tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 2, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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...announces ...that....this -3will be... his last years... ray llwis says... he's hanging up the cleats...//. he's... of faae,... // as... one of the best linebackers... of course, ...the face of the ravens. 3 &p3 welcome ... to the late edition..., i'm jeff & baand...//. jennifer's... off ...// numbee... &p.../ this... will... & e... his last season... this morniig..../ news... p spread quickly... citt. 33 keith dannels ... live... at... m aad t bank stadium... with the latest... on hii announcement. & annouucement. jeff... place where some saa.. ray &plewis helped build. and tonight..marketinggexperts and ffns, weigh in on ray's petirement. ////////////////////voo/////////////// //////// 3& frrm west baltimore to fells point... they're commenting on theedepaature f lewis leaves aftee 17 nfl seasons.. all with the ravens.. including those at maroon say lewis was more to - baltimore
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thaa just aagood football player... they say hh helppd bring tourist dollars to the city. but to fans it's hissperformaace on the field that matters most.... his game,,his tellar career.. now coming o an end. 3 (man) "i think it's a shame.... ggod player. buu good for him, he's been around so long..."(man) "i saw it coming, but if he thinks the & team can make another superbowllrun in 2013,, think 3 more..(laugh)" 3 tte markktinggexperts say - lewis maa be leaving the football field.........but they say with is energizing personality and iconicc football record... lewis coulld still be good for business. live at m-and-t bank stadium, - kd, fox 45 news, late edtion. 3 3 rry lewis... is the faae... &pof... the franchise....// pppn... hearing the news .../ sports... memorabilia producers ...around he area ... are... making sure... that
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face... was onnthe sheeves ...for fans... áaheadá... of... sunday's game.../. &p"fan's... only"... in columbia... tarted churning out....the lewis t-shirts.... as soon as they heard the news. 3 oming up in sports unlimited, bruce cunninggam will explain the impact of lewis' return and announcement could have on thh 3 colts this suuday. 3 p and if you want to seee ray's entire announcment and think about his retirement head to fox baltimmre dot com. -3 pwe've postee it all in our raw news feattrr, free to ox 45 viewees. 3 3 police... are loooing... ffr a new year's & eve... partierr../ who... fired a gun the air...//é - shooting... a... 10- head... by... a... falllng bullet... in... cecil county. county.fammly members... 3 boyer... was outside a elkton../....watching .. fireworks at pidnight ..on... new years
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day..../she... was truck in the head a falling bullet.../.police ... believe ...several peeple ...were firing guns... into the air... to celebrate the - new year. 3- 3 "this was a ten-year-old littte girl in her her yard... she wasn't (anywhere) she should not have 3 place. she was in her yard." yard.""there's several housess on the street... it's not an aaea here anybody should be discharging firearms." firearms."shhriffs... -3&p are... tryinn to -3 determinn... from what gun ...the bullee was fired...//. 3 flames... on... the rooo... f a ..high rise... near... joons hopkins hospital... ccuses... a few minutes of chaoo... as... the crowdeddoffice building... is evacuated..../ kathleen caarns ... has... morr... on what happened... at the... '5-50'... 3& 3& brradway is blocked:(womens eyes lookknn up) "we could ee the black smoke"all eyys are on the skyy (shariia madden)"ii & was sitting at tte winddw.. and i saw a big cloud of black smoke coming from up top," firefighters surround the five
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fifty bbilding.... an office commlee... (nat &ppop-fireffghter slams door)as sharira shares her ppoto: & (sharrra madden- clooer)"everyone was coughing pt was ad"(anne) " it was very difffcult coming down the ssairs."anne, exppains her esccpe from the 10th floor. lot of ppople helping me"" phe's disabled... ad takes refuge in her car. (side shot)"when i came out of the builddng the smoke was veey quite a bit.. "thick..very black and quite a bit.. " ((voice nly)) : (side shot)"the firefighters are still on the rooff(three 3 phe smoke.. " from the eighth buildinn" the iew from mirrnda'' window:(girl closee"but we saw alot of thiik bback smooe so we decided to evacuute..." (((cairns standup)))"as the plarm sounded ppeple evacuated of this building."(denise wolfson)"the smmke was blowiig then diving into this area here."investigators zero in on phe rooftop blaze. "what thee leaared is there was an air handling unit on ire..on top offthe building.. they quiccly
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extinquiched the firee" the flaaes are out and so are the phooos:(steven baust) "looking at my ppoto it was quite a large plume of thick black ssoke..."(steven)"so we knew it was significant."an 3 year... vooce only) "havent haddthis happen before.." kathleenncairns fox 45 news -3 pate edition. -3 3 no one... was huut. dozens gathered in glen urnie to remember sir keith jones....the third perron to bar."wwy would takk us,,why would you take uu frrm his family" family" that is jones' greiving girlfriend. police say sir keiih jones was shott - in the upper and lower torso sunday night...tooay...people were calling ffr dietrich's & tavern to close...afttr a -3 homicide in 2009 and 2010...all happening in the & bar's arking llt.jones leavvs pehind an 8 yeer old son...and several step chhldrenn.. tonight it's unclear iffhis run-ins with the law had -3 anything to do with his deatth "tthn the reality sets where
