tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 11, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST
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traditional lig bulbs actually generate 9 times more heat than light. switch to energy-saving bulbs. saving energy saves you money. 3 &p3 anne arundel county has lesss than a onth.. to choose itt replacement for couuty executive joh leopold.the &pin thh position. we're ff to a wet start this - long the rain will affect your morning commutee 3 and... single on valentine's day?ttreeethings -3 you caa o... to survive the holiday. 3 p3 3 monnay, february 11th. & 3 - 3 3
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3 & anne rundel leopold... ho replacc john get a new leader... county will soon anne rundel cunty will soon get a new leader... ssmeone to - reelace john leoppld... who reesgned as county executive after being convicted of piiconduct. 3 the couuty council has less than 30 days to elect a first lady... sayy she wants & the job. jjbbkendel ehrlich is o straager to politics... aad now hh's orking on a campaign of her own.lobbying suppoot among council members... whom she hopes will pelecc her to filllthe now vacant seaa of anne arunddl pouuty executive.a pooition she says she is quaaified & ffr... her biggest strengghs... name recognitiin....aad being a - woman.
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3 23:37:20-29 "i think it would give great pleasure to the -3 women of the ounty to have a little diggity.... over the & last onths." -3 months."",3& former executive john leopold friday... after a jury found hiimguilty oo misconduut. hee apaprently used his police detaillfor putting up campaigg -3 signs... and keepiig tabsson pplitical oppooents..ehrlich says... if she wins hhs seat... politics won't be a dissraction... she says she has no plans to run for the leoppod's term expires. state delegate steve schuh is also said to be interested in tte job... along with a couple council members. p3 hear everyyhing kendel ehrlich baltimmre dot com lash raw nees 3 a montggmery counny teen is addlt... for the deaah of is babb istee. -3 sister.iivestigatoos say ii &&pin white oak.the mothhr oo the baby... gloria yanes....left to gg toowork about 10-30 on
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3 bbother... 14 year old ponathan aguiluc... was watching tte baby at the time. aguilucctold police hat wwen -3 covered herrmouth and nose - with his hands... rying to get her to ssop. 3 iq: i think judge would be -3 very hard ressedoq: fight that ransfer&ptransfer 3 aguiluc issbeing held without bondd 3 police have arrested with a fatal night club shooting in west baltimore. icky horton is ccarged with first degree murder and rhooess rhodes wws one of ttreeepeoppe hot n january at the ras-a-ter internatiinal club on west pulaski street. the owner of the club was allo chargee with ooerrting the restaurant assan illegal bar.
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p 3 the maryland 3 violence issholdinggits 25-th annual memorial serviceein annapolis tonight. phe service calls attention to the problem of domestic - violence and foouuss on changing laws to reduce the probllm and immrove victim safety. between july 2011 and une 2012... 49 people diee ii marrland as a result of domestic viilence.. - 3 christtpher dorner's reiin of terror began more than a wwek aao. last sunday, the bodies of an -3 irvine couppe were found. as it urns out, one of hee 3 retired l-a-ppd captain involved in the review process - that led to dorner's dississal from the police forceein 2008. things escalated last thurrday morning, when ollce say dorner gottinto a shootout wwth oofiierssin coorna. authorittes say dorner used a - police officers, killiiggone aaddseriooslyywwuuding the - otherr marianne rafferty has the atest on thh policc manhunt. manhunt. 3 it's aa all ouu
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pffort to track down and apprehend, x-l-a-p-d officee, -3 christopher dornee. - police are asking the for public's hhlpp oofering up huge reward.chief chhrlie beck / lapdone million dollars, & this is the largest reeard ever offfred o our knnwledge p authorities are lloking ffr dornnr across californna, ssarchhteams in nevada, arizona and northern mexxco.....- but the focus of theii efforts remaiis the big bear that's where the ssspects burnt out truck wassdissoveree are meticulously ccecking the pountainous region, and going door to door to eeeey home..-&presidentthey would surrouud the house and e aaked them 3 house, weegavv them the key ruth matheson / big beaa -3 residentthey opened all the doorr you know and looked in we weren't insidee hey had uss ssay ouuside n our car -3 reported siggting oo dorner in & the los angeees area. authorities cleaaed out a llwe's store aa officers ssarchee in and rounn the building.mos says: "that wass the first time we learned, that we were poteenially in a sealed building with a muuder"
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mos says: "aad theyywere likk -& go sinnle file to the back of got their gun raiied on the line of people walking out" meanwhile, fficcals have released the photooof slain - officer micheal crain. innestigators say dorrerr killed him in an ambush in riverside last thursday. police were at a loss for - wwrds when they notified his family.chief sergio diiz / riierside want to be able to tell somebody when you give m bad news its going to be okay, its not & going o be okay,,ttis is never going tt e okay(anchor tag) authorities say dornee has a vendetta againss the l---p-d. the &pdepartment has deployed 50 protection details to guard officers and their families who they suspeettcould be targets. in ewwyork,, &pmmrianne rafferty, fox news. 3 aamemoriaa service is beiig held ttday for an ex-navy snnper... shot and killed a a texas gun range. &prange.thousands of ppoole are expected to attend the publii service for chris's - scceduleddforrlater this 3 in arlington.kyle and one of - his ffiends died february 2nd at a gun range near dallas.a 25--ear-ood iraq war veeeran paa been charred in tte killings.
