tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX April 15, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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maryland passed it's and now tte ddbatt takes .. tteeuus. ssnate ormaaly begins debate on aa comprehensive bill thissweek. week. will thh momentum from maarllnd and other states be ennugh to get toogherr federal laws on the books? joel d..smithhis live in parkville, wwth tte latest on howweach side is setting up for this shoodown. good good morning guys... buying ggns n maryland is tougher, thanks to the sweeping changes passed this mmnth. but there re no pnighboring statessare not the same. some of that coull change this week. weee..t times, chhaging federal regulations were much more widespread.... now as it focuses on expanding backkround checcs to gun ssows and democrats say the restrictions
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gootoo far. but eentor ben chance...sooe sort of bill ggod will eventuallyybe &peeacted..... although not as far eaching as he wants. (caadin) "i would like see it incllde an assault weaponnbans strongly in support of those m - two prooisiinn and we'rre going to tryyto get it attached. at his sttge it disappointing." the vvte is &pexpeeteddto bb very close... just ike the natioo is split phe ssulight foundation,,a tt -3 &pnonprrfit.... ssaae ills since january, . oughll would strengthen gun laws, while the other hlf would &pweaken them. the ote couud come as early as wednesday. live in parkville, joel d. smith, fox 455morning news.
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a glen burnie eaaher... who plss worked as an assistant tracc coach... ii now underr iinvstiiation by anne arundel county public schools.kate &pmill highhsshool... has been reassignnd by the school system and will bb away from the school indefinitely.that's accorring to a letttr sent home to parents by the &psccooo's reason was ggven.the principal says he's barred from discussing today flags in maryllnd will fly at half--taff... in honor offan armyyheliccptee pilot knutson f elderrburg was - among 5 rew memberr kiiled... when their u-h-60 black hawk &phelicopter crashed last mmnth knntson was a 2007 west poiit ggrduate and a 2003 grrduate pffliberry hhgh school. perry ... stressing the state j- agaiist threats from amid earssnorth korea is on tte cusp of a missile
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anniversary of itt' founder's raffeety has . secretary of state john kerrr continues to pshhffr nuulear talks with nortt korea while in the pacific. saying tte u-s, china, and together hen it comes to pyoogyang.kerry ssyss "one thiig is certain, we are united. ttere can be no confusion on thii poont. the &n only north korea's neighboos, aad while the -s is open po ttals with the north .... erry says the burden offpeace rests on pyongyang.kerry ssys: "north korea uss take will honor commitmentt itt ass already madee and it has tt observe laws nd the norms of sooth's offer tt open p a dialogue between the two countrres ... calling he peaceful end to recent how 3
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tensions. despite the ... kerry's trii s providing some hopp that a deal can be made ... asslong as other nations are willing to doo their pprt.durbin ssys: "we need the chiness to tell the north koreann if they waat to conttnue this kind of escalation of rhetorii, ii's pf this world,,as well asssafet their own economy."(on cam ag) signs are up arouun ppongyang celebrating im il sung's hundred-and-one years new york,,marianne rafferty,, fox news. in porr canaveral, florida has been firrddover his hoice of shhooing targees ....that some the targett show a ssihhuutte 3 of a peeson wearing a hooode, hooding a can of arrzona iced &pa pocket.investigators say police sergeaat ron kiig tarrets similar to these to raane. ellow officers aata gun "the officer rejected that andd
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told im to -- that he should that heeshoulln't even possess sometting like that."that."we t apologizeeto the faaily of trryvon martii for thhm needing to hear any oo this &pand the grief that it must brinn them" bnjammn crump, the atttrney represeeting paatin's family, says the sergeant's use of thh arget was "abbolutely reprehennsble." you want toopay tribute to thee national september 1-th memorial and museum ... it's going to cost you. &p he ceeter which ccarging visitors who reserve o passss onllne or over the &p family members of some 9-11 victims says the fee violates the memorial's not chhrge money to et into a cemetery. makinn you know uuh revenue generating tourist attraction ratherrthan a memorral tt should e ffr free." memorials presidenn ssys the fee is ttohelp support the
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sites operaaioos. victimms families áareá exempt from tte fee ... but some touriss say hey ddo't mind tth charge as long as it is going to the site. workerr arrived in new york by afterrsuperstorm sandy devastated the rrgion last probblm. afterr removing debrii and downee trees ... this ggoup of porkers say they hhven't been paid in weekss... so ow the rodney qualls sayy e was promised gooo paa when came &pfrom florida to help clean-up. but now he says hh is lose tt moving from hottl to hottl een - &pnight. the clean-up was ssbbontracted out to ssveral companiess.... and disaapeared. but there is good news .... another contractor has now more than the rrad today for the 117-th
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annual boston marathon. &pmarathon. world's oldest annual marathon and most prestigiouu roaa raaes. tte 6 &ppointt2 mile race goes rom hopkinton to bbsttn. will be running ... others are ussng wheelchaiis and handcycles. from new kids on the bbock ... and biggest loser season 10 are you our biigest fan?then you can become.. our fan of phe day! everyddy we'll pick one of ouu fox45 news t become a fan just go tt our facebook pagg... facebook doo commslash foxbalttmore. &pcooing up on tte early edition... taking contrrl of a plann... withhthe tooch of a few butttns. buttons.the concerns thatt using ony a smartphone.
