tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 25, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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ploriia... leerrs a vaauable lesson... while on assignment...../ never... turn your back ...on pagoat. 3---nats of fall-------- "lindaa carson"... was at a state faii.../. working on a story about kids... that raise goats.../ when one of tte her ...and... knocked her to the grouud...///. thannfully... carson took... it well... andd.. &plaughed it off..../// sse... says... it didn'tt.. evennhurt. 3 heelo i'm jeff barnd...ffrst tonight.... breaking news...a man is dead ffer being shot by a poliie d baltimore...investigators...
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...after the man... fired a who... tried... to... question im... iivestigation. drug - "one officer then gave peveraa timms....suspect was killed.". - police say one officer suffered arm and shhulder with the suupect.he struggle - we've been foolowing aa developnig story tonight s well...a hooting at a light rail ssatioo in baltimore countyone person wws seriously purt... and police are ssill looking for the ggnman gunmanjanice park oins us live from the scene... janice... take us through what y toddyjefffas each houu passes ww learn new informatton.what we knnw that one man for 3 hours!ting down the stop -
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the shooting happend around 4:15 this afternoon...stunning riders at this busy light rail station.police spread out around the station...looking for theeshooter....s the victtm waa sent to shhck traama.for hours...passengers buses...while otters wwre turned away.the mta insists the light rail is safe...ann says therr hasnnt been any receett problems: 3"the mta got a call ffom the police asking us to suspend us to ssrvice at the police asking uu too"the mtaagot a call from "the mta goo a call from the pooice askinggus to suspenddus to service at the lutherville statiinnwe obvioosly complied" complied""the face that there was aashooting is retty terrifying actually because it's supposed to be safe transportation" the vvctim was sent to shock word yet on his in lutheevvlle, jp fox455news late edition. p fast moving snow storm hit altimore at just tonightthe snow hit durinn the
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eeeniig russ you can see it cameedown ard at times. even ttough it onny left an inch.. of snow in ssme places....t slowed traffic for hours here's a live look at tte roads through our mobil track right now...photoggapher todd stewart is traveling through seeeat least in this - neighborrhod...there'' still snow on mmay of the treets.. po what wiil the wwather be gracey joins us noo with your forecast... emilyr skyyaath - emily whenever ... theee's... big baltimore../.our...
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"news on the go" subscribers... are... tte... first to kkow....//.... sign up... for... text alerts to get the lateet on school closingsstext "w---f-f"...too.. 45-203... or com ...and... click on.... "mobile"...on... the... upper ...right haad corner ...of... on... your smartphone...//.. your store.../and... enter "w-b-f- f" downloaa it. news.../for... the latest ning
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porecast.../...and... any... trouble...//get... thatt information... on the foxx5 news ticker...///. fox45 morning news weekends... tomoorow at a-m 3&every spped camera inn repalcee. that's because many have been churninn out tickets to drivvrs...issued tickets by mistake...will get a refund. reviewing couutless other tickktssffom five, faulty cameras. (anderson) i thhnk the ccty &pgetssit thht this thing's got to e full proof and almmst perrect because it involves peeple's monee." money." city.... trrnsportatton... double... the... number off.. police ooficers...// reviewing... that briigs us to our qqestion of the dayydo yoo shoold facc penalties for es most ffyou say thh companies ssould face enalties for their mistakesjoin the
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faceeook dot com ssash fox- baltimore 3 for... two....ravens players.../super... bowl... hooecoming...//. ed... 3 reed... and... jjcoob jones... are... both... from louisiana../.jaccoy... &pjooes.../ a....native... adsit... has ooe, morggn. morgan.eddreed ssill can't phiie most playerssdrramed of playing ii the n-f-l....he dreamed of playing in a super bowl in his hometown... new &porleans. after the rravns beat thh patriots ssndayyin thh a-f-- champiooship....ones keet pelling... 5-00--... 5-oh-4... his city's area codee.jooes has come a long way in one season with the ravens...the moos dangerous return man in and he'ssa mmjor reason why the raveen are heading to new orleans...nnt bad for a guu cuu by the teexns... or his makes the endzone... he has a special dance for his ome
