tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX February 25, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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for... "loud &pwhistling.".../// & ps... noo... y law... he can -33 áonlyá... walk... while he whistles.../// wwich... heá says & is ridiculious...// - no comment tonite... from whistler's mothhr...// 3 tabeling: 11:58:46-53 "i 3 would never point a gun at anybodd whether itts empty, 3&pbusiness to be pointing gunss & at peoplee" people."a police cadet shot in head uring a training exercise. exercise. 3&ptoniggt, nne evidence hat safety ppocedures were ignored. 3 hello, i'm eff bbrrd. barnd. 3 and i'm jennifer gilbert. new information tonight indicatess safety procedures were not followed when a citt poliie academy instructor shot aa cadet thhs month in trainiig. training. melinda roeeer is here too accident couud have been ppevented... it's a story &pyou're eeing firrt on fox. 3 the policiessare cllar aaout pfrearms training. real guns preseet whee simulaaion exercisss are taking placc..-be kkpt
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out oo the secure area... and someone is checking all the participants - even patting them down to make certain there are no lapses in safety. p3 but sources close to the academy and tte investigation tell s the instructor was armed wwthhboth his real handgun... aad the -3& "simmnittin" fireaam designed to shoot blanks. he apparently reaahed for the wrong gun wwen he fired t the trainee througg aawindow that day.state police are still 3 meantime - the city is ponduccing its own internal prrbe.pollce union reps say 3 emotional toll on instructors - who are good guys working with limited rreouuces. still, there is evideece that prooeeures were not followed that day... resultinn in a p3 p "tte traiiers are obviously takinn this veryyhard... nd thii hurts him."" -3 him.">< "well thht rule is ii 3 that yyu don't make those kindd of istakes by pickinggup a pive weapon. ">
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six instructors were initially suspended pendiig investigation. ss far - tww have been re-iistated. 33&plate edition. 3 3 a developing storr out of balttmore ccunty... earrier poniggh... police discovered hhman skeleeal remains in a pwoded area near overlea highh school.anyone with information is asked to call police. & 3 the... 15--year- old....wwo ooenee fire... at... perry -3hall high schhol... is &psentencedd.. tt 35 yyars in prison. prison. p3 these surveillaace ppotos were shown at he sentencing 3 hh beggns to emove the 16 -3 gauge shotgun ii the cafeeeria. -3 a few feet away, daniel ba-roo-ee is unaware oo wwat's pictuue, ba-row-eeeis seen hhlding his back whiie staff - pembers
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tackle the gunman ntoo -&pa row of ending machinns.&ppposecutors aaso released video of he teen'ssinterview with ppliceeback in august 33 3:43:58 about two months ago i was jsut gonna kill myself & then i realized i could get was like i might as kll & couple kkds and then off myself. myyell.before being 3 sentenced,ggadden apologized tt the victim's other... but -3 the judge said he did not belleve the teen was 33 ii the momentssafter the perry hhll ssooting.... people -3& flooddd the baltimorr countt 9-1-1, we''e getting to hear thoseecalls... & for the fiirt time 3 "balttmooe county 911. what is the address of your emergencyy"i need you to send an officcr to... i needdan ooficer at perry hall high out of thh school, called me. &pa ssudent shooed him a shhtguu annd ifle in hii bookbag witt bullets and he was goiig in phe bathroom to load the gun. - pan youuppeass end someone to the high school righh now?? now??"baltiiore county 991. what is the addresssof your
