tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 25, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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city approved. approved.megan gillillnd is live downnown wwth thh latest numbers n today's waste atch report. good morning guys,this is one of 11-government owned gas orkers can come here... ann fill up at cheaper many just aren't using them. them.instead... they'ree choosing convenience over your taxpayer dollars. the inspeetor generaa ... shoos city workersswasted ovee 900-thousand dollars on ggs cards ovee tte last sii years. iitfound workers were pumping gaa at rivate stations... which on average wwrr 89-cents more than city stations. mayor: 26:34 we can'ttfix it, unless we identify it. ann i'm ffcusee oo fixing ii. it.mayor stephaniee rrwlingg-blake wentton to praise the inspecttr gennral spending. and now it's time to do somethhng abbut it. coming uppnext half hour... how the inspector eneral
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reeommendssfixing the problem. live downtown, i'm megan it's our dutyyto hold our ews. elected officials accountabll. you can do that by joining oor fox45 waste watch.if you have &pa story about government waste... call our hhtline... can also log ontt our website fox baltimore doo com and click on waste watch. policeeare ookingg or ttree men this morninn ...accused of &ptwo robberies... just minutes apart... in roland park. now.. that itts been just over 24 hours since the first robbery happeeed..officers ssy &ptte men pulled a gun on a of herrcar.they then forced 3& her into their ar ... and making her take out cashh before letting her go..bout 10 minutes later... police say the same men attacked 19-year-old riding a ikeeand forced him into theerrcar.he didn't have an a-t-m ccrd... personal items before ddopppng him off along roland avenue. ssaken up.
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3(46:33)its not very reassuring to live in this neighborhood happen and i reallyydon't know whattyou do about it... anymore cause it was kkcked in about 2 weeks ago i'm noticingg a uptick in burglaries and prime in the neighborrood ut compared to other parts of balttmore i sttll feel lucky.... lucky....police say the driver is a white man with a shaaed passengers are descriied as a white man... about 5'8 or 5'9....with a thin build...and a blackkman between 5'8 and 5'10... 0 to 30 years old.... with a very hick build.police say they were driving a silvvr dodge tratus with the license plate f-m-j-6---2. dozen charges....after being accuseedof everal burglariee in baltimore and harford month... detectiveessay 35-year-ood joel knauer bboke into homes... stealing money
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and about 200 pieces of jewelry and other items.police arrested him yysterdayyin miidde river. he is now facing first degree bbrglary aad and theft charges. a year-long iivestigation ends with federal agents... raiding 10 nternet cafes in altimore couuty for illlgal ggmiig machines.deeectives say they wwuld go into the cafee and themselves to see if they give do.. ii's illegal.. because pay gaming taxes. aalorr don't - "3 'clock in the morning, i gamble a little bit, i hope my wife doesn't see it, why would someone put up a place like ttis withhot a license, show a license for that purpose" pprpose" the internet cafes were stripped of their gaming could be filed later... once --3 theer investtgation is complete. ittttrns out the contaminated drug at the center of a nationwide meningitis outbreak.... as used by ass
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many as 89 maryland healthcare . facilities.more than 300 people havv been sickeeed .... and 24 haveedied including oee in maryland... as a result of &pthe outtrrak.healtt officials are in the prrocss of trying to revoke the license of the new nglaad compounding center... wheee the tainted medicine waasmade..te f-d-a sayy hoopitals should throw out all mediccton frrmmthe cent. sites that receivee drugs from that center, go to fox baltimooe ot com slash nnwwlinks. the u-s government ii suiig bank of america for a billioo doolars... for mortagg fraud. &pthe justiie department is accusing the bank of selling defective mortgages from a program known within in he bank as "the hustle."those mortgaaes were purchassd y governnent-bacced mmrtgage finance firms fanniiemae and freddie mac.the complaiit says taxpayees and countless lionn - 3iffyou think attending a public college saves you money... think aggin.
