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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  February 13, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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eers alss collected 44--- thoussnd dollars for ooo to use however he wantss -3 3 3 another... winter storm... ovee maryland ttnight...//. hello, i'm jfff arnd..../ barnd..../ and 'm jjenifer gilbert.. we have live team coverage to & bring you the latest from around the sttte. &statt. 3 pe start with keith ddniels... -3&pliveein the... fox45... obile trrk vvhicce...// keitthhow are the roads tonight? tonight? eff..... we're n downtown baltimore there has been some precipitation.. aallttle rain, & preezing... the roads coull be really rrcky for the morninn commuut.... ut look -3 outside now..... theee's o & real accumulationnof ice or snow on he roads at thiss that ccn ,3 make things dicy....
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3&p onn driver tood me tonight.. there's really been jjst ind of a nuusance riggt now.... wet roads, slow & traffic. but eaaliee.. & ppople ttaveling northbound on the j-f-x.. did come to a looked moreeliie a parking lot aa some poiits. (ááágivv reasonááá) a remindee &pweather.. there can be some conccrn about road ponditions... aad the otthe guy behind the wweel. 3 (mr. schloss/driver) "i just camee rom downtown and ii took - mmea ong timm to get tt cold -3 sprinn.. and i idn't have any -problems with the road -&ppeople are driving too slow.""- veey slippery, they're very slipppey. theyyre wet, ou know,,i mean you oota bee &pcareful, you gotta keep the moments as slipping. but certaanly the traffic is muuh worss and we're prrttt lltt yes." 3 back hhre livv whhre things arr movinn smoothly..... now vitas dii ttll
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me..things 3&pcould be a lot moreetricky on theeroads the further west you - travel.. liie westmmnster & where ttey expect a lot mmre snow accumulation. liie - in... .kk.. fo 45 news llte edition. 3 3 how much snow and sleet will - pe wakk up to in theemorning? & mmrring? let's go to chief meteorollgist vytas reid wwo &&pis tracking tte storm. 3& get schooo
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3& et school closuressor delays as soonnas they happen witt the fox45 obill news app on mobile and then ownnoad 3 3 tte university oo maarland stuuent who survived that shoooing yesterday off -33 ccmpus...has been releaaed frrm the hospital. &phospital. 22 year olddneal oa... at home recooering surroouded by family. oo's step father said toddy it's a 3 annapolii, lawmakers are -&pwith critical eye. some arguing it's timm for private doctors to gee involved in keeping unssouttof the ands
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of tte mentally ill. &p3 i thinkkthe medicallccmmunity manyycasse :11 they''e the have the problemm who are -dangerous to themselvee and -3 oohers so they need to ccme come up with ways to make suue thaa people ttat ave mentall issses problemssanddshould not be owniig guns can't buy thee them despite suffering frro aamental illness, umd &pgunman dayvon green was allowed to legally purchase aa ccaiber uzz. &p3&pa... olice trainee remaiis -3 in critical condition... after -& beeng shot in the head... - ddring aatraining exercise..- pxercise.itthappened &pyyeterday....attthe former mills..../ a... police pnstrrutor... someeow... shot the trainee... with a live round...//.but... the questions....// police... say... only ...blanks... are supposed to be used....for field trrining.../ aad... the guns ...are supposed... to - be... cooor-codee... for &pmorning -- the mayoo
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pfrstrattonn.. over the tragic mishap. < "there is no acccptable 3 exerccse. was so angry i was almoss speechless. to think ttat somethingglike this & pould hhapen.">>- haapen.">thee.. police shht doow the poliie academy....-&pactivities.../ . he... also sussended... six pnsttuctorss.. ending the innestigation...//. &3// ///hh baltimore city school boarddvoted tuesday not to renew contracts of several charter anddindependll run -3 schools, most are expected to close by tte end of tte next - sshool year. year. the criteria was based oonacadeeic performance.....cli ttose criterii, the boarr academy middde schooll, baltimore civvtas ann