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emergency?""perrryhall high school. there'' shots been fired. perry hall high school. i can't remmmber how to use my phonee pleass, quickly." quickly.""his name is robbrt &pgladddn.""that's the person that has the gun? "that's the person thaa has the gun." "roberr gladden??"he old my 3 whoever got innhis way was -3 going to get shot"""e didd't -& hurt your son, did he?""he told my son to get the out." out.""wweneed an mmulance. - pafeteria immediately.""oo and the shooting is in the cafettria.""yes. cannyou... -3 way?" 3 go to fox-baltimore dot com slash raw newss.. for more on thissstory.. iicluding the entire police interrooation. &pp3 a... major... sst ack -3 ...for prosecutors... gearing uu... for the third &&pround of trials... in the esppioza casee p3- 3 policcrpio esppnoza and adon canela... were arrested in ...three young relatives..../// now,... before the third round of
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triils begins../. ... & judgg... rrles ápre recooded testimonyá....from a guaddlopp 3ccurt...//. hernannez... is serving time... in a mexican prison... for hiring... a... hit man... to kll her husband. 3 (niik)"its a huge victory forr - us, the ouut ruued one off the ee witnesses for the state ggaddlupe hernandez.. is notgoing to be allowed to testify in thisscase unless & the ssate can bring her here. unfortunately she is serving a murdee onvvctton in & mexico..and thats why they are having troubleebringing her heree" here." jury sellction for policarpio espinoza begins 3 a baltimoreecounny councilman is giviig up his county- owned &pvvhicle after beinggpulled over for drunk driving on saturday. 3 police say councilman todd -3 huff was stooped on york road... for driving without his heedlights n.hee reeprtedly asked the offiiers "do you know whooi am?"".. and told them to take him home.his blood alcohol content was a - point 2-0.... two ndda half -3 tiies the legal limit. police 33 lawyerr.. but askee to all -3baltimoreecounty police chief jim johnssn... wwh appareetly
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didn't answer his phonne 3 p a huge rally inn annapolis tonnght in upport &&pof a bill thattcould prooide more than aabbllion ddlllrr to renovate or rebuild 65 city schools. schools.. "we cannot acceptt theebanddad approach to sshooos" 3 morr than 2-thousand suuporters, includinggtte lleutenant governor and city - schools c-e-o andree alonso, & rallied outside the capitol.. the proposal would create aa block grrnt ach year in the state budget for the city's pchools. baltimore ciiy &pmayor sttphanie rawlings-blake ssys it's fuudinggthat lawmakers must approve. & 3 (rawlings-blake) "weewwll aae sure that tthy hhar ur pet his done. are yyo with willl ot takeeno for an nswer." aaswer." thh bill is 33 picking up sspport in the 33 suppprters say it's getting presiient mike millee.. 3 controverry is brewing over a & court ruling on tickettaster feess fees.the serviie feee are
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3 value of a ticket... and caa somettmes increass the total &ccst to more 120 peecent of court ruled that those fees violate aa1948 baltimore city ordinance.. bbu, tte city council is now considering making an exception to its 3 worried ticketmmster and other ticket veedors might refuseeto handle events in baltimore city. & 3 davvddfletcher, annapoliss: 9.28 "the feee were 35 ddllars p delivery servicc."stephanie dollars." jennnfer jones: "and, i should have questioned her when she sold them to me forr86.50..councilmmn carl stokes, baltimore city: 6.50 - "i would like o see a cap, becaase, right now, to the generallpublic, there's nn phyme or reeson to tte service chaage." charge."city council is 3 ordinnnce sometime ii july. & 33 that bringssus tt our question of the day.should -pticketmastee bbeallowed to charge large service fees?? fees? so far most ppopll - rrsponding on our facebbok picketmasterr ees are too hhgh.
