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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 25, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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incredible opportunity forvoting for qubaltimore.en is an... jim smith: question seven will bring table games like... blackjack and poker to baltimore. stephanie rawlings-blake: you're talking about 500 new jobs. ken ulman: and increased tourism will mean more business... for maryland's small businesses. jim smith: and instead of marylanders spending... five hundred and fifty million in other states... ken ulman: question seven will keep that money right here. stephanie rawlings-blake: more jobs, millions for schools. jim smith: i'm voting for question seven. ken ulman: i'm voting for question seven. stephanie rawlings-blake: and i'm voting for question seven. theebattle over same sex 3 3
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3 nearly one mmllion dollars of yoor taxpayer mooey... wasted. wasted.ttat'' how much a nee report shows baltimore city workerssused toofill up at gas stations that were noo city apppoved.meganngiililand is live downtown with more in good morning guys,city workers ccn uss this gas station on ... street and fiil up at a heaper's one of 18- but a new report shows many workers just aren't using them. them.instead... ttee're cost... and in turn... wasting yourrtaxpayer dolllas. the reporr from the city's iispector general ... shows city workers aateddover 990-thousand dollars on gas cards over tte lst six yyars. it found workers were pumping which on average were 89-cents mayor: weeve already
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implemented many of thh reforms that are suggested in the inspector general's report and mm hope is tt continue mmvinggforward wiihhthat so we can continue, so e ccn continue to save mmneyy48 in the reporr... the inssector generaa reccmmendssthe gas card program be re-evaluated. to include more restrictions and more downtown, i'mmmeganngilliland, fox45 morninn news. it's our duty to hold our ellcted officials accountable. fox45 waste watch.if yoo have a ssorr about overnment &pwaste... call our hotline... onto our websiteefox baltimore pot com aad click on waste watch. 3 "first onnfox" investigation - that ound hundreds of rimes that ere nevvr reported to the ccty's mayor
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theehead of city schools... too talk about our investiiation. investigation.we uncovered doccmenns thattshow moreeand more crimes re beinn hhndled reported to city police.inthe past 9 months school pollce referrals than poliie reports assauuts also went unreported to's a troubling action.hat has mayor stephanie 3 (mayor) 13:29:15 that concerns me and i'm certainly going to as well as the school boardour teachers work too hard and make too many sacrifices to eesuue futureeof our community deserve to work n a safe - environment. ::5 :35 by keepinggcriiee &prrports to a miniium, schooos appear ssferrand also avoid being placcd on the state's also fiist on fox... a ""list. issarrested.... ii what police -
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are calling a violent home invv. three men... with barging into tying up a womanninnide... and holding her at gunpoiit.the victim mannged o grab a cell phooe and dial -1-1. when sheriff's deputies arrived, the suspects wwre (sheriff jenkins) "actually, the three male suspects were femall underrdirty clothes.. the ttic." atttc." investigatorsssay the housee thee think thaa's - what the suspects weee fter. phite is a corrections officer inmates.she is suspenddd pprts without pay... ann an internal pnvestigation haa bben launched. the trial begins tday... for &ptwo people charggd ith givin alcohol to minors... who were llttr killed ii a crash. crash.debby and joshua franco are the ooher and brother off 18-year-old breanna franco. sse... along with 2 othhr teens... were kiiled hee the car they were in crashed into
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&ppnother car n route 50 in wrong way..he person innthe - pther car waa aaso killed. police say both drivers were intoxicated at the time of the crash. it's sentencinggday or alexander song....the former uuiversity of maryland marrh... after making aa to - &ponline ttreat. he has ssnce pleaded guilty to charges.... and remains banned from thh sennencing is scheeuled for 2 o'clock... at rince george's county circuit courr.he faces p maximum of 3-years in prison. 3&the man accused of opennng fire in a prominent georgia mmga church anddkillingga &pman... as ties tt baltimore. baltimore.52-year -old floyd ... "the woold-changersschurch international"... in college park geoogia.... anddshot man leaaing a prayer group... then llft.the victim ater we now knoo ...palmer was a maintenance worker at the church who resignee in august. 2001, he was charged with &paateeptee murder hhee in balt. baltimore.palmer leaddd not
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leeser charges and was tt in 2004.d to aamental hhspital - yeaa with estriction for the next five years. phe world war two veteran... who cappured hearts after a photo of him casting an absentee ballot from his death bed... has died. died.frank ttnabe's family confirms the 93-year-old died peacefully in his sleep wednesday morning.this ppcture people shows tanabe's aughttr helping hii fill oot his ballot.hawaai has the wwrst ooer ttrnout in the country, but tanabe's family missse an election.thee ope his final exercise of ciiic duty will inspire otherssto go to the polls. doctoos nrmally encourage their patients to ask questions.. bbt ooe minnesooa extra... ffr asking a few tooo . panyysusan kkantz saas he opennd a recent medical bill and noticed a charge... that she idn'ttunderstand.wwen she called her doctor's office... kkantt claims she was told
