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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  January 31, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

11:00 pm
3 neettttme ...yoo feel tired at work ../ 3 3 ichard... clementt .. better knoon... as... jim... is... 100---years old... and... & is... still... showing up... at tte ffiie...///. pe.... etiied... when... he was sixty-six,.../ ..../// so... & went ack to wwrk... for a outtiie offwook,... the... great-ggandfather... - enjoys gardening... 3 latt edition, i'm jeff barnd. three days... left... until phe raveen take on tte san franciscc 49's ii new orleans. 33&pour jenniffr gilbert is llve with all of tte super bowl -3& excittment, along with sports &pdirecttr bruce ccnningham in the big easy, jennifer??-p3 roll cue
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vo: tonight, a big 3 theebig easy knoww thh big celebrations. arrival of the larger than liff marring super arrried on a bbrge ccming up the mississippi rivee.ravens 3 thii town. this was a hance of a lifetime that a lot of people juss weren't going to mmss. 3 miss.weren't goong to of people just lifetime that a loo this town. this was ptarting to fill up ravens fans are mississippi river. 3 barge bowl 47. hey maakiig suppr oman umbers larger 3 about big the big easy knows about big celeerations. tonight the arrival of the larger than life romma numbers marring super bowl 47. they - arrived on a bargeecoming up the mississippi rivee.ravenn & fans are starting to fill up &pthii town. thhs wassa chance of a lifetimm that a lot oo people juut weren't going to miss. 3 3 &
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3- 3 3&p3 3 & 3 and excited.. & 3& 3 p
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11:04 pm
flags ere 3 flapping today... off "loch raven" boulevard.....wwere... they tried... veryyhard to p"llck down" avenn merchandiss. merchaadise.wwndy weather... made outdoor ales....very -3 trrcky today... at this roadsidd sttnd in towson....// t-shirts, peeants,and hhts... weee flapping... today....// & ptill - custtmers brrved the cold... to purrhase some & purple pride...//. lee whitt - cashed-in on the super bowl hype...//.lee's... from new orleans..... he came... to baltimore last week - as the ravees were lying soutt ...for the big easy..../// nd... he loves... baltimooe fans...///. 3 < "everrday boot 55 ppeole -3&phonk the horn and yell ravens out the window."> window."> 3 lee is a saants fan... but
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& sayy he's roottng for the pavenssthis week. 3 it'ss ime tt trash talk those &p49ers ans.the twitter fight is on.send a tweet to hose san ffancisco fans what yyu think of how they'll do agginst baltimore.use the hash tag "44ers beattdown".sse what ravens faas and 49ers fans are 3 foxbaltimore oo com and click on "tweet beat" underrhot &p3 3 ccange ouud be coming... to this states speed camera -3 program..../ at least... & if ome lawmakers... get tteir way. way. legislation... prooosed in annapolis this week,... woull aallw speed cameea citations... tt be issued... without the apprrvall of law enforcement officer. p the proposal woulddallow anyone trained in speed cameea & ennorrement to sign off on the tickets....whether they aar a ppolice officer or not. 3&p (13:00:10) the police pechnicians ann technooooy peoppe. hey should e out on the street so lets put trained technical experts on the job." believe that
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& pemoving he police officer component would nnegrity less ovvrsight.""- oversight." &ptheeproposed 3 llgislatiin is expeeted to be month. 3 if you find yourself driving 70 milesan hour on the not aaone. alone..ut if some state lawmakers getthhir way...driving "700 won't be speeding.ttey're backing a pill to raisethe state's maximum aalowable speed limit...from "65" o "70." 3 (glassman) "there are actually some transporration studdes -3 that indicate that thesee -3 speeds re juss as saff as lower sppeds through the mountains off estern maryland or the easttrn shore, even some ssreetches of i-95." bbck ii he 900s...the "feds" reppaledthe 55-mile-an hour...maximuu speed limit... paddallowed the states... set &ptheiroon speed limits. 3 that brings us to our quession ppeed limit should bee increased in maryland? maryland? aalot of support for raising those limits in the state.
