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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 21, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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3 3 "i have about six in my urse right now" now"people uuing cell phones... on your dime.the shocking number of people with government- funded phones.. that don'ttevennqualify for the program. & "i can't understtnd it, you kkow, it's just mind boggling 3 is." aad... a mother'' - pirthday party for hhr son... landd her iintrruble with the law.wwattshe ppovided attthe 3 chaages this morniin... and it -3 wasn't allohhl. 3 3
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&pthursday, february 22ss 3 3 3 3
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3 3 new information innthe iivestiggtion oo tte ffrmer johns hopkins ynncologist puspected f recording & paaientt.baltimore city police say hundreds of woman have - ccntacted detectives ith poocerns that they may be viccims of doccor nikiia levy.
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levy.megan gilliland is liie at police eadquurters weee deteetives say the evvience is piling up. good mornnig guysspolice set up a hotlinn for patients of innless han 24-hhurs, about 3-hundred and wmen called in... and that number is grrwing. growing.investigators say they couud be potential viccims.but we cught up with ooe pattent 3 says doctor levey was her ob-gyn for nearly 15 yeaas.she was surprised when she receeved a letter from johnn -3 hopkins earlier his month telling her that levyy noo longer worked theeeethe news came shortty after allegations & surfacedd.. that heed been secretly taking hotos andd videos oo patients.but abdul-aziz elives his inntnnions could not have been maliiious or perverted.she says she never felt like her -3 privacyywas violated. 3 (ms. aadul-aziz) "so, he was -3 never in there alone with me
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during the eeaminatton or & nythiig. when he first came in 'm fulll clothed and then -3 when he omes in thhn i hhve &pon my robe and i have the wasn'' anything, he never made pucomffrtable."police found levy dead in his towson home earlier this week. they believeehh ommmtted suicide... fter learning he was under investigation. 33 find out whht police found in &his exam room... ccming up next hall hour.meggn gglliland, fox45 orning news. 3 phe suspeet in a deaddy shooting in annapolis... turns -3 hiiself into police. police.officers say 244 year--ld clarenceejohnson the he'ssaccused of killlnn 333year-old joseph johnson the - third back in decembbr... after losing mmney n a dice gaae..heetwo men are not related.clarence johnson is facing charges of first aad second degrre murder. 3 ppolice are ooking for -3 susppcts... who goo awaa with
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22-thousand-dollars worth off electronics... from an it happened mondayynight... puspeett ttok flat-scceen -vs off the x- box - kinecc... and 14 laptops - locked up in a cabinet.this & articular centtr serviies 50 - kids... many of whom don't have luuuries like comppters or t-v's at home. 3 lynn mccoy, admiralloaks boys & girls club: 18.30 "this is a ppace hey ccmeetooget aaay from everything, to get aaay & from everyyhing going n ouuside, tt get away from crimm, and for them o come pere and their things bee - taken,,it's terrible."rrginald broddie, boys & grls lub of annapolis & anne aaundel & pouutt: 12.022"it's touuh for all non-prrfiis ttese days. when something like this --3 happens, it's like taking 15 steps back." back."the suspects alsoogot -3 away with an undisclosed pmount of cashhanyone witt &ppooice. 3 a new york mother is facing charges today....after 3 birthday parry... with ástrippers.á ástrippers.ápolice say 33-year- old judy viger is accused of -3 hirinn two female strippers to
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perrfrm personal and intimaae dances for parry goers... at bowling alley.of those who & attended... 5 of them ere 3 "you don't think you send your they come home telling you thht there was a stripper sure."a man claiming to be a friend of the woman ssys that and thatts not what happened... buu he would not gooonncamera or elaborate. meanwhilee.. the bowling center has no commmnt about were aaloweddinside. 3 investigators are blaming natural gas... for a deadly restaurant in kansas city, missouri. missouri.j-jjs as destroyed by a naaurrl gas fire tuesday night.offiiiall sayinn contracting company hit a gas -3 line withha backhoe an hhur called 9-1-11anddattempted oo vvnt gas innthe rea -- pissouriigas energy officials say sooethinn inside the -3 reetaurann triggered the explosion. 3 ward says: "we couud sse the smoke from the top of our bbildinn, so i guess when ww - aparrment was on fire, we
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3 started or if we were gonna be on firee.." hurttin the blast... and at least one person is dead. inveetigators ae still trying to figurr of the exact caasee pf the blast. &p3 30 million people are in the path of storm that is xpected to covee 11 staaes in snow ann ice.ed payne tells ussabout someeof the states affected 3 the sttrm. storm. (nat pop)this... is souuhern & arizona... ass he massive up...coating the cactus and &ppall trees with snow...(nat a vacation."i haae my dauggter 3 sun aad so we're disappointed for that reason."the storm haltee play at w-g-c match & play hampionship...turn inggthe ourse at dove -3 mountain into a snowy pllii. snow began ppling up in kansass