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3 p family, friends and &pfans are remembering whitney aaniiersary of her death. & the legendaay singer diee febbuary 11-th 20122the night beeore the grammy aaardd. her body was found in thee bathtub offthe beverly hiltoo hotel oom where she was staying. her death -3 was laterrruled an accidennaa drowning, with heart disease and cocaine use as & contributinn factors. - houstoo was 48-yearssold. the family of the late footbaal coach joe paterno accuses penn stateeof - rushing toojudgment in the jerry sandusky case. 3 sunday the family website arguing thattf-b-i director louus freee's report on the ssndusky sex ssandaa was factually wrong anddflawed. theereport blammd paterno and others for coveeinn uppssnddsky's rrmes. & paternn as ousted at penn state's ead football & coach after the report. he died of canner in 3 33 ""aker's ark" is getting a little lss oozy. the distillerr.... known foo its ssignture redd wax-sealee bottleeii watering down its bourbon to meet
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pisinggglobal demand. maker's mark áwwsá 5 percent alcohol by volume.... but now it's only 42 perccnt. sit well with consumers. other social media sstes ith &pcomplaints. but the companyyssys don't worry.... & the tasteeis still the same.. 3iits a high flyinn universsty of marylann tradition... nd it's coming bbcc to thh b-morr -3 heelthy expo..- expo.jooe d smith is live in what you'll see from these &pamaaing students who doo't & havv to try out to make thii 3 do have to makk aabig promise. -3& 3 3
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3 the -more healthy expo eturns to baltimore... saturday, & februaryy22rd. can get health screenings... see 3 stages of áliveá entertainment... a fit and fun kids zonn....and much expo starts at 10 a-m at the -3 baltimore convention center n februaryy23rddwe'll see you 3 are you our biggeet fan?tten you can become.. our fan of the day! everyday we'll picc one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news aa 5..o become a pan just o to our ffcebook foxbaltimore.
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3 p3 this wek... erica this our wedding in a week couple pillltie the knot -live on air! buu before ttat happenn... thee plannnng begins and you caanbe 9--m... you can vott onn erica's dress... & 3 and each day for theeress of the week...we'lllbeeasking for -3 your vote on other etailssof &ptheewedding...right uppunnil - the happy couple say " i & do"... llve oo fox45 morning &pnews... on friiay, feeruary 15. 3 still to ome... vaaentine's day is jjsttaround the corner. cornerr""his is the suppr bowl for the love innustrr""- industtyythe three steps one relationshippeeertt claims.... can help anyone find love. 3 the grammy stage... graced with both old and new faces. -3 phe party atmosphere... at the -3&pmusic nnuutry's bbggest event. 3 ((break 22)
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3 from taylor swift nd mmmford and sons to justin ttmberlake and jaa-z...rocked out sunday night at the 55th annual grammy awards. martha shade has a look at the highhights. highlights. 3 theemusic industryycelebrated its own with a night of pooerful peeformances.justin timberlake 3 returned to the grammy stage after affur-year hiaaus,, performinn hissnew single & "suit and tie" as the screen wwnt - performed "carryyon," then year or their
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it 'we re &pyoung"...and best new artist. "i didn't thiik e were gonna win thissone, gotta be honnstt frank ooean, the lumineers, everybody amazing."the black keys were recognized for best pock perffrmance,rook song and rock album. frank oceann ttokk 3 home a new award ttis year- best urbbn contemporary album. priice presented the grrmmy for rrcord of the year to - potyy,,or "somebody thatti used to know.""many yearss liiteninn to this maa's musii -3 growing up, andda big reason i wassinspired to make music." and album of the yeer went to muumorddand sons.aa ollection &pof performers including ellon to "the bnd's" levon helm, 3& weight." elton john said the performance was also in memory of those killed last ear at sandy hook elementtrr.for &pholllwooo minute, i'm martha shade.
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3 straight ahead... straight aheed... celebratinn valentine's day... hile ssigle. sinnle.the simple solutton... to making it thhough the hollday..- 3 ((break 3)) ♪ ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ sometimes ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ get a feeling that i never never, never, never had before ♪ ♪ no, no, i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female
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3 3-3- 3 valentines day is this thursday, and while millions plans, millionn of ssngles are of love. rene marsh has some - advvce for them. 3 3 february 14th... lovv is - in the ir but according to the us cennus bureaa aboot 116 million people in the uniied states aae living single...and it cca be a draggi guess if i did have someone special in my pife i would be thinking about it more."the pressure is on foo singlls on a day meant ffr pouplesfor matchmakerrpaul - brunson february is igg"thiss is he super bowl for the love &pindustry"brunson issa self- descrrbed modern ddy "hiich"...
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they calllthe datt doctor?" "urban mmth""really?" "absolutely"the realllife daae doctor has rittee a book on pinding and keeping lve. "so pow many success stories have you had?" "so we've had 9 marriages"brunsonnsays ittssas think of eeeryyhing yyuuhave done so far that hasn't worked and throw that out. /// you wwnt to expand your social circle. thats two. three, work self deveeopment, interpersonal skills." "mm phone is ringing off theehook, mccann alss pusshs prractive strategy. she says for most women who struggle with dating, it boils down to fear.. "fear is sort of driving their decisions, and ii's keeping &&pthem in a paralyzed state. and whhn youure inna state of fear, you are not in a ssate offlove."her advice for frustrated sinnles?"you really need to focus more oo what you do have, and the love and relatiooshipp that are ii your pife
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than the ones that you dont.""nd if all else fails? 33 just going to havv fun wiih it. if nothing happenn i'll get together a lot f girlfrieeds and we'll havv a lot f fun" 3 comiig upp.. the worss of a weekend blizzzrr has passed... but the clean up effort ii -3 just ssarting. 3 the wicked weather ttat eft & iis mark on theenortheast. 3
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i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small.
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