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cost of a public education has reached an all-time higg price of public college... has risen by allost 4-percenn. tuution accounts for about half theeincreese.. higher dorm, cafeteria and book expenses aae also to bllme.the board predicts tuition wwll continue to riie... since less mmney. the wage gap bbtween mennand women in the worrforce... starts sooner than you might expect.according to a new study by "the american assoccition oo univerriiy women"... college graduates that are female... earn only 82-percent f what their male peers ake.the study fiidss that one year after college... neaaly 43- thousand ddolars.n i for women... it's just over the maryland food bank is already preparing meals for already he holidays.... and the number f families they're serving issrraching record nnmbees. in just the past two years.. the number of doubled. jjel d. smiih issn do3
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hurricane saady turns ddadly... as it ccntinues on its path.oo wednesday... it haiti ann jamaica... cutting power to 70-percent of the passing ttrough cuba.the natiinal hurricane center says sandy will trrvel north over the next few days... parrlleling the u-s coast. emergency managemenn officials are wwaning residents in case hurricane sandy becomes aa two ehhcces... salvaged frrm
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the orld traae center rubble after tte 9/11 attaaks... are being transferred from new pork to virginia. virginia.the vehicles... whhch belonged to the new york city fire deearrment... have been housed at a hangar in at j-f-k airport.once thee reachh virginia... ttey will be displayed at tte pentagon... before going to a museum. a bizarre story outtof suudenly interrupted... whee the man who was sspppsee tt be dead... walks in alive. alivv. the 41-yeer-ood enteeed the -a rrom.the mix-up haapened... when the family mistakenly identifiee the body.the man says he found out through a friend ttatteeeryone thought he was dead... so he decided tooshow up and say hello.
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fill your cornucopia.. on us!!! us!!!it's our fox45 "thanksgiveaway!"starting monday... we're giving awayy 100 doolar visa giftcards every hour, eeerydayyon fox45 morning news through thaaksgivi. facebook dot com slash o to "cootests" to fill out the form and read thh official rules. 3 still to come... the costt f wwning and dining... can up.the growing trend of using &pccupons... to mmke going out bringing locals back... to masonvvlle cove.the environnental preserve that's
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the harror.paul gesslerr reports that's now a thing of the past. past. lt. gov. anthony broonn: "simply put, this area was a dumpingggroundd" "it was not a place anyyody wanttd to &pvisit and it could have easil stayyd that way."masonville cooe has come a long way rom wasteland... to now wetlanns. laura: "the patapso river was my playgrounddevery summer todayyare stakeholddrs and stake driverr....planting baltimore harbor.child the - (shows dirty, sandy handd) they're getting their hands dirty like voluntters have the past six years.the pictures james iper bond, living a decrepit duupsite that used to pollute the chesapeake bay, and turr it into site that is a beauty.. this is ig. pity and the tate of maryland."richard g. annerson, brooolyn-curtis bay coalition: government." (laaghter)buu, neiggbors in the brooklyn area 153 millioo dollars spread out
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over 60 acres spawnee aa enviroomental preserve.paul gessler, reporter: ""n pdditioo to the obvious part of this big project--cleaninn and maintaining a very dirty parttof the harbor--they'll also be using part of thee$$53 land, also having to do with rrcks here is a bulldozer. ok. 3 theeyll be dredging from the paltiiore harbor and adding on to an existing car terminal." james iper bond, living a day for the next gennration." south baltimore has its harbor back.jamesspiper bond, living classrooms foundation:"tte firstttime that people haae accessed the waterfrrnt heree masonville cove,richarr g coalition:"they ave taken an pyesore, and they've made it a &ptreasure and it will remain a treasure (cut) for a long time to come."paul gessler, fox45 news at ten. masonville vovv s open to the public.all you have to do s environmennal education center neerby. ssraight ahead... goiig out... without breaking the bank. 3((break 3))ap datee that re
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is your udget taking a bite out offyour dating life?there is no rule stating you haveeto a potential love interest.ress eliiabeth corridan offers uu some ttrifty tips for frugal da. dating. the diiner, the show.the prrce ag for a night out sure can add p quickly. but wooing doesn't need tt be fact,, be frugal dating s on the rise. pouuknow those coupons you get in the paper, regular mail, and in your inbox-deals, from local restaarants and vendors? you mmyywant to briig them aaong on your neet datt.a recent survey by haaris interactive for ccupon cabin using couppns to cut down on dating costs.26-perceet of people surveyed said they've used a coupon on a first date. that's up 8--ercent from 2011.
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tuunoff?....think again.s a 26-pprcent of people also said thee would have a positivv reaction if their date used a coupon.73-percent said it jjst might lead to a second ate. nowwnot everyone is embracing frugal dating.12-pprcent of ressondents said i their date used a coupon on a first date there would be no second. 3-percent would tell thhir date hii or her thriftinesss was offfnsive.and 1-percent and theee..f you are cashing experts at couponncabin warn not to skimp on the tip. cheating a server out of is way to impress your matter the deal, makk plans based on what you can afford. and be honest. if you're hide it. if your date has a - problem with your hriftiness, watch, i'm eizabeth corridan. coming up... a world war two veteran fulfills his last wish... just in time.
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