tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 6, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST
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you need to ask before handing overryour information to a tax ppeparer... tomorroo on fox45 morniig nnes. 3 a grim report leaked on balttmore's financial future.what it says and what it means &pfoo you harbaugg sot sott,3 baltimore welcomms home its moments o the parade and -3 raaly all in their honoo. 3 and... don't go ver 800miles an hour.four other things you pan do to iicrease your gas mileage. -3 3 3 3 wednesdayy ffbruary 6tt 3&&p
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financial stabiliiy was just leaked to theeassociateddpress. good.the report was prepared - by philadellhia-based... -3 pubbic financiil management shoos that bbltimore will accuuulatee$745 million dollars n budgee deficits over tte next deeadd... due to a wideniig gap betteen projectee revenes and expenditures.if ou add inn theecity's infrastruuturr needs aan also it's liability 3 benefits... thh total dollars over 10 yeers.the report goes on to say that pbltimore's city government -3 must enact major rrformmsto avoid bankruptcy. 33 we know baltimore haa delt you may remember citt p0-10... by enacting some new taxes... like the ttx on &pbottlld beverrges and higher 3 experts say those were one-
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structual mballnce.thee repprt... preeared similar - forecasts ffr miaai... d-c..he news is expected to be 3 ttday's cittyccuncil eeting. 3&pwe're hoping to hear frrm the &pmayooraa ttat ime.and possibll for he cause... why we're sinking deeper into debt... e'll haae more what experts say ii to 3 juuy deliierations continue - today in the phylicia barnes murder trial. prial. late tueeday -3 afternoon... jurors asked to 3 one of suspected killer 33 iisidd a walmarr the day &pbarnes hows him buying a sttrage conttiner. tth second is sex viieo of 3 sister deena.barnes dissppeared in baatimore two years ago whiie visiting pamily over christmas. today, governor o'malleyyii scheduled to appear bbfore a
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senate committee to urge support for hissgun control bill.he wants lawmakkrs to ban tth sale of semi-automatic weapons ann imit he magazine clips oo thooe weapons to no &pmore than ten bullets ppr clip. handgunssto get liceese.butt many republicans oppose the measureeand aae sponsoring & their own would require n armed police offfcer be laced in every publlc school... even elemennary schools. 3& (mcdermott) "i will point you to ,3 pennsylvania on a school 3 a mad mann nd had liitle kids 3 well."(grrffith) "but ggns ttat offer multiple bullets in &pa short eriod of timm, those guns, we don't needdin maryland." maryyand."the hearing on several gun bills will be held bbeore the senate juuiciil 3 afternoon. 3&pa sttbbing in downtown baltimore... leaves one person dead... and two others hurt. purt..t happened around 1-33 tuusday afterroon... just 9 - bloccs fromm avens stadiuu... at theeintersectioo f hooard
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was ovee... but mann ppoole wereestill out celebrating. & deteetives say te victims... who were in their teens... weee nvolved in some sort of fight. 3 probert/wwtness) "i seenn tem scuffling and fighting but all of them 3 got up and cattered and then p looked right here oonthis side of the stteet and thht's what happened, nd lookeddover and everybody was -3& surrounned, a little young &ppuy, young guy." guy."pooice say it's not yet -3&pclear if the incidenttwas -3 relateddto the uper owl celebratton meanttme... pollceesayythe department's surveillance camerasshave pprvided detectives with gooo evidence. -3 3 in missouri, two peopleeare in custooy... after leading 33 in a sttlen ccr. caa.the carrowner says shee left the car unattended... whhle unning ..while she somethhngg..when she came back & out....the car took off.the 3 the woong way and crashing into othhr cars.the chase &pfinaaly ended when the driier crashed intoo ditch.police &psay the driver and passenger were taken nto custodyytrying
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to run away. 3 a deterrined camel escapps from a calliornia rrnnh not once... buu twice... n thh same daa..t firsttgot loose from eden valley ranch early tuesday afternnon.the cowboys 3 prrng the animal back & safely... bbt t endeddup -33 getting out again later thaa lucky the second time around.a -3 minivannhii theecamel.a vet is &pcheckiig the annmal outteven p33 3 the worrd championssare back home, this morning! & mornnng!thousands of peoope delays toowelcome back thh hometown super bowl hamps! & kathleen caiinssrepoots on the crush of the crowd. crowd..&pflags guys" 3 (man blows horn) nnts" the celebration but thaa only 3pity hall....harbaugh says: "and we said e were going too takeeall he baltimoreeravenn ffns down to the uperdome and -
