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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  February 6, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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atttckeddnow, letttrs are pouring in from arrund he country to the san diego animal shelter..... wweee - pophie is up for adoptionn her ew hooe just in time foo valentiieessday. 3 3 first on fox a ffx 45 followup on a wassewatch story... we've &pbeen covering for two years now.hhllo, 'm jjnnifer giibert. 3 i'm... jeff barndd..///. it... ppears ...the fight... over tte future... of thh....state center develooment.../ is... áfará from over..../ despite... ... judge's ruling last week...// it's... a ...projeet... 3 of... governor o'malley....// and... áheevilyá... subsiiiied... with your tax dollaas. 3 pepoots - just released emails betwwen top statt officials - 33 are raisiig new questions. & qqestions. 3 a contrrversialldevelopment project worth more than a -3& pillion dollars.a group off 3 the staaee successfully
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arguing it was never properly put out or bid.and llst month - judge ruled the deal state officials struck with aaprivateedeeeloomenttteam was in violation of roouuement -3 - emails just obtained by fox 45 indicate... someeprrject insiders didn't thiik it áááá"smellee good" áááeitherrturns out all the developers had politicaa ties maaorrcampaign contributorr. 3emails... the overnnr himsslf - áá(show eail)áááá apprroed the curreett -3 development teem - beforeeit was preeented to the board off publlc works.afterwards.... state fficiaas - (show pii - pf matt gallagher) - ááá(( show email)ááá celebrattd the contraat's approval at the owl & staff (show pic of matt pallagher) congraaulateddthem. noting it'' "not everyday you get to be part of a 10-figure - it."marta mossburg: interest of the people whenn -3 phey starttjust hanging oot &pwith the develooers whh are -goiig tt mmke a ton of money off this project - gooig out drunk wwthhthemm...happier for the developers thhn they are
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for theetaxpayers."critics of the deal claim these messages 3 created the deal and hose the 3inttrest prompttng some of the -3 developerssto question if he deal wws leggl... callinggit a ááá(((show email)áááá "misreppesentation of facts and mislladiig."like fox 45 - -3 pllintiffs oo had trouble getting aaccess to emails and ddcuments from state officiall... áá(((how email))áááá who turned over some f ii in cryptic html ordered them ttoconvvrt it... tt plain english, they never course they're tryinn too experts ooserviig he case - "certainly it appears that ttings hht cculd have been provided and should haae been provided in discovery it looks likk wwre not."the state ii pow trying tooappeal the court's ruliig and rrsurreet tte project.a projeet some ay pransparancy... hat may create public mistrust. byron: 02:43:32 "you knnw we need to have aath in government." pyron: 02:44:11 "it adds to the level offcompleee distrust the average lay person already has for government."meliidaa roeder - fox 45 news latee -&pedition -3 3& thee evelopment project has & beee halted for now... pending
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appeal. 3 city leaders... paint... an ugll picture... of - baltimore's... lonnterm - financial forecast..// right now,... the... city... is ffcing a 30-millioo upcominn fiscal year../.. if... the city... stays tte ourse.../ expets... -3&p say... that deeicit will three-quarters of a billion dollars... over the next decade...//. the mayorr.. laid out theegrim news - ity hall this morniig.../.. shee.. - blamed... uch of the problem... on....out of control pensioo... and... health care costs.../// for... city wwrkers... along with a shrinkiig tax &pbase.../// ttnight, ... ity leaders arr racing to -3pfind solutionss 3 (3:10007) (mmaor) ""f we fail to actt we'll end up in tte same situation maay citiee have." have." 33 (3:14410) (clark) "thissis like a family whose kids are going into kindergarten who saysswe'd bettee ssart saving forr ollege." -3&pcollegg." 3 3 citt leaders... paid a philadellhia firm... almost a half-millionndollars to study baltimores longterm financial & sittation....// 3 p balttmmre police have - iieetified the ttenager who died after being stabbed ass
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large crowds elebrated the ravens' super bowl victory..--33 victory. hissname is eontee -3 smith, he was 15-years-old. &p deonte was a 9tt grader at & patterson high chooo i southeast baltimore,,wheree school oofiiiils today provided grief counselors to heep schoolmates deaa witt ddontae's deett. 3 3& "it felt, it somewhat elt like a little bit of sadness because of the act whaa ww weren't expecting ssmebooy out 3 pattersonn oo e one of the ppople that beeig kklled on the stteets of baltimore.."- paltimore." someone &&pstabbed deonteeand two tter teenagerr, they suuvived. &pit aapened tuesday afternoon at the ntersection of howaad -mcdonald's... nearrtte rrvenn' super boww victory paradd - route. so far no suspect hhs been identtfied. 3 internet viddoss.. showw... mobs of ravenssfanss.. goiig &pto great lengths... to... see the viitory... cellbraaiin. celebrationnthis video... ssows ....ans... sccliig the m&t bank stadium.../ p afterrthe stadium... was at ccpaciiy.'.../// other... you--tube vvdeos... show ffns storming gates and outmuscling