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pe''e tanding this person was so 3 ignorant person i love tte 3 mmst dying he's a coward don't doing"if you have any information call anne arundel police. 3 3 new concerns ... abbut....the... fiscal health... of... center hotel. hotel.the... credit rating agency p..moody's... says... - its... maintaining... a -3 ánegativeá outlook... on thh ... 330---million dollars innbonds... ussd to the property...//...the... firm''... concerned... the... hotel ... failed to meet &pprojections.../ 3 haae trouble... paying its debt...//. & morr... bad news... foo... taxppyer--fiianced projects.....--3& 3 3 we can't overlook the faat
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&pthat the economy was abysmal the past fee years and we are at a critical poont where it hassto turn around and its time for the hotel to ddlivee on its promises.... promises.... thh negativv rrting outlook expects that - economic conditions wwll ake it difficult for the hotel to generrte revenuessthat cover all expenses and debt service 3 3 the... governor ...of pennsyllania... is... suungg.. the....n-c--aa... overr.. tte... harsh penalties... iiposed... on... penn sttte.../ after .... the... ccver up... of the ...child... sex abuse scandal. scandal. tte... governnr says... tte peealties... punish... the students,... community and businesses.../ , ánntá... erry sanduskyy../.// sandusky... the... former football coach... as... coovicteddof... charity... in... penn state''... locker rooms....// the... sanctions iiposed... on... the university.../ 3 pines... to... fund... child abuse preventiin programs, .../ aa.. 4---year... bowl "ban".../ and... the &pforfeiture... of... 1122 inss 3 the ncaaashoudd't have
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sanctioned penn state, i belieee, and our suit contents, that thh caa has no authority and operated ouuside of their own bylaws with these - sanctions thattthey brought. this was a crimiial matter, &pnnt a violation of ncaa rules. the n-c---a-a... hasn't commented.... on the pending lawsuit. 3 &p3&psecreeary of state ... hillary clinton... was... - peleased ...from a... ew york hospital tonight.../ after... beeng treated... for a... blood clot... near er brain. brain. the... her husband,... the... former president .../ walked... out... the front oor... and intoo.. a 3 cheesea... waa there... as well..../ clinton... since sunday.... for... a blood cllt.../ apparently... caussd by... a... all... she suffered laat month.../. cllnton .. plans to leave... the... obama admiiissration... as... &psoon as ...her rrplacement is confirmed. 3 & 33 bad day... for business... when the bomb sqqad.... was... called out... for a grenadd... &pfound the parking lot of a vienna, virggnia... auto sttre.
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ptorr. the bomb squad used this obot to inspect the grenade. the robbt aatually picked uu theedevice and carried it ntooan alley whhre garbage dumpster. eventually a bomb squad techhwalked right up to the greeade and found -3 out it was not active. police are trying to track down whoevvr ppt it thhre. 3 a ... bad day... -3 sccooo.../ when... a... oiler room explosioo... & injures two workers...// -3 and... huts down theeschool. & creww... ere... on scene... around 9 o'clock this morning... at....bates middle school...//. a... working ...on the oiler,...// when... -3 p a.... mmll blast... 3 heard... a 3 sounded ike a cannon. ww workers... were... hospitalized.... with... minor injuries...///. 3 were notified... and... students were sent home early..../// the school will open on time tom'ww..// 33 it's hard toobelieve willlthe start to this nee yeer look weather ise? wise? let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid for a
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3 on his last marchh what lewis''aanoucement means for &pthe team aaainst the colts and 3 will have on the ravens' chances. 3 a bbby left by t's father in the middle offa florida sttip club. why the club didd't want to reeurn the baby even after dad ccme back to pick up his child. 3 3 there may have been a deal on the fiscal cliff, but your taxes are still going up. the eason every american's ppacheck is shrinking by two percent. 33 &
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3 if... ou thought congress... prevented p..the country... from -3 falling... over thh cliif / thhn... you... havn't... seeen... your... first... pay check... yet...///.millionn... & of workers ... will... 3chuuk of it... missing --/ 3 allowed ...the... ""ayroll tax cut"... to expire. &pexpire. 3 [hold bin 12óx payroll tax --please
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export as pbffópayrollótaxxup][eric pelivery trucc]for eric davis -- a beer deliveryman -- the -3 door to life'' little - pleesures has closed as the new year begins.[ntsnd of door trt:02[take eric davis sound] sot in 21:56 "you have to makk some addustments. so life is going to be lesssfun in 2013 than it was in 2012? dollars in davvs' paycheck means fewerrtrips to thh favorite estaurant. like many middle waae earnerr he'll ffel the sting of a two percent increase in the payroll tax.[sot i damian baccarella ]sot in 27:27 3 of people's ppychecks it'' goiig to have an immact not only on the person, and heir & family but whereever elle they spend money."trt=:07lawmakers &willingly allowee tte payroll tax cut to expire[takeegrappic] but when it comes to corporate tax breaks --- well, in place. such as a tax on ruu with most of the oney -- nearly 550 mmllion dollars flowing backkto puerto rico and the virgin islands.want to build a nascar race track? & no worries you can still qualify for a tax break. that has cost taxxayers more than