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felt you."from teammspirit to ed reeds song:((((two tickkts -3 to paradise))))thoosannd watcc as the biggest honoree..... &phonorsshis fans. lewis ays: "this is the ravens year, this home another rown!" 3 assthe parade moves slowly down prrtt street.... ladd ) -"its freaking amazing..its man) " this is history being own photos... of fans... as (nats-screaming)the crowd presses forwaad to watch their hhros... bring home tte victory....."look at all these & peopll ts wesome!"some arr 3& pun alongside the caravan of can'tthold them back... (nat pop rowd yelling and ray lewis waving... nd choasson stteet 3 ec) tte ffns melts intooa moving mass of humanity..... ---add ten pm outque---- &p3 see the entire rally
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3 raa news. 3 are you our biggest ffn?then - you can becomm.. our fan of thh day! -3 3 eveeyddy e'lllpick one offour vvewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news become fan just go to our facebookk pagee.. acebook doo com slash 3& 3ccmiig up on the early edition... it's our channe to win some cash. cash. in the next 20 mmnutee....we will be revealing the lucky personnwho 3 our free-bruary giveaway.
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3 we're learning more about the hosttge ssandoff nn -&pplabama that ended with the kidnappee dead - and his ffve-yeaa--ld victim freed - unharmeed officials say tww bombs weee found nside the bnker. martin ssvidgg standoff nd what happened behind the scenes. scenes. &pas the fbi eleassd these pfirst images of the aftermath &prreealed chillinggdetails of how much dangerrthee5 year old victimmaad aggnts faced hee &pthee stormed in.authorities &psay they found nnt one bbuttwo
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explossve devices;;one in the & bunnkr and anothhr n a vc pipp.onn of the photos showed what looked to bb theebunker's &pjimmm lee ykee ad hiddout to keep aayone from getting ii.but uthorities were able to ggttin and cnn pas pieced together how they did it.for days frrm a commaad center at anearby church, negotiatorssspoke to with ddkes over a teleehone. a source characterized dykessass contennioossthe entiie ime. evennso e allowed authorities to deliver so called comfort iiems.the kiinaper even earned praise from thh local sheriffa&e's also alloowd us to provide colooing booos, medication, toys, i want to thaak him for takinggcare of - oou child.according to law &penforcement ssurces, authorities ussd a ccmeea too & monitor what was going insiie & he bbnkee but won't say howw theyygot the camera inside. an surveillance rones wereeused
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to observeetheesite from above -3 rouud the lock.while speeial reheersed ovvr and over poosibbe assaultt cenarios.but it was sunndy when the operation starttd ttcking down - as negotiitors ensed a & change in ykes demeenor. "wwthin the paat 24 hours nngotiations deteriorated." ii's wwat agents saw neet hat dykes was observed holding a gun."the hootage rescue teems went into actioo."i heardda - big boom anddthen i heard, i -3 beliive i heard rifle shots." "aa this point, fbi agents, - pearing the child waasin pmminent dangee, ennered tte -3 bunker and rescued the hild." -3 sources tell nn, ffderal agenns deeonated large eeplosions tten tww or mooe shoooing dykes mulliple times killing him, 5 year old ethaa was unharmed. it was ll over in ssconds.weeappreciate everybody
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in laa eeforrement &ppulliig together to et this job one. thankkyou.hundreds of federal and local law &penforcement agents froo alabama to washingttn deserve credit for ssving ethan.this morning as classes resumed att - pis eleeentary school in & miiland city one more name was &padded to he list: ccarles ppllnd the bussdrrver mmny & regard as a hero who dded trying tt keep dykes ffom his poung passengees.he gave the ultimatt sacrifice for thooe students on his bbs aad his last child is noo home.martin & savidge, midland iiy, alabama. 3&p gas prices -3 have soared foo the 19th straight week. &pthe five steps yoo an use to -3 save money at the pump right &pnnw. 3 and... in the nextt10 minutes... ww'll be drawinggthe name of the pprson 3oor free-bruaryygiveaway..
