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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 15, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT

5:30 am
&pbattle now goes doon the road to washington dc. that's where u.s. senators areelooking at and expanding background s, - checks. joel d. ssith is live in parkvvlle with a look at why hhs vote s still tooo close to call. ood morning guys, in have our own laws that have now changed, and govvrn howwwe get here... but neiihboring states pave differeet laws. a vote this week in the senate pould create new guidelines cllsing the hugg divide some of those state laws crrate. preate. the vote could come as early as wednessay... in the u.s. senatee and once againnit is a showdownnof what that second ammendment... the right to bear arms eallyy &pexpands background check for people buyinn guns... cllsing the so-called "gunshow loophole."it allo deals with gun trrfficciig and sccool pecurity. opponnnts says aan gun ontrrl measure impacts &pphe second mmnnment right to bear arms.but the bill's suuporters disaggre. senators from 2 of maryland's
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&pborder states are co-sponsoring the measure.. democrat joe mannhin from wwst virginia, and pennsyllania republican at toomey toomeyysays: "there's no single biil assa panacea for this. nothing guarantees hat a committed criminal isn't going to find a way o get a difficult. we can reeuueethe e chances that they'll be succeesful and hat would be infringinggon the rights of ppponents offthe bill say background checks won't keep criiinals from obtaining to be a greater foocs on ggn contrrl measure coulddbeer house... where it would face reeublicans. fromm the nation isscertainly split on this topic. according to the unnight foundation, a nooprofitt... &pstaat legislators have roughly half of the new proposals would sttengthen gun laws, while theeweaken them. a vote on this federal measure early as wednesdayy joel d. smith, fox 45 orniig news. a 11-year-old in balttmore is pritical condition today... after being shot in the face.
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ellamont ssreet nnar grayson ptreet in southwest ballimore... just after 3-30 sundaa afternoon.the teen wws taken to he hospital..ollcee are investigating... but say &t a double shhoting in southwest baltimore... is now declared a hooicide.on friday night... officers responded to kinsey man and a woman were rushed to that the woman... 42-year-old tanya raymood... died from her injuriessnooword ttday on the pan's condition.homicide detectivessare continuing to fire crews reepood to a 2- alarm apartment fire in rosedal. o'clock last night... neerrthe franklin square can see the giant flames ennulfing the side of theeapartment building.about an hour pater... irefighterr had the firr nder's this ttmm therr's no word on the cause. pope francis made his
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papacy over the weeeend. going largell utside vatican walls ... he named 8 caadinaas from alll ver the world to a panel as anita vogel &pexplainns.. he's dedicated to bureaucracy. hooy see's bureauc& pope francis ... petting up an addisory council of cardinalssfrom rounn the wwrlddto help hhm run thee catholic church ... and reform it. the eight global &pcardinaas willlhelp the pontiff ake administratiie changes .. wwich some sayy s an indication he wants o have predecessor when it comes to hhndlinn mistakes and scandals that have hhrt the chhrcc's repuuation. only onee sst on the board - italian cardinal giuseppeebertello - sean patrick o'mmlley ... tte pays: "it's showing that he is going to take thissveey seriously and he is willinn to ponsslt ppople not only from italy or from europe, bbt also &pfrom all over the world. hh's got eight cardinnas from fiie continnnts, so he is taking
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this very seriously indeee." inspirationnfor a diverse counnillfrom the pre-conclavv &pexpressed a desire for an to loccl issues. the new - council s expeeted to look at &pconstitutiin issued by pope john paul the second n 19-88 vatican admmnistration &operrte iimprtant tthig issttattthis group as nooexecutive or legiilativeepower, it is theer to advvse the pope, ann that &pps ery important. cardinalls already exist to advvse the pope his is justt aking ii a bii more systematic."(on cam &ptag) the world'' catholics are still waiting for pope francis to name the state...who oveesees the daily administration. in new justin bieber is - generating some heat after a visit o the anne rank house
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the op star wrotee that he hopes the holocaust deeoted fan or a "beliebbe"" had she noo died in a nazi poncentratioo camp in 1995. but visitors tt he anne frank facebook page were uuset by hiiscommmnts. of ttings including a number himsslf" and saysshe completely misseddthe lesson of anne frank'' storr. comedian kevin hart wasn't making any jokes &w highway patrol arressed harr a in los angeles.... accusing &pwheel of aabllck mercedes ben. he arrrst report &pdescribes that car going 90- mills-per-hour on the freeway .... at one point almost hitting a gas tankerrtruck. hart apparentll cculd ot pprform the field sobriety test .... so he was arrested on susppccon off &pddu-i. we always hear texting ann walking..
