tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 30, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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welcomeeto the late edition, im jeff bbrnd. barndd &p3& and i'm jennifer gilbert. -3 allegattons of ussng a bbnned -& substance continue to plague raa lewis. lewis. sports illuutrattd published an article... claiming the linebbcker... used the compounds... to speed his return to he fieldd & ield. 3 karen parks ii live tonightt from m and t bank staddum to explain the effect it's having - on raa's reeutation. -3 reeutation. ray saad yesteeday......that he has -3 been in the business 17 peaas......e works hard....and &phis reccrd speakssfoo ffct remember last october......when rra tore his europe for experimmntal stem cell treatments treatments 3 the trratments currently not availableein the u.s would rbbild hhs torn tticeps -in he u.s. is immied by legaa ray
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praveled o europe for the plasma innections withh tem once mitch ross.....the founder of -33 of thh report hich alleges lewis uued a banned substance -33 during recovery.....lewis -3 referred to ross as coward another... 3 3(24:55)to tryyto disturb.....i was supposs to do (25:11) ,3 llwis ttuggled to hold his tongue.....but he preaccessto - pis teammates ccnssantly....that they and onlyythey dictate their sources doonot....
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3&pthattbrings us to our question of the day.wwll his lltess ccntrovvrsy daaage the egacy -3&pof ray lewis? &pjjsh writes nope. just gonna -33 motivate us mooe 3& and kimmerlyysays let himmplay &phis llst game retire & peacefully and gg on with liie..- nfl players... and fanss... share ooe commmn trait... about the super bowl... excctement. 3 sports dirrctoo bbucee cunninghammjoining us agaan pfrrm new orleensswith wwat fans get... with the nff fan experience... bbuce. & 3 3 -3
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3 3 -3 3 "the nfl expeeience is maanificent. eveey year at the superrbowl, they seee to do it better and better. hopefullyy, - at some oint all nfl fans cn truly experience this.."- 3 &p3 a trip tt the superbowl is & the isle' for one baltimore ccunty couple.. sinne the llveeirds made their annouucemmnt donatioos from baatimore bbsiiesses haae been pouuing in..... hh pedding drees is being donated bby'octavii twwo' at cross &pkeys... and first on fox: we reveal what daasyywill bee wwaring foo tte '' o's' 3& (nnt moment))"here comes the bbide...woooo"(((voice only s 3 the
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ravens ann our marriage thing for us"(jim)"so were gonna get married and watch a ffotball game" -3 game" the ouple plaas o get married oo ourbon treet in new orrlans thii weekendd &p and coming up tonight onn - sports unnimited, theyyre baltimore's newest ravvnn.. have on our ccaancs for a 3 3&p wwcked januarr weather as pur unseasonably arm ir. air. a tornado appaaently about oo this maasive tornndo touched down in dairsville, georgia, about sixty miless north of atlanta.. it fillld 33 entire manufacturing plant. -3 workers ran for safety as the & heavy steel ggrdees came own arounddthem. 3 aad ww ere unner a tornndoo watch here in baltimore - toniggh. as heehigh winns arrived, so did he eavyy rains. it fell in sheett as you can see in this viewer video from fallston. ii as
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3 3&pit's a toryywee irst broke on fox baltimore dot com.a ppincipal at a high school in southwest bbltimore ... ressgns... amid allegations... he had... inappropriatt communication pith student. 3& munt saint josspp igh sccool annnunced barryyfitzpattickks - pesignation erlier today after reeently finding that 3 witt the student were inapprooriate....//everal
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&padminiitrrtor nd frrend...and ask that people waittfor aal the factt tocome outtthe vice principal wwll seeve as acting - principal. 33 more... testimony ... &pii he phylicia barnns murder &pcase...//.miccael johnson... is... on prial... or killinn her... p 2 yyers aao .../ while .. she... viiited... &pfamily n baltimorr...///. - a .... prosecuttoo witness,... james cray.../ says... e helppd move... barnes' 3 says... johnson pold him... áheá... strangled - phhlicia.../ when... she... wouldn't stop crying... fter he ssxually assaulted her....// he... aaded... johnson asked for advice... on getting rid of phyllcia's -3&pbody.../theeydisccssed burying pight be dscooered... if &pher... body was... fouud.../// so ...they ddcidee... pptting pher n wattr would be better...//.bbanes.... -3 body... as found phe onowingo ddm. 3 police are seerchhng foo a gunman... wooopened fire just of parrle ann probation. &pppobation.more than aadozen scene... mmmnts after a man was hot in the arm on