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p we... hhve... a.... heartfelt warning... for you tonightt .... n ... thhs... vvlentines ddy... eve../if you are thinninn about takiig a sexy ppcture to send to yyurrloved pay ant to think agaii. again.the experts at softwarre -securiit oopany macafee did a study...and found that if yyuu are eer threattned by aa ex &pafter senning a risque photo....60 % f the time...the phott you thoughh was shared wth -3 ppople today ii north & baltimore, who admit tey've sent a risque picture: &p3 3& "i have ddne full nudity fronn - and back, but only for the & girl that i love" love" 3&pthe study also showed that one ,3 pn ten americansshaveebben
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when it comes to riskk photos. & 3 some balliioreecounty shhpkeeperss ave already spread their rrising some busiiesses at uxtoo station donated 100percent of their valentine proceedsstoo the ''ne lovv foundation' oo wednesday. the charity is pesigned to stop relationshhp vvolenne. yeardley love wass murdeeed a college.... her former bbyfriend issnow in 3 3 (lisa-yyardleys former ccach)". and it mmkee methink & onnsome levvl she would be ss proud of her moo aad sister forrcarrying this on and for finding the good in a terriile tragedy""-&ptragedyy more thhn seven businesses participated in the one day undraiser raisiig &pphoussnds of dollarr for the 'one love foundatioo'. &p3 tee ddys....after the ravvns -&p...remarkable....super bbwl win,...// the... 3 the- scenes photos. 3 the stooies... behiid some of -3these
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photos... with us his baltimoreestudio tooay...//.mommnts... only... he coulldcapture.../llke... jje flacco... before he game... witt a owel... draped over his ead...//..alotii ngata... plaainn on the -3 field... ith his son....// & steve bisccottt... hugging joon harraughh...//mooents all capttued... by... the 30 - yeerr ld photogrrpher.... 3 shawn hhubard, ravvns photographer: "every momeet that happpns, the imagg thaa - you create is going toobe images that are taken by the &pworll."hubbard is one of two offiiial ravens' phhtographers. photograph: ...raa lewis. 3 &p3 a bad daa as a crane falls and crashee inno a chhrch steeple. steeplee the trouble ssarted ps the crew was examiiing this alexandrii, virginia steeple. - as tthy moved the long arm the center of gravitt shiftee and the trucc tipped, iijuriig some of the wwrkers when the pucket slaamed into the roof. recovvry. -33& in altimoreecounty, it
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was a ggod day to fight ack -pgainnt bullying. school inn eisterstoww... studeets are weaaing theee &pblue shirtssto celebrate "hey tt step out of their commort zones and ay "hee""to at least 3 people they don't pnnww it'' a way of combatting -bullying by helpiig everyone feel ncluded. 33 iq: ttose random acts of kindness....oq: how they look at their day." day." 3&p art of the proceeds from - willlbe donnted to an anti- 3 3 tth fierr end of a massivv manhunt. we'll show you why 33 started this cabii firr. 3 33 a stolen sshool bus. the new 3 send a teen to prissn. 3 a call ffr a photoshop bann lawmmker that accs ll ommon
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tonight, queetions re swirling about how that cabin in theemountains burned down anddif former cop turned accusee murderer chhistophee inssde. joe johns breaks doow the police radio traffic that some say shows ddputies 3 that caabn. -3 cabin. 3 ((ats of gunshots)audio on the ground from a cbs-22 kcaa peporter ---mentioned a smoke grenade --and then in the chaos, someoon-- we don't noww -3ppho.. was heard yelliig."burn police audio transmissions att biigbear llke were preserved. ann the secood guessing weedon'ttknow ow the fire started ---to the ntrained earr after aathorities concluded theyyhad ssoeonn ii this cabin ii the woods..t ssunded to ssme like they couud have intentionally set -3 fire to it tootry to smoke out theesuspecc ."we're ggnna
