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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  January 28, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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3 helloo... i'' jeff barnd. barnd. 3 and i'' jenniferrgilbertt another day offtestimony in - the phylicia baanes murder 3 3 today, jurors watched a video of the teen... drunk and ... naked.../ touching the an now acccsed po killinn her.crime andd justice reporter joy lepola... was in the courttoom as prosecutors used the video to &pestabllsh a motive... 3 here's a look at 16 year old phyliiia barnes. it's a teen sinceeher disaapearance and murder. onight... jurors &ppave a different áimaaeá of - thhishonor oll student. aad, it is notas flatterrng s this -one.((bring ii video))today, & deena barres testified how tte teen on occasion would ie aad - aa times manipulate peooll to gee what sse wwnted. thereewas also testimony about ... the teen sneaking o ballimore when she was supposed to be in virginia attending a college proggam.then came the sex video, inwhiih jurors saw & phylicia drunkk naked and -3 being kissed on byyone of -- suspected killer michael johnson'ssbrothers.whhle members of thh jury could see - thh
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video... the televvsion was turned to keep others in & the courtroom froo viewing ii. jurors also heard how johnson made a pass at phylicia that 3 that... johnson's defeese team maintains proves heir client's guilt.sot frrm p-phylicii barnes pkg should be in ffiday bin or thursday. they keep coming up emptybutt biiehe''sstated on the onset - that i've had nothing to doo &pwith her disappearance.when the state asked deena why she - gave phyliciaaalloool and allowed her to make the video, peena testified ... there was nooreason. we also heard ... how johnson... was hhrd to reach the day phylicia went missing. the sttte as at - least 7 binders abbut this thick filled with phone records anddtext meesages from 3 well as michael johnson... all enterrd as evideece as the &pstaae triee to provethat mmchael johnson did kill phylicia barness joy lepola fox 45 news laae edition. 3 3 we're following breaking ews in southwest baltimore where aa pan has been shot by police..
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thhre was a large crime scene when weearrrved t the scene about seven clock tonighh... 3question a man near edmondson cooperate anddjjmped into his 3 "suspecttput he vehicle in drive and dorve toward police....police pulled service weapons fired muliple rounds... 3 longwood....police able to & atch up with him" him"police say the suspect ii in serious condition. homicidd -3 detectivvssand officers from suspect ad a weaponn asking for your help fiihting bacc......after a shooting at the lutherville lite raii stop on friday friddy & officers searched the area of the shooter.harold blandoo junior wws shot twicc as he was waittng for the train to take him home from wwrk. blandon was convicttd of
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attemmttd first degree murder in 2001.......and sentenced to 30 years in jail... with 6 trying to ffgure out if he was &ptargeted.anyone with &pinforration is askkd to call police 3 fox45 has teamed up with the most populaa crimeemapping 3 "spotcriie" tracks criminal activity in your neighborhhod.3 crime happens.sigg up by goingg to our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "spottrime" in the "hot - topics" section at the top of -tte screen 3 a baltimore police detective - is honored for her role in a heartbreaking case of elderly aause. abuse. 3 in-home aid worker anastassa beating a 90-year-oll man.the suspect was arrested, but while she was outton bondd she -3 fled to her hommland in keeya. & detective julii pitocccelli, years... and was eventtally able to get the suspect -3 extradited ack to baltimore tooface punishment. she as honored by state lawmakers - tonight,,
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oo bringiig justice to the victim's amily. 3 "well the tape is what did it 3 po get herrback." 3 this case was so unique from because it was he first time &pphat a suspect had bben extradited from overseas. 3 delegate attie harrisoo, thh -&plongest-serving current member &ppf the house of deleggtes, died this eveninn at the age of 84. &p3 harrison, a emocrat whoo represeettd ast baltimore's - 45th district, was the first africaa-americannwoman to in maryland.delegate harrison pad beee in hospice for some o'cloccktonight. a moment of silencc was held in her memoryy seesion. 3 a ity lawmaker is pushing to &pmake panhandllng on baltimore 3 3 city council woman "rikki" spector is introducing legislation that would make it illegal to solicit while
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standing on a roadway, lane says the itt, unliiee ordinance that ives police precise direction in ealing & with the issue. p3& (spector) "some of the panhandlers are so agreesive - and what'ssreally a thrraa is - thht thhy couud get hurt because ttey get in between the cars. aaddwe need to be able tooknow that it's safe, & aa well as the drivee." driier." 3 spector introduced the -3 prrposed ordinnnce at tonight's city coonccl meeting. she sayy, so far, she's faced no real oopoostion from -3 colleagues.... but admits the mmasure has a long waa to go.. &pbefore it's up for a vvte. 3 3 when it comes to raaens fans 3 them ddwn. 3 &pravens.> 3&p a... sea... of... blaak 3 ravees todayy--/ as... fans... filled the inner -3 harbor amphitheater.../
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sending off... their favorite team... in style.../one by one... coachee nd playerr tookkthe stage... rrvinggup phe croww for a super bowl victory. 3 check out the entiie rally forr the ravens... from tart to finish by oing to our website... oxxbaltimore dot com... and click on "raw newss" 3 ...the ravens haae landed in new orleans....ith six days to spare before super bool 44. 47. thht's... whereewe find... fox45... sportssdirector bruce cunniigham....///liie... in... thh big easy... with &pmorr n the arrival...//.hey bruce..-
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3 "nah, buu t's een a great joorney or me. i just hadda lot in my liie. i staated years old. i actually got to - waach ray lewis win a super bowl, so know i get to play & with him. i think that's &pprrtty cool wwen you put it all in perspective."
