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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 30, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 weight.why when you at lunch 3 45 news at five.3 &p3 3 -
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3 -3 3 3 3 in thh heet of ray's last ride... spoots illustrrttdd 3 maaazine claims that the linebackee used banneed -3substances to return ffom his injury fasterr paster.megan gilliland is heree with more on whht ray lewis is saying abouttthe acccsations ann what's thii means for sunday's big game. & 3gooodmorning uys,the articlee saas ray ewis used deer antler praa... oo deee recover fromma
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&pbanned substance has been usee & in chineeeemedicine for -centuries andd hile doctors say its harmllss... lewis saas & it's all a lie. & lie.(37:07)tell him to trr to elsewhile lewissdenies the 3 owner of sports with alteenativvs toosteroids says - he assissed llwiisin hhs injjry rehab. rossssays hh provided the products free of charge... in return... he told lewis to telllthe ruth.he programmwhich produces human testtsterone... substances banned by the nfl. (37:07))'ve beee in thhs business 177years and nobody -3 pas ever got up with me evvry &pmorninngaaddtrained wwtt me -3 pvery test i've ver taken in the nfllthere's never beee a question iffi've ever even thhughttabouttusiig aaything - stupiddtyin his 17 ear
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& career.... lewis has nevvr faaled a drug is &pwill be dooe.but unlees he comessout riggt nowwand says he did uue thh substance... 3 sunday.we've been sking -3 you... the fans... to let uss knoo how you feel abbut he page...carole wwiies... they are ust trying tt pull him boww and ready to retire.... who lse would they pick onn- wanda says... noohing surprises me. lance rmstrong was found out and had to -3come to light! 3 keep the ressonses coming... we'll keep reeding them news. & mayor stephanieerawlings-bbake dooatesshee wwnnings frommthe raveessa-f-c championship viitory over new engllnd... to people in need. need.the ayor took thee seafooddfeast he received to &pthe cottagg avveue communnty ii paak heiihts servvssas aa ransitional familiee.rawlings-blake
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goo the food... including mussels, scallops, and ffur live - lobsters... ffom bosson mayor 3 denver mayor michael hancock 3 perform the ray ewis dance... ffllowing the rrncos loss to the ravenn innthe divisional &prounn oo the pllyoffs. playoffs.hancock said he would have doneeit riiht after thee gamee.. but he got urt in a rodeo.yeeserday... e finally felt up to t. - oq: good luck, ray 3ray pryyyu can watcc
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3&pthat ideoojust go to foxx 33 news tab. &p weehaveeyou covered on our website... all thh way & peading uppto super bowllsunday.head to fox altiiore dot com anddclick n thee "rayys ast ride" bannne at see nterviewsswith the playyrs... stories on the ravens super bowl run.. and links to other super bowl &prelated sitess sites.yyu can alsooclick oo find a page ediiateddto super - has all the inforratioonleading up to this sunday's game... and faatt onn -3& all 44 past super bbwls get baltimore dot ccm. 3 the perryyhalllhhghhschool student accused of shhoting a school is expected in court toddy. today.lawyers or 155yyar-old pobert gladdenn ill equest 3 to jjuennle ourt.prosecuuors chargedd ladden as annadult with ine counts of attempted first-degree muuder.he aalegeely walked nto the perry hall high school cafeteeia on august 27th... pnd opeend ffre.17-year-old daniee
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borrwy waa hit in the - back. he's now back t school after eing treaaee at shock -3 trauma. this morning, he murder investiiation offaaninn mooth oll bbbyygirl onninues n &pjoppp.her 19 year old mother remaans in critiiaal condition....harged wiih the crime. harford county pherifffssdeputies won't say after kiiling the babyyin their home onnscannell court, on tuesday. p3 ggvernor o'malley issscheduled to give his "state of the &pstate" address this afternoon. &afternooo.the governor is expected tootouch on thee -3 efffrts to reduue the ttte'' budget deficit... wwile maintaining it's triipe-a crrdii raaing.a spcial meeberr offtheeaudience is alsoo expected at theeaddress.sister helln ppeeeann.. the authoorof meet withhllgislators to show the generaa ssembly will & tackle the issue duriig thhe legislltive ssssion. 3& a u-s rmy veteran is 3 hospiial... after undergoing a double rm transpllnt.sergeant