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go-- we'rr gonna go ffrward withhthe plan with the urn... an early referenceeto burners being depllyed.."ccnttol 61 "ccpp seven burners deployedd and we haae a fire..."a former fugitive apprehension tolddme 3 poesn't believe tte authoritiee n scene tried to burn down the house."at that -3 ointt t could just be bravado. but aaain there's no torching aahome in order to gee a suspect ut."the term -33 buuners hearr on he audio was once ssd s slann for tear -3 gas anissers -- thougg ppoice that can catch ffre."well obbiously e want tt gas the 3 devices so theyywouuln't have any possibility of catching theehouse on ire."joe: oes
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- aaything wrong?12:57:455 poinn no. iidon''''think they diddanything wrong. the final - word could come ffom n investigatton and autopsy. foorer medical exaainee 3poroner haa a pretty good chance of determmning wheeher -3& fire killed the suspect. or if peing taken aaive."most peoppe whoodie frrm firessdie from toxic products. so wee ook at --3 soot doon ii the airrays. we look for ccrbon monoxxde in the bllod. and those are the alivv in the fire. and if you paae enough of those poisooss basically sooeone who died 3 in a news conference tonight, san bernardino ccunty sheriff jjon mcmaaon said officers did nottinnentionally burn down the cabin.he says the used are commonly eferred to as burnerssand geneerae a lott offheat. medical examiners arr still working to confirrmif - theebody inside the cabin is
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iinfact dorner. 3 superstorm sandy... is... goiig in the record books../ . as... the... second- costtless storr... thh had. sandy ccst maaylann 41 million dollarr.../ --3 and... the country 50 billionn -3&pdollars...//.sanny... was bamed for 722deaths in the u-s... and left &phunddeds of ttousands of homes 3 costliest storr..., of course,,.. being hurricane katrina... in 2005...///. 3 3 3&ptoss to wwather, the wintee mix is falling noww
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3- 3 falling noww the winter mix is ttss to weather, -33& toss to wwether, the winner mix is falling now. p he was tred of walkinn. tte ccmplete lack f common school bus.
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p3& a mannssfaceeon a naked woman's body. the reason pne lawmakkr is demandinn a -3 photoshop ban.
11:19 pm
the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline
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with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at 3 a... georgia... state lawmaker
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is annry... that someone photoshopped his heed... onto... a hee.. wantss.. to make it a crime..../. & 3 free speecc... iin't pttpping... representative... earnest smith...//. he wanns ...this ttpe of photoshopping be a crime .... ppnishable... by... up to... a... thousand dollar fine...//. the lawmakkr says... it's -3not a violatioonof the first amendmentt.../ because quote... nooone has a right... & to make fun of anyone.../ 3 said, quuoe... "earnest... & ccazy trainn- that'' one politician with some common &psenne. 3 3 teenngers and ommon sense are - like oil and water, they just &pdon't mii. 3 tenneesee teenager who s accused of steallng a shool bbs... just because e didn't & feel like walking. and... it was all caughh on camera. police say 8-yyar-old jonathanncole collins took off &ppo a 20 minute ride just after midnight unddy. authoritiesssay he was
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afttr he was released nnbail poo a drug possession charge. 3 common senns smmrt phhne -company ..." vertu" is releasing the "vertu... ti"".. for ájustá undde 10-thousand dollars...//.it runsson the android operating system...//. the most... uniquu feature of key"... on the side of the 3 psedd.. to call a 24-seven poncierge... from anywhere in the world....///here's also a live hat option....and pp... that appears to do nothing, but show personaaizee ads. 3- 3 a car theft the pollceeare happy to investtgate. hhw 3 donut baadit to jusstce..-&
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11:24 pm
hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined.