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head to acebook ann search for fox 45. look fr our question of the day and tell people why we should be able 3 ddn't need to live life in tte -3 fast lane. 3 3 one... death... and.... dozenn of evaccations... - aftee ...flooding in laurel..../// this wicked weather coverrd roads... pand... áforcedá... an -3 evacuation orrer...///. -3 3 townnofficials declared a civil emergency after crews had tt rrlease watee at thee flooding upstream following - yesterrayys severe rainstorms.. now the call to evacuate the historic downttwn area. laurel police were at the out wwth the rising patuuent, just beyond the trees. didn't move some ressdents. 33 3 (gilmer) wwll, it was hiiher than that 7 years ago. so, worried. and in '722when 3 just about to thh top of the &prrad ere. so, i don't anticiiate ii's goong to get any woose than what it is." is."
11:08 pm
3 anne arundel county policc say flood waters were this morning in a flooded pomeless cmp near the patuxent. 3 3 toss to vytas// &
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33 p3 a good day... for... state police in illinois.../ after they take more thann oneepoint five milliin dollars... fromma little old lady..- lady. ttoopers saa they found 27 3 tonight, 62 year old carooe galves... isscharged wwth state police stopped her for a trafffc violation... they noticed he was acting ssrangley.../ that's when thee decided to seaach her car..- 3 33 ""ery rarely do you find somebbdy with one- point-five-million dollars in theer vehicle. a lottof times 3&pthat kind of money, it's gennrally, itts aasociated wwthhcriminal activiiy, whether itts illeggl drug &pbe."" & 3 policce ay this iss't the first time they've caught senior citizen drivinggaround with hundreds offthousands of dollars. just three years aao, they stopped a 70 year old man with a million dollars pn this same countt.
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3 bad day for chiia ./.. when the new york times announces... átheyá... were 3 computers. the paper saas the hhckers stole the 3 every employee..../// ttey saa the ttacks haapened over -33 the past four months....// 3 ttrgeted them... after... their investiiation into &prelatives offchinese leaders....// the chinese 3&pinvolvement.../ bbt other newspapers are now & accusing china... of breaking intoo theiráássstems.../// they hate it when you do & thhs. the woman ho refusee &pto go quietly and the wwy poliie finallyyggt her under control. 3 an armed robber ho just reaaly needs a hug. the bbzarre bbeakdown in thee middle of this felonn. 3 3 yourrllwwakers are really annapolis. the reesonnthey're talking about sandwichess
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the 20-13 general
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assembly is threeweekss lawmaaers have yet to hold hharings on several major and the death peealty...// no...// reports.../ they'rr... discussing... áreallyá 3 sandwiches.../// sandwiches.../// p3 &p
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11:15 pm
3 a hearrnn on severrl gun controlbills will be heard & next week..- 3 3 3 3 kkcking and
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33 scrrammng her wy to fifty -3 thousand volts. the drrmatic end to this squad car - 3 & 3 get ttis guy some tissuess tissues.the evidence thhtarmed pobbers have feelings too. p3 p commonnsense
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11:19 pm
hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
11:20 pm
pant to be cccaine alwwys haveea clean air of underwear...// underwear..../ two women werr apprehenddd ...aa "j-f-k" airport... while smuggling cooaine... in... duut tape diapers...//.
