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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 18, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 it's our free-bbu- 3 ary giveaway! giveaway!everyyay in february we're giving away 100- dollars an hour. &póóóóóó you hhve 30 minutes to & your prize rolls over into the next hourr fr someone eeseeto win! box.. go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore aad fill out thh can also o thhre to reed compllte contest 3 ruues.complete cootess tterr
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to read you can also goothere -3 to rrad ccmplete contess rules. 3 &p
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3 3 3 a ssabbing at the unversity of maryland eastern shore campps... leaves one student happeeed over the weekend... and this morning police are searccing ffr suspectt..-3 live from stateepolice headquarters innpikesville....
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where they are heeding up the pnvestigation. 3 good mooniig guus,although... 21-year old edmood st. clair was stabbed to death on cammus... school officees hhve pskkd sate police take over tte innestigattonn innestigationnwe're toll they are intervvewing witnesses -3 now... from students to the victims brothhr who wass pisitinn ovvrrthe wwekend.he driving on campuu saturday night... when they came acrosss a group of guys... and a fight &pbrooe lair was stabbed in the chess... aad died just a shortttime laterr university f marylandd students.formerrf-b-i agent... tyyone powers... says it's pp trainnnggin response and ppeventionn 3 tyyrne powers:10030:32 "thee -3 campus police departments are going to have to operate liie police in any urban enniroonent. the campus has -3 become almost a cityyin and of itself."michelle peterr: 11109 "it's just hard because campuss &ppolice forceeeverywhere." evvrywhere."officials say the viitim in this ecent case...
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pas targeted.why... they are not releasing.we knowwthey are looking for three to four - suspects... college gg... aarican ameriian men. 3so far no arresss have been in pikesville, i'mm meean gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3&phe's alrrady erving a 100- yearrprisoonssntence for a viollnt crime p--g county mannis due back in pourt.. this time... accused oo killing a mother and her daughter. daughter.jason coottis - charred wiih killiig elloes daughter ebony.their bodies were found in a burning car in largo baak in 2009.the former u-p-s wwrker as entenced &plast year fr dozens of rmee bbrglaries across the that sentencing, a judde told of the most hattd people" in - the county.opennng sttteeentt are expected tomorrow mornnng. 3 dozens of people in califfrnia are picketing &poutside the los angeles police deppatmeet. 3 protesters say they didn't aggee wiih ooner's actions ... but they eliiee - pis
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acccuations of racism and unfair reatment in the l- a-p-d. others accuued 3 jury ann executioner. & orner died from a single bbllet wound o he headd ddring a pooice standoff last killed four people during his rampage. 3 an idaho man is fired after alllgedly -3 slapping a toddler on aadelta air linee light. sunday .... joeehundley was fired as an execuuive at an aerospace company. &pearlier this mmnth a motter says hunndey ussd a racial son and then sllpped the childd neaa tte eyee,causing him to was reportedlyydrunk at the tiiee claimed the bby was tooo -3 bbg to it on his mooher'sslap 3 stoppcrying. -3bourbon says they won't water down after alll -3 3& the liquor company announced t is reversing itss - decision tooadd water to its & bourbon. the move áwaas to helppkeep up with global demandd.... but after & hharing utrage from 3 today it will resume full-
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strength bourbon production. presidential isttry are getting auutioned off in biider spent 622- thousand--olllrs on this ir force ne bomber jackkt oncc owned y president john ff. pennedy. other items included documents, they all come from the estate of david powers ... pfrmer curator of the ohn f. 3 3 on resideett day ooe of the more unique plaaes to honor our former leaders is the "riiley's bblieve it or not mmseum" at the nner hhrbor. and a speciil group of children anddtheir families will be there this orningg and they won't pay a thing! ... hankssto the balttmore ravvns.. joel d smmthhis there now 2 explain whyy phy. 3 3
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3 3 coming up on the early edition... we profileeour patest ccampion of courage. ccurage. the oor one womaa of east baltimore's touggest neiggborhoood.
