tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 29, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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p0 whoppee juniors, paid or by te famill..../ -3 kime... had it... his way. 3 -3 3 welccme to the late ediiion, i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert.. and i'm jeff aannd stirring up ccntroversy... ii the middle of... ray's llat ridd..- ridd. they claim he superstar linebacker used bbnned substances to speed hhs -3 returr fom a triceps tear tths ssason. attm and t bank stadium wheree lewis returred from his injury innthe playoof game aaainss deer veevet whicc produces the banned substance has beee used - centuriee.......and wwile 3lewis says its all a lie.... -3 //taae vo// & 3 //take vo// the velvet
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hormmon as wwll as testosterone......both substancee banned by thh - of a program provvdde y pports ith alternatives to steroids.... the owner lams injury rehab during reguuar session....he proviidd the products for free....inn return....lewis would have to telllthhetruth.... p3 (37:07)i've bben in this business 17 yeaas.........tell him to 3 sommbody else.... &p weespoke with a sports mmdicine doctor tooaaywho says a numberrof studies have been - done on the deer velvet and it
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3 pockett.... &phas ever failed a drug test... 3 that brinns us to our questton of the day.what do you think - pbout the accusation that ray pewis used a banned substance & po help rrcover from a injjry? p3 cynthha writes, quote ray ssid it best, don't even entertain & sttpiddyy lettus know whht - faceeooo and look for our 3 3&p nd coming up in sportss unlimited, we'll talk with the & pwner and founderrof thh company at the ccnterrof the - controveesy. hh reason hh says hisssuppllments are the future oo sportss 3&p lewis nd theeravens arr & pushing past the controversy and focusing onnthe forty niners. latest. 3 &p3 3 3 p,
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3& porrmost peeple whh live in baltimore, oing to the super bowl would be a dream come 3 on e-baa? &pbay?wayne rrth sayy ittisn't & po turn aaprofit--it's tt give baak toothoss whooneee it most. ruth ut the tickets oo asking for a totaa f 3 &pthoussnd 5 hundred dollars.aall proceeds wwil go to sarah'ss hope--an emergenny shelter in 3 women anndchildree.ruth iisa being able to present the organnzation with a chhckk would mean more to himm hhnn 3 new orllens. 3
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thh supee bowl' but then e ttought weehave these great friends- all volunteees, all - just wonnerful ppople and we're ccoseeto sarah's hopp that- yes it was an eesy &pdecissin in the end.> end.>the tickets are p for bid--and a winnerrwwll be announced thuussay. 3& we havv youuccvered on our websste... all the ay leeaing up to ssper bowl sunday.heeddto fox baltimooe 3 "raa's llsttriie" banner at -3& phe top of the'll see iiteevieww with the players... stories on the ravensssuper bowl run.. ann links o other super bowl - relattd can aass click on "arbaugh ersus harbauuh" to ind a paae started by going to fox baltiiore dot com. 3 aaothhr police invvlved shhooing toniiht, the third -&&ptime in five days.. ddys. heeshootiig & happened just beforee7 o'clock seville avenue ii park hhiggts. investigators say offiiers werr aaready working - the arra ecause of a few recenn violent crimes.. when -3 phey heard gunfire. &pooficers then spotted a man -walkiig
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down the street hhlding a gun. police confronted him...then - exchanged unniree.. hitting 3 hii upper body. body. 3 dept. ccmm..skinner) ""ou havv toolook at each circumstanne individually. and clearlyytheee officers viollnt crime occuring. ttey're doinggexactly what we aas them to do. they'rr -&pengagiig realll vvolenn offendersswitt guns oot in the cirrumstances from his weekend is ery, very similarr to that." phat." o officerr were hurt. eantime he suspect s at sinna hoositall with what police are allinn &pnonn-iif threaaeninn injuries. 3 a nine month oll baby girl wassmurddred ii joppa today and her 19 ear old mother is in critical condition tonighh chaaged wth -3 the crime. harford county sheriff's deepties on't say hhwwtheebaby iid but did say the mother slit her wriits after killing the baby in their home on scannell court. the invessigation into the 3 3 anneearuudellcounty eeecutive
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3 misconduct ii office. office.judge dennis sweeney convictedleopold of two -33&ppounts...for usinghis police security detail...topprform all kindssof personaland pplitical chores.they incllue siins...and even havingthem.... &&p and an assistant... empty his caaheter bag. a woman who & pnce woored for leeoold...and pas now filee a civil him...rracts tt the guilty vvrdictt 3 (haaner) "i would ventuue to ssy.....remove 3 this man." man." 3 a sentencinggdate has not yet - been setfor leopold.the penalty for misconduct in offfceis at the discrreion f thh judge. baltimooe county leaderssare schools safer.../ . but it 3&tag.../// and... it's notta "cureeall"...//- all".../disccssions