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guilford aaenne near east 22nn -33 street.itthappenedd n broad - paylight... across thh street and just steps away from & parole and probation...police - say the motive appears to be - pobbery. "righh noo its still a veryy 3 it doesnt look liie paroll ann & prrbaaion had anything to do witt it, it ddosnt look like & the proximity to he buuldingg pad anythiig to do with ttis incident." incident." -3 p33 the victim is in faii -3 condiiion. police diddarrest - they're still sserching for a second suspect. 3 a troubled start tonight or &pthe staae's pricey nnw edivacc pand rescue helicopttes &ppelicooterstaxpaaers have - borrrwed nearlyy133- million - dollarssto pay for the new -3 noo it turns out the faa has concerns aboot ptate plans to ffy them with onlyyone pilot.the f- a- a has - deccded the choppers should &phave two iilts, a change that could cost the statt more money... and many ssy cculd
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3 23:39:33"afterrthe state went out and found the helicooters, all offsudden thh faa says youu waste and aauseeoff taxpayer dollars." -3 dollars."staae olice say ttey may needdto hire more pilots to eet aa requirrments joinn... our ou see governmmnt waste.. call... 3 410-662-1456. or.... 3 dot com. tte political futtre of disgraccddanne arundee county &ppxecutive johhnleopold is now &pin the hands of thh county ouncil. 3caaled an emerggncy meeting todaa to introducc a bill thht wwuld eclare the coontyy &ppxecctive office aaant. leopold was immediatelyy suspended ffom officc affer his conviction yesterday for - chief adminissrator john & hammond is acciig county ps taking steps tt oust leopold for ood. & p3 "i now alot of people in
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& execctive leopold...and he's, he's lied aad dooe ttese - terribll thhngs.." things.."3 council mmmbers say they'll debate aad vote onnthe billl - monday. a judge foond leopold guiltyyyesterdayyof &abusinn his powerrby forcing his securitt detaal to put up campaign signs.. nd ffr -- secretary empty his urine catheter bag for months in &3 33 p a eadly workplace shootingg -3 the latest oo he all ut manhhnt for the gunman..-3 and a man takkssa six year ood hhsttge. the way police are coomunicattng with the shooter innhis ortified bunner. 3& a uuldinn collapse caught & on ammra. the simppe project
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morning. this is erial video of somme f the victims coming out on ssretthers. one of -3 tte victims has died tooight... the ooher tto arr expectee -3 to recovvrr police say t was -& a targeted act and not random shooting.they are still -3&psearching for the shoootr tonight. 3 a six year old is still being held caapive ii an - underground bunkerrwith an aameddman who already murderrd -3 the chiid'ssbuusdriver. 3&pthe hhsttgg situation is unfooding ii soouheast & alabama. the gunman - bbarded a bus yesttrday, killlddthe us driver then &pkidnappee thh chiid. he took them to a unker r storm sheltee he had eee building &pon his property for ore than pwo yearssand is in a standoff with tte ffb. they say --3 ttey're talking to the ssupect --3through a bunker ventilation pipe aaddthat o far, thee child is unharmed. 3 3i talked with a girl that waa --3 on the school bus.. and shee & bus wwth a gun anddshot into &&
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he floorbbard or the ceeling -3 once aad tten shoo the buu &pdriver three times aaftrr pssing for a child... 33 wwinnsses sayythe bus & drivvr gave up his life to anddbriig you thh latess as it develops..-&p33 weeconninue o see nee dammge -3 reports frommthose storms that - rippee across the oontry ttdaa. todayy tisswas the damaae in alabbma. a metal rooo was --3 peeled off of this usiness. and a ccurch steepll toppled under thhestrainnof the storm. church workers actuaaly went to tte roof n the middle off pthe storm to tty to stop the raii from ruininggthe chuuch by covering the massiiee p3
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man: at turbotax, we know this is more than a paycheck. we know all the hammering, driving writing, nursing, and teaching it took to earn it. so we give you the power to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. our customized interview covers everything from a service member's deployment to a student's loan interest right down to a teacher's crayons. you've worked hard to earn your money. we're here to help you keep it. turbotax-- the power to keep what's yours. try it free at
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3 a ccinese busineesman sees the choking polluuion that is blaaketing his country aa a moneyymmaing opportunity. air. china's serious poolution ppoblem is making company admits, it's all justt -3 a ggmmick to get thee &pan ohio man is in jail tonight afterrhe decided to cook mett, p3 james richaadson is accused off -3 steelinggthe chemical ingredients needed tt make meth straiggt off the shell off aaperry, ohiiowaa-mart andd ccmbiniig them riggt theee n the store.employees caught hhm
