tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX January 1, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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3 after weeks and weeks of an early morning ssssion, the senate approves a measuue on tax increases andd spending cuts. ed ayne reports...the measure noo goes to the house oo representatives. representatives. --reporter pkk-as folllws --at the stroke of midnight, ann americans were celebrating and ringing in the new year. but the mood in ashington was much more serious.vice president joe biden went too capitol hill late onday night after senate eaderr struck a deal with the whhte house. back intoosession...and around 2-a-m.. the vote was in."the bill as amended is passed."in an 89-to-8 vote, the senate approvvd a measure that puts off sppnding cuts for two months and keeps thh bush-era tax cuts for individuals earning less thann$400,000 and couples eerning llss than $450,000. senate majority leader harry reid said their
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goal as to prottct america's middll cclss.miidle class the assuuance that their taxes - won't go up 22-hundred doolars each. they'll have the certaintt o plann ow they'll pay for groceries, rent, car senate minority leader mitch mcccnnell said republicans agreed toothe measure rather thhn let the middle class ssffer.we don't think taxes should be goong up on anyone but we all knew that if we did on everyone oday. e weree't going to let thaa happen.the house reconvenns today at noon measure at that time.i'm ed payne reporting. u-s lawmakers also haae tt worry aboot the debt ceiling. the u-s reached its legal borrrwing limit of 16-point-4 treaaury departmeet is takkng measurre to buy ime unnil the end of february.
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same sex marriaae is &pofficiallyyon the booos here in maayland. the aathority vested in mm i pronounce ou marrred... cheers cheers several couples married soon city hall.vvttrs legaliied the unions n novembbr... and the as tte clook of legally wed in maryland says it's been a long road to get here. pyan wilson 3:44 incue: it waa a yoyyoutcue: made hiitory in novvmber to allow marriage equalityyin the state. state. niie staaes ann thee district of columbiaahhve legalized aae-sex marriage.
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even though gaa prices never went higher than they did ack in 2008... gas prices.. on average... for 2012 were the highest ever. prices for a allon of egular &phit 3-60 this year... that's up 9 cents from theeprevious record set in 2011.triple- a blames hurricanes.. refinery ootagee and tenniins ii the middle east for the high prices.despite prices of more thhn 4 dollars a galloo back in 2008... the average price that year was just 3-25. a new studyy shows pill size... shaae and color directly influences whether patients will take the medicationn.esearchers nottced sooeepatients who receivvd generic drugs varying ii olor were more than 50-percent likely to stopptaking them. generic drugs must have thh how differenn they may look. - experts say ii's not the cooor of the pill, but what's inside that coonts. ass kids what is tteir most woull respond...recess.
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well now--- science is backkng thaa up.the american academy of pediatrics says recess is day and stresses it should ol - punishment. the time is esseettal for kids echarging their rains.and because kids lives are áso ssrrctured poday... unstructured ...ásupervisedá play is important for creativity and poeeall wel being. it was a year of zany antics on sports fields across the glo. globe.we take a look at some of 2012's most mmeorable sports bloopers. blooperr.
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separating hangover cure fact from fiitiin. dehydration and is often y behind the morning- after peeling. one of the best things you can do to cure a hangover is to drink plenty of . water.myth # 2. take pain hangover and can havv a tion. dangerous interrction with the alcohol in your system. system..yyh # 3. eat while foods work best.. food slows 3 pest.myth # 4. drink cafffine: fiction. it will wake yoo up any quicker. quicker.mytt # 5. sleep it off: fact. ttme nd rest are some of the best hangover currs. the nee year iss
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here... anndnow... it's timm to put all that talk about your new years resultion to 3se some tips forrachiiviig them. - psychologist doctor woody woodward says the new year is a great tiie to hht phe reset button oo yoor life and focus on those goals you've been putting off. but e warns ttat you phouldn't set you sites too high...but instead make more realistic goals. "mosttresolltions re, typically, vague, lofty, generic and have no teeth. so, a 'you' plan for about making - twenty-thirteen? or a pan ffrr yourself to accually accomplish something.//(12:09:03) decide simple and easonable and start thinking about what are &pthe thingg i caa do to get dootor woodward recoomends having a suppoor family to help as well.
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journalistandrew breitbart / publisher and blogger helee gurley brown / cosmopolitan editoo-in-chiefadam "mca" yauch / beastie oys rapper dunnee / boxing trainero sheeman hhmsley /actor eenesttborgnine / actoryitzhak shamir / former israeli prime ministtr arthur ochs sulzberger / new york times publisherdick clark / television hoot neil armssrong / astronnutsally
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