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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 3, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 p a laae night fire in north past baltimore... kills two peoppe and sends several others to the hhspital.this morning... crewwsare still on the scene. ssene.megan gilliland isslive there now with a look at the good morning guys,we're live here aloog the 3000 (3019) you can see... d lib...ace. lib...when crews arrived around 11:30 last night... this wood frrme hhme... was ungulfed in flames... they had to caal for back up.with peports of seven people trapped inside... including a pregnant woman... fiie fighters made their way inside bodies of two this
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hour... investigators are not about them... their names... - or even if the ppeenant woman was oneeof thhm.we do know thaa tte other five peeple living in the home... were were treated at the scene and take to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. &pfire investigators and police &parson dectectives are on the scene waiting to go inside nd investiiate what caused the home had wooking smoke alarms. city residents arr reminned to call 3-1-1 and geta free smoke alarm... fire crews will come puu and install it for you tt keep youu family in northeast baltimorr, megan gillilaad, fox45 mooning news.. a second ersoo has died from
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&phypothermia inn aryland this winter.the department of &phealth and mental hyggene say frederrck county.ttere eree15 last wiiter. a maryyand famiiy is outraged today... after tteir 6-year-old son was suspended from school... for making a &pgun gesttrr with his hann. happened at roscoe rr nix elementary school in silver spring... just days shootings. in a lltter... school officials described pncident where the boy, threatened to shoot a student. but the family's attorney says they are appealing the one-day suspension... calling it an over-reactton. "it is on his permannnt record that he threatened to shoot a he's been branded, he'ssbeen pus."a spokksman ffr the
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sccool says this was not a quote- "knee-jerk reaction to a single incident"... saying there is a serious diicussion &pwith the student and parent about the problematic behaviir. the bby's family cleared... and may ask for him school. more than 15--undded firearms were found by screeners at ffur guns found every ay...ann- and, it is up from he more than 13-hundred weapons ound international aiirort in atlanta led the nation with 80 guns foond thrrugh november of last year. folllwed by houston and denver. it is not cleer ii the increase s pecause more people are t-s-a screeners and new technolooies are doing a better joo finding them. the number f f-b-i background checks required for americans to purchhse a gun set a record in december. they cooductee thousand background checks for gun purrhases last month.forr
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&pthan 11-million checks... which also appears to be a typically the usiest month foo checks, because of chrrstmas gifts. . it follows the connecticut chool on possible gun connrol. presidenttobbma says he will push for new gun connrol legislation. 3 we have new information in a story you saw first on fox.a he was demoted for defending s pimself durrng a robbery.. is bbckkaa his oll job. this smmll piece f fiberglass jumped him during a delivery in anne arunddl county.pizzz huu has a no weappns policy so after the incideen swicegood was demoted to a cook.. which meaas less money because he was no onger makiig tips.the different locationn.. and will 3 get lessonssinnself defense &pour story.
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3 some saw it coming... but no one wwnted it to. ray lewis is officially retiring at the end of the season... whiih last homm gaae evvr.ably his ever.the longest tenured raven ever, is hanging it up after 17 stellar seasons.&the ravens there waa a team... 1996.he was a first round draft pick and boy was he worth ii. ray pas namee nfl defensive playee of he year...twicc... was named suuerrboollmvp and was selecteddto 13 pro bowlss.with his placeein canton is secure...he retires as a &pwhile announcing his explaiied why it was so .. hee - now. 2833 i think myyfans, mm city
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done. we aal get to enjoy wwat sunnay will feel like. knowing that this wwll be the last time for me too at ravens &p he seems t peace with it, ... but how about thh rest of the city? city? joel d..smith is live at immy'' in fells point to find out hoo this ii affectinn fans... and the upcoming playoff game sunday. 3 3 highlights are just part of his story... 3
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his last danne... he's saving for the fans. 3104 that moment, to walk oot of that tunnel, sunday, eeery person that was a ravens fans, 1996 to that day, we will all enjoy ttat moment and savor that moment. ... iican onlyy tell you it will be one of the glorious momeets of my life.
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3 live in fells point, joel d. smithh fox 45 morning news.
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&pcoming up on the early edition... baltimore's murrer &prate... up in 2002. suggest that olice activity ps the only reason for the violent crimm ratee-ratethe ins d-c coulddprovide....whhn looking to make channe. 3 ((break 1))
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sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy?
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happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ((bump in)) ((ad lii meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 399 map 40 liberty p3renspring map
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3 3 3 3&pccming up... a hall-of--ame caarer... nearing its end. raa lewws' teammatts feel... about his decision tt retire. 10:51:53 it will take a while for baltimore to get out of thht slump. 100 mmre murders... han er
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washington d-c.the possible reasons why. ((break 2)) vr3
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as baltimore's homiciid rate &psurged in 012... washington d-c saw just today's covee story... joy lepooa goes over the differences that may have leaa to a lower murder rat. rate.
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p(pkg)) in wwshington d-c's shaw neighborhood.... a and sooe suugest... that's whht as playedda key rooe in pommcide rate. 10:48::4 we can't simply suggest that police activity is the only reason for the violeet crime jeffrey ian ross is a criminologist at the uniiersity of balttmore. 10:15:42 baltimore unforrunatelyysuffers from that reputation one of the post violent cities in the u-s and it has stats to back it up. it's aareputation.... that unlikeebaltimore ....d-c has will takeea whiie for ::3 it - baltimore to get out of that slumppin 2012, 217 people were murdered in ballimore city. the district recorded fewer than a hundred.baltimore pooice commissioner anthony batts blamms two incidents involvinggrival gangs for the
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pptick.9:45:33 if we wwuud have got those two weewould hhd last ear. in 2011... baltimore police investigated 197 omicides... a record low... that had not been ssen then,,baatimore was outpacing d-c.. old cover pkgg.. a lot of what we see is predictable. when i sat downnwith police chief kathy lanier fee years ago... she explianed what had changed. old cover pkg ... within wo hours i want a victim profile i wantttooknnw who my victim is what do we know about hat victim cause that largely leads us toonnt only who the shooter is in of violence iss oing to e. a 3 rrpid response... that's often aided byyintel from the community.old cover ottyou have three druu deelers down here and one of hem just went northhast. in baltimore... the relationship between police and the public is
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demmnds a daily review of stats.... weekkyyreeiews prooed counter producttve. call it cops on dots we would deploy people we woulddput a map uppof all dot we would put &ppolice officers where the dot wereeand then we would come back the nnxt day and the dots &pwouud move so we thoughh e &pwere successful. just as th changgd in d-c.... so has the make-up in many of its neighborhoods. experts like ross argue that has more to do rents brooght on by investors - shaw neighborhoodd... acts as a prime example... five years ago thh area was plagued by violence brouggt on y none other than rival gangs. now the area is wired with crime there are even sensors thaa can deeect guufire. ann a relatively safe neighboohood .... where drugs aad uns arr no longee wanted or weecomed.
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ttn. 3commng up... moves... ravens faan have comeett know well. wwll.the dance made famoussbb ray lewis... that coull soon 3((break 3))ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷ççççççç
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... an amazing momeet cauggt on cameraa camera.he showed it to me and i wws like, oh my ggshhthis s amazing. the photo snapped during childbirth... hat surprised the new parents and doctors alike.
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