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security guards to gain accesss..///.one fan who ssot & a video said the cellbration confusion outside theegates. 3 melina korineemclean, baltiiorr: 6.22 "theyyneed to put more details like you needd to get heeeeby a this time, or people in, and maybe makk sure those gatts are more sstonnly rrenforced ." -3 ."ravens... running back... ray rice... weighhd in said... those peeple... wo - allegedly trampled chiidren... should be ""shhmedd../ " and... added... ""tts juss football." 3& tonightt a 33 yearroll man is 3& stabbbngga pikesville mother... wwhle two apartment.... 3 invvstigators ay the two & children were not hurt. but 3 year old katieehadel is ead. phe wws sttbbed multiple times. there was a manhunt & underray foo several hours 3 into custody. 3 (kim boyd)(heavy sigh...) my pearr just gges out to her cauue oh god i just lovee&pchildren and its just &pterrible if thats their mom to
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witness sommthhng liie thaa " police say onne hill was the victims ddaghter.. the - 3 p guilty... foo... he man... pollce say... killed north arrlina teen phylicia barnes...//. & barnes...//. jurors... convicted... johnson of second degree murrer....// ii's... suupected johnson... forcedd - himself onnthe teen... -3 inn.. 20-10... nside the the teen's half ister...//. as.... ffmily... rejoiced 3 johnson's family... - person'ss.. been - convicted...///. here'ss.. whaa phhlicia's ather... & had to say...// ass.. ps... well aa ... tte.... pefeese. 3 we all know the truth ok hy was here visittng having fun enjoyyng hhr family nn she was murdered that's the truth thatts ii :39 & :39 -3 33 & 3 any regrets for not havvng morr itnesses take the stand? not at all because thee aw ssys that a def s prrsumed innocent until proven otherwise and 1:19:50 he doesn't have to prove aanthing. 51 it would appear as if this became a aae where he
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haa to prove his nnocene insteaddthe case roving hii ggulty : - : sentencing's....set... for marcc 20th....//// hh faces a maximum of 30 years...// p3 hiihhpowered weapons are ffund insiie the home of a & suspiciouu man tresppssing &pinside an anne arundel coonty schhol... & school... 25 year old ustin matthewwbeaumonn was a student -3 at north couuty high schoollin months back in 2002... custodian saw beaumont trying tt enter a back door of the school....a short time later he followed an employee inn... police were alled, thee found a stash oo highhpowered weapons at this home including loaded handgun under his mattress.. 3 3 just gvvnnthe totality of all the cricumsttnces and theefact -3 the ccnversations had with him lead thhm to believe he was in need of soom mmntal health &peealuations to make sure he -& was not further damage to himself or others.... others.... investigators
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confiscated allltheeweappns and ammunitioo.....but since -3 the weaponn are legally registereddto beaumont all could be returned pending the trespassinggcharges.. 3a seeond-grade student from threetening classmates witt a poaded handggn. handgun.henriio county police say the 77yearrold took the gun ut of his backpack monday morning... while iddng on thee sshool us..e alllgeddy ppinted ittat other students... whill aking threats.the chhldddenied saying aayyhing threatening. -3 the boo's grandfather told an - area t-v station that the gun - that his grandson hhs been suspended from school..- ffr the pastt150 years, we've relied on the u-s ppstal servvce to get ouu mail o -3 where it needs to go.but each year its losing billions of dollaas...and big chhnges are on the way. way.jjnice park is streaming us gettready to say ggodbye to
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jefffthrough, snow, rain and pce...there has alwwys been one constant...thh post an. but the mmnny 3 will still be getting medicine and packaggs....uu say ggodbye -3 to saturday maii. over the past six years....he possal servvce as lost 41 biollion dollars. as morr people use email ann electronic ave money, the agency will halt saturddy mail deliveeyy - startinggii august.the u-s postal serrice says they will still deliver packages, mail order medicines and priority mail. 3 3 "withhpeoole tweeting & twitterrnn if thhy need o cut costs, it's one fo the ways oo do t" &pit" 3"i don't agree with the five days, because some people will be laad off, others will ose 3 post offices will still keep -3 their saturday hours...the - postal
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service sayy research baatimore, jp foxx4 news latt edition..- 33 a... áhugeá crowdd n annapolis today../. 3 ebaae began ..on... governor o''allly's... gun 3 bill..../.mostt..were gun oppose thh bill...//.itt.. styllassault wwapons .... - and... restriit thh thee,, biil.... would also... calllfor ttooe ...buuing handgunn ... o... get...a license.../ and... get... fireeam ssfetyy rainiin. 3 (alford) "and we know that law 3 affected byythis biil because criminals don'' folllw laws." laws."(governoo) "this is not about idelooy, thhs is abbut public safety, this is aboou doinn reasonable things that work to savv livvs, to prevent hoppfully the sort of sadly is a witnesssto farrtoo -3 often." no word oo when the committeee 3 anooher colddnight in baltimore. -3 baltimore. 3&pmeteorologgst vytas eidd..
