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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 31, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

5:30 am
ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app. &pthe fight over the fiscal cliff.whaa's still being done to try to stop ittfrom happening on fox45 news at five.. 3
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3 p there areejust hours to come up with a ay to avoid going over the fisccl cliff. cliff.lawmakersswere on capitol hill sunday... in hopes of averting year-end coobination of spending cuts and tax increases that ould triggee new recession.but s ed henry explains... leaders say no deal is in siiht. sight.
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"happy new year">the house and senate back to work for a rare sunday sesssin...trying to figure out the fiscal cliff negotiations.a lot of talkk very few solutions so faa. larson saas: "our membership ii as frustrated as the american ppople we're sworn to seevv."beccrra saas: "none of the votes we'll be casting today have anyyhing to do with these deadllne we face in slightty more hann24 hours. &pwe're here, we're ready." president ooama, sitttng down for his ffrst sunday morning three years, ttll n-b-c itts time for lawmmkers to nail doww a deal:obbma says: "we don't yet see an agreement and now the pressure is on congress to produce." republicans and emocrats going back and forth behind closed doors, workkng through the night, trying to avoid ssme of the most painful tax hikes and spendinggccts in our natioo's history.reid says:: "there s still significant pissancc between the tww continue."a possible sign oo progrees came whhn viie back from delaware to thee
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white houue o work the phones and reach ut to republican ssmeone who he's wooked with on many deals over the years. mcconnell says: "we're willing to work witt whoever, hoever issue that remains ann impossible sticking point."if these bi-partisan talks fail overright, senate majjrity leader harry reii says he'll push a white houss fallbackk bill -- that would raise taxes only on families making over 250--houuand dollars a yar. it would also extend million americcns.that could ffce an up-or-down vott n monday's session.reid says: "we're going to come in at 11am tomorrow morning and we'll have further aanouncements perhaps at 11 o'clock in tte morning. certainly hope so."(henry on cam tag)so mucc at take for yourrwallet because if we go off the iscal cliff, this would be the largeet tax increase since world war two. not to meetion the fact, that iffthere's no deal -- the negative the white y - house, ed henry, fox ews.
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pollce ii hhrford county are searching for a man they say shot his sister in the happened late saturday niggt is expecttd to recover.if you have any informatton call 3 more than 2 weeks after the newtown, connecticut shooting ii claimed for burial.s body burial.according to thh tate medical examiner... the person who claimed hii body... wishes to remain anonymous.also &premaining a secret... is whee &planza will be buried.earlier ttis monnh... lanzaashoo and killed 26 peoppe... including 20 children... at sandy hook taking his own life.police &hav foo the shootiigs. the state of connecticuttcould soon be ssappedd itt aa 100-million-dollar llwsuit.... setting for students.a lawyer is seeking damages on behall
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of a 66year-olddgirl who survivvd the massaareehe says the girl heard gunfire, screaming and conversations left ee wwth emotional scars. geeoge h-w bush is r president over the weekend... thh 88- year-old was moved from the intensive care unit to a reguuar patient room at a texxs hospital... where he's beee treated for more than a month.the former presideet was turned into an infectionnand an ggressive fever. there's no word on whee or if today's the last daa to put your name on theemap.. oday is the deadline to submit entries tributaries of the monocacy river.the bbord will select its favorite entriee and send them to the u-s geological could takeethe federal agency uu to 9 onths to ccoose a winner. enter.. go to our website foxbaltimore dot ccm slash morning.
5:38 am
ggrlfrrend of about a year... kimmkarddshian..are expectinn a baby. booh.wwst made the atlantic ciiy, on kardassian is still legaaly filed for divorce in ootober 2011... 72 days after the two aavery ppegnant essica simpson proudly shows of her caption reads " bumpin' and ppoud."on christmas she confirred she was pregnant with her second child.... with 32-year old is already a mother tooa seven month old daughter.
5:39 am
coming up on the early it wws one busy yeaa. year.we count down tte top &pnews stories of 2011. ♪
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chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance.
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geico, see how much you could save. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3
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((trafffc reporter ad libs)) maa greeespring piberty 44 map
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3coming up... from funny.. to sad... to life- changing.2012 had it all. all.we count down the op new &pstories of the last year... next. ((bump out)) ((breaa 2)) 33
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2012 is inding to a close. and it's been twelve months fflled ith stories of joy, pook back at some of tte top ssories from tte past year.
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3 coming uu in our 6 o'clock &phour....more ootionss.. innth morning.the major breakfast chain that's gging gluten free. free.and... flacco ggts taken out early in hh ravvns game. what tyrod taylor did on one play that put him in front of
5:51 am
♪ aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪ thank you.
5:52 am
is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose? [ female announcer ] tell us... sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles.
5:53 am
nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. p, 3
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5:57 am
john sent in this picture of his dog olivee... intensly watching the game! show us your purple can upload photos and videos to us through urple -at --oxx bbltimore -dot- com.and you "see it shoot it send it" page at foxbaltimore dot com.or you can go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash "inside fox45." commig up in our 6 o'clock hour... the fiscal clifffmay still be up in tte air... but it woo't
5:58 am
be hitting our wallet at the grocery tore. the move thht wwll keep food pricessdoon.. [ woman ] weighing myself in times square is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose?
5:59 am
aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪


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