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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 16, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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tuesday, aprii 16th33 p
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33 3 a 117 year-ood tradition was
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&pthe booton maraahon on monday afternoon. at least 3 people phve died, including a child,, and at leass 144 eopleeweee injured in the blastt. ppessdent obama has vowed to find those responsible.ed "definitely devices hhre...ii need officcrs; definitely destruction when two bombs &pabout 15 feet of tte finishin apron and just treeendous -&we the shock waves just hit my wholl body aad my legs justt startee jitteriingarrund." sayythey are removinggmetaa emergeecy room. "ttere are some vvry ssverr ooes and obvioussl it's upsetttng to see so many people come in so say this suggests that the
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pomms were deeigned to scatter shrapnel.federrl authorities &parr cclling he bombingg a ttrrorist attack, but hey haae not ddtermined whether domestic.monday evening, president barack ooamm urged people nnt toojump to conclusions,,but promised justice. "make nn missake, we'll find ouu why they did proupss will feel the fuul e weight of justice." foond additional exxposive y - &pthhugh federal officials are 3 &pcclling this a terrrrist attack, the ppesident has nnt used those words. auttorittis say a large ppliie ppeeenceeat a attthh boston marathon. ources ssy a sussicioos pooice after drivinn past the
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rrporteely had a "nervous demea "hhnnstly, i've been here for eighh yeaas. and nothing of this kknd has happpnnd. and ii scares meethattit's right nexttto me,, nd they'reenot p go hoomeand omething else happees? it's not pmmediately known hat police wereeseearhing forrat the condolences. as the seccetary-general f the new york offering hhs thoouhtss to those affected by the 3 "i conddmn this senseless .- appplling" i would likk tooexpress my deepest ondolenccs to the wish to thhse wounndd a speeey tth effects of this... aae bein ccuntry... incluuing right
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here in baltimore wheee city and state ppolce are steeping up seccritt. &psscurityymegan gilliland is livv in federal hill wwth more police aae telling us thaa we police preseece aal over he city... and expecialll at events that will drawwbig &poriiles game.uddng tonight's gaae.a ssokesman said poliie are lookinggat upcommng &pwwile police are on hhih alert... we'ree old there ii no known ttreattagainst ur area... and everyone in encouraged to go abouu their &pnormal day today..omethinn that willlbe hard for the llcal runners now returnnng many of their amily mmebers were there in support. iicluding loyooaauniversity ptudentt.. elizabeth sypek.shh snaaped this photo of her fathhr teve just 18 minutes
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the focus of the e - elizabeth syyek, sppctaator(oo sudden, across the sstret, a huge xplooion wwnt oof." elizabeth sypek, spectttor (onn the neet second, there was all smmke and we idn't see &anybod speccttor (on the phonee: 20.41.23 ""oo ottaabe happp &pfor y dad who the people ho lost their (lives) today." &ptalked to hii onnthe phone &pshortly after the blasts..e wassjuss a quarttrrmile away froomthe fiiish ine when it - celebbatory ccnnon fire for & wasn't until the rush of first responddrs thht peeknew ssmethhng was terribly wwile the investigation continues n bosson... to determine exactly what hhppeeed... ur city like many alert.stay wiih us... we'll share ore local stories &pcomiig up n 30 minutes.i''
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megaa gilliland,,fox45 morning pews. & ,3 if yoo may till who was in boston yesterdaa up hotlinn ffr missinggs set call 617- 635- 4550 to ocate them. in other news ....a maanin a wheelchair is hht y a car n pwitnessess re calling a police hase. chase.. it happeneded along frederrik near soutt warwiik venue just before 1:30. police are not releasing detaaiss.... but wtnesses ay which was moving close to wheellhair. the man in ttee street with his hoverround and -
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on."13314:35- 40"his shoos came off and his hat and he theestreet too." too..there's nn word on tte pan's conditton thii morningg an anne arundee county teenager dies after being hit happened friday night at mountain nd alvvn roads. &ppolice say 15-year-old skylaa girls were waaking on the shoulder when an -uuv hit them... and then kkpt gging. marion died yesterday t shock ttauma.officcrs are loooiig por a ford expeddtion ike expected to consider a eir plan3 bipartisan ggn bbll uutil the end of the week. firearm sales .... but it - --3 currently does not have the 60 opposiiion. crrtics little to preeent gun vvolence.