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33 pow. 3 tryyng to olve a -33 frederick ewelry eest. the & ccnnection the ccooks may have to ooher robberies.
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3 cooaine innoonesuv. the - reason the driver won't be charged. 33 - and pretenninggto ssve the 3 a six ear old suupended. 3 the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left.
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3 bad ddy in whhre... marylaan -& police... are... on thh huntt.. or... 3--men... who robbed... a jewelry store at gunpoint./.. taking... merchandise... and fleeing. fleeing. 3 it... happenee tuesday.... at... colonialljewelers... n freddrickk../.the... suspectss.. went... right owner... of thh store says ... she ttinkk... the group... waa there ...a... week earlier.../ 3 their loot... &p because... they - and... knew... right where... the watches were. 3 38-58"30 seconds they wwre in and out. they ame in with a gun... peeper spray. verybody on the ground. our emplooees what they're told and thank -3 ggo they did xaatly what they - were told nd everrbody went - onnthe ground ann thee were...
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smaahhd it... smashed the and out the door they weee." were."frederick police saa they're looking into the possibilittythat thess &ppuspects may be the same group 3 3&p ... ood day for law bust. poliie in missouri... & were called in.... o... an... auuo repair shop../. &pwhen.... they found.... -150 thousand dollars... worth of cocaine inside an suv....// . hey were replacing... one of the door ppnels... when they founn the cannsters pf coke...//. the driver... pince... he... got the car through a police auction in texas,...// but.... -3 police sayy.. it'' going to be a áreaallá baa day.../ up... with the original ownnrr../// 3 a... bad day... - ffr tte iron... as the cat ... overtakes... & the housshold....appliance appliancehasbro trading the antiqqated clothes iron... &pfor this feline...//.thhe decisionnis aaresult of a mass social media vote...//./more 3 in... more thaa... 100---
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clicking the 'like' button... oo the monopoly ffcebook an page.../ an....old rrn... token... -3 to a cat. 3 3 shot adlib. 3 could you use an
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3 pxtra hunnded dollars?it's all part of our ""reebruary" - contest n fox45 morning news. we're drawing a 100-ddllar 3 ffx45 morninn entee go baltimore and cliik on the pox45 mmonnng news starting at 5 a-m to ee if you''eea winner. 3 a schoollsuspends a & student over a game. thee complete lack of common ense that's rrining aaerica's playgrrunds. 3 if you can'ttdo they time 3& courtroom rap the judge decided tooturn down. hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers
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with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
11:21 pm
i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios -- america's fastest most reliable internet -- you get it. but don't take our word for it, ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds.
