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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 20, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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giveaway!everyday in february we're ggving away 100- dollars - an hour. pour.óóóóóó yoo haae 33 3 minutes oocall uss t the --3 number on yoor screen. &pscreen.iffyou don't call n.. your prize rolls over into the & next hour for someone else to win! -3&pwin!to get your name in the box.. go to acebook ddt com -3 slash foxbaltimore and ffll - oot the ffrm.
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3 you can also go there to readd commleteecontest rules. - 3 3 3 3-
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3 3 3 theeperry halllhigh school sttdent... who ttok a shotgun
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to schhol on the frss day of & class aad fired shots aa his muuder.15--ear-oll robert gladden junior was charged as aa adulttin couut tuessay... begin... buu inssead... the deeendant chose to accept a plea deal. that allows prosecutors nd witnessess.. to avoid a lengthy, emotionall trial. 3< "i think justice is going to pe done. when justice issa done ann everybody ets an opportunity for closure, then hopefully ittis good news.">>- news."> one f the bullets he ireddstrucc a dissbled student innthe chest. & that victim survivee.the judge will offiiially sentence him next monday..- 3 annn arundel county police seize tens of thousandd f dollars in drugs and cash... homm.officers arrested harrison hickman and samantha beatty monday at a home on pine terrace... near oakwood 3 marijuana, steroids and nearly 11-thousand dollars in cash
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ggns anndthoosands offrounds of ammunition.the paar... who -& are bbth 23... are facing 3 3 p recenttmass shootings have many peeple thinking of their fammiy safe. whhle sooe are turniig to guns... -3 others want a different option. option. joel d. smith is live in north baltimore to show s iffpepper spray could be the answer for you... but also why a certification could be necessary. ood morning jool d. d. 3 3
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3 vatican cardinaas are about o -3 beegn the rocess of electing a new popee.. but questions are ariiing ooer whethhr one ameriian archbishop shoulddbe participate.los angeees archbishop rogerrmahooy was &pstripped of hissduties last month.he's been accused f -&pworking with other church officials to cover up the pexuaa abuse of children in his parishes.mahony will e - deposed next week. his
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testimony wwll take place ust -3 days beforeette conclave is set to begin. 3 "we could literally see him go from the courtyard to the &pcooccave and that would be a huge eebarrassment for the church" church"the papal connlave is exxected to being sommtime in march..17 cardinals wiillhave to agree on a two thirds majority to elect the new pope. 3the tea party have issuud an apolooy to karl rove affer emailing an inapprooriate photo of him, solicitingg donationn.the image was edited & o look liie ove was wearrnn a nazi unnform. the email wws sent out this tuesday morrnng.. ith tte subject line: "wipe the smirk off kkrl rove's face."in a statement 3 apologgzed to rove and saad phey are workkng to make ssre happen again. 3 frrm his firrs tripp overseaa... as secretary of state..- state.kerry leaves sunday... for a 9-nation tour of eurooe and the iddle ast.his firrs ptop is in london wwere heell meet ith british offiiials... &pbeeore making stops in
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germany, france, italy and -3 turkey.he's also visit several ccties in the middle east beffre returning home march &ppth. -3 3 3 baltimorr is one of 35 -- cities invited to host the olympicc... but will tte ciiy accept? accept? 10 years washington to pprsue the 2012 olympic gamms... but aater spending 10-million doolars on its bid... londonnwws awarded week... the uus olymppc &committee invittd baltimore and 34-other uu- cities tt bii mmyor says she's excited about & the possibilitiess.. but haa 3 baltimore should go or the goldd 3 (8:47:17) "i'm excited and we're inviied to bid its way too early to say whatt we're going toodo." do." 3 tte uus olympic committee has 2-and-a-haaf years before it 3 submit bid. - 3 our producees just told us that the namm we dree was not a valid we're
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& drwaiig another name!!-&pname!it's our freebrrary contest. & conttst.óóóóóó you have 30 3 minutes to call us at the screen.if you don't call ii.. your prize rolls over into the &pnext hour ffr someone else to win! win!to ggt your name in the -3 slaah foxbalttmore ann fill -3 out the form.yyu ccn also gg -3 there to read completeecontest &prules. & 3 coming up on the early eddtion... women from aal over the world... flock to a &&pcarroll county tattoo pprlor. they're's ot what -3 you thhnn. 3--3
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3 3 ((ad lib meteorologistt) 3 3 3 p((raffic reporter ad libs))
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map 33 3 map map greenspriig map 40
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3map &p3 3 3 -3& 3 healthy expo returns to baltimorr... saturday, febrrary 23rd. 23rd.youucan get heelth ssreenings... seee3 tages of áliveá entertaanment... fit pnd ffn kids zone... and much much more.the b-more heaathy &pbaltimore convennion center. we'll see you there!
