tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX December 28, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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keeping an eye on the roads and highwayssas we wait for a weekend winter blast. blaat.when the snow wiil arrive and how much we could get this time. hello i'm jeff barnd. and i'm blast is only a few hours awaa . now.meterologist emily gracey has beenntracking the att of the latest winter storm and says some some neighborhoods could see several inches of snow. it only takes a couple oo inches of snow or ice to wreak &phaaoc on the roads. roods.janice park streaming live janice park the roads. roods.wreak havoc onn f snow only takes a inches of snow.
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it only takes a couple off inches of snow or ice to wreek havoc on ttee oads. roads.janice park streaming live along the j-f-x in north baltimooe tonight to tell us... us... how people are getting ready. yyu are taking a look at the 3 the state higgway admistration highly recommends thaa we all staa off the roads ttmorrow if for some reassn you are oot there....they ask that you
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3 first on fox.... a college student trying to make ends meet deliverying pizzas says he wasspunished because he fought back during a robbery. sam swicegood... says smething didn't feel right when heewas about to make a delivery... so he ggabbed aapiecee f a tent ole to protect himself.. ppzza hut has a no weapons policy so now swicegood has been moved to being a cook anddhis ay 9:48:40 i wwsh i had my job in the hospital that i'm wsn't allve. five peole against one evee juveeiles 5 against one is not a good situation to be in 55 :55 pizza ut has yet tt comment police arrrsted 3 of the five
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attack. that... brinns us to ourr pizza deliveryman... beeould a ppnished... for defendingghimse? himsell? a lot of response... on our faccbook page ... most of you say... he -d tonight and if you wann to weigg in jjss go to faceeook-dot-com-slash-fox- baltimore. 3& harford county home in fallston...//.bbing a - happened ...on... fallston it - road.../// heee's... a sketch... of the susppct..../ investigattrs .... say... december &pthe... man... walked out from bbhind a wooan's home... hhr... abbut a vehicle... for sale... on her property...//. when ... the woman went inside... the home.. / she realized... she had been robbed..../ if... yyu recognize this man../ you're asked to caal hhrford ounty police. new developments in barness the 16-year ..- old north carolina girl went mmsing two years ago today..... her bodd was found in he susquehhnn river montts year the boyfrieed of her older sister, michael johnson, was charged with strangling
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her. now prosecutors say they want to close the courtroom ddringghis trial to show sexaully explicit ideos of barnes and is key to their case. we spokeeto thee family tooay, ann they told us they are aware of the evidence, and prepared. 3 it ppears morgan state university will keeppits presiidnt fter the sshool's board of regents reversed itself. earlier this month the school's board of regents voted 8-to-7 not to renew david wilson's contract.but after protests from students and faculty the board decided to hold a meeting oday to get community input.this is what one tudent had to say before today's meeting. 33:12"we really just want aaswers, we want to find out whyy.we as a student body have &pa dutt to find out what's going on.. on." &p there's no official wor yet on why the board chaaged ccntract today. tte head of the maryland
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attorney general's civil rightssoffice has announcee hh is rrtiring.and its a decision that comes afttr a series of legal problems. problems. the attorney general's office says carr snowden plans to retire effective jjnuary 8th.. the longtime maryyand civil rrghts month on charges of violating - his probatioo in a 2010 druuken driving case. snowden also was convicted last month by a baltimore jury of marijuana. &p3pa major strike... at... 15. ajor... ast coast baltimore ... is avoided... for now. now.the contraat ... between the... internationnl longshoremen association... whichh.. represents shipping companies... and port is... settto expire... one minute past midnight... dec 30th....// today... to a 30-day extension... o &pthe current contract...//. strike... would affect billions of dollars of cargo...// more than... 100 organizations... urged... ppesident obama... to .. enter... negotiations. the president gathers
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a different story in newwyork city. the numbbr of murders ii the big aaple are at according to the n-y-p-- the citt had 414 homicides compared to 471 ii 20-09.. police also &psay they seized 8-thousand weapons this year. today was also good day ffr "gooo riddance". p hundreds of peopleeheaded to tiies square to toss their bad memories of 20--2 into aagiant aper hhped to rrd themselves of bad karma...while others wanttd to rid ttemselves of bad habits. 3&"i'm ggving up the wwole 2012 aal of it. the whole year." //butt to//"yeahh i'm giving up my sweet tooth. coz it'' become a reallyybig problem.. problem." police expect millions of people to be in times square new years eve for 3 they just shifttd the chairs."o
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chairs." state depaatment &pofficcall fired for mistakee linked to tte attack in libba. why the puuishment may not be what the gooernment said it was. a ban on u-s grudge americans say the the - russian president is holling. and the future of many childrennin need oo if you plan on visiting this city you may fiid out just how muchh - it costs to park your car on the street in ccicago. fouu eople four people ...
