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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 11, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

5:30 am
3 attention deficit disorrer. and deppression.on fox 45 news at five.3- 33 3 3 3 -3 3 3 it's our free-bru-ary giveaway! giveaway!everr day in february we're giving away 100- dollarss an houur hour.
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33 óóóóóó yyu have 30 minutes to 3 scrren.if yyu don't ccll in.. your prize rolls over nto the next hour for someone elle tt win! win!to ggt yyur name to get your name in the box.. go to facebook dot com slaah ffxbaltimore anddfill ut the 3& read complete contest rrles..- p3 3 p
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3 the anne aaundel the anne arundel county council now has -33 pess than 30 days to elect a replacement for john leopald. he resigned fter being convvcted of misconnuct. 33 candidates interested in the job....need to apply forrthe position by this friday.and so faa... there's handful of hopefulls... incluuing the formmr first lady..- lldy.kendel ehrlich iss lobbying support among council &pmembbrs... whom she hopes will select her to fill the now vacant eattof nne arunddl county's a qualified for... saying hhr recognition....and being a wommn.if she iis the seat... ehhlich says... politics will not be a diitraction... says the ppoitionnin 2014... when leopold's term expires. 3 23:38:00-20 "i ust think that &pwhh an ome in and ake some &pgooo decisions... and i won't be out there raising ooey." mmney."be out there raisinn money." monny."former execuuive john
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leopold officially stepped -3 down n frrday... affer a jury misconnuct. e apaprently - useddhisspolice ddtail for putting up ccmpaign signs... and kkeping tabs on politiial opponents..-& 3& heaa everrthing kenddl ehrlicc & ssid to us...go to fox--- baltiiore dot com slash raw - news p shuttleebus ooertuuns near bwi airport... leaving 3 peopleehurt. happened sundaa --3 morning... near the intersection f route 170 and terminal road.. peessnnrefused - to be treaaed....while the -3 other 2 were taken to the hhopital with minor injjriis. 3 f yoo live in laurel and beltsville you may notice bbown wattr cooinggout of your taps.. the washington says thht's beeause of a thh discolored &pwater áisáá afe tt use and 3put the company says they 3 pater to prepare forrmla or - washing cloohes. - officials havv not said ow lonn the brown waterrwill stick around.
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3 a torrado touched down inn -3 southern mississippi and within seconds it caused widespread damage.state pozen injuries ave been reported.mmrthaashade has the storr. story. 33 the tornado hit hattiesburg... tearing up &ptrees ann buildings as it &pcarved aapatt through the ttwn..- the city is home to the university of southern mississsppi.several buildings &pon campus were damaged, but there were no injuries there. at the university."our students get a break monday anndtuesddy at mardi grrs - holiday so the unnversity ii pretty empty right now. so that's probably a good thing." when theetornado touched down. 3tornadoes describee it was veryy loud vvry uick, he building was shaking and you can tell that the trres were flyyng by."bass took this &pviddo of tte damage o his home after hh tornadoofor him it bringg up memmries of another storm.this issexactty like walkinn ouu of the housee after atrina. it's the xact same scene the ttees aae laying on everything, aad you knowwa lot of prrjectssto build. the gardde survived so, i feel alright abbut thaa. the stormms trreet is gone and now tte cleanup beginssi'm martha
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ssaae reporting. 3 the blizzard that pummeled northeastern stttes has drifted out to sea..... but now tte cllan up effootss begii. p3 today hundrees of ttouuands of people aae still without power after more than 3-feet of ssow blanketeddparts of new england. drivers in boston say now - they're working to ccean offf their cars and driveeon the roadss -3 3 "our biigest prrblem is after we dig out ourrspaces, looking nowhere to go." pgo." presiient obama announcee a state offemergency in connecticut.... which got 40-inches of snow. p,3 the university off maryland is onceeagain ranked ps one of the top party schools in the country.... but don't be fooled by the headlines. - 3 itts still eass to find a 3 doo't uue rugssor alcohol. jool d smith is live in college park ith the & athletes of gymkhana... to see how hard it reaaly is to live a substance free life ith so
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many temptations aallaround. 3 3 3 -3
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3 the b-more healthy eepo returns tt paatimoree.. saturday, &pscreenings....see 3 stages of &páliveá enteetaiiment... a it - and ffu kids zooe... and much much more.the b-more healthy pxpo startt at 10 a-m at thee baltimmrr convention center oo february 23rd.we'll see you on februury 23rd.we'll see you there! 3 coming up onnthe eerly prepares to speak to the ation. nation."members oo congress, distinggished guests, and americans."the issues he's expected to touch on... in his state oo the union address..- 3 ((break 1))
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3 ((bumppin)) 3 ((ad lib
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3mettorollgist)) 3 3((traffic reporter ad libs)) ((traffic reporter 3 & 3 meteorologist))((ad lib ((ad &plib 3 meteorologist))
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3 3 ((traffic reporter addlibs)) greebsporing liberty 40
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3 maa 3 3 3 3 coming up... cominggup... the raavns are world champions. champions.we count oon thh -3 too 0 pllys that helped them wii the title. allleees will bb on the presiddnt tomorrro night.the po tackle head-on... uring - the state offthe unioo.
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3& ((break 2))
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3 333 to give his firsttstate of the pnnon address of his second has a preview. prrview. 3 natsthe staae of the union address.members of congress, fellow americans.tte commmnder
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in chief's best chance to lay out his priorities -- and influence milllons of television viewers.itts he moment where he ggts n uniiterruptee, unchallenggdd opportuuity o tall to the country nd to define his agenda and whaa e ttinns the debbte n wassington should be about, which is one of the most imporrant powerr that a prrssdent has.ppesideet obama gave house democrats a preview of what e''l say.i am going to be talking about making sure that we are focused on job-creation here in the 3 (applluss) ittmeans that ww - are ocused on education and equipped with the skilll they 3 century..theewhite house says - the sppech will serve as a address -- a signnthe preesdent wiil touch oo priorities like immigration &preform and reducing gun viollece. we could see new policy prescriptions to eaa but white house fficials say - the
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main thrust oo tte speech pill be on so-calledd -3 "pockeebook" issses -- highllghtinn a mix of oll and nee policces aimed at helling the middle how effective will the president's & message be in persuading republicann on capitol hill? - the speech is just onn moment in a ootinuum. yoo have a &ppresidenn who wants to have a debate about immmgration, he wants to have a ddbate abbut guns, heeis clearly takkng us & towards a debate about ccimate 3 partyythat really wants to shift the focus as much as possible to the feeeral deficit and debt. athena p3 coming up in our 6 ooclockk -3 hour... the terps take onnu-v-a. had... defending the three. 3 and new at 6... a coodor steals the ssotlight... at a - california hockey game.what it doos... that could make this clip one of the best sports bloopers of all time. 3 ((breakk3)) this is amazing, how did you find us? i thought we might be related,
5:51 am
so i had a fiber analysis done and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. and you help keep people full with whole grain fiber? just like you guys. [ female announcer ] they're different, but the same. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. a tasty square packed with a crunch... [ crunch! ] ...of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. smile! ohhh bring it in! ooohhhooh!
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3 commng up in our 6 ooclock hour... breaking doon baltiiorees financiallprobllms. problems.the long-ttrmmreforms that mayor reportedly has in the works.
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all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.


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