tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX January 29, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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3 &p3 thii mmrning... the phylica baanes murder trial will comes aftee a video wws & eleesed in court yesterddy... &pshowingga druuk aad naked phylicia bbrnes... touching her.meggn gilliland is liie from the mitchell courthouuee downttwn wwthhmore on hy prosecutors are using the video to eetablish why shh was killedd 3&&pgood morning guys,the state 3 point in the case... revealing - a posssble motive to why 33 killld phlyica bbrnes. was aa20 minutt videoo... ecorded deena barne's phonee.. phylicia's & half sister.suspected killee jjhhson... anddone o johnsoo'ssteenaged brothers -3 were both in ii.juroos also heard how johnssn maaeeaapasss aa phylicia that same nighttit
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waa a rrality... that angered phylicia's mother... who -had to say in 2010 whee phylicia went missing. 3 she is not telling verytting she knows she didn't even tell 3 trafficgoing innand out of her apartment drug and alcohol activity. activity..hen the statt asked deena whyyshe gave phylicia alcohol and aalowed her to make the video... deena & rasoo.the state has at least 7 inderssfilled wth phone records and text messaggs from johnson's ... all entered as evidence as the state triessto & proveettat ohnson did kill phylicia. eealss hard testimonyythht indicated johnson knnw immediitedll he'd be a uupect... because hh was the last erson to see phylicia alive. johnson's efense team mainttins thaa noneeof that... proves theii client's guilt. stay witt uu as this rial
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3 gillilanddfox45 orniig neess police shoot a man in -&psouthwest baltimmre. baltimore.there was a larre crime sccne whhn oor cameras arrived attthe scene aaound say officcrs tried tt questton a an neer edmondson avenue and hilton street but the man did not cooperate and jjmped & into his car instead... and tried to run over officers. &p3 "suspeet put the vehicle in drive and dorre toward pooiie....police pulled ssrviieeweapons firrd muliple - rounds... longwood....police 3 him" 3 police ssy the uspect issin serious conditton this morning. homicide detectives nd officers from the souuhwest district are investigating and -3 so far there's no evidence the suspect haa a weapon. 3&& nne arundel county police chaage ttreeepeople after ddscovering aman's body in glen burnie.eric baaks is facinggfirst degree murddr
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charges... while áericaá bankk pnd tremain calhoun have been charred with possession of aa haadgun.police got a noose complaiit sunday.. and headed to a wooded area ff f marley neck boulevard.when hey went to tte scene... officers found two suspicious vehicles and saw one of the sussects walking out of the woods. and the victim wwrr long-time acquainttnces nd had bben 3& dispute. 3 thhusands of peoppe attenddd a public hearrng for a bipartisan anti--un task force in connecticut. connecticut. ttis is the econddof three hharingg lawmakers are olding. - they aaee cnsidering a pegiilation that would limitt large magazines to ten rounds from thirty....and ban certainn types of mmuuitionn -3 pparents of victims of saady hook lso spokk oot... bringing pictures of their change "i eed to chaanel this into acttonnffr theegreater ood -3 -that there be ome meaaure of -3 something pooittve that came outtof this." lawmakers are on board. some say their states
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3 after the sandy hook school has been boomiig at gun stores.....ann so has backgrouud checcss & daas for gun background hecks of the newtown tragedy.. the trend continues into this yeer. over the last 6-weeks....backgroundd checks ave reached the many gun bbyers are ptocking up on semiiautomatic magaainnss experrs say background checcs are considered theemost reliabbe waa to track gun sales. 3 members of a grand jury make about the jonbenet amseyyccss. case.the sii year oll girr was found deaa in the basemenn off -3& per parents' colorado ome in several jurors say the ggand jury voted to innict the ramseyy on charges of child abuse resslting in death. despite the recommendation.. -3 the district attorney decided not toofile charges and refused to sign the indictmeet. in 2008... -n-a eeidence cleared ramsey's parents f any rongdding. 3 it's a little harder - to ake a athroommbreakkat
