tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 22, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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3 we're tracking reaking news tonight out of sootheast baltimore. two people were shot in the ssreee near 600 norrh milton avenue. homicide detectives have shutdown the aareato collect evidence and transsort the victims.. both peopll have been aken to the hospital. there's nooworr on their conditions. 3 welcome... to the ate edition,,../ i'm... eff baand. and i'm jennfier gilbert.aa the ravens hhad to he super bowl--busineesess n maryland &pcontinuu to see sales skkrock. skyrocket. amber miller... talked with customers... &p who are buying... all they can .../ ahead... of... super bowl sunday. ((nat sound uu))
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the raaens made it to the sports have incraesed by a whopping 85 percent anddowners say they don't anticipate &pslowinn down any time soon. ordersshave alleady been placed---for áwhená the ravens beat the 49ers in super bowl prediction i have on that is that thh ravens will score more than tte 49ers.> in abingdon, amber miller, fox 45 news late edition. store owners ssy the uptick in usiness will hell them get in throogh the slower months.they oriooes gear---anticipating another great eason from the o's. phe... super is... - prominently... displayed... for... see.the... se- ravens' ...grounds crew... ppinted... 'super bowl 47'... oo... federal hill.... overlookkng doontown ... and... tth... inner harbor....///they... hoped... to paint... thee logo at noon... / but... wait... a... few hours... &pthe... super bowl logo... joins the ravenss.. logo... // ppinted... on... the hill... at the 3--weeks ago...///..the... ravens... grounds crew...
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iss.. headed to newworleans... next week. 3&hundredssof ravens fans got t abbut 400 people ssowed up tt - the hilton doublettee in pikesville..exxited fans gott to meet jaccby jones. justin to name a few. ey smith just 3 "i hope you win the superbowl ann i'll be so proud if you do" fans paid 60 dollars for a personalized torrey smith aatogrrpp. and we're following ray's last ride all the way to the supeerooe in new orleans.see our stories on the avens playoffs.... hear raw interviews frommthe playerrs.. and ffnd other web inks by going to our website.... poxbaltimore dot com. click on tte "ray's last ride" banner on our homepage. &p first on ffx, .../ a.. baltimore... poliie officer... pleads... 'not' guilty'... to charges ... that... he conssired... to... deal ddugs...///.... jeff aabll... in... northwest baltimore.../ wwth... ew information... on a case... jeff......
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3 p officer kendell richburgg most recently, workkd here at the northwesternnpolice district. he's part of a tackled violent crime.... but tonight, the officer is accused of being a criminal him. pimself. in a federall richburggpleaded 'not guilly' to charges that he conspired to distribute heroon, cocaine, and marijuana. federal prosecutors call ii an abuse of authority. but richburgs defense attorneyy insists the charges are not what thhy seem. seee.. (4:25:41) "its kinda difficult for thee officers tooplay by the rrles when their opponent ii not.." (4:28:04) "whatever officer richborg engaged in, ff the ssreet and sometime it was ddsigned to please the department." 3a federal judge ordered richburg locked uppuntii trial. he faces more than &p30-years in prison if
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in northwest baltimorr, jeff abell, fox 45, neww late edition. the suspecc who shot two people saturday at a bar in odenton. .raynard boston is wanted ffr attempted murder.policeesay he opeeed fire on a bouncer at the my place bar aad lounge on aanapolis road.... another bar patron was also hht, bbt both survived. anyone with whereabbuts should call anne arundel county poliie. &pthey say murdered his wife. the suspect... darren &pruffin... s accused f pilling melissa davvs during an argument.police were called tt n apartment on east north avenue friday night... where they found davvs stabbee to death.court recoods show ruffin was arrested for before... nd waa released frommjail just hours before the murder. a.... police officer... assigned to protect... john leopold... saas... he drove... the... county executive... tt a bowling for... sex... with his mistress. that... was... just... one of... the allegations... hat camm out...
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during eopold's annnpolis../. leopold's... defense attorney... maiitaans... the county executive... did nothing illegal...///. meanwhile,... ... woman... who's... been watching... the criminal court proceedings./.. filed... her... áowná civil lawsuit... against leopoldd "yes i do and i think this ultimately the basis of my ts you will hear in this theme - testimony people do nottsay o leopold" so far... six pitnesses... have testified... annapolis.. 3jury seeection gets underway in the murder triaa for the man accused offkilling north carolina teen... phylicia barne. barnes. justtprior to jury selection beginning.... baltimore ciiy judge alfred nance listenee to arguments peetaining to what could be a &pcontainer ... prosecutors johnson used to hide the body
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jjhnssn's attorneyssargued today and the jjdge tentatively argeed... that the state should noo be allowed to of phylicia's size could fit in the 35 gallon container.. since johnson's arrest, his attorney has maintained... when michael johhson left the - apartment he once shared with 3the phylicia's haaf sister. 3whaa was indicated from phyliiia to him was that he accorddng to him she was almost dressed ann ready to go tell if she had on lippers or socks but dressed approiately as if ssh was going to leave out. laptop on her lap mmybe had her cell phone up. expecteddto be given on are thursday morning. sstte lawmakers... renew... their debate.../ over... banning... hand- held... cellphonns...'s... means... police... &p can... only... give tickets.../ if... you're... pulled over... for... áothhrá infractioos...// lawmakers...
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want... to make... using... primaryoffense../// hand-hell- (malone) "we have to make sure that we do not let people have the ceelphoons in their hands." hands."but... critics... ssy... textingg.. is much more dangerouu... here's... our... questiin of tte ddy...///.. should... talking on your cell-phone... while driving be a primary offenne. aad search fox bbltimmre and day. for our quession of the - 3 a baa day for merica's economy. more than... 190-miilion peeple... are... wittout jobs.../ &pand... looking. thiss.. according to... an... annual repprtt.. from... the... int'l... labor orranization...///. experts... say... unemployment ...will rise this yeaa.../ because... of... the lack of jobs... available...//. the shows... those... who have .damage... but a goooddaa to staat a new career at a maryland casino.
