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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 26, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 itts our free-bru-aay giveawayy givveaay!!veryday ii februarry we're giving away 100--dollars - an hour. 3 number on your screen..- screen..f you don't call in.. your prize rollssover into thh nexx hhur for someone else to win! -3 win!to get your namm ii the
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box.. gooto facebook dot comm slass foxbaltiiore and ill -3 out the can also go &pthhre tooread complete contest - rrles. 3 -
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3 3& emotional surveilllnce &phigh school... detaillhow the eventt unfolddd when shots &prang out on thh first day of school. also eleasedd.. video of the suspect bbing questioned by police. police.theee are tte ey - pieces of evidence that were shown before a judge entencedd robert gladden junioo.megan giililand is liie frrm the 3 that was handed down. good morning guys15-year old 3 speed the nnxt 35 years in prison for openiiggfire on the firss day of school andd
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classmatee... daniel ba-row-ee. ba-row-ee.daniel was sitting -3just feet away from wheee -33 gladden fireddthat first shot.. in court... ladden apolooized to aniel's mother in aletter little to sway judge robert 3 believe the teen waa remorssful... heequestiined whether he haddbeee bullied... as was claimed. but ladden's defense attorney argued had &pthee chool system done more... this would not have happened. p3 11:08:00 he''l beethe youngess person in the doc what an -honor oor state 155year old going right now for 35 years we should be real proud oo that as a community and -3 society shouudnt we ;15 & p1:10:10 he's a 15 year old who to do n adult ct.. he ennangeeed he lives of countless people. people.inncoort... one oo the adminstrators pictureddheree recallee staaring downnttee barrell of thatt hoogun.the judge also heard how some unable to even step foot ii the cafettria because they''e still haunted by what happened.
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3 the judge called the schoollshootings a modern ddy plague.i'm mgan gillillnd, fox455morning news. p,3 the investigatioo into an acciiental shhoting at reveals that safety rocedures weren't being followed duuing & training exercises. it'ssa story you''e seeing first on ox. fox.rules state ttat real guns aren't supposed to be present when simulation exercises are toothe nvvstigation tell fox 45 that the instruccor who acccdennally shotta cadet had hii real handgun... and the "siiunition" fiieaam designed to shoot bllnks. he aalegedly reached for the wrong gun when he fiied at theetrainee that day. 3 < the trainers areeobbiouslyy& taking this very hard... and this hhrts hii."> hhm.">
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< "well thaa rule is in place to protect evvryone so that you don't make those kind oo mistakes by pickinn up live - weapon. >>- p>state police are still investigating the ordeea... and the city is conducting its & own nternal probeesix pnstructors were initiallyy suspendeddso far... tww have been re-instated. 3 the maryland stadium authority against smokkng. smoking.a smokiig ban at & oriile paak at camden yarrs pnd m-aad-t bann stadium goes pnnooeffect march designated areas within the twoostadiums..he aaens organizationsssays it will accommodate fann who wish to smokeeby allowwng thee to leave thh stadium to smoke in certain areas... then go back 33 expected to nnounce a simillr policc before opening day. & 3 pollen season comes early this & yyar... fr millions of 3sufferers.experts say tree &ppollen is supposed to peak n parrh... with grass pollen
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3 buttsome regions... including times for polllnnare dawn aad &pdusk... so you wanna try to be indoors then.theebest times?... right after it - rainss...whee he air is clearee. 3 a little extra oliveeoil... could lower your riik of heart attack.that'ssaccorddnn to research out of spain... wwiih finds that low-fat or mediierrrnean ddets... are 3& shows that those who eaa a -3 low-fattdiet... hve a having a stroke,heart attack in "the new england journal of pmeeicine." ameeicanssare spending more on pheir pets... than ever before. bbfore. that's according to the "ameeican pet productss - associatton"... wwich finds that last year... americans spent an estimated 52-biilion dollars on their animall.the amouut is up five percenn - from 20-11. theegroup says ownerssareespending more & on alternntive vettcare - pervvces... like pet acupuncture... grooming and boardinng
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3 the hospitallship thatthelped so maayyinnhaiti cculd be a pasually of sequestration. joel d. smith is live in canton where theeu-s-n-s comfort is going bbck tt jool d. d. 3- 3
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3 coming up on hee arly - pdiiion... spreading to theesuuurrs. suburbs. 55:18 his stuff is killing eople. people.the battll against fake pot and theedeatts its been &plinked to. 3 3
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[ lorenzo ] i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free
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boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small. 3 3&p((buup in))
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3 ((ad lib meteooologiss)) 3 3 ((ttaffic eeorter addlibss) pappgreensprin maa 40
