.... it could &pimpact o'malleyys future tooo consered ge lislave defe fohim."ouggo fa - 's n wored - o'mmey)):15: "nonot ell"elin rrer - x -4newsa te 3 rece pos sw allhreef hosererendm areier 3 o cle toall witn a fewoint f aad ht.o mriagwill e e ttc of thne fox ttohalln ursyyoctor 25h. th. &p3 wat... it. live. bygointo.. &p ox ltire d co../ and. clkingn...townhal ... our. ho picsectn../. go. ere to hal oo..taxe.. anthe marlnd dreaact. 3 3& --pedestrian hit nats--- nats--- 3 a man hit by a car ... hy the
11:01 pm
11:03 pm
bidmekpppmhkçpsk 3 ash m veo..out ruia..of. -3 .. destan..getng h by ar.. t... surpsiig....hopsff ./ unhu.../ nhur../na of n ttin -3 piiy ca 3 car 3it. albega.. wn th dver. took of...... ll sed.. aar ...oli... dereee t stop..../the... drrver -3 speeds. th... the busy ssreet... / then ... amm to he m.../ who... then e car.../ 3 tex manghtsaak ainsarmeroors b biing bbak ba. 3 lanl caislewa in sss tonihomewhene hed rgl ong thbackf s hoss. wn caisle
11:04 pm
wento veetate e ise thespectook f. buuaalie wted stic toooff ter e med burar, asinhhm thh tawacar. ithe at o t momt, e hoppee ithe carand und msellookg own e rre f ahanun. nd i grabbbd him be ne d i ied get im a chokholdnd iw wreling & withim anhe st ate. ipdked e sh. i iee gethe andold s prts athe me te and that's whenni bit his ar. i bit something, whaver cld be tottto g loo hegun. it didn't wwrk, i pchedim. at dn't wo. hen nchehi i l loo bbtof h han on h gun at at te." 3 e bular sll he lse onig. 3 a.. wan .is.. hot twe,.. bu.. oo... llet. isstopdd.. byer pse. rse it.. happed around... 22-am... in houon..// olie. day. ... pulng it -3 her garag../ wwen ... & she... was jumped ...byy.. two... masd me... aree .withhannguns...//. they... demanded... herr &ppurse. andvalbles./. & phen... the... 61 year old... grandmother .. rrfused.// the. m... ied ki her 3 33 "ohhe had knocked me tt tte & ground and he was dragging me paound oo e grnd. was jusyellng'heep me, help.'" 3 "buthers a llet hole 3 hanging onto the purse saved -my le becauseei hait r h, ihinkherewasa ardian angel watchinngafter me."
11:05 pm
3 invtigars.. ho... .. g-p-acke.. o.. 'day... olen hone... cou hel... aa th... to the suspts. rke at denv zooump toacti to ve anewrn.. sueillce veo . show.. a. ele in. abor....// moments... later,.../ she's... caught on camera..givi bih ..toer bb..///ddnv... oo in... anher om . whethenotid... soohingas onn/.t... a... aan' brehing. / so... thhy... were forced to go ii.../.two... workers... 3 to... perform... mouth to snout... susttti. tis s a rst me experience. it's oneeof thos thiigs that you kw th biic wha ato appe d yost gureut h to getit tre. 's kd of that mmynstinct that takeover breaths .../ baby tapir... was able to brth ohis n. &p fáá
11:08 pm
3 would jesus lol thi ptor? why texxing will ge 3chch. 3 ntrocinghe ipamini.. whatapp didt the -pducthat steve jobs said should never be done. p3 (((pkg))))i'mcnda dol withour affied rept. pecto i contruion 83 inortrn btimo untytomrow.crews will be &preplacing a bridge on t rrid at mdletn ro. expe to nd la lorrs
11:09 pm
fromaa uil 3pm.theylso be working on signs 83 eela ne wl be ockkfromam unl p u clddu rk d inead.((es)i l ha -up ttheinuttrafc ccditis foyou tomoow o x45 rninews arti at am.cance dd fox neeat ten 3a. mayo caso owrs iwestviiniare sndin llio agast question seven. that upss me d th upss jothangden yodon'wanto uptjonaan oen. den:o yodon' mayo queion ven ansthsandof js anmiionsor o schls.but ese st vginicasis nt tkeept alforthselv. wre n hap out at. ogden:o weren' yor:o jo us d vo forqueson sen. anwestirgia, d't me mesendonatn ogn ov the.mayo votfor esti sev. ogde foraltire.