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& 3 coming up... seeing the ravees play... at m-and-t bank stadium. stadium.theeprice hike that's in the works. (sot danielle-sittiig outside) 3 my life that i'd be etting plastic surgery impllnnt or tattoos tattoosunllkely customers... -3 ending up in a carroll county pattoo parror.the ppople from onee hing in commoo. 3 ((break 2)) harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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in the old days... tattoos bikers, sailors and outlaws. these days, tattoos are mmch more mainstream.... it seems - even the girr ext dooo.... is geeting nn.and as ennifer gilbeer tells us in oday's ittssthe last stepp... in long journey, that eedssat the -& ttttoo parlor. -3 parlor. 3 if every tattoo telll a story.....(sot richii)8 06 06 3 7 7 07.thii is where... (they're) those storiis... are wwrtten in ink.(sot & youuare kind of like the writer toothat hapter in their liff hat ttey're tryyng & to portray n tteir kin. a story thht may begin far & away....((ot vinnie-oouside)7 07 48oh, ffom all over the wooldd.a lady from kuwait, aa daaielle mcneillie--sitting outsiie)6 511322aleigh north carolina? and ends..... at little vinnie's.(sot
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daaielle-sitting outside)6 53 27toofinish everything up. complete the joorney.danielle mcnnillie and her husband jack armstrong..... never thouuht... they'd end up here. (sot danielle-sitting outside) 6 52203i didn'ttthink evvr in my life that i'd e getting plastic surgery implants or dooe all of that ii ooe year) danielle'ssssoryy.. goes back generations.ááor another bite hereááá or just jack??(sot danielle--sitting jjck?? hereááá or just ááor another &pbite hereááá or ust ack?? (sot danielle--sitting outside) 6 52 3987 percent of gettinn breast cancer once. 55 percent of getttng ii twice.áá(sot jack-sitting outsidee6656 35 i'mmjuuttreally proud of her, being gone in 15 yearss ii -3 doo't thinkki could deal with that so. (cries).after testing positive forrtte -3 bbeest ancer gene....daaielle optee to haae both breasts &premoved.....(sot danielle--sitting ootside)6 52 55beinn a mom aad a wife, i want to be round. makes it a much easier decision.and now, 20to go ahead and get the
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thrre d nipppe tattoos.(nat sot danielll-inside office)7 23 33yeah now i'm a ittle mmre nervous. (laugh))hattmany ppople may noo realize..... - mastectomies... usually ttkk everything.(sot -3 danielle--while buzzing)7 28 28 & breastssare part of being a woman anddit did feel verr funny affee having the inital surggry that they were gone. (sot vinnie-workkng)6 31 5 reconstructed breasss can ook - really good, but without aa &pnipple it doesn't look llke a - breasttthat's where vinnie pyers comes in to the story. tattoiin nipples ttat look ttree started with a call from a plastic surgeon 11 years ago....who rraaized some things.... are petter left o the professionnls.(soo vvnnie--working)8 02 26don't - come to me for breast reconsttuction but don'ttcome po them to get taatoes done. jjhns hopkins..... and roond the world.ááá(sot vinnie-working)6 29 39i'm like the rock tar n the bbeaat cancer woold. (llughs)vinnii soon realizedd... he cculd be & s busy asshe aated o be. 3it's kind of hard to believe that this many women are having o eal with breast
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reconstruction.anddone, ttat pit close to home.áá(sot vinnie-working)6 44 36mm sister was diagnosed a couplle the time that i deccded that this is watti was going o do. now, vinnii sees ffur oo five women a dayy... and has 3 áá(sso vinnie-working)6 44 00 i wiss i didn't have to do this kind of tattooing but &puntil they come p with a curee for caaccr it looks like i'll be doinggit.and so vinnie enddng....(sot danielle-- 3 family have died so it's nice -3 to not have to worry bout &pthat. tt a difficult stooy. ((ot vinnie-working)6 27 44 putting an exclamatioo point on the whole process. but to & po it at a tattoo shoo inssead of a tattoo shop insteed of a doctor's office is kind of excitiig for them, (at least that's what i've been told.) 39for this itts just the -3 person wwo's able o close the book on kind of a not so funn chapter of their life.(sot vinnii/danielle)7 41 05so hhre we go, let's take a look. chapter.....áá(sot danielle)7 p4 03yyy! they look wooderfuu. 3 (sot jjck)7 42 05it looks like
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vvnnie-wwrking)6 32 00i think the thing i hearrmoot is i help them feel wooe again. 3 vinnie also spends a weekkof everyymonth at a hospital in new orleans doing nipple tattoos.obviously we can't &pshow yyu his work... but you can checkkit out n his website, whichhis linked to ours: ours: just ooto fox baltimooe dot com slash newslinks 33& cominggup ii our 6 o''lock hour... theeactions of a 1- &pher mother behind barss bars.the phone number the girl kept dialing... and why itt caassd so mann proolems. 3 the terps ggt back on thee pourt.theesecond--alf surge -&phat led to an upseet.. by poston college. ((break 3))
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3 coming p n our 6 o'clock hour... the risk of heart &pmarylaad.the group that's most & ii danger... of getting sick.
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