11:21 pm
they were flyingg.. from the dominican republiic.. / "k-9"... went bonkers... / authorities noticed the other suspect... had a - weerd alk...//. rash.. s nothing... to... carrying... ovee three kilos... of cocaane...// soo heir... &pfrre.../// . 3 ommon sense says on't woman has neverr een burdened --3 with common sense. sense. this ohii woman .....eing transsprted in the -3&pbacc of aa quad car ... takes her nger out on the car.../ and it's all ccuuhh on - tape....// ashlie tesi ... shatteredd.. the police car's window ,tuesdayy - night..../ you can see her... kicc the indow from inside the car...//. some brooen glass flee onto an officcr. 3 121-132"while trying tooplace her in the back of thh ccr, pouple fficcrs. eeennuallyya tasee had to be deployyd to try to gain control of her." & herr"
11:22 pm
3 police say eaallir, tesi punched her mothee in the an argument....// they & saa sse'd been drinking. 3 p3 pommonnsense says there are bigger criminals the feds could be crackinng own on. on. but this week in new orleans, federal iivestigaaors 3&phalf mmllion worth of they're calling it operrtion - red zone. they're puuliiggin & bbx after boo of jjeseys hats pnd ther nff braaded gear. inn recorr setting raid, people.3 3 mmati te'o.../// should... have put... some... common sense into internet &dating, ...// but... & aa least six men... were pooled by a woman... laiming to beemiss canada...//. tte 26 year old woman... &pccllected thousandd f dolllrs from the men...? who thhught thhy were dating... phe moot beaatiful woman... he judge... actually baaned
11:23 pm
theewoman... from the internet for six monthh..../// and... told... the 6-- pen... to have... a - nice hot--ccp... of.../ get some-brains...? & 3 & 3 forget a mid-lifeecrisis. - we'll show you what happened with this guy's mid robbery crisis. 3 3a robbery attempt [ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like...2 minutes! [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me
11:24 pm
about the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. because once you've got it, you get it. and now there's never been a better time to get it. [ female announcer ] upgrade to fios now for just $89.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. hurry, last chance to get this incredible deal. fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. it's 100% fiber optic 100% different from cable. switch to fios for an incredible price online, just $89.99 a month with a 2-year agreement plus get $300 back. or, get this great price with no annual contract. hurry, this offer ends february 2nd. go to today. and see why millions have switched to america's fastest most consistent, most reliable internet. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
11:25 pm
3 in germany ... akes a purprriing turn...../and ii's all caught on camera.../and a tissues//..ake a look..//ou pee the ggy... comeeinn... pooitiig a weapon... aa a
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fights back.. and unmasks the crookk.../then.. things gett bizarre... when it & eems the seesitive criminal... starts crying..../ p..hand him aatissue...//.the and couud face jail time. 3 -3 p33 3 the ravens make a
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3 change to their practice ppaan...why hey moved venues after ne daa on the field... 3 3 3&p3&pthat'ssaal forr
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11:29 pm
3 the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. here's morgan adsii with sportt unlimiitd. 3 another snag for the avens affer one practice... outdoors & at tulane university...tte ravenn asked for aachanne of location. for one... yysterday's practice was outdoorss.. on a basbaal field.doesnnt make & mucc sense.... sunday's game will be in a was - windy... and thh team said the field was too the ravens will mooe practice faciiity.aad go after the 49ers practice.the n-f-l had to approve thh move... and saa pfanciscc agreed. 3 "tulane, listen, you have to say 'thank you' a million times to tulaae just for their awesome but thee're trring to build a new stadium. phey're in the transistion of
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-3 building a ew stadium aad pt'' kind of on a bassbaal field that we're yesserday. it's realllytight, it's really tight so when ccn feel it righh now. we all now about & plaaing on like thatt it just ain'ttgood for athletes' legg." 33 3 for athletes' legs." 3- 3 watch ouu for number 55 lewissleading the raaens.and piddle linebacker patrick willis leading his 49err. & illis ass9... so aaound 33d grade... when ray lewis was ravens.sports director bruue cunnnngham joinn us live nnw from ew orleans...with moree & pn the illis-lewis affect... & 3 p pkg roll cue: "2 ggnerations ollidinn" 3 3&p
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3 to's been a rough start to the shortened season for thh ccps...only the panthers haveefewer points... they're in toronto tooight in searcc of their 2nd winn 1st on the road... road...2nd period...tied at 1...caps on the power play... alexxovechkin wrister in for - his 2nd f thh yyar....aps lead 2-1....3rd period...tied at 22...aple leafs with pretty 3 the ggaa...toronto in front 33 - 2....7 seconds left...ooechkin great look but isses wide...
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ccps fall to 1-5-and-1 on the & year...3-2 final... & that's ll for sports unlimittd...
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