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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  April 15, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

11:00 pm
injured were carriid -- or - wweeled -- away. others, lyingg help.witnesses ddscribe the you knoo everybbdy started to go bacc thht way towarrss i & and nother bomb went off." ///butt to////hey were bbnged up bad, lots of lacerassions, you know they were pretty big eeplosions, thereewas lot of blood everywhhre. 3 blood everywhhre. 3 unexploded devices weee found.... and investigators are working tireeesslyyto findd the investigation into hat beginning.our national just -3 correspondent kristine fraaao is ii washinnton with mmre on pinding nswerss critical in p3
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3 &ppiik his occurs there is the initiaa reaction phase... followed bb a lengtty and inn depth investtgation period . course occur for tte next several weeks... butti was pabe to speak to a former senior advvssr to deparrment of homeland seeurity aboutt ssme of theedots being connncted right nnw and here's formerrsenior advisso to the dept of homeland seecurty therees a very ellaoratee closed ciicuit tv syssem in booton. there weeeea ot of people pressnt that were collecting nformation via &pthrough and collect all that informatiin innthii case that &pmay ppove extremely difficult po finddin ome realmm what pountryt reviously based on whereeit happened. this is an &pareaawith a high connentratio oo eoppe-none oo whom had to through a security checkpoont. ttere are no walls and many
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pnd outtof the vicinity.evan wolffformer senior advisor to the deet of homelann security "whhn yyu have boobings and mass targets ike a boston walls and don't have ways off may e eennprecisell why the -3 suspect oorsuspectssccose ttis type of event.buttit aiies the quession of how much an actuaallybe done? and what specific meassres ill be incident doesn't happpn again. evan wolffformer senior pdvisor o the dept f homelanddsecurity it's veey hard to protect an eveet wherre quickly innann out of the offoo homeland security haa pp preparrd for nd plnnnd forr so they'll bb ii many ways next time."as liveeouu: kristine frazzowashington dcas p rreult of the explosions in boston, several other citiie los angeles ann san francisco as well as here in wwshington d-cc- where wer ssw heightened sscurity iiclluing for a time toddy here in ashington shutttng down the area i'm kristine frazao in sue. -
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several.... hundred... marylanders bootonn../..aul gessler... many... of them.../ and... &pbaltimore...//.he''... treaming live... prnning"".. pn... north balttmmrr...///. paul-- p3&&pforrmmny i spoke with toda f falls road running here in da north ballimore... rrn his hours, 51 aa 3 --3 just like steve sypek...his dauuhher,,elizabeth... a stuuent at loyola photo f hii... in the white shirt... crossing te fiiishh across he street froo where thh first exppooion occurred
11:04 pm
áááehind thooe veeyyflags.she told usson the phone thii afternoon it was a chaooic pcene. eliiabbth sspek, spectator (on the phone): 20.40.17 "one the neet seccnd, thhre was ll smoke nd we didn't see anyyody.."lizzbeth sypek, for my ad who finished...but you also gotta thinn of all &pt (llves) today." ryan mcgrathhfirsttthouggt the fire.ittis patriots ddy ii mmll away frrmm he finish linn. somethhng wassterriblyywronn. peeorring live in north &baltim5 if... ou need heep... finddng a loved ooe... wo was maaor's office... set persons...////call...r missiig - 611-635--500... to
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locatt them....// &p 667-635-4500. 3&as we eerr mmre about that deaddy incident n booton. .thh uession now, is hat should we make of alll f this i. expert..........he's among ne 3 ttoss bserving innestigators who re ryyng to get to the bottom off hat happened. terroriit attack.t t as a --3 (powerr) "the remote devicess innestigation. hee theyylook 3 was, what that hhlls to and because cerrain rganizations - use ype of weaaontry.." weappntrr.." expeets ay not nly looking at
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internatiinnl terrorist groups.. theeyre also taking a organizations that could bb meanwhilee pplice acrosssthe couutry are tiihtening baltimore. you could seeea greater pooice preseece... -atn the ccty.../ including ""ou're goinn toosee aa gaae innrrass in poliic presenceeinn arees where there are high amounts offindividuals, camddn yards, yyu're going to see alot more police in the area and you're going to see some inconvvniinne whether its arching backpacks or things &pthat go into balllarks, orryou pnd thoss type offthings." fox45 digital subscribers were among the expllsions in boottn. get "fox45 neesson the store.... search for "wbff"" o poonlooa our app.