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3 map 33 3 -3 3 -3 3
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3 commng up....the orrolesshave reassn tt be optimiitic about ooe of their players comiig backkfrom injury..- injury.the play brian roberts 3 5550 from hallucination tt high lood pressure to psychotic reactioo 3 pot.the deadll consequences... 3 ((breakk2))
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3 following a fox 45 investigation last november... maryland lawmakerr are looking &pto outtaw the ssle of synnhetic marijuana.this morning... joyy lpola conttnues tt invessigate... how the sale of it has spread to the subbrbs. it's today's -3 cover uncovers -3 two deaths in carroll coonty blamed on the designer drug . . 3 p3 it's along main street... in a - quiee carrool county suburb... where our iivestigation all american own 3 culture... aa a place tt ggt high.a act... some parents and polticians mmght atter chhose to ignore..imbal 19:47:19 thhy heard aaout the
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man eating the persons facc nn -3 ploridaabuu hey don't understand on a local level what the impact is we found synthetic - tobacco ssore in wwetminister. our under cover is sse to record... as we find out forr ourselves... just how easy it is to get a hold of. no soonnr doee my photographher walk and he is coming ut... - 2:05531 she asked if i wanted a 4 g pouch or 100g.. less & than a mile awaa.... we make another purchase. this tiie itts a gas station selling it. 2:11:56 heesaid heehad two flavors cush and strrwberry smash our photographer told by the cashier... he pould buy oe packet of scobby (dea) that's a big connern for thh drug enforcemeen agency dea agents aamit... even wiih federal bans... chemists aree managinn to stay one step ahead. drug abuse experts
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week they''e commng out with a new one. ccemicaas are phanged outt.. as packaginn iss - altered. each gennratiin bringingga new level of toxiciy alonggwwth it5:50 blood presssre to psyccooicc &preaction in pennsylvania an 8th rrquiredda double lung transpllat because of chemiccl - burns. his family ays it was the synthettc marijuana he --3 was smmkiig that causeddthe damage.55::8 this stuff is kiiling people.. in carroll & ounty.. a 13 and 22 yeaa old &phave died n the last severaa month. each found with packets of synthetic marijuanaa thhs stuff has to come offfthe street delegate cathllen vitale is one of several lawmakers fighting to end tte saae of his designer druu in paryland. it follows uu investigation ... in november. 32:44 it's a killer 3 undercover camera we watch.... as two men were working with..
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approach a cashier at this baltimore city ggs station... and buy the synthethic substaace. we later meet up across the street. - (witherspoon) 28:55 this is not your momm nd popp -& marijuana..theer is nothinn natural about ttis chemical 3& dangerous. the packet may say potpourri...and eeen displayyaawarning against &phuman consumpttoo. mere mettods uued by manufacuterss - to skirt the law. (wwther/source) 43:20 they really don't care they just want to make money. when we went back the following day... sell t but ddn' anymore. 3:59952 how do yoo explain the 3 know. the dea... has already raided severall buuinesses ... and there willl - likely be more.8:08 to the places out there selling it. it's against the law you nned to ssoppit now werr gonnaa omm -knockkng on your door and it's pot gonna e a geetle knock. but ven with federal &pauttorities geared up... this pattle may bb better foughh at -3 the local level.... by looal leadeer 16:31 we'veealready lost two middle choolerr we & shouldn'' be lossnggour eeementary kids.butt bites cover edit. 16:37 if you commissioner in carrrll county & ommmssioners work to find a solution.. otter counties alreaay have... eeee ome implemenned bans onnsynttetic & arijuana. the ffar being... -if ssmetting isn't donn sooo... ttis potentially deadly deeigner drugs... sold -3 as incenese ann potpoorri...
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wiil continue to be smooed by childrrn luelees danggrs... beinggfriindd... that it's youth wooll not have even know abbut the &plepola fox 45 news at tee.. - 3 coming up in our o'clock hour... debbting maryland's gun policiess policies.thh controversial bill that's about to go before &pthe state senate. p3 terps football... heading ack - toobaltimoree.he game the team stadium. 3 p(break 3)) did you know that one in five kids comes from a home where food isn't always available? one in five. breakfast is essential in giving our kids the start that they need to unlock their potential, so imagine all that they
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could accomplish if each had a great start. that's why i am joining up with kellogg's share breakfast program to reach their goal of getting more than one million breakfasts over the course of a school year to kids that would otherwise go without. visit today to help get kids the start they deserve.
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3 p3
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comiig up in our 66o'clock hour... ooey eke just has two minutes left tt call. call.otherwise... the jackpot in ouu áfreebruaryá drrwing goes p o 30 dollars.stay tuned ffr your chance to win.
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