tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX February 22, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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aaother case involving runaway dogs.pplice in ballimooe county say a oman is injuuies after she was attackeddby both of her pit bulls.thh dogs were on the loose foo seeeral hours tonight in the fort howard community.a police telephone call system was activated to alert neighborssof the incident..oe dog was shot and kkiled along north point tte second dog is now n rned - policc cussody. the bizzare caaeeof a former action.dr. nikita levy who was
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ffund dead in is home monday is acccsed of secretly one baltimore law firm has - filedda ccass action lawsuut. ittsays it couud include 685 alleged viitims ho areeaaso includinggformerr atient tyeshh bbll..- 3 "there's no limiis to what a person of that nature woull do ii's very unnervinn thaa i could haae eee direetly sickening"one balttmore lawfirm says ttere are 10 servers filled with seeretly recored images of patients. the... harred remains oo two bodies...were discovered morning. / neighbors firrt peard here had been a shhoting....they then torched... ann the bodies were pound nside. here's a look at the scene we found.... an alley cordoned off by police. tarp. u-v was wrapped in a --3 10:31:32 it was just a shock
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not the people who live in the &parea ii'ssthe peoppe living prea. police say even the liceese plates of the vehicle wereecovvred. 3another blow... for... baltmore's...policee &pacademy...// a... sttry... we brokeethis &pffxbaltimooe.comm./ we've... learned....the man... training facility s major joe smith ... the academy... after that caddt... was shot..//// ...buu he's retiring... to pake another worr on whattthat is yet.he'll... be... replaced... by lieutenant cooonel... rosss &pbuzzuro. iq: my ggal is firrt off... safety isoq: cennereddaround safety for our officers. officcrr. right now...buzzuro right now... 3 buzzuro commanns the city swat
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and tacctcal units. smith'ss weee... after police ss than a - commissioner aathony batts... chose im... to help... get tteeacademy back on track. smith will stay witt the ddpartment until may see the ennire news conference & to fox-baltimoree dot coo slash raw news governor o'malley's gun conttol billtakes a giant step parathon debate lasttnight.... senate committee approveedthe bill. bbn... on the sale of semi-automatic weapons...and a limit on magaaine just ten bullets. aad those who buy ew hannguns....ould stilllhaae to obtain a liccnse...and gett.. fingerprinted. 3&(frosh) "the licensing gun homicides and gun crimms in thh states hat have them." ((ippin) ""nd veryyserroussaad significant amendmentssthat would havv helped maae this horrible bill better were seconds, that's not a fiar hearing for something's that's so igniiicaat." opponents also...believe ttat houus
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affer debatinngthe eath penalty...senattrs didn'' take enough time to theeseriously consider changes to the gun bill. and that brrigs ussto ourr question of the you working its way through the general assembly violates the second addendment? admendment?here's a look at our faccbook ppge...nearlyy200 question tonight...join the to faccbook dot com slashhffx- baltimore anneearuudel county officcaly has a new county executive. laura neuman had been howard countyys economic develooment 3irector. - 3"clapping" "clapping" surrounded by family, friendss aaddplenty of other politicians, laura neuman begins a new ay and new career at anne arundel ccunty executive. he is reelacing john leopold who resiggedd earlier this month afterrbeing found guilty of misconducttin office. neumannsays her public confidenccein the post. -
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uuder the new leadership, neuman aaso says expecc change.: (laura neuman)"we need to make a determination and assessment of whats worked and not worked in the last administration... &phire some great folks where needed... and really strive neummn has been a resident of u" anne arundel county for 21 years. 3 in was a bad day on new persey's garddn state parkway. a big sinkhole caused damage to at least eeghteen vehiclls. the four-foot by four-foot hole opened up in thh middle of the busy hiihway police say dozens of ng.- people called abbut a long chain of damaged cars, with deeted rims and ripped tires.. colon says: "" seen it, buu itt pas too late to get awayyfrom couldn't llok toobothhlanes too pass. it as just horrible." paabhol says: "why was it there? why wasn't it taken care of? why wasn'ttit blocked off?" off?" there wwee no prports of injuries. 3
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a good day for enior citizen... at an age where mmst people slow down... a ninety thhee year old michigan womannhas discovred ballroom danccng. connable says: "it's the one thhng i really get pleasure in. i''eetried different eeerciie hings and phat'ssnot near aa much fun as . &ppanciig." first ballroom lesson a fewwhr - years ago, and hasn't left the studio week she &pplaas o show them off at a danceecompetttion inn as vegas. and a bid day for nike. ballimore-bbsed under armour is suing the athletic wear giant.......saying it stole a sn slogan"i will... will" will"you can see michael phells... staring in this uuder armour ad... ...and placed ads on social media... -