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3 3 ((bbeek 1))
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♪ ♪ the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle
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care routine. try it. then name it. ((bump in)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3&meteorologist))
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3 3 -3
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3 33 ((traffic eporter d libs)) 3 3 cominggup... history made at daatooaa paytona.why everyone's talking & about the quulifying for next week'' race. & 33 23:05:33 in times like this we neee ot be involved with one another... 3 inspiring younn women... to the community service program... hat'' created a & legacy of giving at one local
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high school. &p3 p(break 2))
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every february we shine a spotlight on those who are making adifference in their phampions of courage spotlight turns to vanessa williims aad hhr summer program that's prrviding hope for hundreds of kids in east baltimore. jeff
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barnd has a look at "project kind". kind". 3 in the heaat of east ballimore -&sits one the city's most prestiiious catholic blight...drugs and ppverty, phe institue of notre dame has womee since it's inceptioo in officialsshere are from within...23:03:03 or ind to be in the middle of easttballiioreewherrewe're surrounded by so much pegativityyanddwe re so surrounded by so much &pbaltimore where we''r surrouuded by so mmuh negativity and we are so proud that we give life and we promott life... the students at iid serve assmentors to young girls from foor other sccools... carddnal shehan & stt casimir.23:01:04 studentss 3sign to beea bbggsister... mentor arts and crafts hooewoek...selffesteem necessaryf bc he see th eeougn wwmn form inn as their -3 mentors.. ttey see tteeage oyunggwomee they coulddbe like one gooo images of yyung ladies that cculd grow intoowomen... the program
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&pbegan by chance...22259:45 this is project kind it were sittign outside stees on ind one day lot of kids hanging ut... 59:56 found out they didnt have aftershcool prooreams.. so we started & one... behind the scenes of 3 prrggam and the taaaaind prooect a summer mentoring -33program.. is ery special wommn... theeminister of ind, & vanessa williams23:07:02 vanessa hads great sporit and ind... they tell ehr things ttey donn tell anyone lse... &3:17:00 shes a great inspirationto all teh girls.. mm ghtr does so mucc work bc - of her...vannssa devotess days....ight weekends and holidays to ind...23:01:33 this porgram is a liffline for me. 3&pp3:21:21 shes the very model it isstooserve your family,
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3commmunity... her passion for community service began at a young agee.. 23:21;55 we come foom a large familly. 7 boys and 3 girls... 22:22:07 shes middle ddhhr as middle dgthr she oftenr peacemeakr... father... when theyywere too busy takkng acar eof he others.. 23:21:53 she didnt beat me p...her motto is -3 simplee..23:03:45 he best way to progress in this worlddis &pto give baak....23:01:51 modeled oo each one teach one... if we can touch one child..and that chiid help sommone else then my job is - dooe... her motivation is innectious...23::4::11i wa snee last r to project kind.. i didnt do it my sophomiore year i didn tknow what to exxect... she motivated me to tryyit just try ii... 23315::53 i llve spending mm & pime here dont think d spendd it anymwhere else.. i mean &pphats coming form a senior... projeet kknd has inspired some mentees to pay it forward... of roject kind 23:13:37 it & helped me step outside mty comfort zone...before i wws pfraid tt talk i front of &peverybody now ii the loud person22:01:44 ive seen a lot of girls ho go thru this and staat a similar ne in their dormsfor others it's come ffll circle... 23:00224 were beginning tt see a cycle who were involved in service, now their chldren are coming back and being a part of thee program23:18:30 et ms - wwlliams
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in 1996 as a freshman - in 996 23:18:44 its really special to me bc shes been in my life... shes beennreally helpful and iifluuntiaa... the &prelationshii s. williams has- is transcending generations... 23:19:41 i feel like im going...shes passing on & omething to e...but her & deidication doesnt stop at ind... 23:22:08 she eps uuifyy out family.. 22:14 every sundaa she makes sunday dinner.. i ddive down from keepssvanessa williams goingg & devotion t her faiih and our -&pfamily, she liies to be &pmodellto ourrmom....23:08:28 takes a lot of energy... praayr ncouragement and suppprtvanessa shuus any & praiss directed at her... do it... not for reccgnition :188if i just gg thru life and ddottissi 3 could be happy... but those cheerleaderr...23:14:21 i think its greet i think she shouldve been got.. shee shoulde been honored... i phink itssgreaa... 16:16 sse - def ddserves it if there was onn person
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inntheeworld that i ms williams... as forr er kind of extensiuon of ooe to pann dr king was able toogive ms wiliams has that spirit also 23::6:03 i doint think ind bee theesame wwthout hhr, i know mine wooldnt be... the same if &pi didnt meet her... 23:05533 in times liek this we need ot another... my older girls my younger girls they nee ddo see that hey ms williims willlbe tthere... and i willl.. 3 -3 33&pwe will conninue to hhghliiht chhmpions of courage &pthroughouttthe rest of tte month. see all of the honoree's who are making a difference hhad to fox baltimore dot com and look for - champions of courage. p3 coming up n our 66o'clock hourr.. we're givinn away more poney in oor áfreebruaryá contest. contess.andrea hightower as just undee 11 minutes leet to the jackpot goes up to & 300-dollars.if you waan to
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eeter... go to facebook ott com slash fox baltimore. 3&pand adammjones wwlcommsskevin gausmmn to is fiist spring training.the uniiue giftthe &pgave to the o's 2012 ffrst round pick. ((break 3))
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3 & 3 3 3 coming up in ourr6 o'ccock -3 hour... a meteor falls from -3 the sky... ann injures about a thoosand people. &ppeeple.explosion nats nats3 how the close eecoontee has pffected áchildrená living in russia. p,
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