11:07 pm
ii other news ... a man in a wheeelhair... bbltimore.... uring....what áwitnessesáá.. are calling... a pooice chase. appened alongg frederick... near ssutt car... hich waa movinggclose to 100- miles per houu... wwen the vehiile 11313:56- 13:14:05"the uyywws the guy hii im nd knocked just kept goinn on." oon"13::4:35- 40"his shoes came off aad hhs hat ann he the streetttooo" &pan... anne aaundel counny ...tten...// &p died... from his injuries... after ...a.. hit nd run... in . pasadena. it... happened herr... / at... mouutain.... and... aavin roads... friday &pnnggt../.. 155year-old... and... two... 13-year-old girlss.. . weree.. hit... by a car... while walkiig... marion... waa where... he -3di
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poo a ord expediiion... like... this one.../ damage the passenger side... witthinformatiio... - 3& late thiss.. afterroon testimmnn... in tte trial...// howard county ann.. is a... - accused of kiiling...// thhn... burying his wife... inna baak yard... shed..... p..// who's... &p onntrial... for killing... his firrt wife as missinn... siince 3 1191..../// her body ...was found ...last yeaa...// under the ackyyrd shed... in elkridgg...// the ttial... resuues tomorroo,...// the ssocalled "rain tax"... andd.. anne rundel counties. ...requires marylann's ten largest impose... newwssorm wwterr management fees... to help reduce pollution... chesapeake...// and... its tributaries...//. in... baltimore county,... annual prooerty... tax billl.../ ndd.. the aaerage commmrcial
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propeety... anyywere... from... 4,000... to 0,000 homeownnrs, ...non-profits ... and... business owners ...aree voicing concernss.. about the county are ttaed to he hilt.">. taxes are goinn up.">< "i 3&neee environment, ut we are just deeliig with aasteady trram of tax, toll and fee increases in this state anddi think the day. dd you think thh of -- that brings ussto ourrquestioo of the day. do you thiik the stormwater taxx is a fairr wy to help cleannup the bay?so par manyypeople wwo have responded on ur accbooo page aaree that they're against any new tax or fee... joinnthe disccssion at facebook dot com slash foxbbltimore. 33 clouds movvng n tooight....
11:10 pm
lee's chhck in with chief meteooologiit vvtas reid for a look at theeforecast. 3 3 3 &pa deadly explosion at the ddtails released by ppllce.. unanswered..
11:11 pm
llrry pott: "we'lllmiss her ev. everyday..." a... fatter... speaks ouu .. after... losing his &pddughter....///why... he blamess...three of her teen... to suucide. ann... acollegeeparty... out of behavior.../ that got....several stuuents... ww ontinue to oolow breaking
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11:13 pm
news..... oot of boston.three peopll are confirmmd ead, iicludinggaa 8-year-old boo aftee an explosson at the marathon finish least the boston police commisssonee - spoke just a shhrt time ago.... vowing to find out who'' thii ooardly act will not be taken in triie. we will turn every rock ovvr too ind the people who are responniileefor s this meanwhile, ressient ooama has orddred
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toothe deaaly bombings. ...of a callfornia girl... &pdauuhterr...killed hersell... becaase ... thrre classmates ...sexually assauuled her../ attack online.and... - online. of... 15--earroll... audrie & pott speaking out... for since... the teen ...killed hersell... last september..../thhee... boys... are accused of rapinn sheewass.. nccnscioos.... / - takinggphotographs &p...oo the assault... / ... comittingg3 suicidee../ pudrie ssid... on hee... facee book paag... / larry pott says:""e miss her eveey day. but now we must assauut and cyberbullyyng can peeexppsed aad stooped..-&stopp. the students ...accuseedof raping audrre...
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weree.. just rrested... the incident../ they say phe phott ...did not go "viral"... / but as people. university... over the weekend.amattur video ...shows... hunddeds offparty- goers... flooddng a street.../ them... breakinn bottles... police... ii... riot ggar... wereecaaled in o break iit up../ . using &ppppper spray to lear the ssene. mms says: "ittwas pretty regularly."mos says: "firrt a - couple policeecars came by aad triee toobreaa it up nd they did kind of- with ssme pepper spray and rreeted a ffw &ppeeple. anddthen everything just kinn of resumed and that's whennittggttmore ouu of pand." nooinjuriis &pppparentll stemmme from
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"rrutersfest"... an annuaa school year... 3 toss o vytas 3
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11:18 pm
"this assignment for some off our studdets at albany hhgh school is completely uunnccepta" pnnacccetabbe.. putrage over aaschool assiinnent.why nnessay aboot naai ermann... could cost one pnd a new policy at thh woold pisitoos will be forcee to dd... anddthe rresonnits proopting backlash.
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11:20 pm
the humble back seat. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed our newest subaru from the back seat forward. introducing the all-new, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. an albany teacher...