11:11 pm
lucky to have good friends who are all still around 13 gr afford college. he's my friend, ben. yourriend,tzbiqkp tzbiyilkp3a.. rell.. mi.. solat.. gman .../.t... compy ss.. &pxes. of.. i..."ggen fe... doue ocole" ... cld.. ntaimml.. tt i't..list... the labe../ nd.. cld.. putpeoe...t ri... ... allgic aion.//.e... ld. in y .at..80 suermaets. / inudin... re m eturthe mix to wmans./ fo.. a. ful rend.3 3ale ueilshe wwmi pad ...ju innme f e &hidaycarr peie ha &petai 3&p in tonights word on the wee. 3 3ape's xt b thn is sothing small. small. schier ss: "is ii-pa
11:12 pm
mini" apple made - the annooncement oday in san se. startg athree hunde-twty-nindolls... thip mini hassa 7.9 inch screen ... about ooe trd allethanhe evio -&p. it thin aa peil d lht aa pa fapee reang r eailnd &psponng t o ema and r anagg alyourhoto pandhari thm wi ries andamil"bu theate eve obs,ne oapple foders onceaid tabl hou &pner besllerhan -3 inch... whahaened expes sa... th he cce of e nd firand other smaller - may he e theprsure. "urisegll: oog h lachedexus..u'veot &pthkind firend at of pele are yinghesend - these are capernd mall bbet" a tod... ple went after the competition..... for being heavier, ade of plastii.. ansacricinalitto obta a veinchcree he id mi is tual a thd laggrn t diplay areathat a huge dieren." 3 themlvesoonnenou.. p- derseginfrid. imarrr prce d ats ur wod on t web 3it no cretwe'rin a ugh eeony...akinit ha forany amecansoo ind a j. one man. tuned s hby. of. hiing e keys, . into... fullime. wo. &3ano anowhen.
11:13 pm
&doh-taan... negrin says he -3 plays on broadway, he means it.3 the -yeaold ss heried - jjst about everything before playing the piano... including actg...rivi... nday tradg. when that didn't ww...e hitte oad th his an hisog,,ddjuts a few dollars tois ne. &p3 "i rlly ve dng tss ts habrout me o mu -3 happiness in my life. it's changed my ife." life."negrin has now made -pthree road trip.. iaa&pltle morthan yeahes 53 cittee... makiig up too 35-dolrs ay 33 ,3 the ravens defense was embarrassed ssunay in houston...but they plan to fixx things...anddquickly..bruce spos limited. a pastor says god waats you to texx. why urinthhsrn. a ptor, myuppo 6is rtedin mbeli th thgovement ouldreatevyonequal. woulnotwantomeo nyinmy rhts sed on theirelious ews, therore shou notde oths bad up minit
11:14 pm
abo faiess. is l doenot rceanchur to pform samsex rria it'agait thr beefs. and at'shat is iabou otecng rigio freom and otecng a marande equay unr thlaw. joine inotin fo esti 6. bidmskpo (caring k yo mr. smberof conin cebratiars our goyeeinsunce mpanor gco..ow .ypckp redsere...bidmñkpe.. geckis ding.zéwkppolical patualarties wi cake!÷vat w good. wht mas th sep nmbertoreiffent? wehaveo mu tenoly inur sre toreal sho thcusters what's going on with their bodies. now you c feewhat happs awe raise your slp nuer sting and allow t bedo coour to yr invidu sha. oh, wow. that feels really good. during our sleepumber innovation even w se upo $7 onour st iovate besets pls spial nancg on lectd be. fial ds! es sarday exclusively at a sle nuer srewhe que matesse srt a jus$699
11:15 pm
11:16 pm
in houston, the rraens know they need a lot of & all phases...but especially do on defense..they gave up 420 &&prds offfnse...and the 43 points was a houston texans we're used to seeing on the deeensive side oo e ftbal heren ltore.the aye knoit, and vow to -3 live up to their olleccive lega... 3 one guy who was never able to get it onn was seegio kinnde...but a ffll doww the steps beforeehis rookie year almost ended his career, and kindle has truggles to find a ppace...saturday, the ravens cut the ormer number two pick to make room for terrell & onn ppcked him up. so now hh's back...thhe signed him to the practice squad.. kindle got his first careerr tackle gainst the eagles septber th, t has en its anher tusdayight
11:17 pm
11:18 pm
