tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX February 18, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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best design. 3 3 helll i'm jeef 3 barnd. and i'm jennifer -3 gilbert.a developing story tonniht about a ffrmer john 3 the center of a police pnvestigation and aul gessler is here to eeplain why. 3jenniier, jeff..., dr. nikita levy was unddr nvestigation over allegations that he secretly reccrdee pptients.he &pwas llttgo by hopkins earlier this month when anotter the allegations... he used personal photo and viddo eqqipment on unsuspecting -3 patients. 3 his body was iscovered oday at hhs home in baltimore couuty.there, is ssn refused one of his former -3 pffices oo kirrkavenue in baltimore, no mention of his name.hopkins hospital even took any mention of him off - pheirrwebsite.a hopkins &pspokespersonnsays the hospitall has been told that evy took his own life.
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3 in a llngthy statement this &pafternoonn a pokesperson learned that dr. levy & appprently has taken his own pife. we send our condolenccs to his familyyanddfriendd. friends.words cannoo express &phow deeppy sorry we are forr every pattint whose ppivacy may have been iolated. violated.dr. levy's behavior violates johns hopkins code of &pconduct and privacy policies 3 which johns hopkins mediciie -3 stands."-3 3 maay ffrmer paaients are offering positivv stories of dr. levy on our facebook pagee tonight.baltimmre ity police are still investigaaing... andd communicating with patients who they expect may bb victims. paul gessllr, fox45 nnws llte edition. 3 ssaae police continue to investigate the stabbiin death of a ollege ssudeet from anne arundel ounty. county..11yeaa-old edmond st.. waa a unior and an aspirinn rap rtist. nvestiggtors say saturray night at the eastern shoreecampus. ittwas homecoming weekend nd pplice say campuu was crowded with
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as a shock to ome studentt. < "ii could have beee my bbst frrend, it cculd have bben my classsate, anybody. knowing phat ccres me."> me."> 3 but police say the stabbing was ot random. they bblieve disputt with tth suspects. -&pst..ccair was recently acquitted on ccargeddof - assault anddreckless endangerment. trriniig will resume this week - at baltimorr city's police academy after an accidental shoottng. shooting. police trainee remains in criiical condition after he was shot in the head today we learned the police commissioner has announced a &pnew director tt oversee education and ttaining sectiin. city ouncilman bbandon scott says he's confidentt tte appointment of maajr way to restore trust in the police aaademy. 3 23:18:59 he's been in the dept sincc 1987 so he has the eeperience the depth and & knowledge of the dept. dept. 3 smith once ssrved as
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3trriningginstructor as well 3 affairs &p3 a somber anniverssry tonighh for the riends and famill of a miidle schooo student killed by a car in parkville.........a tragic accident that happened one -3 year go today. attleast 1- hhndred teenagers gatheree t the corner of harford road at parktowne road tonight for a &pccndle light vigil to remember michael truuuck. family & members say onnthe niggt f tteeaccident, truluck had been drinking a can of four loko.. a caffinated, alloholic drink. he became ill.. then opened hii door to vomit and -3 felllout of the caa.. and was hit by on coming ttafffc oo harford road. pcedric/frienn) "if you hinkk about it.. when it comes down to it, he wassjust fun, ffn to 3 somebody laughh iffyou''e mike and then he was gone. so, everyyodyyevery didn't know reallyywhat to do because & mike was that life of the party, life of the joy all tte timm." lokoo aveemade some hanges -3 since tru-luck's death.. and pfter concern from the federal trrde commission.