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3 3 baa day... for aateeas... residens... who's houue... was on the wrong end of a ccr crrsh. crashh 3 the car... landed upside ddwn... in tte roof... of this home in houston.../.police --3 saa... the drivee ...could --3 have been going betwwen 855and 90--miles an hourr.. - when he left the roadwaa... drove up an embankmeet... / and... &pcrashing into the first down on the second. 3 "i mean, this uy was bouncing off hooses. h eeded up on a roof. don't know how he walled outtof that." ttat.""it's justtoutraaeous. & worrt one i'vv ever seen." seen."crrws used a crane to 3 house.the driver has not been chhrggd witt a crime. investigators will be looking &pinto whether alcohol was a ffctor. good day for this little oreggn eden... co-va-ccew.... has been on a snoobbard before shh -
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could even walk.sheeturns tww next mnth and heermom says phees been snowbbarding sincc she was ssx weeks old. 45-58"with snowboarding we & alwaysswaat to get onnthe fiist runn o we wake up at 5:30 and we ggt hhr out of -3 bed. and as soon as we meetiin it....nddknows that she's goong to the mmuntains." mountains..eeen has a five- 3 weekkold sister.her parents say they'll try the same snowboarring training with her ps well. 3 a ice suuny day out there..... but some changes could be on the ay... wayy.. meteorologist vytaa reid for a look at the forecast. 3 3 &p3 "yyu could shoot this
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3 economy down without "you could shoot this 3 "yyu coull shoot this eeonomy down without ffriig a shot and that's scary." sccay." p3 braccng or a inancial bbttle. battle. 3 the mppct budget uts could &phave on our military. 3 u-s troops oodered to leave afgganistan.what american ssldders are accused of doing to innocent people. 3 "we need help, biitime qqick.okay, they're on their pay sir.""-& ssr.""nd more than 2
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dozen fanssinjured.tte desperate calls foo help fter a crash i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios -- america's fastest, most reliable internet -- you get it. but don't take our word for it, ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds. [ male announcer ] so send a tweet, and get the real scoop from a real fios customer. get fios now for an even better price online -- just $89.99 a month and we'll triple your speed for free with an
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p in.... just... fouu days,.../ -3 the countrr set to hii... huge,... automatic budget cuus... hht... go... into effect.../ as... agreemmnt... reached... y... theepresident... andd.. members of pongress..../// all... thii & week... we'rr takiig... a closer look... at... the ááffectsáá.. of those kristinn the... p about our abilityy.. to... ddfend the ountry. ccuntry. ssquesteration will knookk the feet from under america's & ecretary leon paaetta says, -3 if it comessto pass, he'll furrlugh the ""aat majority" of the defense department's p00 -thousand civilian workers. senate approoraaions committee chairwoman barbara mikulski put it this way -- until congress restoress sense to common -- noomemberr offcongress can love what sequester will do to ameriia's milittry might. or barbara
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mikulski sot]in 7:20:41 "what & ttis will mean is that it will have a terrible effeet on protecting he nation from harm."trrt:09[shopping cart & efffct ]fewer ships will ply the eas, jet fighttrs will &phave llss latituue to roam thh skiess a reduced nmbbr of ccstoms booder agents will e on hand to thwaat drugg trafficckrs andd eerorists. health inssrance is n imbo. a ssorrfall by as much as $3 billion dollars coull mean lookinggin --on medical care ttey can't get.california - member of the house ammd -3 services committee. [hunter navy sot 1]]ot in 1:00:06 "it's going to be hard for us to have the military we need. 3 thousands of yearr,,a nation's strength and its econnmy tied & to its navy, especially." trt=:08[cooputerr] beyond -3 planes, ships and urloughs ii 3&pattackk.[isberg sound ]in threattrrghttnow is probbbly & the cyber threat and if the cuts start reaching into those &pareas you could shoothhs ecooomy down without iring a shot and hat's scary."trt=:10 wwlliams saas many peoole are
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making cuts at the pentagon much scarier ttan hey are.. [david williams sot]]nn 22:51:41 "when these cuts are made, we are going to back to country was safe in 2007, it'' going to be saff in 2013 with ttese cuts." [standup]in: an econooii riippe eefect for & ndeniible. those furloughs,, - in april, ill immediately &phurt staae's with large military foottrint. i'm kristinn fraaao reporting. - p3 thh president f 3& afghhnistan issues sttrn u-s.yesterday, hamid karzzi ordered alllu-s special forces to beeoot of a key provinceein - two weeks. he cited allegaaions hat fghans aae workiig alongside the speccal forces... helping them torture, abuse nd ven murder - civilians innthh regiin.localss took their rrporrs f abuse to kabul -- where they showwd phhtogrrphs of nine people thhy saa were deeained aad remain missing.
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the cllim was that ninee & peoppe havv disappearedd nobody knows where they are and they ccaim that they were ttken y speciallfooces.. 3 the -s led coalitioo in afgganistan says it has not found any evidence of mmsconduct by ameriian forces in the area, but the 3 3 at least... 28 ffns... were 3 fiery crrsh... at thh... daytona inttrnational speedway. speedwaa. p3& a witness capttred this cell phooe can see the &pcars speeding by... then seconds later.. one of them --3& pursts inno flames. debris went flying hrough the air -3 and into the stands. authoritiee ave released one off he 9-1-1 alls from a maa who was ttyinggtt get mediicl &phelp for injured ffns. 3 dispaacher: 911 where is your emergency?caller: yeeh, llsten we're in seetion zero, section o, daattna race track. there's pww seeiously injured eople heee, ok. caaler::ok, there's been a help.
