tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 19, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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3 3 drrvers are seeing more paii at tte pumm. &p3 gas costs an aveeage of 3-74 a gallln. that's uu 14 cents from this time last weekk and up 33 cenns from thii timm lass month. wee wereá aayng p--1 for agallon this time 3 it's hittinggwallets right in tte middle of winter wwen hooe heatinn biill re highhet ... and many people have been hit with smaller paychecks. eeperts say everything from rising crude oil prices to ppoduction cuts and refinery closings my be
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causing this increase. 3 juut when you thooght prices couldn't ggttany higher... this week sttte awmakers will tax.megan illiland ii liie from thh puums in north west bbatiiore with more how much ptis could coss you. 3 gooddmorring guysif you thought this 3 was ough... we could soon bee adding anothhr 10-155cenns on 3 tax.that's a 3 percenn salee - tax... on gas... at the wholesale level.and one of sevvral options to booss ttansportation raise t vennmore... senate president mike miller... wants baltimore ity and surrounddng counties... the authority to inccease áheirá as tax even more.the proceeds...would go directly towards ffuding maas transit. 3& (mayyr) "baltimore city has & overrthe past few years, we've lost in highway user revvnuee we need ttat money for our infrastructure investmmnts, &pfoo our roadss our bridges." debated this week... calls for
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banning the transffr of money from thh ttansporraaiontruut fund to theegennrrl fund. meantime... governor o'malley has ttken no puulic stand on any biil to boost prrasportation revenue. 3but lawmakers admit... thess &prisiig gas prrces... will mmke any debate... much more - in northwest baltimore, i'' megaa & gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 we're helping you ind the -3 best gas prices in your nnighborhood.go to foxbaltimore dot com and cllck on pump patrol. 3 a formmr john hpkins poliie inveetigattin... is found dead aa his home in 3 county.dr. ikita leey... a & gynecologist at hhppins... was unddr investiggtion over allegations that heesecretly recorded patients.he was let go by opkins earliee this month... when aaother employee -3 alerted seeurityy t thee & oneeoo his former offices on kirk avenuee in altimore... there is no mention ffhis name.hopkins hhssital even took anyymention
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pf immoff its website.a hopkins spokesperson says the hospital is aaare of the situation... ann releassedthis 3 3 "traaically, today we llarned that dr. levy apparently ass taken his own life. we end our ccndolences to his family aad riends. how deeply sorry we are ffr every patient whhss privacy may have been violaaee. viooated.dr. levy's behavior violates johns hopkins code of - conduut and privvcy pplicies --33& and is against everythiig for whhch johns hopkins meddcine standss"baltiiore cityypolice are still investigating... and - coommnncating wwth patients p3when training resumes at & ballimoreecity'' policee academy this week... ttere 3 operatiins.the policee ccmmissioner appointed a new training.the move ccmes following an accidental -&pshooting at theeacademy last left a trainee... with - a bullet wound to the head.he ccuncilman randon scott sayss he's ccnfident thht he appointment of major joseph
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psmith will go a long way to restooe trust ii the academy. 23:18::9 he's beee in the depp since 1987 so he has the 3 knowledge of the dept. one imm... mith served as commander of the policeeacademy. e was allo a ffrearms traiiing instructtr &pand served as he commannerrof internal afffirs. 3 aanorth carolina judge has refusee to dismiss a laasuit filld against maryland & by the a-c-c. the & school is leaving the a-ccc for the bbg ten. tte a-c-c sued he chool in nooemmer tt make it pay 52-millioo-ddllar exit fee... but maryland counter-sued thhm -3 argged that a north carolina the staae ....and because the sshool is a pprttof the state & prottcttsit from lawsuits. p an a-c-c attorney argues ttat sovereign immuniiy & doesn't exist in north carooina. 33 e now know what mmy havv started he fire on - the carnival cruise ship
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triumph. 3 thh u-s coast guard -3 says a leak in a uel-oil returnnllnne hat was connected to onn of the ship'' generaaors s the cause ... after tte ii hit a hot &psurffce. more hann4- thousand paasenners and ccee wereesttrnded off thh coast of mexico ffo five ays last week. the ship wass eventually towed to alabamma tturssay nnght. he -u-s coast guarr says the several months. 33 a florida man is accusee of child abuse aftee pllegedly putting bleach n his baby'' bottte. police ssy the father ... 22-yearrold carron & assinntoo ixed a cap full f -bleach with her baby formula and fed ii to her. waahington says his daughter has bbennsufferiig from - preatting ppoblems siineebirth and thought that woull help her. &p3 i was told by anooter friend of mine that iviig baby a top - of bleach,,just the top of it -3 would helppher breath a little bbtte -&pbbtte the baby is reccoering. f 3 to ten years in prison.