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-3 oneeppnnsylvania hhgh school. that's because the principal removed the "toilet paper". paper". admiiissrators -3 removee toilet paper from the boys baahrooms beccuse they rolls of it in the toilet....streaming it over the floor....even urinntiig on - the floor. now studeets - are forced to sign out a roll from the front office whenever - p3 "" think it's assffr as you can possibly take it as far as the toilet ppper but it doesn't make much sense o me." //butt too//are you kidddng me what the heck thaa's crazyy. parentssresponsible for the children thaa dii the vaaddliim?" vandalism?" the principallsays iis been a problee for 2-years. & nd students have caused thousands of dollars in damages. 3 p ww all know it's - super bowl week. nd tte ppessure is on or more than just the two ttams
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&p3 he "minnesota wincraft" is feeling the thh company is onna tight deadline to crank out super bowllmmrchandise for the pwnning team. now since the winner won't be &pknownnuntil sunday night....the ccmpany is making &pmerchandise forrbooh teams. 3 "the retailees want everything in stores by thursday to ppepaar or thh following weekend. for the winning -3 maaket, they'll want somee & thinns in earlier than that for the parade." & paradd." all --3& merchandise maae for the &p - 3&&pcoming up on theeearly edition... a teenager ights wins.the big name bbverage maker that's alterinn one of
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3 commng up... baltimooe rallies ravens.whht the special send off at the inner harbor meant 3 3 "i didn't eepect all the ptteetioo to be brought to it. but i'' definitell grateful for it." it."switthing up he &pingreeienns... that go into -3&pgatorade.the healtt concerns phht caused a eenage girr... to petition for chhnge. - ((break 2))
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3 3 gattrade is tweaking its formula a bbt tooremooe a of its flavors. it ccmes saaeey offthe ccemicaa..lsa &psyyvesser introouces us to tte teen who started a petition to have the ingredienttremoved. 3 3 sarrh kavannghhis a polleyball player ann a elf- described gatorrdd lover. buu affer reading up on the ingredients, she dumpee out the rest of the bottle she was -3 in tte middle of drrnking. & then, she launcced an onllnee -3 petition, askinn the company to drop one of the additives. "the gatorade ccmpaay in the u.k. doesn'ttuse it. thhy don't thinn it's necessary. ss, obviously, we can make the same product without this pngredient."the substanceeis called -v-o-- brominated & eeettble ool. it keeps the pngreddents from ssparattng. ffoddsafeey activvsts point europe, and has also been patennee by cceeical companies as a flame retardant,
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accordiig to scientific american."a ccuple of ssudiess -3 have been done. and one of ttem, done on nimals, ound that it caussd behavioral problems, where tte aniials behavee difffrently on these lab tests..those animaa ttsts were at higher doses. the food & and drug administration oday re-iterated, aa thh levels usedd b-v-o is safe and &ppreseets no health risks... -3 based on sseeral long-term in a sttttment quotee wwile pur products are safee we are making tths change because we 3 a negative perception of bvv in gatorade,despite being permitteddfor use in north pmerican and latin american -3 countries."gatorade says,over the neet seeeral months,,it will switch to an alternative iigredient, but these proouctss also ontain bbo..the makers sayyttattthe products are saff, clearly laaeled and approved by the fda."itts just the atess battleground for food safety accivists. the use of bbp-a in plastic bottles... and
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starbucks stopped using ground-up bug powder for coloringg tarbucks smoothies. social media has given consumee advocates anotterr pressurr poiit o get government scientists."you pave the ability tt reach out to all differenttkinds of ploggers and social networkk, to carry the message."gatorade says whiie consumerrconcern proopteddits change, it hadd alreadd compleeed extensivee before the petition. either 3 forward to soon having eer 3&ppidn't expect all the attention to be brought to itt bbt i'm definitely graaeful for ii." 3& kavanagh's petition haa reacchd 200-thousaad signatures by the time & gatoradeemade its aannuncement on friday. 3 coming p in our 6 o'clock -hour... a aae operation... successfflly performed by hopkins.the douule transplant one army veteran eceived. 3 ray's last ride... ending late sunday night.number 52 talkss about how it have
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