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underwayyin glen burniee.. aa 12-week course offered by anne marrland live casino added 12- hundreddnew jjbs after voterss approved expanded gambliig. employees will be table games dealers... ann the casino is paying for their training.the a bad day to ggt caught withoot a heavy coat. 3 the wind was whipping tonight privinn old air through anythinn but the thickest &pclothhs. as the sun wenn down, temperatures fell. and hearttest people off the streett in fells point. and the bad day continuess tonight in perry haal afttr a water main break. our friggd gushing water into a sheet of just before five tonnght. tte water ran through the neighboohood, eaving a thick payer of frozee crrstall wherrver it reached. 3 you... an see... from
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aae shot... at... loneestar houston exas. near... - texas. police say there were two shooters this afternoon. two &ppeoppe are in police custody ponight related to the phooting. witnesses say two armed men opened fire on each other afterr n argumenn and ended up hittinn bystanners. 3 "he had it hidden in his started shooting the ottee guy and accidennally shot another dude. ut he didn't mean to,
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guess he didn't mean to shoot the other dude but hh shot abouu 3 or 2 people." people." both ssooters aree in the hospital along with tte bystander who was hit. a everyyne is eepecttd to ssrvive. 3 a... maryland company... wants... to putt.. bulleeproof... white boards... in... classrooms... nati. newtown school massacre hardwire created a hite board that doubles as a bulletproof stoppinggthe slugs in this ard - after the cco donated 90 bulletproof boards to his children's school. the whiteeboard sells for three hundred dollars. another company wwnts to stop school shootings by filling classrooms with smoke. they say thier machine could fill a classroom in seconds with smoke ttat's fine to breathe for students bbt obscure ann human targets to until help can arriie. 3 3&&p "there were noofog, they could iterally shoot at aaybody aad aim at them... as they diddin newtown. if they
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extreme measures... to make &presidents... pick up after their ets...///. the &pcomplex... recently posted a notice...// telling residents... they needed... to provide... aa.. d-n-a sample... from theirrpet....// after thatt... if... any feces ... is found on the property, .../ it... will be checkeddfor d-n-a... and... the owner... will be hile... some owners... - aamit... the problem.... as... gooten pretty bad,.... say... the idea... is... doon right insane. 3halterman says: "i have no problem with it (the new aw) &pbecause i'm someone who pick up after my dog every time." //butt to//guyer says: "it's more funny that they ctuallyy did that and then it's scary wiih that idea. idea. panagement says so far,... thhy've only had.... one omplaiit... about the new policy..../ they also believe... doggie d-n-a &ptesting... is only oong to become... ore and more common. common sense... says...
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double up... on your.... pasteners.../ if... you're... hanging raftees....///a... high school wrestler... gets aken down... during a match .../ pbt... not by... another wrestler... wrestlerr..michael mccomish... / assuming the wrestting stance... on... his &phands and knees.. / when... a hhge... light... fixture .../ mccomish... walked away...///.. he... &pneeded... more than ...15- ssitcces.... on... is forehead ...and... the back offhisshead.../// 3 but he's expectee to be okaa. a wounded warrior finaaly gets his medal returned. the purple heart that was loot for seven decades. at honda, we know some people are never happy with the way things are. and are always dreaming of how they coube.
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smarter, simpler, how-on-earth-does-it-do-that... er. and they make it that way. because things can always be better. we like those people. they think like us. introducing the best civic sedan yet. made possible by honda. in like...2 minutes! [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it --
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most reliable internet. it took nearly but one worll war two veteran is finally reunited with his long losttmedal. medal. in ... 19-44... / george heephill was wounded... by a sniper... whileefighting overseas..../// he... mailed his... "purple heart"... home..../// but... it... nevee made to... "purple hearts... re-united" .../ hemphill's... medal... was... recently found... in an antique shop.
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ook perfyou, catherine! have we met? yeah, last week at the tax store i did your taxes. you work here too. yep. i thought you were an expert with returns? oh i am, especially after the holidays! major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no taxes experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. that's all for tte llte
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gilbert. here's bruce cunningham with sports unnimite. 3 3as beaver cleaver nce said to his older brother wally... there'sssomething wrong with euphoria of ust getting e there, thereremains a sobering dilemma: what to do about family members and frienddwho needdtickets, hotel rooms et ceeera..john harbaugh gave his players off tomorrrw, specifially to dealwith that... 3 while ray lewis s getttng most of the pre-super bowl attention, joe flacco just ay be the reason why tteyyre
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thhre...he has been ablaae in the post-season....n the thrre playoff games, flacco has thrown ffr over850 yards with 8 touchdowns and exxctly zero interceptions...he's gotten hot attexactly he right time, aad he sounds readdfor the 3port's biggest stage...- and as the ravens begin piners and the uper bowl,ray rice ii is &phis birthdaa...rice is 26 noww..a hree time pro bbwler, rice crammed an awful lot intt his first quarter just fibe years with the ravens,, ittle nummer 27rrnks second in franchise hhstooy in
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rushing yyrds and touchdowns.. heehas 33 of those, you know, to go with over 55 hundred 27-hunnreddmoreethru the air... iut's another uesday night, anddround here that means another edition of our prep player of the in it's third decade, it has honored the area's fnest high schholathletes since way back ii 1991...this week, we take county.. tooharfood county...- 3 p, that'll do it for this edition
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ofsports unlimited...thanks for joining us.i'm bc... and be sure to une in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starttng at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 , so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy?
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