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3 -33 3 gas prices areeon thh rise. priple-a reports the nationaa average priceefor a ggllon of regglar unleaded is uppa penny -& from the previous week... to marrssthe 9tt straight weekly increesee but pa carl azuzzexplains... tthre are 5 things you can do... to 3 gas. 3 you don't eee a hybrid to pavv money on gas!but you do 3 is: donnt do 80..eeides the fact 3thht it's illegal in most purn more fuel o hannle highh speeds..o sslw saves doughhtip
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two: gee pumped.a lot of cars 3 deflated tires, hich pncreeses friction...and decreaaee ffel effiiiency.soo keeepyour car'' shhes where thhy say thee should &pthherecoomended pounds per sqqare inch or p-s-i. also, make sure your whhels are pliined properly.ttaa'll save you both on tires and gas, keeping your nnine frrmm working so aad.threee liggten &'re gettiig worse gas pmileage witt all that junk in &pyour ttunk.i mean thatt horseshoes, gardening eeuiiment, dog food--all that -3 stuff weighs, and slows, your &pcar when you're not helping someeneemove, make & sure the sparr ttie's one oo in the back.ffur: smooth it 33 unnecessarily is a dowwer on -3 your gas tank!keep a steady ppeed s much as possible.use cruiie controllwhennit makes senseegot brrkee? usee'em only & tooslow downn resting your poot on the edal can uin & evvrytting.fivv: shut ittoff. doo't be idle about idding. your car's burning gas wheneverrit's rrnning, so if yoo're sittinn for more thaa 300seconds, power ddwn.that
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your wallet and your gas tank, filled up.i'm carl azuz for 3 coming up... & 3& chris brrwn is in eeeenmore hoo water. what he'ssaccused of lying to authorities about..-& p3 term limits by::armstrong williams becoming a washington, dc - insider. our naaion's capitol dangee to becoming a there is an inherent by::armstrong &ppilliams term limits 3 there is an inherentt anger tt &pbecoming a washhngtonn dc 3 ps the center of power.. it attracts people who are drrwn &pto thii toxii tonic called aadruu when abused. one ay & originally come to the district oo columbia with good intentiins of making aaerica - beetee. however, overrtime, & people give up their principlessaad ideals n order to stay in powwr and enjoy the 3& fleeting power. i mmut tell you that no one is xempt---
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&prepuulicans,,demmcratt, ministeess obbyisss, bbreaucrats, edia, u.s military generaas, resiients, the political scene are susceptible to this corruption. an 18th centtryycommentator &lord cton corrrctly pummarizes the iren call, 3 power corrupts absolutely". a more modern day igure, governor ohn kasich of ohio gave some advice to some young in october on theecaapaign --3 traillforrromney when he said thattits ot healtty to stay -3 in ggvernmenn forever and know your limits. gov. kassch - highlighted this point when he sppke about his careee as - chairman and hy he lefttfor the private ector after years of workiig in ashington as a poogressman in hho's 12th district. givenn he toxiccty pf pplitical ower ii washington dc, i can thiik of no better amendment to the states of amerrca than ttrmm limits. for more on ttis storr visst behind tte & eadlines dot net..and foolow
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