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has been brouggt to bear with regard tt four individuals who are very senior." but accounability. apparently does not come with a pink slip. 3 - russiannhummn sanctions rs. - pgainss calls foo doocy, fox neww.washington, peter ends. in wwshington, ends. in before january januaay eeds. in washinnton, peter doocy, fox news. 3
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more than 60- thousand russian children have been adopted into american families. but that could soon ccange basee on the the russian president pigned a law today banning americans ffom adopting toddler died from beinggllft in a hot car in virgiiia by his adoptive parentss but americanssbelieve the ban is in response to a law signed by president obama thissmonth that calls for sanctions against russian human rights vvooators. 3&"i think this lawwis absolutely outrageous, amoral and despicable this is a laww thattpunishhs russian children for 230 million dollars stolen by russian bureaucraas." bureaucrats." &p dozens of russian stages of he adoption al - process. the u-s that these cases go through...butt ith the law going into effect january 1-st
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pediaaric being charged with 3 countt off possessing child porn and 2 counts oo istriiution after hh took his computerrinto a repaired. one of - the employees at the computer shop founddthe photos and called pollie. if convicted hrlich faccs up to city council in st. paul, minnesott are taking aim at andy cigarettts. this week a city inspector confiscated candy cigarettes, big league chewinn gum and bubble gum cigars ffomma local shop. the ity sayy the items violate a new ban on candy that targets childrrn. candies' biggest buyers were adults. commuter trains in lifeeaving equipment onboard. p the ail agency has received a grant to install 300 automattc external defibrillators in commuter machhnes will help revivee -
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if you're ever headinn to chhcago you may not want to take your car. thht bbcause parkingg will cost you nearly 7- dollars. parking on thee streee inside chiccgo's loop has jump to 6-dollars and 50-cents an hour. park outside the loop will o cost you 4-dollars an hour. because of this some drives have vowed to drive less. 3
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some stats...anddvote on who we think s the team m---p. m-v-p.this year t went to ray rice is involved... with carries looe to the 20-to-25 the team ii rushing and touchdowns... second in seassn... 4th ssraight yearr doinggso.and rrce is a pro bowlerrfor the 3rd time..eam m-v-p, no doubb. "i give all the credit to y teammates. my offensive line, vonta, jje for everybody that's ushed through this season. itts still oing for us. i'm going to make the seeson a special one ut i'll take this one. obviouuly with all the other accolades, can on this week but after the season's over it's really a great timeeto reflect with alll that happened this offseason. my contract and everything bacc here and playysome real - good football. t's an hooor." 3 &pthe second edia honor... the &pgood guy award..t's my player who is always availabbe
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and meeia friendly.this year it's defensive end art jones.. jones is the nicest guu in tte pot because the ravens are a - great group.jones... who's in his 3rd season... is having his best year on the field... wiih 4-and-a-hall sacks. "i appreciate it and ii appreciate you guys doing a good job, such a great job on phowing my brighher side off tte fieed and on the fieed. i jjst aapreciate all you guys do for us because i know sometimes guys can give you &pguys hard imes, not doing interviews. i just sse myself being a reflection of my witt respect sooi appreccate this awwrd from you guys." 3 first ed reed fined 55-thousand michael oher takes a hit to the wallet..the ravens left tackle, fined 10--houuand against the giants.oher was flagged on the play... and during the same offensive series... oher was flagged two other times... a false start and hold. college bbskktball issslowly returring from winter vacation. day rrak.the greyhounds are 9-.
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p-and-3....nd getting a taste of life next season in a new bucknell out of the patriot league..1st half...bucknell by jumpee at the free hrow line...bison up 10....time winding down in the 1st half... mike muscala drives to the of the same...muscala quick 22 & turnaround in the paint... bison pull awaa ttobeat the greyhounds...66-46... that's all for sports unnimited...
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