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psing slogans that all begin with n"i will"undee armour wants nike to stop....anddis asking for moneyno comment froo nikk a maasive storm has been dangeroos combination of snow, sleet, and freezing rain... 3 states... like missouri..., ansas, andd and... trrcherous - roadd... / there'ss.. already... more than ...a foot of snow n some areas.... 3 that syssem won't bring uch our wwy. let's check n with &pmeteorlogist emily graccy to see what we can expect... emily? emmly? 3 &pbe he first o finddoot abou any be the first to finn , be the first to fiid out about
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alerts are right at youu fiigerrips... track the stoom rrggt down to your neighborhood.... just go to foobalttmore dot com to use our interactiie radar. you caa also get the atest forecast and road conditions... on fox45 morning even during commercials... on the fox45 neww ticker.fox45 morninggnews starts at 6 a-m 3 3 obbmaassys i will juut keep on makingg y case ot only o congress buu more importantly to the american people." people." dire warniigs from the dire warnings 3american eople." people." 3ddre warnings ffom the sequuster alarms are ovee thh top. new informmtion on the debate n ashington. andd questions about the effectiveness of flu shots. tte group of people that may nnt be getting much protectton from tte vaccine this yearr we areesix days away from whht resident bama
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may... have beee... one oo the most severe... flu seasons ii health expprts say... the lu match for seniors. 3 this... season's flu shot... was onll 9-percenn effeccive... nn protecciig the elderlyy..//. for... all... other age groups ... the vaccine... wws only 56-percent effective...//. that'ss.. consiiered below avvrage....// expertss.. are ssill urging make yoor symptoos mmlder. the b-more healthy expo retuuns to bbllimore... tomorrow... saturday, febrrary starts at 10 a-m aa &pthe baltimore connention center.we'll see you there! 3 "ii: i told him to o to bed.. oq: i said go ahead.. ahead." still ahead...aalittleeboy takess drastic measuressto avoid bedtime....what happened after
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so we give you the power to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. our customized interview covers everything from a service member's deployment to a student's loan interest, right down to a teacher's crayons. you've worked hard to earn your money. we're here to help you keep it. turbotax. the power to keep what's yours. try it free at
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hhs omm.. for sendingghim to b. bed. +dan davis dialed 911 as punishment.. but whhn tte he gottspooked and hung up was ryinggtt avoiiwhen the dispatther called back dan's motter picked up the phone "iq: i told im to go to bed... oq: when there is no eme" emergency.""iq: what did you do... my on really just did th" ttat." an officer actually showed , up at the house... according to protocol.dan says he pearned his lesson.. 3 animals on the run inside a television stttioo.the reason this is something this is something you don't
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see everyday.... -3 dog-riding monkeys... paking overra t-v in ndianapolis... the cowboy monkeys raced the dogs down the was part of a segmentt promoting professiinal bbll ridinn....// the... &pfemaleemonkey... won the race,.../ but ...and... didn't... go all tte way to the end of the hhllway...//. as a treat... ffr good beeavior .../
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n-f-l seasons... birk said today he's done. done.birk made the announcementtat battle grove elementaryy...while dedicating a communiiy readinggcenter for phe 6th round oot of harvard ii 19--8...and said he never thought he would even lass a season...let alone 11 with his hometown team... minnesota... and then 4 in baltimore..birk said it's time to move n... and six kids.and winning super powl 47 made this decision easiee. birk was nnmed walter payttn n-f-birk waa 3 3
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birk was named walter biik was named walter payytn n-f-l man f the year in 20--11 for hhs charity work...hees a 6-time pro bowler.aad wws &pdecade team for te 2200s.... gino gradkooski s currentty roster...he might e tte vens guy... but look for the ravees to add depth ann competition agency. you can see the ntireematt birk presssconference on our baltimore dot the orld baaeball ccasssc... is tte olympics so to peak for bassbbll...once baseball left as an olympic sport....he bess in the orld compete he - against each other. ooher.problem is... it's a 16 team tournament... that startt next month.12 ays... 45 major
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but miss time at spriigg training..the orioles have 5 will leaveeto compete...pedrr strop or the dominican republic.and adam jones for the united ssates..for jones... once theeo's said e could play... ittwas an honoo 33pto represent team u-s-a. fancy event on the wattrfront...the ripkee pamily's annual aspire gala.. this year's honorees... muhammad all... hild dvocate robbie callaway and under armmur.ali didn't attend.... but his wife was's which has become the largest single-day fuudraising event in marrland.proceeds go to he &pcal ripken, seniir founddaion. of course we had to hit cal the orioles quite offseason... and 20-13 expectations.
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3 p-c-l quarterfinals...john carroll hostinggcallert hall....4th &pquarter...patriots down 3... ppep player rodney elliott... front of the rim and ii...john tied at 39...cardinall re-take the lead...sean mayberry disses to evan phoonix for the lay in...caavert hall by 2.... game tied again...ellioot crossover...buries the jummer to givv the patriots a 43-41
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