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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 26, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

5:30 am
jim smith: i'm voting for question seven. ken ulman: i'm voting for question seven. stephanie rawlings-blake: and i'm voting for question seven. hurricane information abouutwhere he big storm is headed...tonnght on fox 45 news at ,3 3
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pou know it isn't good.... when foreccsters call a hurricane.... "frankenstorm." "frankenstorm."but that'ssthe nickname they've given hurricane sandy... who is barreling up the east coaat and heeding right for the mid atlantic... leaving a att of ddath and destruccion nnher wa. wake.look at all the streets afterrshe raged hrough cuba. &pthe islaad...leaving undreds of thousandssof people wiihout power..oofar sandy iss eing blamed for 21 deaths in the ccrribean.some forecasters say the storm ii so massive ttat the efffccs will be felt long the entire east ccast and as ffr inland as ohio. she passed by the southern as -
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coast of florida.look at the boats in miamm... being tossed around like toys.she is not expected to make landfall in the sunshine state but is already causing plenty of problems with high wiids and if hurricane sandy hits us with massive power outages. outages.right now... -g-e is preparing for the worst.megan gilliland is live innnorth plan. good morning guyy,the concern is the high winds that could whip thrrugh our region.if these thaa dangle down nnar power lines... could fall... &pleaving us in the dark... aga.'s only been a few ponths... ince this storm hit. june's derecho storm left almost a million offpeople
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&pacross maryland withouu power... some of your or weeks.thii time around... b-g-- saas it's doing things a little's plready ppe-mobilized more than a thousand people and coordinating ""ut of statee crews to come in and help in the event ttat hurricane power company says the needd you to prepared too. 6:10:05we want t makeessre emergency plan, water, flash liggt, blankets to survive for a ouple of days. days.if you were to have an outage... or even if you see a dowwed power liiee.. b-g-e is asking that you call hem right away... so thee cannget &pbbg-- is preparing for hhndreds of thousands off customers to lose power during this in nooth baltimore, meean gilliland, &p345 morning news.
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bge is making plans ... and so should you. so what will for sandy? joel d. parkdale, to show us the small and large options, depending on your budget. good morning guys. 33 3 3
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our website i your source for tracking sandy. we'll e updating the maps you'll find there conssantly. & on the "hurricann lert" banner.use &pour interactive hurricane tracker..lllthe tools are at they're all free. com and - frre.aad stay tuned.. meteorologist jonathan myers will have the latest onnthe storm'sspathh.. in just 10 3 a new survey findd president obama is the winner... of the third presidential debate. debate.the galllp polll president won... and ttoseedebate watchers ney won. sampled... hey were split ovee who did theebest job on all three debates.46--ercent favoreddromney and 44-pprcent
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two-point margin of error. theewwshinggon oss haa announned it's backing president obama for a second with obama's first term... but better positioned than mitt romney to lead the goveenment onto sounder financial footing. meanwhiie....mitt romney the detroit news ann he nee york post on thurssay.the him wednesday.miner endorsed katy perry s making her ick forrpresident... a public state. statement.the pop sttr was form-fiiting dress during a concert wednesday... that looks a lot llke a pressdenttal bbllot. obama's name fillee in a box. performer to appear on the &pobama campaiin rail.just laa week... bruce sprinnsteen joineedffrmee preeident bill cliiton at a re-election campaign event in ohio. coming up on theeearly edition... ammricans killed ddring an attack innlibya. libya.the decisions made...
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thattlefttthem without any &phelp. ((break 1)) 3 3((break 1)) 3- elizabeth taylor surpassess
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michaal jackson... on forbbs earning dead st-3 the past yeer....taylor arredd 210-million dollars.most of that monny comes from auctions of the glamorous star's jewelry... and earrings from line.the kiig of pop is in line- second place... earning three... with ppanuus cartoonist chhrles schulz nd the top five. ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meeeorologist)) ((traffic repooter ad libs)) & 3
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 aa libss)((traffic reporter ((traffic reporrer ad libs)) ((traffic reporter 3 meteorologist)) 3- 3 3((ttaffic reporter ad libs)) 3 ad libs))((traffic reporter 3 mmteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 3 map 40 map liberty map rter 3((- 795 map
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3 3 3 coming up... the terps already lost two uarterbacks... now a thh field thissweekenddea..- americans unddr siege... left without help.the revealing e- mails that shed light on last &p((brrek 2))dly attackkin liby- 3
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petter idea áwhyá help never pame for the americans unner siege... ann eventually killed... at theeu-s missiin in benghazi, libya last month. herridge has thh lateet detaiis. details. while military assets pibyan crisis,,the defense he secretary old reporttrs tte intelligence on the ground was so poor -- they ad to hold. panetta says: the basic
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princcple is you don't deploy pnowing what's going on, wthout without having some real timm iiformation t was a joint decision - mmde on a sii the chairman of the joont chiefs general martin dempsey and the regionnl commander, general cartee hamm. reports from the consulate security ii benghazi, couplee with drone video of the seeond wavv of the attack on the cia outpost, did not provide the needed clarity foo miiitary p/i>this happens within a feww hoors and it was really over before, you know, we had the opoportunitt to realllyknoo wwat was happening fox isoolted incideet. an - assault played out in immlar eighboring tunisia. immlar us embassswas ransaaced, with then, a second symbol of - ussinfluence, the american the chairman ffthe house - intelligence committee, who ii routinely briefed on the &pinvestigation, belieees the groop ansar al-sharia, which meansssuppprters of islamic laa. rrgers says: same
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involved. but same peoole organization cleaaly they the momentum of 9//1 clearly 667 pm on september 11, the whitt house situation room, was alerted, in this state departmenntemail that quote embbssy tripoli eporrs the grouppansar al--haria claimmd responsibility oo facebook and ttitter. while tte administration has dissiised social medii, the nly suusecc ansar al-sharia. of - second suspeet, a liibyn, has been kiiled in caaro after he rigged his apartment with explosives nd exchanged ggnfire with egyptian authortiis. fox news ps also told a third suspect is belieeed to have fought for faaing growing crutiny are o - the ciaadirector david petraeus, tthedirector of clapper and their initial ames assessments that blamed the anti-islam video. the &pcriticism noo comes from a senior republican senator.
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mccain ays: the talking points came from the white hosue but the white hhuse clearly had to get their information from clapper andd anything i hhve ever imagined - their se two inddviduals and agencies if tis truehhrridde says: in a letter the speaaer of the house john boehner is now pressing president obama to publicaly address questions on benghazi. ranging from relectance to provide additional security to the consulate staff after repeated request toohow nd on hat bbsis the aammnistration changed its story frrmman escalating protest prompted by perms, the house speaker wants the president as commanderrand chiif to explain the contradiitary stttements made the election.stration beforee - commng up...bad news... for the alreadd injury-deeleted ter. the wide outt.. the teammhas
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((break ))e rest of the year..- mayor: casino owners in west virginia are spending
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millions against question seven. that upsets me. and that upsets jonathan ogden. you don't want to upset jonathan ogden. ogden: no you don't. mayor: question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. but these west virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. we're not happy about that. ogden: no we aren't. mayor: so join us and vote for question seven. and west virginia, don't make me send jonathan ogden over there. mayor: vote for question seven. ogden: for baltimore. coming up in our 6 o'clock
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hour... shopping... for hallowe. ameeicans are expected to spend... this yyar.
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