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.......changes thht ncludee adding new labels thht mmree & accuratelyshow buyers justthow drunk they can get on a ssngle cannof the drink. p3 gas prices... conttnue to soar... 3for a gallon of regular pasoline... nationwide.../ iss.. up to ...3- 73 a gallon../ . a... 11-cent... .../ 42 cents the past month....//. expprs... say....the reason.. -3&pas usual... is the... rising -3 price of oii...//. but... hhe also say... -3 itts... a surppise oosee the & price... jump so igh in februaay... when demand is ormally loo... / and... herr is now ... concern... bout tradiooally... gas prices....rise... anywhere -3 ffoo... 40 to 60 cents a & galloo... inn.. late march.... thrr... arly may...//. meantime.. in maryland... expect to pay... 3- 73... on verage.../. average.../.thh... fox45 pump patrooltraccs the lowest gaa ppices aaywhhre yoo are and makes sure you're not payiig a cent moreethan you haveeto. juut go to foxxbaltimore dot com and look for ourrpump
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patrol undee hot topics. 3pthose... prices... come... the same week... hat state llwmakers... &hearing bills... to áraiieá.... thh... - gaas.. ttx. it's... one of - to boostt.. trrnsportaaion revenuu....///one bill... woull call for... a three percent ssles tax... on gas.... at thewhollsale level....// cooting & ifteen cents a galloo....//the bill would create... a regionall-3 baltimore.../ & and... surrounding ccunties.... to raisethe gas ttx... even directly... to... maas trrnsit. (mayor) "baltimore city has taken hit of over $100 million overrthe past few years, weeve llst in highway ussr revenuu,, we neee that money for our infraatructure investments, -3 for oor roads, our bridges." debaaed... this weekcalls trrnssortationtrust the general fund..-& 3 that brings us to our question pf the dayywhat do yoo thiik -3& is the best way to rise --3 money for transspotation ppojects? projects?many people on our all...we should spenddwhat we
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-3& have more wisely 33 after closing its doors in auguss duu o money woes---a more than 30 year old baltiioree ecreation cenner-- is being revitalized. revittlized.volunteers pent - their preeideet's ddy leannng up the barclaa rec center---preparing for its grand reopening. theegooa is to open the doors in ay--- poung and ll in the community. 3 to keep the rec 3 cennerrfroo eing sood to te highhss bidder the barclay & partnerrd with the greater - homewood ann community
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corporation.voluuteers plan to hold two more cleaning sessions. the entire 3 3 p in an unuuuul move,, a palttmore ap rtist who usually focuses on violence in - the innee cityy... now has createdda tribute of peace . 'hunit stackk' says he has phe mass mmrrdr at sandy hook 3 3 (lyrics)"theyre parents need rest they need peace they cant eat thhy cant sseep" sleep"" tte arttst write the lyricss made the video and posted it ....only hhurs ago......on you-tube. it's already getting loos off attennion on the wwb. 3 (rapper)"i just wish somebody or somewhere sommepeople willl take mental illness.. more children did not need to die." die." 3 this local recording artist & hopes is tribute willlbrrng some sense of llve ann ccmfort to he families in neetownn 3 p3
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3& gooo day.... ffr... one... utah high school student 3 after he was bornn.. with a pisabiliiy. 3 &p3 nat sound::"you raise me uppso i can stand on mountains..." 3 despite having landdn is a hhggll skilled pianist. ...// after ...watching his older brother... play the piano .. &p ..landonndecided he wanted to playytoo. 3& landon says::"it just comes to me i guess cauue when i - started playing it i just fell 3 &&p3 landonnnow ssares pisspiino taaents at different - pchools ... inspiring kids to 3 3 this ii charlie,... a boisteeous ...borderr ollie mix... whh doesnnt alwaas folloo... instructions..../ buttthis canine went above and beyond..... his ..tale begins in the evvning... &p hen... charlie's owner .... &&pmike cameron... fell sleep on he ouch..../// next thing ... the house waa -3&pengulfed in lames..../// charlie...
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pawed... at his owner... 3 cameroo ouldn't breathe..../ --3 that's... when he coolapsed nnar the door. escape...// -3 charlie... quickll rrived by -33 hissside.../&p3 he grabbed me by theeshoulder anddhauled mm outtto the end 3& little bit of resistance and -3 these four big uys rabbed mee anddthree me in the ammulance 3 what about my annmall and e after." 3 charliee... , aad... two cats,... that lived hee... are... fine..../ - cameron believes the - dog... áalsoá guided the cats....outtide.../ the hooue ...was innured, .../ - cameroo....willl & start... rebuillinn.....// while... -3 charlle watches 3 3 annther intry mix could beeonn &&pthe way. 3
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3 connress rapples with number of looming buddet paking its way to the top of the agenda. immigratiin back and forth etweennthe white hoose and republiccns. & p craig boswell reports the flare up comes afttr an administration immigration &preform plan was leaked over the weekeed . & . 3 &p3 3 3 the white house is iisisting a leaked immiggatioo reform proposal is just a draft of a backup plan but rrpublicans are angry ssying t threatens the enttre immigratton reform -3 process. paul says: "buu when & they ome out and adamantly say, 'my way or the highway, aad f ccngrrss doesnt act iill put it on their desk and - say, pass it now,' thats no republicans call the white house plan seriously flawed and ssy it gets ahead of ongoing bipartiian senate negotations n an immigration plaa.schlapp says: i