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into ooe bad thing about playing in he super owl in pis hometown... new family members he's picked up thhoogh ppone calls and text esssges. phen ozzie newsome plann to talk abbut a nnw contract forrjoe flacco.... and the o's sign a starter... later in sports unlimited. you can ccunt on fox45 for live coverage of supee bowl 47. sportssdirector bruce cunninghaa ill beein new ravens assthey make one last h stop before bringing home te one person injured a house started about - 30 this afteenoon... on nnrth was rescued off oo his bbck porch... crews ccntaaned the fire in around tee minutes,
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and the slick snow made t a iq: i'vv neverrbeen thaa lose oq: despite the cold fire is under investigation ballimore ity will havv to pay alf a million dollars... ...for olice officers... accused of idnapping a paltimore teenager. teenager.15-year-old michael policeein 2009 n west y balttmore, tten dropped off in howard county without hhs and....greg... helen...///weree accused offthe kidnapppng. three officers were found - guilty of was a &ptrrallbaltimooeecity state's attorney gregg bernstein personally prooecuted. 3 convicted... chill rapist john under... an... ison.../ appeall court ruling ...thht reversed a ácooldá... have... set im ffee. school teacher ...was tholic - sentenccd to life in prison... for raaing... onn of hiss
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students the cattolic community sccool '70s....//aa.. federal judge... recently found ...that erzbacher shoull have been offered a plea deal .../ that... his attorneys thaa... ácouldá... hhvv / 3 appeals ccurtt.. reversed ttat...// new mystery surrounding the disappearance and deatt of former d.c nnern chaadra levy. levy disappeared in two remains weee found the next year n aapark innwashington. ingmar guandique- an illeggl immigrant... was charged and convicted of hhr murder inntwo thousand and ten but now...ffderal prosecutors and defense awyers have appareetly been holding secree peetingg regaaring ingmar guandique--. there is the ccse innolvvng a prosecutioo witness.... levy'' parenns say ttey've been kept in he dark about thhse new developments.. . . that are significant appeal on hold. andique's & 33 it was a bad ayyfor people on
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lightnnng.......and yyu can t.-3 see the sparks ly by one windowthe flight from istanbul, crrying 114 people,, was preparing to lann in iimir when the lighting it.the pilot turned on thh mottr'' own fire extinguishhr, deelarrd an eeergency and was abll to land safeey.turkish airlines sayssno one aa hurt. it was a very bad andd frightening day or a toddler in new hampshire. that long line... is a pencil... in the toddlers head. littll olivia smith fell onto the pencii...and abbut 5 head. "i thought the pencil brrke or something because i thoughh there was no way that whole pencil is through her head." head." thii bad day... turnee into a very good day.she was taken to boston children's hospital... where they tooo out the pencil...withouu doonn any
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won a 2nd term......and arned - ggp leaders from around the -c elections again...... they muss update both message & apprh pprooccpriebus haa identified 2 major priorities--improve the gopps diiittl and ground campaign and conneet wiih minorities 2012 exit polls showwe demoorats won 93% of plack votes, 71% offthe hhspanic votessand 73% of asian votes.
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priebus says: "i thhnk you lose more voters by ttne, treetmmnt, dignity, respecc, how you communiiate. look, a couple idiotic comments from a couple candddates can haage &t party is seen." seen." increesinglyy the r-n-- is tryi from washington to the states for leadership. 3 josh sommer says: "then by the een of the time, my wholl table was "then by tte end of the josh sommer ayss 3 3&leaaership. 3
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him...after the break 3&a....florida there are over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee that have earned the "keurig brewed" seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed -- look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality.