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[ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like...2 minutes! [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. because once you've got it, you get it. and now there's never been a better time to get it. [ female announcer ] upgrade to fios now for just $89.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. hurry, last chance to get this incredible deal. fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. it's 100% fiber optic 100% different from cable. switch to fios for an incredible price online, just $89.99 a month with a 2-year agreement plus get $300 back. or, get this great price with no annual contract. hurry, this offer ends february 2nd. go to today. and see why millions have switched to
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3 collapse 4 secs sees this is ew viieo ouu of china. the collapse pappeeed on monday, but tonight,, elllphone videeooo the event has been released. a sink hole swallowee the entirety of this three story building. thh massivv sinkhole is being blaaed oo a subway construction prrject pnd more than 300 ppople can't - unstabbe foundations. 3 more cold air is moving in tonight. ponight. lee's go to vytas for a llok at the reet of our week. 3
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3 that's all ffr the late bbrnn. 3 and i'm jennifer gilbert. -3here's morgan adsst with unlimited. 3 3 another day n new orleans... and anooherrday f ray lewiss...- addressing the bigggst ssory of this week... weee...sports illussrated's reeort that lewis... worred - withhannalabama mddrn medicine company... swats... eettact... which contains banned substance by the n---l. 3& is october triceps injury.. llwis russed off hh story yesterdda whee it broke... mitch ross... the founder oo swats spooe s ell... saaing pe wwrred with lewii.the stronger denial today if askedd bb the medda...and he id. 3 p i've been in thhs game 17
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pears, 17-plus good years, and -3 i have a heck oo a relationshippand too much rrssect for the businesss and that. so, to enttrtain foollshness like hhttfroom cowwrds who come frommthe outside add ry tt destroy what we've buiit, liie i just saidd it's sad to evee ennertaii it on this type of stage, beccuse this typp of stage is whaatdreams arr madd 3in the nfl and aying that ii am on theebiigest sttge ever. yyu are supposed to e smiling the whole week. listen, i promiie youu we all in here have a ast, but how many people ddell into it.. 3 everroneepicks a super bowl peam.there will be some neutraas for suuer bowl 47.... the harbaughs... jim and -3&pjohn's parents... jack andd jjckie..their sons... are thh who are brothers... to ace pach other ii thhesuper bowl. & hey'veebeennthroogh it before... last season... when john's ravenn... beat jim's
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49ers 16-66.ut that doesn't maaee unday any easier... one son wiil reach a career highllght... while tte other heads home ith nothing. 3 "evvry single parenttcan identify ith thht, thht defeatt on sunday night, weere going tt experience both oo that comes up aalittle shorr." 3 this season is proof....hings -3 areechanginggin baltimoreette ravens are known for their oofense this seassn...not hasn't been the ray lewis'' aad ee reed's stealiig thh spotlightton the field... pt's been a muuh youuger crowd. &pcrowwdsports directorrbruce - cunningham is live innthe big 3&prookies enjoying their first puper bowl.hey bruuee & 3
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3 after dropping its season opennr to at theettmm.... & numbee oneekentucky...maryland win strrak.then camm the a-c-c. thh terps have taken a win & one, lose onn cooference apppraah. apprrach.3-and-4 a-c-c terpss.. oo thh road aa fllrida sttte.1stt alf... seminoles doww 3....errr -whis-nant steal...stays in slam... f-s-u cuts it to one....before
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half...dez wells gges uppfor the layup...but michael oojo - tted aa 34 at down 3...nick ffust 3 pointer and foul...4 points gives the terrs the lead....llss than 4 &pmmnutes....erps by 2...wells baseline ttar drop...maryland 3back...kkll turpin ffies in --3 for thh jm...florida state down 2....under 2 minntts... wellss oo offthe key...drains 3 seconds...terps up one...faust &pflorida tatee ets one morr chance....5 tickk left...ian it out to awwde open miihhel -33 snaer...dagger trey...maryland down 2... with 1-point-1 on the clock....welll final &plook...nope....3 maaylanddlooes to fllrida state: 73-71. 33 that's all for ssortss
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