tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX January 3, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST
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on track.thrre things you can do to keep our new year's 3 students of sandy hook elementary... go back to &pschool ffr the first timee since a massive shooting.. today.what teachers are dding ccildrennfeel safe. 3and... three things to look for in the contract.. before signing up with a nnwwgym. 3 &p3 3 thursday, jaauary 3rd. 3
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block of mntebello errace. lib...when rewssaarrvvd proond ,3&11:30 last night... frame home... was ungulfee ii flames... they had to caal for &pback up..ith reporrs offseven people trappee inside... pncluding a pregnnnt woman... fire fighhers maae heir way inside home... only to ffnd... tte odies of tto iitims..a this hour... investigators are not releasinggany information abouttthem... tteir names... or evvn if the ppegnant woman living in he home... were - able to eecape.three of them were treated at tte scene and take to theehospital with non-life threatening injjries. fire nvestigators nd police arson dectectives are on the scene waiting to go inside and investigate what caused thh home had working smoke alarms.
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city residents are reminned to call 3-1-1 and geta free smoke out nd install iitfor you to keep your family in northhast baltimore, megan gilliland, fox45 mornnnn news. tragedies like this one were rare in fact... last year had the lowest number of pire deaths on record. all.. 12 peopll died in fires in tte city in 2212. in hall since 2009.ssbeen ut officials credit the ceeil county shhriff's calling - deputies are looking for a ew year's partier... responsible for injuring a 10-year-old girl.
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&paaliyah boyer was watching pouse in elkton when she was ' 3 hht in the head by a falling happened just after authorities believe several people in the area were ffring guns into the air to celebrate at the time. ashleigh ice, aunt: 3.26á "this was a en-year-old little girl in her hhr yard... she wass't (anyyhere) she should not ave been. shh wasn't in a bad place. she was in hee yardd" lt. michael holmes, ceeil co. pheriff's offiie: 4.48 "there's several houses on the streee... it's not an rea where anybody should be diisharging fiiearms." firearmss.deputiessaae still tryinggto find the gun that piird the shot. 3 20 days after the deadly shootings at sandy hook elementary... that killed 20 children and six adults... students areereturning to class today. as maatha shade reports... they willlattend in a neighboring toww that ing - will be renamed sandyyhook ele. you'll find decorative
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middle school that losed two yeers ago.. teachers have workeddfeverishly to transform ponroe, connectiict into sandy hhok ellmentary making sure students feel comfortable and safe when they arrive. i think righh now it has to be the safest school in america. police from monroe, newtownn and other neiihboring towns around the school so stuuents and their parents feel safe. &pobbioussl we don't want o we want this to be a normal school where they can go nd enjoy themselles and earn &pthroughhut theeday mannyof th students and their parentss wwdnesday during n open - house. there's no real playbook for this, i don'tt playbook so we're just kinda sensing our child and trying to meet the needs that we can one of the first iccims' of - last month's kiiling spree... says her mom will be there in staff meebers and yyu know rr -
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just a few of the pieces they used to bring in ..somebody ssying we're gging to mmss those and i go i'll bring them you know shh'll still be many ...there may never be losure,.. this day... a small step forward in heeling. tte circle. that's what's missing right now is gettiig our 3&classes will resume ith a familiar face t the helm... a formerrprincipal who rettred pn 2010 ffom ssndy hook after pore than a decade will be ffmilies of many aurora as 3 shoooing victims are reeecting a movie invite to the heetre where a mass ssooting occcree back in the summer.thee ddn't the theater complex where n - their lovee ones died. they say cinemark invited them to the cclorado theateers reopening later this onth for an "evening of remembrance" of severallof the victims sent a letter to cinemark crittcizing the invitation "thaatis a blatann lack of respect for the families."
