tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 14, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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number on yyur screen. screen.if youudon't call in.. your prize rolls ooer into the &pnext hour for someonn else to win! & win!to et your name in he slash foxbbltimore and filll outtthe can also go there to read complete contest rules. 3 parroll andd 3 freeerick county schoolssare -3& open 2 hours late. 3 2 houus llte.schools are openn 3 3 3 3 3 33
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3 severallcharter and indepennently run schhols in ballimoreewiil ccose down soon. it comes after the city school board voted nnttto rnew thier contracts. &pcontracts.meggn iililand is -3 liveeoutside one of thosee sccools with mooe on what 3 good morrinn guysblufordddrew 3 schools now settto lose down --3 bb the end of the next school year. year..hh school openee... n &p2007... and the boarddchair here... dmits... it has hhd its share of trouble in the -3 2008... ooe of the school's secretaaies stole more than 3--housand dollars - ann is currently n the process of paying it bbck. during thh first two years... the school performee poorly academmcally... but hhs met -3 sttte standards in the ast -
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all male school ffcuued on studeets comingginnfrom some of the city's toughest neighbohoods.when the school 3 displaced. 3 ((5:47) all of s weer hockkd at the recommendation and tte 3 measuring deviie used measures eeeryyody but in an urban aaea -3 you ake ll of the urban 3 childden thatts prooided you pften have to do more work -3harrer anddlongee to et them where thaa one document ants & be..he school board also voted not tt renew contracts for - baltimore civitas and baltimore freedommacademy. -3&p3 the criteria wws based on academic performaace.... gilliland, fox45 morning ews.
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3 we are getting closer to the arrival oo the more thhn 4- thousand people who''e been stranned in the gulf.ttee carnival triumph broke own sunday mornnng. morninn.tami brehse joins us &pnow live from dauphin sland where the ship is expected to pass through.tami? 3 that's righh, anddsooe -3 passanger's family members are already in town.aad thee say phey're not going loved ones to be bbseddoo flown they've made the trek to obile, to greee family membbrs once they man, who drove from texas to -& pickkuu his wife.triumph right peen able to get in wifeeby phone or e--aal.he anted to & pe mmil.wife by phone or e- he's heard the with her cousin. she's on the from texas to pick five hundred miles we spoke tt one land.they reach -3 po be to waittfor their thhy''e not going aad they say town..amily membbrsssome 3 3 through.where theeship is - expected to pass throuuh.tamii 3 ttat's rightt aaddfamilyy members are alrrady n and they say they''ee ot going loved ones to be bused or flown trek to obile, o greet -3 man, who droveeffve hhndred miles she'sson the triumph right now he'' heerd te horror stories,,contact with his wiff byyphone or eemail.hee wanted oobe hhre when she finally gets off the hip, to make sure she's okay. 3&pthis ship sttll has a ssow 3 expected to arrivv t the port this members passengers will teeminallto greet them as they get off.
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33 the olympic sprinter... who became known around the world 3 under investigation for aa -3 wommn's death. death.policc in south africa the home of oscar pistorius... abouu a shooting.when officers aarived... theyyfound parammdics trying to revive a 30-year-old woman wwo had een shot an unssecified number of at
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the scene... and officers say they found a 9-millimeter ttey took the 26-year-old runner into custody. he iis xppcted to appear in court 3 a statusshearinn is scheduled toddy for georgeeziimerman.... but zimmerman himself won't be thereethe judgg wants to talk about the loggstics offjuuy selection... and the scheduling of zimmerman's p"tand your ground" hearing. second-degree murder for the death oo 7-year-old trayvon -3 martin in florida..artin as unarmed and walking through a gated community he was visiting.zimmerman was on thh -3neighborhood atch... and sayy he shot the teen in self-defense..- 3 a ggad student gets a bad ggade... and suessher almm - dollars. the 27 year old &pis suing lehigh niversity because sse ot a c-plus in -3 one of hhe classes back in 2009.she says that impacted her degree and eaaniig potennial and claiis she as given the bad grade because plaintiff is seeeinn 1-point-3-
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million dollars in damages... -3 foo breech offcontract and sex discriminntionnher fatter... is a professor at the universitt... and calls the lawsuit a disagreement betweenn 3 "i ad both my faaillee involved: i had my lehigh family and i had my own -3 family. we triid everything possibleeto avoid geeting tt families can heal." & heal."instead of gettingga masser's in counsellng uman servicee,,the laintiff earned a mastees in counneling in puman evelopment.she currrntly works assa ddug and alcohol counselor. 3 you've heard of sleep átexting?áaccording to one missouri doctorr.. its pore common than you think. thinn.that's because in recentt years... ore and more teeeagers have begun sleeping with their smmrtphones. with phones laying next too teen'' beds and heads... thhy can text unconsciiusll ii he & middll of the niggt. and for anyone entering rem sleep who responds to thee bep of a teex...
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3 the bbmore heaathy expo returns to baltimooe... saaurday, &pfebruary 23rd. an get health screeninns... see 3 stages oo álivee ntertainment....a fit and fun kids zooe... and much much more.the b--ore healthy & expo starts at 10 aammat tte paltimmrr convention center. we'll see you there! 3 comiig up on the early 3 unusual pprr of the ody. pbdy. 00:26:06 "it's a 3 how far somm women will - go o get fashionable look. 3 ((breakk1))
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♪ ♪ [ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual.
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3 cominggup... orioles closer jim johnson... comments on his brilliant 2012 seeson.. & why he thinks it won't ean anythiin.... áthiiá spriig. -3 p3 03:37:48 "most women like to wear heels." heels."injecting at... &ppe-shaping toes...the ther surreries people ill have... to change their áfeetá. 3&p((breek 2)) -
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33 3 itts a new trend in cosmettc 3 thousands to give their feet a today's cover -3 story - melinda roeder needles and knives... to make patiints' feet look and eel etter. beeterr 3 surrery center f doctors help theer bbdies... from head -- tootoo.complaint is painful feet.... women.... whoove to wear eels." geoghan... so bad... she could no llnger standd03:35:44 "i &pjuss couldn't flat shoes... it &pwas realll paanful."the - solution? a called ssulpting... itts where fat cellssare liteeally injected 3 sculpture goessacross this area wwy accoss the feet."it's onn of he more popular among doctor paaieets.but in the - field of optioos are almost photos shoo bunyons that have match tte rest of basic procedure, just removv a piece & of that sttaightens ii out." changing the llok of one's feet... can help patiints step up theii look.... n ssimpierr footwwar03:25:13 "especiilly summertime - going to the beach. weaarng flops. they don't want o innfact - some perribly elf-conscious of their tootisies.03:24:53 "some patiints they put themmin the chair."in some cases - it's not the toes... but the - toenails.. that giie them trouble.though asers with &pthat tooo fungus) 03:26:30 "i'm seeing a lot of pattents -3&pcome in now wiih toenail fungus ... because they online?) and yoo knnw how" botoo""can smooth ut parrlyzing muscles ii the it cooms in handy" for feet too. barb got a seriie of injectionn . she but made a
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