11:21 pm
11:22 pm
i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee. plus, get a $200 verizon visa pre-paid card. verizon. verizon visa pre-paid card. teachhr... is suspended ... over a bizzrre teaching joss sommer ays... hii sixth
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grade teacher... annaagarrett ...asked her students to review teirr pelling errors... on... preeious testt....// they....had to race the words out ...withh their fingers - on a piece... of.. ásandpaper,,á...//.. josh says... his fingers started to bleed... around phe... 125th lettee..../ he... went home... aad... ttld hissmother.., who was ootraged... josh soomer says: "i didn't teacher."darleana sommer says: "makes me sick to my tomach. it's hurtful." huutful." although... this technique has been used in some never use... áheavy-dutyá sandpaper, .... like... this cass. a... fllrida man... is -- legal. it's... perfectly le. 22-year-old... andre luxury --- / a... 5 bedroom mansion... worth ... 2.5--- ptanks... o... an... obscure... florida eal estate law... caaled... "adverse &pfree....///he law... allows
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empty home... and... claim the title...///.in ...this casea& bank of americaaowns it../ . and... no one ...saw him... brrakinn into say... thhe're hands are tiee...//. neighbors are... áfitá o bb tied "that's horrible.. i'd likk to to//"walking into a house is crazy... and the point of not neighbors say the lights in the home went on ...rrghh aftee christmas...// been liiinggthere... ever 33 ozzie newsome [ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios
11:26 pm
[ male announcer #2 ] cable can't touch fios upload speeds. it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer #1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement. plus $300 back. don't miss this last chance. our 100% fiber-optic network can deliver america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet -- with no caps on usage. switch now with this great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- plus, get $300 back. or get this great price with no annual contract. last chance, this deal ends february 2. visit that's once you've got fios, you get it. and according to pc mag... [ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it.
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and styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it -- the powerful difference 100% fiber optics really makes. i got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. it was kind of mind-blowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. get internet and phone for just $94.99 a month when you sign up online with a two-year price guarantee.
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plus, get a $200 verizon visa pre-paid card. verizon. adsit joins us now with sports unlimited... morrab? the ravves... and this super bowl boundd eam...are nothing withouu general manager ozzie . newsomm.ozzie rrfted these players... and signee others innfrre agency. and what a straight in the playoffs with at least a win....back to back a-f-c chammionship games...and finallyya win thhs season.he &pseassn... and has a chance to win another for baltimorr in justtover a week..ozzii madd it very clear today... that's his retiremeet... not nextt season... ann not what to do
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with joe lacco... who's prrority nuuber one, ccntract pise. the ravens can thank ffrmmr oofensiie coordinator cam 3 cameron for their january playoff said everyone... from the front office... down to the practice he's done after this seasonn.. was motivation for the team and getting tt the super bbwl.. pameron was easy...he's been a friend of john harbauuh's for years...but coach knew it was years...ime for a change... and supported it. on wednesday, tom brady got fined for this slide
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against ee reed...tonightt bernard pollard hit in the wallet for hisstaakle on wes welker...155-tousand 250 doolars...bradyyonly tagged for 10 grand...pollard said earller n the week that brady jab at rred... a rare signing by the orioles...the birds added another starting pitcher... risk....high rrward category... hander jigh-air jurrrjens to a 1-year...1-point-5 million the majors....he went 3 and 4 wwth a 6-89 e-r-a in 10 ssarts pith the bravvs...however, he pas an ll-star in 2011 and has a career 3-62 e-r-aaand is had interest in jurr-jens before last season...but were
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unwilling to trade adam jones... smarttmove. jimmy patsos and loyola in manhattanntaking on the jaspers....1st hall...hounds up 8...aathony winbush back door cut..high percentage shot...loyyla up 2 at halftime....2nd half...they''e ccanges thaa...3 of his 8 points...greyhouuds back ii front....later...erik ethhrly drives... mmsses...puts back his wn shot...loyola up 7.... 8 minutes later..olson frrm the top of the 2nd 3...greyhounds by 9...they beat the jaspers 51-41 for &ptheir 3rd straight win. that's all or sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsit...
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