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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 8, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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kidnappee and police tracked down wo suspectson fox 45 news t five.3 3 it's our ffx45 &p"thanks giveaway!" giveaway!"we''e giiing way 100 dollar visa giftcards every hour, everyday on fox45 morning news through thanksgiii. thanksgiving. 3 you have 11 minutes to caal us at 410-481-45455to claim your pe prize!want to get your name in the box??o to facebbok dot com slash foxbaltimore and clickk
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on "contests" to fill out the rules.nd read the officiall - 3&
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3 he was beaten in brood daylight in the middle of downtoww baltimore.this pleading for help... to catch the suupects. suspects.mmgan gglliland is the viccim has been since the attack. 3&good morning guys, the ictim is 2-year-olddjohn mason of baltimore.he is still in critical condtion here after being severely bbattn. bbaten.his aunt... christina jasi has een been at his bedside... since tte attack friday afternoon in broad daylight at lombard ann howard streets in downtownnbaltimore. men ttacked mson.he'' now in a coma with mulliple skull
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fractures and some brain swelling.while jasi and her family wait... and hope... for a full recovery... the attackers have remained on the loose for nearly aaweek now. (jasi) "i want someone to help us find these suspects.. o get them off the strret so they cannot do it to anyone els" else..."right now, &pinvestigators say the motive is unclear... they were considdring robbery... but nothing was ttken from mason. detectives say they're looking at surveillance camera somethinggto help them catch the from shock trauma, i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a baltimooe county man is chaaged with stabbing his police arrested john palkenntein monday after the victim's daaghter callee &p9-1-1... saying she was concerned about her mother's welfare.when officers got to found the body of janet palasik covered with a blanket in tte kitchen.he's being held
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detentionncenter. 3& annapolis police say a store cashier fought off an armed it happened about 6:40 monday ttyy ."a masked man approached a gun and demanded money. the cashier trieedto knock the &pgun from thh robber's hhnd, robber eventually raa from the store. the cashier was not hurt. 3 another water main break has city streees shut down during anotter morning drivee the third major break ttis year looded four bllcks yesterday, and joel d. smith much longer those roads will be affected. it's going to taae ays guys... lookall of the aal of the 3 yesserday are now back in te water.
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at leasttthe watee has been you needed a boat to navigate thii street. water rushing everyyhere. a 60- foot, cast iron water main burss at 8 -m, and it didn't take long to flood tte streett in a 4 block radius. public works says the most important thiig at this point is to protect a gas line near the waaer main... so thhy'ree worring closely with b-g-e to monntorrthe situatioo. that means several roads in ttis area will emain closed for asking folks to be patient &ppajor water main brraks in th city already this year.. nzinga amon: "this is outrageous. i've stopped breaks we've had sinceethe n - psmmer."patrickkmartin:"nowwwe have the ssndbar that makes it look like flooida,,but weirder." weirder." the pipes underneath charles treet are 90 years old, not unlike a lot of the infrastructure around balttmore, which is why public million over the next five years to try to stop situations like this before they happen.
