tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 12, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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3 it's ouu free-bru--ry giieaaay! giveaway!!veryday ii february annhour. hour.óóóóóó yyu have 30 3 minutes to call us at tte number on yyur screen. &pscreen..f yu don't call in.. your prize rolls over into the next hhur for sooeone else toowin! box.. go o facebook dot omm slash foobaltimore and ffll
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house fire... wws murdered. this arrest haa been made. made.megan gillilaan is live oo theesuspected killer and 3 pood morning guysswe are live on hhgh gate drivv at ulgrave -33 avvnue.deeectives say they wereealerted by theefire department oo suspicious deeth... inside this home..- home.on friday... police found 32-yyar oll jennifer conyers tied up with electrical cords 3& she was beaten and draggee into the basement... and murrdred by moote carter. detectives say he stole her car and -t-mmcarr.on & saturday... police spptted carter in west baltimore driving conyer's wwitt mustang. 3 him... they say he was coverre in blood. p (guglielmm) "heeadmitted to
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abusing drugs... taking ms. conyers' personnl eefects and & ultimatelyycooing back and pllegedly killlnn her." 3 ppliie say cartee met conyers website mooths ago.conyyrs was - an -i-v outreach worrkr with thh citt's health department. phe was 32-years--ld.acccrding to online court rcoors... ccrter has prioos... including pharges. p3&pthii morning, he's being held without bond... facing first and secoon degree murder and robbery.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning neww. 3 three people are dead... incluuing he alleged gunman... after a shooting att a delaware courthouse. courthouse. it happennd in the lobby of the new castlee county couuthouse in wilmington monday morning. there are reportssthat the estranged wwfe and another - woman befooeetaking his own &plife.oneeman ggt aaccal from
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-3 his sisttr during the shooting. 3&ppuuy. & "she was like 'i'm scared,i'm 3 theyyre shoooing.' and iisaid, 'what happenedd' aad she old me thaa they're hooting in 3 hiding in thii rrom and i asked if tteee weee any cops around and she said a cop in the haalway and then she hung &pup, so i left workkto come here." here." two police &pofffccrs were hurr in he gun battll.they'rr expected to be o-k... because ttey were wearing bulletproof vests. accounn of the alabama hostage situation... y the little boy & himself.6-yearrold ethan was - held hostage innan underground bunkee... for neerlyy eek. the f-b-i rescued him llst & week... in a mission that ended with his ostage taker, -jimmy lee dykes, dead.ethan pill appear alongside his - tomorrow. a vote is scheduled today... to nomiiate chuck hagel as secretary of defense. defense.deepite a nomination republican enator from nebraska is expecceddto win confirmation. hagel has ccme under
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fire by members of his - pwn party... for commeets he made on israel and opposing ssnccionssagainst iian whiie a senator. 3 boeeng ontinues testing its 7-87 dreamline planes... afterr recent inniddnts forcee planes company says its ffrst test flight on saturddy was "uneventful."last month... - authorities detecttd 3 boeing's planes.federal 3 peeks before the cauue of the problem is rrsslved... and he jets are cleared for take-off. 3 there iisequal opportunity ffr jobs... at least ii pharmacy. 3 according to a harvard ressarch pharmacy is the most &pequal job for men and women. it's fast-growwng profession... offering a six- figure salary.. women make up about 55-percent oo the professioo....earning a mediin salary of more than p100thousandddollars last still a small pay gap with mmn.... bt the report attributes that to some men working longer hours.... not -& discriiination.
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3 the bbmore &phealthyyexpo returns to ballimore... saturddy, february can ggt pealth creeeings... sse 3 stages of áliveá eetertainment... a fit and fun kids zonn... and much much more.the b-mooe eallhy expo starts at 10 a--mat the paltimooe convvetion enter. puuppl fridayy... .so how do we celebrate "fat tuesday"??- ttesday"? mardi gras smith s live in havve de & graccewhere they're preparing - por a ceeebration that's becoming a maryland tradition. gooddmorning joel d..... d..... 3 3
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could be key to lowering crime innbaltiiore. 3 in some of baltimore'' mmst dilapidated and poverty group business owners has not only surviied the urban they areeyyur neighborhood liquor stores.(owner) 44:55 we've been her like 22 years yes. but ae oh and her -3 huuband now ear 43:26 you they're about to lose 46623 if you don't sell the & liiuor can you surviie? :probably nnt alcohol keees their business float... it's their moneyymaker... and every correr store owner in east some ee thhir rooe a ttreat to the community, others see it as a convenience. quentin renwiic 44:16 they're what they need to do for the community because oo know e & doo't have to go out of the & cmmunitt we can come heee buy doo't see here it's a problem preeent studies suggest a highh ddnsity of liquoo stores ccn be proolematic especially in
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urban ceeters ike bbltimore. 2:41:344hhgh densiiy is still associited with 3&pstatistically signifiiaat hiiher rrtes of violent crime violence that doctor barbot ssys spillssintt the streets.... and becomessa wheee ttese businesses are located. 2:27:499community members ranked llquor outlet density as one of theirrtop ten concerns (23:39:43) under current zoning, these neiihborhood liquor tores aren't even allowedin residential neighborhoods anymmre. ttee've been panneddsince the 70's.23:37:18 door hoo23:38:44 door open but it's getting rid of tthse prrnddatherre in... that's proving to be aachalleege. if oneebottlee representt each of the non-confoornggliquor 4:28:23 thii is the nuuber - of businnsses that tand to be shut own 98butt 4:334:5 some after bbinn in businees for 50
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laayer are reaay to go aater the cityyrakksh patell owns wine underground... an upscale --3 liqqor storeetucked away ii -3 hampden.22:52:59 so we ride ourselves on any wines we have not jjst one it's a selectiin... ttat draws morr & ttan just customers froo the neighborhoodd some will rrve dd you thiik you're contributing tt crime the neighborhood? not in this -& neiggborhooo no. i'm not. - evenso, that meansslittle too the city's heaath commisiioner. 2:33:33 it's ot about pickinn good guys and bad guys it's &pabout eesuriig hat there's equity in the process o eeerybody abiding by the amee pules. 98 neighborhood liquor stores.... each given -3 two years to figure out theer his attorney is onfiddnt... his client will be ammng the &pfee leettstanning. 23:10:22
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-3 thhy need to individuully -3 review each liquor ssore llok cirme look attthe owners look what they're erving how their servinn it. aarossstown.... -3 pust lcohol.but it's hether -3 they can suuvive withouu it... phey fear the most.. 46:19 we want to ssay here as long as at ten. 3 doctor baabot says if any oo the 98 neighborhood llquor storrs were allooedd o continue toosell alcohol...that deciiion would come from aadifferent city -3agency. 3 cooing up in our 6 o'clock hour... speaking out about the one avy seel is givvng up. &p33&pssring trainiig begins todaa to the team hat are readd to play ball. ((break 3))
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