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3 that brings uu to our question -3 of the day.what do ou think will avv hh bigggsttimpact in the suuer bowl... speccal teems? -& 33 here's aalook at ouu facebook 3 got at least a few votes... ...but most of you say the -3 defense will have the biggeet impact on the game...join the discussion by going to facebbok dot com slash fox- bbltimore 3 we ave you covered on our &pwebsite.... all the way leading up to supee bowl -3 dottcoo nd lick on the the top of the screen. you'll see interviews with the players... stories on the &pravens super bowl run.. and related sites. yyo can also click on "harbaugh versus - dediiated to supee bowl 47. it has all the inffrmation leading p to this - started by going to fox baltimore ot com..--3 3 toss o vytas
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p, 3 3 3
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3 more than 200 people are dead & after a fire inside a crowwed & ittssarted... 3 rubii says: "we haveeto be sure we dont do annthiig thha 3 illegglly in tte future." futtre." sweeping immigration reform... the plannagreed on y both - 3&pfirst a monkey.the country one step closer to
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hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
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3 mourners... crowd... the streets... of... southern brazil.../ . in... -p the first....of whatt...will likely be.... of hundreds of funeral &processions following aa eadly fire. 3 this the scene early ssnday morning... when a ffre inside kiss nightclub..... killed 231 people. more than 120 others are in the hospital... most in critical condition. investigators believe it was started by a band'ss pyrotechnic show.ffur people - two club ownerr and two band
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a state ireeooficiall ays around tww-thousand pprtyy goerr were inside at the time -- double the clubbs mmximmm 3 that te lub's liccnse was expired, but theiirattorneys deny thht claimm. 3 a grrop of biparttsan 3 sweeping mmigration reform. reform. under the agreement of & principles oulined by -3 republicann- there is a ath - to citizenship for the alreaay ii the u.s. the announcement iss change of tone from some republicans whoo have ssggeeted it's amnesty. 3 mccain says: "let's create a systemmto brrng them forward, allow them to ssttle their & debt tt society and fulfill -3the necessaay requirrments." 3 & 3 the plan includes four kky provisions.... bolstering border security.revampinggthe current legal immigration pyytem, by, amoog ooher thhngss attaching green cards to advanced degrees in technology.penalizing & employers
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who hire undocumenned workers.and & creating a guest worker - program for jjbs that ameriians are unable or unwilling to fiil. the lawmakers hope the bill will pass the senatt by late spring or summer. then it'' on to the mooe ccnservative house. & 3&pthe boy couts of americaa pould be changinn its stance on gay members. 3 3 the organization is &pconnideringgremooing the current restrictionn on sexual orientation foo bott scouts and cout leaders..he new policy would leave it up to - local scout troups and comessafter years of pationwide protests over their no-gays oliiy. in & two-thousand, the supreme couut uuheld their ban.a & decision on the matter could come s early as next week.. 3 irrnns defense mmnister says his country has taken a big - step ttwards sending astronauts in space by 020. successsully launchedda monkey intoosub-orbitallfliiht. there ii o eport of time or location of he laanch, but 3 make it back to earth safelly
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who haveeflown nimals nto space...the u-s, russia, france, china nd japan. 3 a rainy day... ut a dramatic 3 3-& 3 lett check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid.
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3 11-20"with officers aii off 3 911 ann wwiting is no longer your best opttonn" optiin."a sheriff under fire &pfoo a public ervice announcement.his conttoverrial message to rrsiidnts. & 3 and a womaa waals diiectlyy into a cold canal.... the reason she was so distraated when it happeeed.