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he's being hell oo aa & p5-thhusand-dollaa bonn. 3& health offfcials are wwrning aaerrcans... of a new "sars-likk" virus... that could thrraten the u-s. heaath orgaaizatioo... att become sick with the new virus symptoms of infection with thh -3 viius include an acutee pnd a cough.ssofar... it has only shhwed up abroad... but pxperrs say they wouldn't be surprrsed if it appeared ii & pheeu.s. the b-more healthy exxoorettrns to baltimore... saturday, -3 february 23rd. 23rd..ou can geethealth áliveá ennertaiiment... a fit and fun kidsszone... and much expo starts at 100a-mmat the baltimore convention center. & weelllsee you thhre! 3 coming up on the early pdition... reading labels... can heeppyou shop áhealthierá..- áhealthierá..wo more tiis....
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that is also affoodable.the - program s undeeway here in bbltimoor. kathleen cairns uncovers three healthy ccver story. -33 story. 3 deccsions made n thh -3 groceryystore isles could have a majoo influence on thee cheese for my kids." steven has several choicee:(stevenn rink) "i got chucky cheese string.. for my kids anddthh price aiittto baa..(how much) 298"i asked him to read the nuurition laael"fat five grams, saturated fat three 3 psle in every ocation in a grocerr store there is an opportunity to save money and increase yyur health"chef greg silverman iiee us a guided ttur .... secret shopping pip number one: come armed wwtt a llst: (chef)"i dot want to ay three ttmes as muuh to havv sodium dddddtoo my food.. i'd muchhrather buy sooe brown ice and cook off a foo her mother)"thick sliced bacon.,.tto looves oo whole &pwheat bread.."ppe-plannnng can
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pavee oney and prevent good food froo becoming garbage. (cairns standup)"statisticc ssow american americaan waste alot of food each ear... in fact 16 huudred dollarr of wwrth of food either goes bad... is never used or is & perishable... wasted and gees thrown ouu. "this is for my mother...and no prrcessed foodd i never buu this for home but my my mother is 89 llves by herself. this i easy for her" &p (chef)"we might say someone wants some picy fire roosted 3& tip number two: read labell (close on cans))in our fire spiced ones.. theres 30 percenntof the sodium for the day and in ouu regular ptomatoes its only percent - and we would tell people dd yyor ouw sodium sall spices.. to the quantityythey want as show grow up hungry
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&campaign.... chef grrg givvs low income fammlies similar mason)"ww'll i look forr bargains.. i aaways llok fr bargains" the aim: eat right pmason)"two dollars and nnnetyy eight ceets."(chef waakiig)"we are going to head to the rice isle and ort of anned at he choices:(chef) "sometimes something thht is 3 economical and doesn'ttgo bad is canned products.. llke canned tunafish"shooping secret number three cooking matterr:(silverman)""e think about moving away from deep &pfrying and usiig mmre oils ndd & goiig into roasting and pan searing and rrlling.. things that use a little lesssfat" ii the frooen ssction weefind mccullough)"yys if i have the pressed for timm alreadyymade is good so you ook for & phalthy choices... like... heelthy choice!"-chef-"we & alllw ourselves to ake tte 33 out) "i like this becauss it has the things iilikk grilled 3 chiikee...
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brocccli" we asked -herrto look at the llbel: (brenda)"that i donttlook at and i reaaly should... &phonnst.."honestt others share big o it...i should but i dont worryyabout nutrrtton too much!"(nats shopping wiih hubby)"chhcken aainara..i like this one....(pplls from heallh experts say akinn a little time to shop right and eet right... will heep you 3 longer....(chef poonts at broccoli) and tte ppice on south balt kk fox 5 news at &p10 groop... 'share ouu strennth'' ... runs the 'cooking matters' caapaagn. besides theyyalso shhw them ow too prepare food so it an stretch into tww ealss & go to their websste... its liiked to ours... fox- baltimore dot ccm lash newslinks 3& oming up in our 66o'clock hour... we'll draw another nnme ii our freebruary contest... next few minutes... the prize - will go up to 4000ddllarssif you wantttooenter... go to
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