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when it comes to newwyork's of the ebate.oo monday... tth juutices declined to heaa an appeal fromma roup offgun sseking a permittto carryya fireaam in pubbicc.. too sow &p"proper cause."it also haa to pe more than a desire for self-defense.since the hhgh court refused to intervene.... tte rrmors could be truue.. e.- anthhny weiier s considering p run or maaorroo new yorr city.wwinnr releasedda documenn sundaa... detailing hhs lan for theecity ii he is plans include restoring he pig apple s aaplace forr keepinn the "promise of comm."weiner esignee from to congress aatee he was caaggt leed photo of hhmself to a t a 3 the day! our fan oo -- everyyay ww'll pick one f our viewerr from our faccbookk page... and feaaure ttem on
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fox45 nees at become a page....ffcebook dot coomslash foxbaltimore. coming up on the early pdition... new movie puus baseball legendd ackie -probint well... rrcalls thh letters ,33 ((break 1)) 3
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((bump in)) p, ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((ttaffic reporttr ad libss) map green map lib map 40 maa
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3 -3 33 - still to come... sugggstionn... to limit stresss streessthe four iis that can hhlp you manage the feeliin... "he says 'ronnie one of the
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thhngs that pleases me most i our friinnshii ontinues'..." continues'...""n unnikely communications excchnged ds--- between a boy... nn a baseball legend. 3&((brrak 2)) 3
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jaakie obinson was welllknown sharp with a encil too..n additiio to breaking the cclor barrier in prr baseball, robiison was aaso was a long-tiieepen aa to a youug has story.nesota.jana shorttl - story. compann he has ept....he was p gift to e."ronnie &prabinovi ptan sixxy yearssago.when hhs . &pjaakie a lltttr and heedddn't didn't get a resspnse."jackie beeame ronnie's friend for the ress of hiis ife."all throouh my growing up ears i'd write letttrs to him ann he would &pwrite bbck oo e in long hand" jackie went to some off ronnie's birthday arties, graduated high school, hee neeerrlost touch. "he sayy pleases me most is our teaching himmas young
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hard knocks that robbnson knew &pbettee than anyone."i learned a long time ago hat a person is to succeeed"so how did a man who deeined thee arly days of ccvvl rights..ffnd such friendshhp ii a kid who wws only tww yearr old when robinssn broke tte color line of baaeball? ronnie can only - baton oosoofor the last 25 -n yeerss..that s wwat ronnie chhldren...all overr3 theecountry."i still get he reelly was."and now, with ronnie is eemmbering hhs againn.."there was a little
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ball tt him, i remember him -3 flipping balls to me."it's ttken lifetime for ronnieeto there iin't a day that gges luckyy,to keep, in jackie..yyu know, he once said a life is not importann except ffr he truly knew wwat a tremendouu - &pimpact e had on ine but he thh mmvie "42" which is based over the weeeend... tooping -&- successffl debuu weekend for a ssraighttaaead... reccgnizing the siggn aaddsymptoms of stres. what you cann o about itt ((break ))
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april is stress awareness beeauue strrsssis a major factor in ssch onditions as heart problemss diabbtes, eeen infertility. so ow do ou know when you are overr stressed and whaa can you do? here's holly fiifer with some answers in today's health minut. miiute. let's faae it. unless you live strees. it's veeywhere. but sommtimes, majjr sttessful pffect your health. howwcan a streesed out? accooring to the pheseesigns cculd mman ou needdto step back and deal with your stress-if yoo are inntractionss wth people- f you havv fear or anxiety about the future--if you have &pdifficuuty making decisions- powerless....doctors will tell
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you there are things you can alcohol. heyymake you feel s. good at theetime, buttthey can be a dangerous crutch.-ffnd to a frrend, a doctor...beeause sharing aa problem lightens te load.. get out and be with frienns...having fuu and laugginggcan really de-sttess p person.- and be ood to exercise. try to get six to eight hours offsseep,,eaa healthy and always keep your feel a whhle lot bettee.for holly firffr cominn up... two blasts... near the finish line of the marathon.the cluee that suggest the deedly ttagedyy.. waa a terrorist aatacc. &p
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i had this shingle rash right next to my spine. clusters of pustules, pimples. the soreness was excruciating. it was impossible to even think about dancing. when you're dancing, your partner is holding you. so, his hand would have been right in the spot that i had the shingles. no tango. no rhumba. you can't be touched. for more of the inside story, visit poston
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information onnthe ssarch for those responssble.on fox 5 news at 5.3


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