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wednesday afternoon...crews plowed and treattd roads... put roads are still slick aad & dangerous."i want to urge everybody, really, if yoo don'' haae to travel - pleass 3 to 20 inches of snow in some of the i-70 corriior and it just reallyymakes ttavellvery, very hazardoos. it's isest to justtdon't go."heavy snow is forecasttfrom oloradooto are waiting with snow brooms to clear runways and the tarmac still others say they're glad --3 they ade it ut of town earll. "weerr thinkiig 'thank god we - made our plans to get the heck out of here!'"i'm ed payne &preporting. 3 kansas ccty's aviation deeartment says some flights &pscheduled forrthursday have been canceled.united hassalso offered to change travellr's flights ahead oo the storm. 33 tte ooe time you spend on - faaebook... the more you'rr &paccooding to a recent ssudy... which finds aduutssover the age of 65 performed 25-perceet better on memory exercisee after
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learnnng to use - pacebook... compared to their &pcounterparts who dddn't.thh -3 leed researcher says thh -& findings show ow learning a new skill and soccal mental abilities. p3 more americans are going undee the knnfe... to improve their faces. according to a new reporr bb the "amerrcan society of plastic surgeoos"... findssmore people 3 proccdure in the countrr in 2012. & 3 theeb-more heellhh expo returnns o baltimore... saturday, pebruary 23rd. 23rd.yyu can get health screenings... see 3 sages of áliveá enterttinment... aa it and fun kids zone....ann muchh & much mmre.the b-more there! &3--3 3 there!!e'll sse you center. 3 convennion center.we'll see -3 you there!
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33 coming uu on tte early & edition... all the cooforts of home... in the reat ouudoors. - outdoors."all doneeby hand, caveman method." 3&pwhat inssired onn man... to spend hours and hours makkng pn iggoo.
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3 3 ((breakk1)) -3 a massachusetts man makes the ultimate manccve.michael koolowski has made igllos each winterr...onll ussng hovels and his hands. hands.but this time.. he's out 3 creation is equipped with a t- v, a coucc and a lamp that -3&pdoubles as a hand warmer. 3& "ii really brightens up the room, and it's really hot,so there for a couple seconds, you'll warm right up.""people - may think t's crazy but it's a good workout, you're doong something creativv and when you''e older it's something
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pou'll remeeber. something 3 young."" 3 michael started in - november,,by mixing ice rink snow with manmade snoo he backyard. ((2-shot toss to 3&pweatter)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologgss)) 3 -3& 3&p((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 3 ad libs))((traffic repooter
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3 p(traffic reporter aadlibss)
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-3 map 175 map 395 map 3 3 3 3 weather))((2-shot toss to 3 makks in his snow withhmixing -3 icee rnk november, by cool you did whill you're remember. sometting ssmethinggyou'lll - when you'reeolder it's something creattve and workout, you're doing crazy but it's a good "people may think it's right up."right there for a couple room, and & bbightens up the 3 as a hand warmerrlamp that doubles , a couch and a eeqipped withha t-his latest out done himssef.hhs haads. winter ...only has mmde igloos & hands..ut ttis time.. he's out done himseeffcceationnis v, a couch nd a lamp thaa doubles 3 room, and it''sreelly hot, so you'll warm "people may think it'' crazy but it's a good ssmething creetive and when &pyou're older it's remember.
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something younn." nooember, by snow witt maamade snow he makes in hii 3 ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((aa lib meteooologiit))&p3 3 p(traffic eporter 3- p3 map 175 ap 395 map
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3 3 3 3 33 3 & 33
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3 still to come... gas prices climbing.the simmle ways foor & drivers to curb costs. 3 "i'm willing to work with annbody to get thissjob done." done."playinggthe lame ame. the accusations bbing thhown bacc and fortt on capitol hill... as budget cuts loom. 3 ((break 2))
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3 3 theewhiteehouse of next week. effect at the end start going into budget cuts that mmssive &pforced ccoser toothose mooed -3 onn day and congress 3 the white houss nd congress moved one day closer to those massiveeforced udget cuts thht start going into effect at the end oo next week. and instead of trrding ideas, the two sides are radinngblame forrthe drastic spending - reductions.jim acossa reports. reports. 3 the white house is sounding the alarm... poor chiidren 3classrooms... healthh ervicee will be slashed... border ssccrity will be --3 compromisedd.. and the economy -3 will ake a hii... if ffrced -3 budget cuts beein to happen n march first.the obama aaministration says "the choiceethat republicans people out of worr in order to protect these ssecial tax & brraks for corpprate jee owners and oil and gaas& commanies. ittmakee no sense."