11:22 pm
[ male announcer ] so, send a tweet and get the real scoop from a real fios customer. supercharge your internet speeds. switch to fios online for only $94.99 a month and we'll triple your speed for free with an upgrade to fios quantum internet. call the verizon center plus, get $250 back for customers with disabilities with a 2-year agreement. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. 3 coomon sense sayssa free sttle raa isn't going to win charged with threateniig to murdeeryour girlfriend. & girlfriend.26 -- guy raps on monitor 36 &p36 3 that callius moon of etroit. -3 heewas arrested for texting his ggrlfriend death ttreatss he appeered vii web cam from jail
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and decided hat the camera was on o it wws time po wail. he faces up to 90 -3 ddys since his rap was an epicc fail. 33 -3 3 coomon sense says don't use ann accor to train youu school security ooffccrs. 3 ptooping sheriff joe arraio in & arizona. e's bringgng ii steven seaaaa to teach his armed posseehow tt defend -3 against school shooters. 400 volunteers will be undee ssaaal's superrision during a 3 there's a serious lack of & pcmmon senss when a colorado - second grader's immginary game... ggts him suspended for rral. 33 "i pretended he box ttere's & something shaking in it and i go pshhh.. pshhh." during recess.... sevvn yyar olddalex evans threw an iimginary grennde inno a box witt prettnd evil ffrces inssde.he calls it rescue the world....but his imaginary play broke the reel rules.. -3 the schooo enforces a list of "absolutes...." absolutely no
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real or imaginary.alex's mom sayyhe was just pretending to be the hhro..and doosn't 3 "i just caa't believe i got dispended."///butt to///"i thinn that when a child's trying to ssve the world i & don't think he shoull e punished for it." 3 the school would not ommeet pn the issue... but alex's om says hh'll stay home until thii can be workee out. 3 3 3 p ne in a mmllion wwn,,times two. the unbelievable luck of a couple who hit the jackpot. 3- this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you tatake her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru.
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(announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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3 an arkansas couple is proof... - thattlightning caa strike twiie. steve and erry weaverr.. who -3 on saturday ...became instant & millionaires../ 3scratch... icket.../.the weevers ...wereefeeling... so lucky.../ the pext day... terri bouggt ...a.. 250- thousand scratch off..../she & wwn 50-rand... offthat one. 3
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3joe flacco's agent s making waves wwth contract demandss ss &&pthe super bowl m-v-p faces free agency...jed gamber tells ps howwmuch the q-b wwnts after he bbeak. 3 3 thaa's all for the
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3 late edition, i'm jennnfee gilbertt &pgamber with sports unlimited. 3 3 &p3 with the celebration of the ravenn' second superroww victory behind hemm the foous for the teaas' front office s solely toward a pepeaa...ann oinggthat could be a touuh task with salary cap ssues anddnumerous free - agents...the biggest concern 3&pflacco...joo & recently saii in an interview with c-n-b-c that e believes the super boww m-v-p eserves to be he highhsttpaid quarteerbak in tte 3 18 illion that denner paid the 20 million drew brees receivee
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witt thh saants... it's ttugh to argue that he &pdeservessthe bbg contract with the numbers he puts up...but both tte ravens anddflaaccodo aaree that he'll stay in baltimore...whether t's with a new ontract r a franchise tag iisto e dettrmined... 3 ssme other notable ravens that 3 pass rusher ppal kruger who's at the eed of a contract and - willldemand big money after leading theerrvens ith 13.5 sacks this season...ed reed is at hh end of a deal which made him onneof the highest paid safety's to ever play the - game...mmddle line backer dannelle elllrbe wwo played a key role in ay lewis' absence is a free agent alonn with & both ight ends dennns pptta and ed ickson...however they aae árestrictedá free agentt...the ravens head into tte offseason 5 illion ooer phe cap...but it could be more & if joe flacco nd the raaens 33 as defending super bowl champions, the rrvens avee -3 been given their ue..they will pennthe season thursday, september 5th aa m&t bann
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-3& opponent has ot & yet been named, and is not expected to be for another six weeks orso..exxect an announcemnt uring the fl owners meetings, which begin march 17thin phoenix....- evvry member of the ravens in which high schooo athlltes ooficially accept of their choice...and it was &pannther big day for a certain school in eastballimore... ballimore....unbar high's &pstate 1-a state football phammiins saw6 players sign scooarssips, two of them yo maryland and marvin ross, &jrto weet virginia..and grrss knowwsjjst how forrunate he is -3&pto be heaaing o morgantown... 3 33 here re -3 ssme other notaale rrcruuts who maddetheir decisionn today... henry poggi ouu of gilman is heaaing to ann arbor and the wolverines off -3 mmchigan... the university of
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33 recruits, including foorrstar recruit shhne coccerille froo - gilman,,de-andre lane from cctonnville, and moise larose out oo wilde lake high & nooable pllyer from giiman, is heeding to irginiaa &3 that'll do it for this editiin &pof sports uulimited...i'm jedd
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