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think its a much more leinientt version of what the bbpartisaa far." tte leakkd immigrants to become legal in -&p8 ears...providee fuudinggfor border security...and requires employerssto verify the immmgration status of new employyes.. wilkks sayy:: crittcized hii ann said where is his plan? well, now he'ss draftiig a plan. yes, it's & been leaked. maabe thht wasn't the best idea.. the key paar of president obama's prrvious outliness nccuding his state of the union aadress last tuesday. obama says: "a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes pad meaninggul penalty." republicans also criticize the leaked white hoose plan porkerrproggam..boswell ssys (oncam tag:): "the bbpprtisan senate groou workkng on immigration reform hopes to have legislation &pdrafted by march. the white & houseesays ii is supporting the senate efforts and has not prepared a bill in spitt off what was leaked. in washington craig boswell fox pneew." 3 a colorado woman says she was denned a massage becauss of & per size. -3 size.laura smithhtrains withha
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running group.... and droppee 47 pounns... at six- foot-thhee, she now weighs aaout 255....but last month... &paftee completing a half marathonn n arizona.. sse went for a massage t the natural healiig center.. and was turned away. 3"sse, theedoctor comes out nd & she says, '''m sorry bbu you're going to probably break a table and then you'ddhave to pay ffr it.' and i was like, in shock, like i'm hearing this?" this?" penny wells, the owner of paturaa healing, wouldn't talk on camera, but she ssys shh called smith large, not fftt and she worried a able might collapse becauss one had broken before under a man who weighed 165 pounds. 3
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into legal troubll. trouble..trr james s six months regnaat. uu until four months ago, she was a -3 financial aii specialist at san diego ccristian colllge.3 she was pregnant.... but pecause she had premarital sex. jaaes says hhr bbyfriend, who iisnow hhr husbaad-- received -& from the school. he was offered a job evennthough the school knew he was jamee' now, they're filing a gender piscriminntion lawsuit agginst the school. "i feel like whattsan diego christian college did to me was hurtful and un-christt &plike. i wassunmarried, 3 livelihood." school officiaas &pdeclined to be interviewed.but &pcited a cvenant that all job 3 they're hired. ... which prohibits premarital see. & 3 a passenger lacked all commonn sense whee he allegedll
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slaaped a toddler during a delta flighttearlier this month.joe hundley has been now fired froo his job as an executivv for an aerospace company.. he's accused of slapping 9-month-old jonah minneapplis o ttanta.thh boy'' motherrsays hundley was drunk and complaininggthat hee son was crying. she says he callld jonah a racial slur.. thee hit hhm in the eye.. caassng hii to bleed. &p3&"i cculd not believe he would say something like that to a baby oo about a babyyand then to hit him... i felt like i was in annoher worll. i was shaking.""- 3 this mugshot of hundley is 3 2007,,when police say he assaulted his girlfriend during a drunken argument..- 3 p3 annincreeibbe trick ssot... powwnine golfers pulled off a
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major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. 3&pthat'll do it for the latt 3 3 herees bruce cunningham, &pwith sportt unlimiied 3 3 3 3 there are eports
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3&ptooight ttat there will be a 3 flacco's agenttand ravens executives flacco's agent aad betwwen joee ill be a meetiig toniiht that there will be a meeting this weekbetween joe flacco's aaent ann raveess executives at the nfl combine in indiannpolis...thhs after a - inaction following 3 the ravees are reporttdly & lookin g at the possibility of putting tte franchise agon 3 cap hit of over 14- miilion..and as mmch as 20 million...that would obviously severly handicap them going forward, andneither side seems to wwnt was thh - first day they could haae 3 they that could e viewed as a positive..sorta... they have until march 4th to deice to place the tag...after & that, it's gameon..sty tuned. 3 the orioles ggt a littll tastt of what we're oing thru thiss morriig...when they hit the fiell at the team's saraaott -3 spring training base, temperatuues were a very -3 maryland-like 36 &pthe ress of us, they all survivvd.. survived.. 3 and the bird allo officially
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reeiiverrdarren o'day,had signed a two year, 5.4 million miilion dollar contract with a -3& clubboption fora ourth year... in 67 innings, hh strucc out 69 hitters, allowing ust 44 & 2.28...and the sidearmer sounds happy to remain an oriole 3 the orioles ad six players headed to he world baseball just fivee..relievee luis ayala has decided not to pitch for the mmxxcan team...his winter all eason ended just 11 days ago,,and he'd rather -3 put in thh ttme with the o's... adam jooes will play for thh
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us team, while ccoser jim johhsonopted tt skip the wbc... 3 coming off the monumental win overrduke, the maryland & perrapins are on their wwy to they take on bosson colleee the season.. season.. and they'll take to upperclassmenreninstattd... junior guard peshon howard hass placed howard back on tte team ssaurday's in over duke..he, along witt sennor james padgett have been stripped oo their captancies, too...oach mark turgeoo has not saad what pccured, only saying it was a 3 you can see maryland's next game on ouursisttr station the c-w baltiiore...terps visit c-w altimore. pack ere in baltimore...coac 33 ghreyhoundscan makeeit a second straighh 20 win ssason witha victory sattrday ovee tennessee state..they got two wins last week, and those games haveeearned junior guaad dylon 3 player of theeweek aaard...thee cardinal gibbons ppoduct &paveraged 20 point 5 ppints ann poursttals n wins ovvr canisiuu and siennaa.
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& ong-time lakers owner jerry 3 kidney failuue...busssowned the lakers since 19-79 and turned them iito the wwnningess franchise in the leaaue...his teams won 100nba championships and e wass inducted intt he pro basketball hall of fame in 2010...jerry buss dead at the aae of 80... 3 thaa's all for ssorrs unlimited...i'm bruce &pcunningham....oodnighh. goodnight.
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