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pomm harsh words ffr her.a family ttorney has filed lawsuittover hh incident. 3 common sensee.. disney didn't applogize... instead they issued a statement saying the viieo shows, quote- "misbehaving guests - ddliberately ppovokiig a character for their own mmllcious amusement." 3 here's a story that defies pootlann,,maine has been ordered to wwak while e whistles.robert ssith was cited for disorderly conduct after several bussnesses -3 ccmplained that his whistling was so loud that it could drive away customers.smith ssys he was just rying too makeepeople happy.. ccurt order now requires him to keep movvng whiie whistllng. 3the fourtt timeewas not the &pcharm for a convicted killlr trying to break out of a greek helicoptee swooppng down to - lowwr a rope into the prison courtyard, wwile two gunmen fired ak-fortyysevens on ggards.needless
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to say.. ii &didnn work..he guards returned fire, injuring the prisoner and orcing the chopper to llnn in the prissn yardd he's now being treated at tth prison hossptal for gun shot wounds in his legs. it's nnt - clear if the pilot nddflight -& technician were part offtte plot or ffrced to fly to the prison. p3 p3 3&a major drug bust.... the cleeee way criminals were hiding millions of dollars in heroin..
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3& that'll o it for the late eedtion..thanks for joining us. i'm jeff barnd. barnd. 3& and i'mmjennifer giibert. up next is bruce cunningham, 33now. p33 after maaing the playoffs for the first time in15 years, the orioles are erving notiieethat it wasn't a, thhy raised thhir record to a perfect 3-0in grapefruit leagge play. plly.brian matusz mmking his first ssring some prouble in the 1st...matusz induces theegrounder to 3rd... manny mmccado ssarts the 5-4-3 stretch by & chris davis at 1st....then hh -3 faas juan riverr to end the inning...2 scoreless by
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maauszz...bbtttm offthh 11t... brian roberts laces it down the left ield linn...husttes in to 2nd for a 1 out double... .2 batters later...2 outs... center....ooerts trots in from jonsey...o's in front 1-0.... 3 markakis serves it into leftt cceter...brian roberts scores his 2nd run of the game...o's &pup the 4tt...nate mclouth splitssthe and machado come around too & scoree..mclouth standupp improve to 3-and--o this -3 spring, 5-1 over the yankees... encouraginngnews from the pitchinn front down in florida...ffr the ffrst ttme - in over a year, vvteean big for wada, who igned a two year, 8..5 million ollar contractlast off-season after a long career in the japanese leaguee...he had a bad havvnngtommy john surgeey..the birds
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hope to have hhm fully back by maystay tuned. 3 terps football fans, we have your teem will be playing a home game here in baltimore this coming season.. -33season.. the school releesed it's - football schedule today, andit features an m&& bank stadium appearancc...on saturddy peptember 14th, maryland will play host to west virginina & here in ballimore...the last -& time the terps played here was in seppember of 2010, whennhey -&pdefeeted he mmdshipmen of pnvy. 3 bcl hampionship...mount st. joe and spaldinn...jimmy patsos innattendace attrriiz -3 ppalding down 1...jourdan grant pulls p from long distance...3 point drops... cavaliers uu 2....later...garyy jjffersonnfrom downtown... buries the treyy..spalding leads by 4....gaels come & back...kaaeron williams takes & it coast to coaat for the payup...moont st. joe down 4... .2nd joe up 4... knocks down the 3...gaels up p9-22 aa the half...mount t. joseph wins the bcl 3 after winning a single game a
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&pyear ago, towson's tigers have clinched awinning season...the tigers are 16-13 with 2 left to play, and this guy, jjrome hairstonis a maaor reason phy...the freshmannguarr scored 20 points in a vvctory over ddexelon saturday...for pookie of the week...ii's the fourth time thii season hees been ssohonorrd.. p3 that's all for sportss unlimited...i'm bruce punningham...goodnight.goodnight.
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