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400million dollars over the "aative financing" -- a break - that costs the u.s. reasury about nine billion dollars a year.. take graahic]back to the payroll tax cut. the averagg workee earning about &pwill have aout 68 dollarss pess to spend each month. [take sot morici]sot in -3&p21:02:48 "at time whhn they can't afford to pay their mootgages, they can't afford pheii utility biils."trt=:04 congress reduccd theeppyroll & tax two years ago ---as a temporary meens to help cash strapped families.[social seccrity carrdbroll]]but in & doing so, starved social pecurity which relies n punding from that taxxeric davis will continue tt deliver the good tiies -- but fewer of those will be his to enjoy. &ptoo.. read what else... - congress spared --/ go to ... fox baltimorr doo com... follow he link... to... wastt watch. 3
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it's long, hard days late nights, and missed little league games. you've worked hard to earn your money. and we think you should have the power to keep as much of it as possible. we have tax experts to answer your questions. we'll back you and support you. because a dollar here, a dollar there-- every dollar is more important when it's yours. turbotax-- the power to keep what's yours. try it free at ñó
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&p taxpayers ...ffnance... - off-shhre... wind energgy .../ even... if... the power generrtes ... 3 ratepayers... morr than twiceá... what they're paying now? common that stopped government? government?that's... the focuss.. of a debate today ... urinn... the... board of public works meeting.../ when... they were asked... to approve... a... $3 million study.../ to... determine the feasabilliy... -3 of harvesting wind... 10--miles... off the state poass. .../ compttoller... peter frrnchot... calls itt..
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-3 impractical. 3 13:50:30"why do we feel compelled tt subsidize the reaerch for what will utlimatell beea for profit, - private project." project."despitee.. the ccmptrollers''concerns, .../ the spending board apprrved 3- 3 common sense says don't take your baby to a strip club,.../ but... one fforida pad... went... áwayá that...///. policc say ... kenneth row... was wasted ...when he showed up -3& this strip club... inn.. daytona bbach ..florida..../ in... additionn.. to a wad ...of singles, .../ &phe... ad his... 111month old pbaby.;.../ it.... got uglyy...when dad gaveehis one oo the door people... aa the club.../ so... hee.. could...have a smmoe..../ that's whennpolice... say... dad disappeared. 3 if a two nd aahalf month old on a freezzng cold night and you just take this baby out, & 11:30 at night, you anna go to a dancing bar. 3 whenndaa eventually came called police.../ since... he was gone for so loog... and... was so & drunnk..///. he... grabbed
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the babyy.. andd.. took off... down... the middlee.. of aabusy street....// police found him hiding nearby... when the baby... started crying....// dad's... charged... with child - neelect,.../// and... mistakingly... thinking... he had thh right... to... pro-create...// baby's... now... in.... mom's custody. 3 a very happy new year for oneefamily. a oung -3 boy's hhoby that reunited a deaf dog with her family. 3 3 3 & an... ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷ççççççç
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old doggthat disappeared in a snowstorm i... ii.. returned home.../ thanks to a boy.../ 3 practicing his tuukey alls. calls. 3&p ((nats)) turkey call 3 "she was just stanning there wagging her tail and looking &pat us. i ripppd my oat off and put it around her because she was shaking and she waa peally cold." 3 maggie is 17 years old. she disappeered in the middle of a snowstorm the day after ccristmas in dundee, new york. local radio put out the call & to help find maggie, bbt the plert 11 year old spotted the -3 dog when he was out in his -3 bbckyyrd. tonight, doogandd owner are back together. 3 a ecent start to the new yyar weather wise. wise. let's go to extended forecaat.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu. home of the mouthwatering grilled onion cheddar burger topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. ♪ ♪ every day, as always there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ♪
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lewis' retirement announcement &pright now with sports unlimitedd unlimited..- 3 3 every generation has it's & heroes...and whenncal rrpken, jr retired,,that tttle went oo- ray lewis...he became, over the course of a stellar 17 year career, thh face of the franchise...and today, a giant - page was turned..ray ewishas retire... 3 lewis says he'll finish the &pseason out, and thennwill ride offinto the proverbial sunsett..meanng this sunday pould be the finaltime we see that familiar number 52 on thee field here in baltimore..he jjined the ravens in the year & of their birth, 1996, when he was the second of twonumber one draft picks...and in the ensuing years, was named nfl year...twice...was named super bowl mvp and wwssselected to 13 pro bowls..his place in canton is secure...he retires as a bonafide baltimore legend.... 3 &p (adlib)
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on the way heebility, and the & motivational ability, and the put for many of us, the thing we'll miss the most is his biigesttrademark...the classii pquirrel dance he did or classic ssuirrel trrdemark...the bigggstmiss the most is his us, the thing we'll but for many of field.. performed onnthe way he for mann of 3 us, the thing we'll miss the moot is his biggest trademark...the cllssicc sqqirrel dance heedid for yeers duringteam iitroductions...we're ll gonna miss it, nd so are his teammates...
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