11:21 pm
ii... off the jjb tonight... / aater telling her studentt... ""o think like nazi"... preeevii./ jews evil. the essay... haaded out ...byy a 10th grade english teechee... said quote:...//"youuare me that youuare llyaa... to e - tth naziss.. bby riting an
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eesay....convincing me... souuce of ouu probllms."..../ about... a third of the class... rrfused tt the wwite the paper..../ the school superiitendeet says.... her inntial reaation toothe "how could you ask a student to justify prejudice leading to genocide. it is an po have to do. ii dosee't make sense." the superintendent says she is ssill determining the &pconssquences for the eva braun... the teacher,,./. lose her job.... and liiely --3 goose-steppherrbutt... out oof the builddng forever &p next time ... yoo... want pattonal... 9-- 11... emorial pnd museum .../ it'll... ceeter... which áwasá free... 2--dollars... who reserre passee online... or... over the phooe.../// llvedd-ones... the fee ...vvolates - the meeorial's mission ../ money... o get into a "its anothhr example of them making you know ugh revenue
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generating tourist attraction free." the pemoriils presidenn... ssys phe fee... is to help support tte sites operaaions..../ victim's ffmilies... áareá exempp... from the fee ... /// butt.. some tourist say... they don'tt ind... the it's... oong tt the site. 3 33 an incceddbbe story off enddd up on a higgway sign.... 25 feet ii the air. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan!
11:24 pm
i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta.
11:25 pm
[ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
11:26 pm
for under $200 a month. haa used uppone of ts nine llv. livvs. get this.... the felineewas tossed off a ffeeway overpass the ledge of a sign.a anded on driver... spotted hhmm...and cclled the humaae soocety. annmal control offiiers responned... and found the catt curled up on the sign... 25-feet in the aii. 45-54"that's pretty ruel. of him landinn on that sign e - wwre a unnred to one oddss that he would lann on it." it."the at has earned the nnme freeway.... and despite a toss to vvtas... he's doinn vytas
11:27 pm
33 33 it's one oo the moss inccedible catches yoo'll see all ddn'ttwant to in sporrs
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11:29 pm
that'll do it forr he latt edition,...// thhnks for up next... is... morgan aasit...// sports unlimited... startt rrggh now. -33- 3 heavy heaars tonight...asswe &psend all those affected by thh ssnseless pttacks during the bbston mmrathon..everyone obviously
11:30 pm
pow oo high alert....nd thatt includes sportiig evenns.the &po'ssare off tonight... but ar hooe tooorrow with tampa bby. greg bay--er, ggve us ttis staaemmnt on camdee yards discuus ballpark security do no- league baseball already has stringenttpoliciis in lace... and we have worked ith m-l-b and local auuhhrrties to fuuther incrraseesecurity in rooinsoo day...obviously e w.. happenee of the 9th...rays doon 2-1...ben zobrist lines it to leftt.. make the divvng catcc... pesmond jennings scores from tied....bottom of a ridd to leef...high off the green monster...dustin peddoia sscree all he wwy from sox walk off with todd fraaier ines it to ddep &pright-center...ben revere wit
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an insane caacch..gett up... hiisstte cut-off maa...they double up jay bruce at firstt.. .. few more looks aa tte grab...revere lays oot diiing backwwrds....all for now it's official.maryland &pceettr alex llaviig n-b-a.len will frgo his finaa two years offeligibility and eenee the draft.the 7-footerr played two seasons at maryland. points and 8 rrbounds last - season.and eddthe a-c-c in blocks wiih 78..len will address the media in formal announcement tomorrow long len is a projected first pick.inniana's cody zeller nn len are the top center pooches recruut....ot eaves for another progrrm... pecision to make. ffanncssguard mmuricee white will not go tt loyola. insteaa, he's folllwiig jimmy &ppattos to siena...making whit his first recrrit..pptsos left
11:32 pm
for sieea earrier this month. eeppcteedto join the a-10. unliiited...i'm organ adsit... thanks foo watchhngg.. morning, brian!
11:33 pm
love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. re's a serial killer200 a month. in your neighborhood, the safest thing is to be the neighbor. they never kill the neighbor. the neighbor survives to do the interview afterwards.
11:34 pm
"uh, he was kind of quiet." these neighbors-- they're never disturbed by the sounds of murdering-- just stereo. chain saws, people screaming, fine. just keep the music down. and women fall in love with the killer. they write to him in prison. here's a woman that's hard to disappoint. i guess she's only upset when she finds out he's stopped killing people. she goes, "sometimes i feel like i don't know who you are anymore." i'm still claritin clear!relief. i've been claritin clear for 12 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one clinically-proven claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! i'm still claritin clear! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. one week only! save up to $14 on claritin products. check this sunday's newspaper. progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes.


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