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cents... was for asking too many queetions at her visit. accordiig to office staff... medical serrices re carefully coded ffr insuuance... ann the doctors feel their work goes beyond the scope of tte visit, they must code thaa on tte bill. &p"as alwayssduring my annual visit my doctor says what had a littll list and i just said his ne, this onee this one. and she aii, o.k." o.k."in a written statement... inssrance company may require that patiints pay or make a co-pay for serviccs beyond the beecareful what you eaa,,this halloween.the f-d-a warns that too much black licorice couldd come with somm unwanted side contains a sweetener callld "glycyrrhizinn... that could caase a drop in pottssium levels.when that happens... some people experience abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure.the potaasiumm levvls usually ggt bacc to normml when people ssop eating 3he black licorice..-
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providing moree... is not always a good thing. the maryland food bankkis seeing a rapid increase in the number of families in need of food, ann right ow they're preparing for their biggest joel d..smith is live in halethorpe helpiig preparee thoss holiday meals... and has more on wwy providing fooddis more ttan just about solving hunger. good orning joel - 3
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3 comiig up on the early eeiiion... donald trump... tries to bargain with the presi. president.thh five-million dollar deaa hh's propooing. 3 ((break 1))
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paa liberty map 40 map 395 mmp
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3 3 coming up... sparking an historic ttrnarounn. turnaround.the major onor given to orioles' manager buck showalter... aater the team's playoff appearance. gettiig the ppesiddnt to hand ovee some persooal documents. ((breek 2))p.
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mayor: casino owners in west virginia are spending millions against question seven. that upsets me. and that upsets jonathan ogden. you don't want to upset jonathan ogden. ogden: no you don't. mayor: question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. but these west virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. we're not happy about that. ogden: no we aren't. mayor: so join us and vote for question seven. and west virginia, don't make me send jonathan ogden over there. mayor: vote for question seven. ogden: for baltimore. donnld trump says he has an
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offer president obama can't refuse.the real estate mogul is ready to parr ith millions pf his own monny if presiddnt obama will haad over some personal records.but, what trump thought would be a "bombshell" hassturnnd inno a bit of aapunchline.joe johhs ex. &pexplainn. when donald trump-- who issa big mitt romney supporter -- announned on twitter that he wws going to make one of his big annoucements...there was immediate suspicion that what
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october surpriseewhich would or could damage rrsiidnt obama. but whee ttrmp's announcement came, it was not really a surprise at all, actuaaly trump made aa offer to the president. a bargain. "if barack obama opens up and gives hii college records and his passport applications and records i will give to a charityyof his choice a check million dollars.and why was trump doing this besides trying to attract attention? because he claimed... "preside traasparent president in the history of this countryathere's never been issue. when asked aboot it, aa pdvvsor said: direet those questions to boston because donald trumppis mitt romnny's everything heesaas. the owns
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immediate eactions on social media were...well...graphic. over twitter only the ildest & somebody please ge a muzzle for donald trumpp? said one.another said donald trump is a piece of wook. can &pwould be likeeii he and is hairline were president? trump defended his offer in a pretaaed interview on piers morgan tonight. "i'm doing this isn'' a negative, this iss a ositive. this can clear up any doubt about the pressdent and that's a positive thing, not a negativv thing." trump set a eadline for obama to rellase his records by 5 p- m on octobee 31st.last year, obama released his llnggform birth certifiiate rrm to quelllspeculation that he aa previously released a certification of live birth duringgthe 2000 campaign.both documents show he was born in a hawaii hospital on august 4th, 19-61. coming up in our 6 o'clock
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pour... mmking sure mom andd &pbabb make it thhough pregnancy... safely. safely.thh severe birth complicatioos that are on the riie... across the u-s. taaking contracts.the off-the-fiild work going on with one player... as the ((break ))y a bye week.&3
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3 coming uppin our 6 o'clock hour... the cost of attending a public college... skyrockets. skyrockets.the price jump american ssudents have seen overrtheelast year.
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