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bbendan marroccc had the surgery last month t jjhns hopkins.he's only the seventh ammriian to ever haveethe procedure.the quadruple amputte was hurt in iraq four years ago.yesterday... before marrocco said he is moss lookinn forward to driving his caa againn.. but he will have -to undergoointense theerpy firrt. 3 sgtt branddn marrocco, aam transplann patieet: 16655 last four yearss honnstly, i woost case scenario, ii i llss &ptheearms, iigooback to the way i was."drr w.p. andrew lee:: - 11.21 "don't give up hope. &pmade every day inndifferenn arras." aaeaa."theenew york native isn't goong home to staten pisland juss yetthe'll stay in theeapy ssssions will last six 3 are you our biggesttfan?then you
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can become... ur an of 3 everrday we'll pick one of our viewers from our facebook - foo45 news at 5.toobecome a fan just go to our faaebook - page... facebook dot com ssaah foobbltimooe. p3 coming uu on the early & edition... pfficials in ballimore county are responding to the rash off -recent sshool shootings. &pthe new technooogy and the --3 battle plan for teacheer. 3
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3 p(break 1)) &(bump in)) 3 ((2-shot ttss to weatter)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((trrffic reportee d libs)) map 75 mapp40 maa
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3 llberty map &p3 &&p3--3 3 -3 3 coming up... balttmore county officcals have are hammering out waassto ake schools safer. safer. the pricetag for ll of thoss upgrrdes..- 3 theeman whh allegeely 3 peeforrance enhanccnggdrugs is 3 mitch ross says his system -3 helped ray llwis.
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3 33&pin the wake of local and national school shootings... offiiials innballimoreecounty are taking big sstps to booot plan iicludds seveeal million techhology... and training ffr teachhrs. teaccers. (cover witt file vid froo -33 perry hall shooting) 22:25:44 "well on monday, august 27tt,, the very first ddy of this school yeaa, balttmore county
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up muchhmore quiikly haan expected."the school yyar began with heightened oncernns about securitt....fearr that would later ggow....22:26:42 "ann then ddcember 14 happened."baltimore county officials, educators and ways to maae schools ssfer. for 33point-7 million dollars in pgrades - that'' "on too" of the 2-and a aalfmillionn already bbdgeted for next yeer. electronic ntry system to cameras... will be installed policeeprecinnts and pparol & cars.teachersswilllnot be armee with guns... but will 3 to better respond in -- emerggncies.jim johnson, &&pabsoluttly essential that our pducatorr and dminiitratoos - know what to do in the event oo a crisis.... to protect &pthemselves and the children theyyare charged ith."there are no plann o install metal ddtectors... but theyyll consider a swipe caad i-d -3 system for teachers aad students in the ffture.and - school resource the meantime... thhy call the &pplan a proactive aaproach... 22:27:477"deep down inside,,we &pknnw ttht we can nevee fully prevent another saady hook, melinda roeder - foo 45 news at tenn &p3 the countyycouucil will ote
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on funding for the council will vote heecounty 3& fox 45 news at ten.meeinda roeeer - mellnda rredee - fox -3 45 news at ten..- 3& the coontt counnil will vote po funding for thh new security plla at it's meeting 3 commng up in our 6 o'clock - hour... a ssrveillance tapp of a chilling kidnapping - school. the investigation and the iinreaaed rewarr tt find the kidnapper. he man who 3 wiih pefoorance enchancing drugs is giving his side of thh story. how mitch ross says heehelped ray lewii.
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3 3 show us your purppe tt us ttrough purppe -at -oxx can see thooe pictuurs on our at foxbaltimore ot com..rryou &pcanngo tt our facebook page.. -3 facebook dot com slash 3 "inside fox45." &p commnn up in our 6 o'cllck -3 hour... a nnww urvvy says atlanta's aiiport is the est for travelers. pravelers. we'll ell 3 considered the worss. &&p
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& 3 acccsations are swirllig bout 3 substtnccehowwhe's


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