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abbut imppoving sscurityy egan back after the nonnfatal shooting at erry hall high school. noww.. educators and poliie are unveiling a lan they hope wiil makk chhols much afee. &they're skkng for 3-point-7 million dollars wwrth of nnw technology - iicludinggcameras andda better ntty syssemmaal theenew caaeras - willlstream livv video feeds intoothe 3 cars.ttachers --willlnot be & rmed with guns... but they - will undergo some pooicc-stylee trainnng to better responndin --3 pmergencies. p3 p "it's absoluuely essential ttat our eduuators and --3&padministrators know what to do in the event of a crisis.... 3 childree thhy are charged with."> &pwith."> p3 thee're also considdring officers n the ffuure. 3 3 a great ddyyas uus army -3 veterann...annd quadrupleá &pamputee...has two ew armss
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noww,thanks to johns hopkins ssrgeonss surgeonsssergeann breendnn & aamriccn to uudergg a double of itt kind at johns hopkiis..- parrooco was huut in iraa ffur 3 lookiig forward to driving his carraaainn.. but not without pnttnseetherapy firss..-p3 sgt. brandon mmrroccoo arm & trannplant patientt"i've overcome so much in the last case scenaaio, if i lose tte arms, iigoobaak tt the way i was.""r. w.p. andrew lee: 10.21 "don't givv up hope. & advances in medicine re beeng -3 made eeerr day in different arees.""- areas."the surgeons all volunteerrd their ttme on thee prroedure.thh departmenttof defeese anddjoons hoppkns picked up the resttof the tab. 3 a bad ddy in an ohho court s an ex boyyrrend pttacks is former girllriend. giilfrieen. 3 the woman wanted aarestraining orddrraaainst er ex when he
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he chased er around the table as he judge calleddfor help. & eventually a deputy came in -3 and tassred thh ex boyfriend, bringgng tte ttack tooa swift enn.. the woman had iior pnjuries and will reeoverr tte boofrrend s behind barr -3 and ffciin numerous new charges. 3 aaperfect sunny day that made --3 us all ffrget it's still jjauary. jannary..-& 3 aan it looks like it's going - 3& let's go to chief 3 look at what's happening nnw.
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ook perfect on you, catherine! have we met? yeah, last week at the tax store i did your taxes. you work here too. yep. i thought you were an expert with returns? oh i am, especially after the holidays! major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no taxes experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
11:20 pm
3 & 3 commmn ssess sayy, oo't steal cars.../ butteven more so...// don't steal aacar... you don't... know how to drive. drive. wo armed men in floridaaattempted to ccrjack 3 corveete in orlandoo they pstuck a handdun ii the driiees face then made hii lay down on 3happpned, that's when the drrver haa to give the two crooks a drivers ed lesson at gunpoinn. & 3 they apparennly coulln'tt diiferent times tt push in the & pcutch. because it'' a ssandarddtransmissiin." 3 3 "my first thought wassi guess we don't aveedriver's school anymore because no one pnnws how to rive a stick. and y secood thing was, don't start tte car. i'm trying to help yoo out here. you know. &pthankfullyythey didn't"
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3 the two suspects ot awaa, but policeegot tthir fingerprints. they're still -&pooking for the tto mee 3 cars with automatic transmissioos. 3&pa minneeota fathhrrin big prruble tonighht.. after 3 assault rifle at his daughter!!- daughter!but get thiss... kirill... -3 bar-tah-shev'-ich...// allegedly pointed the aa- 47 because his teenage daughter haddbad grades! bad wwre her grades you ask?? shh failed to mmke straight a'' ... and instead .... got tww "b's!" -3 p 49-102"i have nnthing to say 3 ak-47 at my daughter. that's 3 ak-477 ttat's all pleaae thaak you." you." 3 according to courtt records... bartashevitch's -3&pquick
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temperr adeehis wife worry abbut him bbiin alone a... 5-year-old for building aagun... out of leggs. 3 joseph - carrosa... is part of an after -33school prrgram. a few days ago,,his parents rrceivee a & letter ssying jjseph was - written up for playingg pnapppopriately. the schooo says if he gets another 3 suspended. joseph'' parents say the schhol is taaknn thingg too far.the prinnipal says thh lettee is part of school policy. but thhisisn't the firstttime jooeph'ssbeen in trouble. áfinngrsá to prettnd to shoot. -3 3 3 puttinn is lifeeonnthe liie for theeultimaae rush. -3 the unreal ideo of an american man iding the planee's biggeet wave.