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but when ressed on whether & the prrsident has his own plan & o stop theecutt, white houss prees secretary jay carney pointeddto the grann bargain & mr. obama failed to reacc with house speaker johnnboehner two years ago. "when you ask it's been there. it'' on 3 proposal he submitted o the sppaker of the houseethaa the speaker walked away from that pveryonn heee, representatives, or mostt people herr understood to be." 3 the long term.""that's the big &pdeel.""where's the ppan to ppevent sequestration rom happening...shoulddthe president take tte lead and present thatt""the preeident 3 ccngress has to aat."less than two months since tte fiscal cliff that esulted in tax increasesson wealttiee americcns... buddet brinkmanship is an op-ed in the wall ssreet jourral.. boeener noteesthh idea for thh automatic cuts originated in the white houue... aading "mr. presidenn we agree that your sequester pre you willing tt cut to peplace itt"the whiteehouse firessback.... ointing out boehner seeeed satisfied wwen - ittwws all set ii motton two 3 debt ceiling deal f 20-111
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"when you look at this fiial agreemeet thaa we came to withh the white house, i got 98 percenn of what i wanted. i'm responded by e-mailing out an interview feaauring the chairman ffthe senaae finance committee maxxbaucus saying the president shares someeof the blame asswelll"the president's part of thee in august 2011, so now we'rr feeliin the effects of it." wiih the clock tickkng doww on the eege of yet another crisis.. preeident obama ays he's ready to make a deal to & delay the door is reforms on the table. i'm & willing to workkwith anybody - to get this joo one." 3 the mayor unveils a new - plan... to put baltimore on a heathlier financial path. path.thh so-called "change to prow" was presented to the & public... at the walters art gallerr wednesday. the plan includes cuttiig back on
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employee ensions... and charging city residents for trash and recylcing. the -3 mayor says thes moves will result in ct ii prooerty more attractive to new residents 3p8:56:17 "without major changes in the wwa the city does 3 growing structural deficitt between slower gorwing revvnues and faster growing expennes>> expenses>'theemayor didn't reveal anymore detaals about for trash ppck-upp 3 youucan take a look at tte mayor'' complett 10- year plan. & just go to our website... ffx baltimore dot com... and cllck on news links. 3 straight ahead... the cost of -3 fflling up... rising teadily. steadily.the four gas-savvng tipps.. hat could bring your pallet someerelief. ((break 3))
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3 3 if you've fiiled up yoor tank lately, you don't need us to back on the rise. karin caifa - has tips for dealing wtih the latest squeeze at the ump, in today's consummr watch.
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3 winter isn't typically a tiie when demand rises at the gas pummp, buttprices haaeeclimbed since late anuary. triple-a 3 factors that tarted with superstorm sandy, and tightennd upply.ww have abbut refineries going throughhtheir annual maintenance riggt now.. and you combine all of hat with aalot of refineries doinn -3 their switthover to inter to prices usuallyysend consumers 3 public transportatioo or ar the wheel isnt an option, try sooeebbsic gas-saving tips. driiing smaat. makeesuue your tires are properly inflaaed. make sure youudrive the speed limit. get rid of the junk in 3 jackrabbittstarts and ssops. also, put your smartphone to work to find the best gaa pricee. trrple-a has teir own - if gassprices folloo's last year's pattern -- hen yyuu& staar
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of spring brrak driving pnd summer driving seasoo, - reliif could be on the way psooo. for consumer watcc,,i'm & arin caifa. coming up... searching for witnessss... to the mmrder of that shows dozens of people... 3 stabbing 3 3 3
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3 a ddmonstration outside - walmart. hat workers weree protesting on fox 45 newssat - five.3 3 3- 3 3 3 -3 3 3 3 it''sour free-bbu-ary giveaway!!- giveaway!everyday innfebruary we''e giving away 100- doolars - hour.óóóóóó you have 30


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