3 now '' te toannnce e -3cdidas nur igh hool gameofft weeconst.. 3 roog to u yvarty ortsnetwrr d comu ca ve fotheame u'' ie seehghlhts ofn ou webse...ox baltore t - m.. clikon hi schll of ges for oober266h. urreat cvertlln socr...calrt hl an spdingn footll..ward sstsmounhebr in pooall.d fastonots nor haord thegrdd on.wel anonce he winer ursdynig...ofsprs unimit...back to you -3 3 "formerins w eatrie, it iaasiifict sourcof arrec exsure" 3 alarming leveessof arsenic found in your food.... which pructsad t ght oun... d thsiip way toreduce your risk. 3 xtigin urch. y on patoo sayy e bile tuly encrageit. 3-
11:19 pm
as pasr, suprt r qution rood my lief at e gornme shou tre eryo equly.i wodn'tant meon nyinmy rhtsbad up eir ligis vis, i suldn denothe bad up min it'sboutairns. i pporthisaw bauseitoesn for anyhurctoerfo a se semarrge if is agnst eir lief anthat wha th is out. otecng relious eedoanall rylaerseqlly der e la joine inotin foqueson 6
11:20 pm
11:21 pm
ri, ri caa, crkers d cereal is often a ba's fst od. bu nsur rerts'estsf 32 ric anndons of rice arsecc andab tts show manof t sales d trblinleve of orgac aenic theost xic orm. (so"inoanicrssn is known humacarnogethat habeennk to in, ng, andblaer cancer."(v/ther a fedal imitfor e amnt oarsec llw in ie a mosothefoods. nsur rerts' &iestttionlso fod there 3 brownrie than in white. ot:ndre roc"waren -ab to aw conclionsbout ecic brds baaseourr-3tts a limed. t the anasis didf oernnt &pta sos tht oamerans &pignicantsoor of seni posu." (v/oothheusa rice fedatio an ndusy tre gro, insts he is docuntedvidee ofctua adeeseealteffes fr xpose toarsic iu.s. ownice.(so anda ro) "welrea knothatevenow velsf arnic posu ireasyouuisk cnce -3 d oer hlth prlemswe don't wwnt to alaam people, t wedo recommmnd thaa ou limithe amount of rice that & you eaa.(v/od research shows that rinssng rice - thoroughly ann cooking it in lott of water as ou do wwth pasta cannreduce arsenic
11:22 pm
leve. /ofobabi, nsum rerrsrecoendsno re tn a quarrer--uof riccere perday. and you canal subtitu th oatml, wht ororn cereaa, whicare wern arnic. tom camno dot yoare wonringhat theourcof arnic . whe omcan occ in turefor ars pestidentningrsenc werusedn agiculue. st rema in th soi aad arsec istillpeitteii somepestidesfertiler, andil fe. conser repos' aocacgrup i calingonhe gernmt to 3 set lits oarsec inod ricuure.m roers x45 ws aten. 3unikk st reliouservis in t the-s, urrin 3 twes ancellphe cas 3 offials fellowip chch verse that reads "he said to em, 'gintoll t r d prch t oo ewso all creation.'"ptor d irdsa hishurcakes th ver literay an inkmode tecologhelp meerso th.bubairdoes adit e pele ght nd it ddespetul. 3 "i ogni thathat a allge f soopele. thethinit's eakith &pradion a awe wcc t urchadnce rougits lifycleit cstany emmresst edg""- edgeird lls l thew peehlogy besway o communicate the chhrches' meage.he
11:23 pm
sa itsustt-3 matr ofakinvante of itt& 3 b youfrie & dri froousas ofmis ay. we''l showwyou tt newest, and most intoxicating - e fothe internet. 3 bth bigoywe'rfamiir with 3we're fammliar wwth blatt -fms obigory.t - somimest's e be ormsn whh thdama is r wse.e oridboarof educion s segoalfor blicshoo unts ach acevemt lels i adi andath. 3ty'veee dfere hieveet velsor dfere rac and eticits. f exale, 018,0 peent aans dd peenn is a pect to aardingt - gra evelbut 's y 81 an74 peent f hisnics an las, is e st botryf low pection thgote pnt oviews blas an hpani arelessapab. so w houudxpeclessf them it'deep offsive d haseris rercuuons. utle. in tte very tit .s. nate race innumbt sserrod brn haengad in runninggan attack ad sinc - pugt tyg chalngejosh mael to pday nee lende. ydayoneyende. has a realy oscurtic, n't ? re'she dl. sh madel is eishmooelenrs ia jew it'nast
11:24 pm
it sgusng. it'seaano onvethe liesof iges. nly errobrowkks ife is ulyantimiti bu ts weow.he'sunning a - bigoted campaign.for meeon thssto vit bend t heainesot n. anfollw us ttterad cebo. i mark hyyan. 3 i've always been lucky. ssionsov made it home every time. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits.and he3 grdchild afford college. he's my friend, ben.
11:25 pm
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