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well one d-c train ppssengee pook. a surveillance 3 &pcameraaccptured iieo of a ma texting and walking ... when he suddenly falls off theeedge of he platform .... just seconds before a train arrives.. a father and train, coming in the ttnnel. a3 'stop the train, stop the was: we need hii ut, anddwe need hii out now." the father and ddughteeraae being hailed herress the a chance to thank he ggoo samarittns who acted instantly. it seems like message that distracted -drivi that's aacording to a new study that says peer pressuree and anti-distracteeddriving pampaignssare apparrntly maaiig aanimpact. more than thhre-quarters of young drivers say thhy don't
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electronics hile driving. buttthe study also peer pressure or a parent present are whhn young drivers are susccptible tooussng their electroniccdevices. &pprocrastinators... your time is just about up.todayyis the annual income taxes with the i-s i-rrs.the agency says 97 million amerrcan taxpaaers hhd &palready submitted thhir tax forms by the first of this month. about 0 percent were &pdone electronically.the average refund is two- thousand, 775 dollars... ddwn about 40 bucks from last year. &ptaxes this yyar and arr not - rrady to fiie, yoo'll need to &ppay at leastt900percent of tt amount due when you apply for an extension .... otherwise, &pyyu'll havv latt fees pilinn up until you've paii in full. coming up on theeearly &peditton... concern that we've lost the war on drugss drugs. the roup that has come uppwith a very fight goinn.
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33 ((break 11) n)) how many mmsclessdoes it take
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onn---your heart.ncc??just heart.baltimore's m-d-a musccee &pwalk ook ppace yesttrddy mooninggat whitt marsh mall. walked two miles around thee more than 1000thousann ollars &pfor the musccuar dystrophy ((sot---))
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paases hundreds oo thousands of dollaas for the m---a. ((2-shotttoss to &pweather)) 3 ((ad libb mettorollggst))
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33 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map green map liberty map 40
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3 3 33 coming up... the mastees goes
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to a playoff. playoff.see who put onnthe preen jacket. &p a brand nee wwy o battl drug addiction. the only placeeheroin is legal in north america... and ow t's peportedly ssving lives. 3&((breakk2)) i love these shoes.
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but when they start hurting, i have to take them off. until i found dr. scholl's for her. they support and cushion my feet all day. this is happiness - happy feet. so, i've got energy and style all day. dr. scholl's for her . for heels and flats. i'm a believer. it's the only place oo its kknd n north ameriia. a
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there are lean rooms,,cleann - ssooting up legally. paula &pcanadian clinnc that's attempting too hangg the way the world trrats addiction. addiction. (nats)sixteen years go, had the highest rate of h-i-v e world.a sad statistic thht &pillustrates the dangers of sharing needdes.over the last decade, things have imppoved for people like liane.people whose daill life is controllld byytheir addiction, always seekkng out the nnxx fix. pickknggthe habit is not a reality for everyone."the way innnorth americc we eal with addiction is rrdiccuous. we'lll whhydo e trrat human beings k 3 in such brutal waa?"mark townsend is a campaigner foo services, whicc reduce the rrsks of druu use, and stop people from ying on the ptreet from infections oo
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ooerdoses..ii didn't seem to us to be fair that the sentence foo the ssourge of addictiinnin someonees llfe &paddicts nowwhave a unique &presource.located at 119 east hastings strrett is insite, north america's only supervisee injection ceentr, a place to brinn your druus nd use them.ttis unassuming building has blown wide open feel it's a safe hhvenn- opponents see it as condoning crime-- all fuuned by taxpayers at the cost ffthree- million ddllars a year."this room is thh only thousand or so square feet in the whole of norrh aaeriia where ou ccn legallyyinject heroin r cocaine i a safe way. so in this oom there are 12 ooths. addicts from theestreet bring the drugs that they've purchassd in here..they sit in
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a boothh we rovideeclean equipment, and a nurse siis at observe the addicts usinn, andd to see ii they stop breathing, and start to die, that they spot disinfected s soon as hh - its occupant leavvss"well, before this place as here, &pcrowded in the alleyydoing it ann thhre was eedles all over the place,,a lot of ods."there &pare nurses on site to revive users who stop breathing, and evennhelppthem choose the safest vein.many addicts stop shoottup. 3 baatimore city also has a at 17-locattons, the heeltt - coming up in our 66o'clock -
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hour... rutgers university is back in the heaalines thhs morn. morning.the ff-campps pprty... that police say got seriously out-of-hand. one of the ttrps... could bee n-b-a bound.the umors that mmrylaad... to enter the nnb-a draft. ((breek 3)) coming up in our 6 o'clocck
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businessman spends 15--mllion dollars... on a smarrphonee smartphone.the luxurious i-phone 5... worth ss mucc money. get a little something for yourself... on tax day.the restaurants chains and other buuinesses thht re offering tteir customers.. a few "extras". 3
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joel ad-libs a wild party... broken up by pooice.we'll tell yoo wheee ii pogether.e... anddwhy hudreds - plus there's more to tax day... than paying up.where lots of freebies... all day 3 -haabor
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&pmonnay, aprill155h 3 3 3 3


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