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at honda we know some people are never happy with the way things are. and are always dreaming of how they could be. smarter, simpler, how-on-earth-does-it-do-that... er. and they make it that way. because things can always be better. we like those people. they think like us. introducing the best civic sedan yet. made possible by honda.
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3 48-percent... of... college - grads... in the u-s... are jobsthht'' from a study... & releesed toddy... by the -3¢er for college... & the findings point to a - growing disconnect between
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&pwhat employers need and the &pkiid of graduates flooding the this as a trenn ... prediiting the underemployment ppoblem is going to gee oose in the future. 3 3 a sheriff in wisconsin... is unddr fire tooight for what soom are calling controveesial publlc service announcement..-& nnouncement.26-37"youucan eg for mercy froo a viooent crimmnal, hide under the bed, you preppred? consider taking a ceerified safett course in hhndling firearm so you can deeend yourself until we get there." there."this is the blunt p-s-a david clarke ... that's sparking a lot of debate.he's encouraging residents to defend themselves... by learning how toouse a firearr. milwaukee'ssmayor referred to the aa as fear mongering.""- 3 41-55"what was moot diiturbing to me, is if there's an emergency. i want people to caall911. and to have the sheriff put out what i coosider a public disssrvice announcement discouraging people from calling 911, it's just wrongg"
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wrong."whiil ome worrr tte pheriff's ad wiil lead toomore ggn violence....others say he ii just calling attention tt the lack oo officers and police response time..- 33&p taco bell is pullinggone of its t-v ads....after receiving complaints that it diicouraggd people from eating vvgetables. the commeecialltoutedda &ptwelve-pack of tacos, with a voiceover sayyng thaa ringing - aavegetable tray to a paaty s "like unting on fourth and 3 hate guestt who brinn vegetables to arties.common sense wouud tell yoo adults -3&pcan make their oww dcisions about what to eatt but a heallh advooaccygroup &pcame after thh chaiin... and taco bell quickky made the decision to pull iit.. saying they dddn't want anyone to misinterpret the ad's iiteet. 3 aad common sense would tell you... to put down tte cell phone and focusson waaking... take a ook at this & surveillancc video.... see the stairs at the top of your 3 she walks down those steps....
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and straaght into a freeziin &pcold canal. minutes later the woman was even took to twitter to joke - 3- 3- & 33 sea foam takes overrstreets ... and blocks raffic ... &pwwat caused this bubbly mess - & 3
11:24 pm
[ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like...2 minutes! [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me
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3 get thhs... after a week of torrrntial rains and massive 3 qqeennllnd coast is covered in sea oammit'ssthe remnants f cyclone oswald... a deadly - tropical stoom that hurned up the tide into a bbbbly mess. in some areas, theefoam iss - waist high.... coating entire roads anddblocking traffic. &&p
11:27 pm
3 bruce cunningham live from new orreans on what the inner harbor seedoff meant to the in spoots unlimited... the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at
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i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me abo the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. last chance to get fios for just $89.99 a month for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. plus get $300 back. visit for america's fastest, most reliable internet. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
11:29 pm
that'll do ii foo the latee editionn i'm eff arnd. 3 and i'm jennifer ilbert, p next s morgan adsitt ith sports nlimittd. 3 3 -3 3 p3 both ttams have offiiiilly arrived in new orleans.nowwall we have o do...wait six more days for uper bowl 47. 47.sports director brrce cunningham joins us live in phe big asy...bruce it was a -3 sendoff partt downtown in thee inner harbor for the raaens... how's life treating them in
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new orreans? 3 vo roll cue: ""wesome send-off" sot oll cue: "fans' enthusiasm" 3 3 3 p,
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3 it'' a challenge to evee get to the super bowl as a have it as your lass ggme...unreal. seasons... ill eed his career 3 hopefflly a 2-time super bowl champ..this is foo sure is
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llwis say those words, like a hard for eeeryone to understann... he's been around so long...anddis playing - three playoff gamess.but everyone... listennup... ray will etire around 10 p-mm.. sunday, february 3rd. &p 3 according to an interview prvens safeey beenard polllrd gave to c-b-s sporrs...the future of the n-f-- doesn't &&plook great..ppllard says he ttinks the league won'' existt ii 30 years...because league & ules are mmking he ame -3 soft....nd fans don't likeeit.. they wann to make the game safer because of concussions... but teems and coaches demand bigger, stronger and fastee's catch 22.
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3 that's all for spoots unlimited...i'm morgan adsit... thanks for atching, have a great night. night. &p 3
11:34 pm
i can't believe the yankees really fired me. aw, you had a good run. took them to the world series. i gotta give the pla


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