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public works is xxected to come hereesometime this morning to do mmre digging and remooing of asphalt... to get &pa better feel for how bad thi phe repairs eing the repairs being made to a storm drain in east ballimore will takk a lot longer ttan expected.a 0-foot sinkhole nearly devoured this section of moouuent street back in second sinkhole opened up nearby... follooed by a third in october.the additional have tripled thh amount of &pwork for repair rews and slowedddown heer progress.the department of public orks says repairs won't be finishedd the man responsible for the
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tuscon shooting spree... will be sentenccd today. today.jared lee loughner pleaddd guilty to 19 counts... including the aatempted pongresswwmann gabrielle --3 giffords.6 people were killed giffords... were hurt. - gifford's husband... astronaut mark elly... plans to appear in court for the sentencing.... pnd will speak on behalf of the faaily. twitter... aater 11 months of &prepresennatiie tweeted a link to a youtube video wwdnesddy... showing damage from super storm sandy.ddepite the tweet... weiner says he haa no immediate plans to return toopolitics.weiner says he's remorseful foo the scandal... involviig aa ewd to twitter. colts players shave off their locks for a grrat cause. cause.the n-f-l players, along with sevvral staff, shaved their heads to honor head pagano is in remission, but . sttll schedulee for two more ccemotherapy.he has been on
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indefinite leaveesince being diagnosed and hospitalized in september.pagano issa former ravens. comiig up on the early diiion... attacked... over aasmart-phone. smart-phonne18:53:299"i was very scared" scared"that national regiitry the government is hoping... will stop anyone rom becoming a victim átwiceá. 3 ((break 1))
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((toss to weaaher)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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((trrffic reporttr d libs)) map joel map libertyymap , 40
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3 it's our fox45 "thanks giveaway" every hour, everyday on ffx45 morning ews through thanksgivi. thaaksgivingg 3
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you have 15 mmnutes to call us at 410-481-4545 o claim your p! prize!want to ggt your name in the box?go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and cllck on "contests" to fill out tte formmaad read the official rrles. ccming up... the orioles turned this aroond this seasoo... unddr buck showaller. showaater.the big award the team's manager is up for. 18:50:49 i knew what as going down then they surrounded me" me"assaulted... or an i-phone. the rising number of hefts... and how tt ake a phone useeess to anyone but you. ((break 2))
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3 it's crime that's becoming &piicreassngly dangeeous.brazen thieves ttrgeting not your wallet or purse, but the technologyyin your hand.this morning... jeff barnd lookk at the battle to combat smart technology could be putting you at risk. risk. 18:50:49"i knewwwhat was going down then they surrounded me" it was a terrifying enccuuttr at this towson apaatment compllx last year.a teen accosted by a gang of men 18:53:29"i was ery scaaed"men who kkocked him to ground, and broke his jaw18::1;01"thye were stomping my face"the proteetiin because one of his
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assaillnts is at large, is &pstill hhunted y the attack. 18:51:56"i feel hat it's going to happen again all the timeebbt he's evennmore troublld about why theethieves sinnled him out in the irst place...his iphone18:51:22 "they knew it was the phone they thought it was the phone and that'' whh they assaulted me"it'ssa crime that's becoming more common.violent rooberies aiied at smart phone users. 18:35:27"anything that is high value, thieves could potennially uss to pawn." last week two teenn knocked a man to the ground in broad dayllnght right across the street from the towson courthouse. their target, his smart phone.18:37:100if you're out in publli maae sure that if omeone aaprooahs yyu and wants tt take your phone youu you ommly."it's a crime made eeen more attractive, by thh rising value of smart phones technolgy that in many cases wallet or purse....19:39:37 "think of all t things you put on your smart phone, you person'sshands."phooes that contain personal informaaion which canngive criminals an even bbgger're
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identitt18:37: 36we would reccomend you look into a cloud based system, so you caa piped ffom your phone."it's also crime that hassseen dooble cities across the country. which is why thh federal governmenn is taking actiin. the fcc lauched a national smart phone registry called database where smart phone ownnrs can register their serial nummers.wwich can tten be used to shut doon stolen phones.19:38:56"whiie they're atttactive targets, it's a great thing from the police point of view when they're traceable"but the techonlogy whiih makes smart phones eesy it,to determined your hooe e -& address.18:37:555a lot of people use phoens oo &pnaviagation, when they do tha they put honme locationnin there, so we really don't want suspects tt find out where th eppson lives base don using thh navigaaion on the phone."
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phone users need tt take extra precautioins.18:35:49"keep it in thh pocket away rom viee" not just lookkg your phonns know toomake sure that you , don't have a cell phone out advice at least one victim ssys is not only sound18:52:20 "i would adviseecell ppone users to keep it n their pocket unless it it urgent." and mmy be your only defense. 18:53:03"i doostill have a 3the f---c says they plan to have the database up and running in six monnhs. concerns... ovve energg drinks. drinks.the caffeine content... of some of the mmst popular brandss phe marylanddbasketball team takes to the court friday.thee new ppayee who willlbe joining his teammates... for thh game against kentucky. &p((break 3))
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&ppoming p in our 6 ooclock hour... marijuana supporters score some ajor victories on day.the measures that passed... and why they cculd &pcause problems... onn he 3
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