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3 poliie... were... hot on the trail... of... one sttlen - vehhcle... withhmaybe... aafew of them... hoping to gee.... their share of the loot. loot. it happened when a & georgia man lead police on aa & chase... ii a stooen donut &ptruck... 3& this ssrveillance video shows a krispy kreme delivery man arriving aa a conveniencc &pstore... unloading the trays of fresh donuts and taking - them inside. he's only gone for a minute...when caaeras
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emmpoyees calleddpolice.. butt admit this was a crime of opportunity.. aad they can't blame the guy for taking advvatagg offit. & 3 "well, you now, especially if you're oo a diet, hot krispy kremes are pretty plwayy good." james freddy major, lead them eventually came tt a dead end pn a residentiia neighborhood and trred to run, but a police doggtracked hhm down... strangely some of thh &p3 some winter 33 weether tonight buttwill it cleaa out foorthe enndof the week??-& eek? let'' go to vytas for the extenddd forecast.
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3 3 the aree's fastest-rising college athletic prograahas &pcunninghamhas hht ports unlimited
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3&p that's all or the late gilberr. 3 i'' jeff barnd,... here's bruce cunningham wiih ssoott unlimited. 3 3 3 after making their firstt 3years, you might expect the oriolee to be a littlemore enthusiastic than usuullabouu opening up springtraaning... &pbutti onnt think anyonee 3& thhs: & 3& with the first full-ssuad porkouts ot scheduled until
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&psaturdaythe orioles officially - have a full house at their spring trriningcoimplex in sarasota...tte oriileessaid -3 today thattall bbt ooe player on the 60 an spring training a reeerve infielder who won't pven make the club...batting practice was llvely today, with all 88returning position crowdee that theeoriolls had po set up a seonddatting was he firstt official workkut for pitchers -&pand mentioned, hits the field on ssturday.. 3 back here in baltimore...the world champion ravens are in the midst of figuring out thhir rosterrfor next season &pand they have ssveral free agents o consider, ihncludinn supposedto meet with eam represeeativessaa the combine next week in indianapolis.. indiinapolis.. 3 and at leest one of the others is,...veterrn offensivee taacled bryant mc kinnie, ptarting linnupphelped launch the playoff drive thaa lld to a super bowl titlesays he pwants to kinnie's -3& agent ssys gthe numberr would have to be right, but his man panns to kinnie - startee all four plaaoff gamee at left tackke,,and allowed - just two saaks.
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& 3 steveesoo university hassa committent tt athletics.weesaww that with thh growth f a football proggam three years ago.and now tterees a nee kii 3 moogan adsit has ore ith the mustangs. mmstangsseverything has a prrctice.... tte start of a play...for stevensoo hockey 3 vis-yeahh who would hhve & thought? we started this phing. it's been crazyykatie abbott--nnwing thht you are a part of history and starring 3& women... are a univerrity pirst... the staat of hockey aa ssevennon... kriittnn webber-there'ssno men's hockey here yett it's like women's hockey. no one really knows - what hockey is around here. & it's great. here'ssno bias between mee anddwwmen here. po great f steveeson to - promott he womenns side &ppfrstt that doesn't happen many places. and i think ouu phole group ii proud of the
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fact that we are he treen setters heee. coach vis aan staff started the proggam from scratch... no facility....nn roster... with only a yeaa's time to sell aa unknown to recruits ann get them on thh 3 loved ii. i just feel in ovee - with the school.webber-iicome from a small townnso it's greet to be a parttof something so much bigger.for phe mustangs....all 26 are -'s abouu being aa & part of something biggerrthhn part & 3 &p3 ma for ssuin reisterstown, ma stevenson is the youngest eaa in all ofcollege 33 6-13-and 1... witt two games
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llft innthe season...home on -&psaturday nd sundaa against - sporttpllx. 3 that'll do it or thii editionnof spoots unliiitedd i'm bruce cunningham.thhnns for sure t une in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- startinn t 5-am.goodnnght. goodnight.
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