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"they're lookinngto boost their own ickettsales for the grand reopening to the public."" reporttr: "at the exxense...") "at the expense of 12 familles who are heartbroken and at a loss." &p3&pauroraamayor steve hogan released a statemeet saying for somm, theerropeniig f the theater might be painful, and for oohers, healing. that is why ii ii iiportant for the victims ann their familiis to have a choice whether or not reopening. presiient obamm signs the bill tooavert the fisccl cliff. the houseeof representatives pight after the senate approved it. the new law preserves the bush-era tax cuts for individuals earninn less than 00-thouuand dollars ann extends unemploymmnt phwaii vacationing with his n family. a senior administration fficials says him for review and he signed
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every generation has it's hheoes... and for baltimorr... when callripken, jr retiiee, that title went to ray lewis. hh became, over the course off a tellar 17--ear career, thh inspiraaional voice in ports is retiring attthe end oo the ssason. number 52 joined the ravens innthe year of their birth, 19-96, when he was the second of two number one draft picks. over the years... he was named year...and wass elected to 13 emotional... but also philosoohicca when talking aboot thh end. 2608 everything that startt has an life. and for me... tooaa i told my team, that this would be my last ride.
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tt clammoring for tiikets.&ttck has more reaction from fans about how much bigger thii already huge playoff game just became. good morning joel . d. 3- 3 3 he's been hereea lonn long time.... look at some footage first game, the ravens first game in baatimooe.... 3- 3 3 fans knew this day woold come, but that doesn't make it
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any easier to sse it actually 3 p,3 p3 (man) "i hink he's a really ." pgod player. but good for pim, he's beennaround so long..."(man) "i saw it coming, but if he ttinks the team ccn make another he will reverse his decision and come back for one more..(la" more..(laugh)" 33 &p3 p3 &p live in fells point, joel d smith, fox 45 mooniig nees..- 3
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3 3 still to come... resolving to get fit. fit.the most important items to look out for... when signing aacontract with gym. (brodie) is it a loss to the citiiens of baltimore city absolutely nnt..... not.....the hilton otel... psupposedá to bring in millions offdollars by 2014. the financial ailings... that have caused it to lose tens of millions instead.
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caals the outlook for the 300 million dollarrproperty poor.....(nats outside hotel) another udit comppeted earlier ast year ssys the hotel hhd n average occupancy rate of only 63 percenttinn 2011....which was not significannll differrnt from 2010..iis revenue also slipped more than two percent..(bbodie) to the citizens of baltimooe city absolutely not.....jay brodie forrer head of the baatimore development corportation.....which sold deal.....says all bills related to operatinggthe hiiton have been aid on time....(brodie)we're not raising our game o the poinn of blatimore to groupsswhere &pwe need to be.... back in 2005 the hotel convention center hotel was touted as key to bolsteriiggthe citys business....and the city council approved three million
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dollaas in bonds to ffnance its constrrction...... paid....we've learned bdc admitted to dipping into cash payments......which means taxpayer dollaas could be used tt stay afloat.....a hortfall which could be bad news for bondhollers....(14:04:09)its a bigger issue in terms of whhn there is funding for major but reeedial measuues....state delegate jill carter says publlcly finaced busineses (14:05:43)the arger issue is when tax dollars are binggused &pare there checks and balanced in the system in case it goes says.....there should be more trannparency pfronn before being approved....(nats of hottl)ccanges she admits ay bb too late to keep taxpayers off the hook....(14:04:58) cover this bittas i get readyy to go into he legislative sessiin neet week the big elephant that's always there
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is how baltimore is pending moody alss says.... baaed on the negative projecced potlook... economic conditions will make it difficult for the hotel to generaae rrvenues deet serviceerequirements. straight ahead... joining a gym... isn'ttas simppl as it might sound. sound.the memmbrship benefits you'll want tt payyclose a contract. ((break 3)) vr3
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p,33one of the mosttcommoo new year's resolutions is to loss &pweight and get fii. joining a gym is a step ii the right directionn buu not all membership contractt are tips to keep in mind, in today's consumer watch. 3 &pp for many americans, th new year meaas a nnw fitness 3 routine. but when signing up sure finannes stty in shape
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budget. you'll likelyy ave to pay a first-ttie membership fee up front, in additton to monthly feess additional lessonn or classes, anddthings like pool r tennis court usage, may not be iicluded in that base charge. many clubs oofer new year specials aimed at newwmembers, and may ask you to sign a contract on the spot. take it home nd read it insttad, to make surr you understand what you're paying bureau ays key membership details include the length of the contract, and whetherr &pthereessan auttmatic rennwal, if you move, get injjred, or . - the fitness club ccanness hands, will you still be introductory fees that any increase after 3, 6 or 11 months. and don't make a finaacial commitment o thh gym without visitinn first. you'll want to see how ccowded aad that it has the right cooiig up... a 6-year-old
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