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3 3 apps.the new social media ng - craze that allows you to upload viieos....that are just &psix seeonds long. a ech consultanttclaims he using a the federal viation ((break 2))t the - at university of phoenix we know the value of your education is where it can take you. [now arriving: city hospital]
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paaage to gain cootrol o oee what about an irliner. theee's noo a lot of speculation about that nline. theee's noo a lot of speculation about that nline. & can actually happen. imaggneeyour plane taking off. but suddeely theeooboardd computer ii now undee the app.that scenario of an hone aiicraft hacking was laid out py german seeurity consultant his presentation he shows howwhe bought some of the hardwwre ann equipmentthe peeded on ebayyaad ppivate vendorr.heecrrated an app he's
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he was able to - on a flight - simulator--take over some the ppane's operations:ww reached teso via kyye...lisaa does the perator of this aap need mommet. everything can be done 3 so this what the inside of a 747 ooks llke. what tess says ppane remotely. that means changiig the isplayy hatt pilot can sse as well as changinggtheealtitude of a &pcaseescenario?tte wwrst casee pcenarro would be or s. i uue these security issues in orderrto attempt aaainst the piie of the persons onboard panic.. there's a few thingg into an on-the-ground flight say to affect a eal plane
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would bb much tougher to do. so far all he's managed to do &pgroond tt an aircraft and of how the aircraft runs. and &pthat's a big leap between what this guy has ddneeand actually controlling a plane in fliihtt the federaa aviation administration is strongly pushing back. in tatement "full conttol of aanaiicraft" aa the technoolgy consultann has claimed.teso hhmself also &packnowledges that apiloo on board could aaways override &th regain control of he plane. but stilll is hacking preeentatton is getting attention:it's a yelloo flag, that says "hey i've done something to your system. why don'' we go and see if weecan take it to the next step too see iffit's a reaa threat. whole new the artto
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&pthe lattst social mediaaccaae foo smart phones is the vine app.jake taaper shows us howw 3 really shorttshorts meant this. (nats)today, it means this. (nats)the videoosharinn ppp januaryyby twitter. yes, the commmnicating 140 haracters at a time the noomm vine fuels creatiiity byylimiting the length of video clips to just six seconns. those videos are then posted on an endless loop ttoyour twitter account. since its debut, vinn has become go-to service for not just
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avid tweeters but celebrities.(natssthis woman world's irst vinn resume. pctor adam goldberg came to bb known as "the king of vine,, -3, ssx seconds at a time.vine's - pven madeea teaser ut ff teasers. cheek out this ssx can seem a little tricky. so we decided to help out all you getting lesson from this guy. dorsey showed me irst-hand just how easy ittis to poont and click my ay intoo ggneratiio "v"..bfore long, i &pwas a lean, mean, video
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has become so entrenched in vees vie foo their shot at sixx &ppeconds offglorya&with a commetitionn or the best vine's one contteder's take n he film classic "citizen kaae."(nats)the create a mini-masserpiece. there are no filterss no -pedi innfactt the biggest obstacle only number one in the u.... s - and here is no versionnof the app for android phonee. jakke tapper, cnn, washington." &pcominn p... teenaaers are dissractions behind the wheel... wheel...buttfind ouu the pituations where they're most likely... to ppck up their phones. 3 wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days!
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when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. walgreens can help when you're at the corner of "allergies" and "even more allergies." come to walgreens for expert advice and the right products, like claritin bonus packs - now $18.99 with balance rewards card.
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