11:23 pm
[ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios is the fastest internet in america. just ask pc mag. [ male announcer #2 ] cable can't touch fios upload speeds. it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer #1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement. plus $300 back. don't miss this last chance. our 100% fiber-optic network can deliver america's fastest most consistent, most reliable internet -- with no caps on usage. switch now with this great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- plus, get $300 back.
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3 aasurfing legend successsully ridee a wavv thht could be morr than 100 eee tall. 3 3 andd e lived to talkkabout it. pt. thh smmll point on the face of this massive aae s 3 mcnamara. he caught this huge wave off the coast of portugal yesterday. he & reeood for largest wave riddenn withha 90 foter two years ago nearrthis same location.. eepertt are goonn through the height..-
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join us again this year “jesus christ is my lord and savior.” “preach the gospel at all times if necessary use words. for inspiring stories “his grace and his mercy, there's nothing better.” “follow your dream. follow what god has put in your heart.” “that's what jesus wants, is our heart.” from the teams of superbowl 47 “always remember to give god all the praise, glory and honor.” on the 700 club, thursday. 3 p33 that's all for he late editionn i'm jeff barnd. barnd..--3 3 and i'm jennifer gilberr. & herees morrgn adsit withh sports unlimited. unlimited. 3 3 3meeia ddy ii a zoo... around 5- & thousand credentialed people. trying to get heir storiee...
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everythiig froo playerr 3 hitting ray leeis today... his ppst and ppstt -3& reports came to light. -3 plght.yes, hh was asked abouu 3& at thii time 13 yeaas ago..ay respeccfully declined to py sports illustrated... brought uppanotter outside with a modern science company in alabama called sports withh &palternative tt steroiis... -&p"swats.""wo oo the company's prooucts... contain deer-antler exttact....whichh pontains i-g-f-1.... aad is bannne by theen-f-l..again this is all aacoridng to s-i... nd the maggzine's investigation with swaas & fouuder mitchh oss..ewis denies thh repprt. p3 "that was a two-year-old stoor that ou want me to refresh. ii 33 tooeven mention his namm or his anttcs in my speecces or my moment. i can't do it, so ii woo't even speak aaout it because i've been in this
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business 17 years and nobody has ever gottup wiih me every porningganddtraii with mm. every teet i've ever took inn a question if i've eeer even thouuht abouu using anything. &psoo to even entertain &pstupidity like that, tell him - tt go get his storr on someeody else." tt oor fox friends nnalabama.. he ssysshe knoow ray... as this season ith his triceps injurr.but his ompany made prrducts.... not steroids. 3 mitch ross: "when ray lewis got injuredd ttis last time,, - hh and istarted to set up -3 protocollfor hhi to get back within 50 days. the protoooll coosisted of everything we have froo thh pray, to the tablets, to he lightt to thee performanne chips, to tte liquiddice, everything we haae protocoo was set up for hhm to
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heal faster afterrhis surgery." preporttr: "do youubelieve ray lewis will be playing hii ffnal gaae in the super bowl becauue f whaa he was abll to &pget here?"mitch ross: "itt 3 lewis. he is rayylewis..hh did the work in thh gym, eedid his reeovery work. i just see a protocol up toohelp the body - heal faster, so heecould get ptte result heewanted. ok, it's & that smple. i idn't maae himm taakle ny etter..thee 3& makes him ... just a higher gasssd aahhete. aanathlete wiih more bang for his buckk pou follow whaa 'm saying?" 3 pe dd know...rry lewws has never failed a drug ttst with the n-f-l.moving on with sports directorrbruce cunninggam who is live in nee orllans. orleans. and bruce you crazy was it ffr the ravens? 3 pkg roll cce:
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3 "journaliitic circus" & 33 super bowl media dayyis not for the faint of heart. t's a magnet for the strange, he off-kilter, the downright -3 weird.((atss5,000 were credentialed, attleast thousand were acttally nnaaed - in journnlism..naas)tte reett well, let's just call it thee do manage to get a reall3&pthen..evvn
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