tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX April 30, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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linee .... insseed hedging onnthe threat he maae that the uue of chemical bashar al-aasaddwouud lead to more dramatic accionobama ussd, who used them, ww don't happened" noneeoo those caveets ere highliggted when the rrsiddnn made this vow paat augustobama says: "a reddline or us is we start seeingga whole bunch off chemicall eapons movvnn around &psscretaryy huck hagge andduld &pother oo fffcial now ddclarinn there is eviddnce chemiccl weapoon have been used in syria ... the president hinted t the mistaaes made in iraa to say pe needs clearrfacts to tie the weapons dirrctly tt asssd ... and he seemed to the internatiooal communityy aaso needs to be on boarr estabbish, in a way that not ont
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alss the inteenational &pcommuniiy feel confident is the use offchhmical weaponssby the assaa reeime, then that ii a game chhagerhenry says: "by ame haager,,do you mean paas: "by game ccangerr i mean thht ww would have to rethink thh rrnge of options that are available to us." p 3 hesitation may be refllcttd in a new cbs news/ new york ttmes poll which found nearll two thirds of the merican public does nnt wnttmmlitary intervennion on the has a resppnsibility in syria, ssxty-twooperccnt said "no" ... twenty-four percent saii "yes" the syriaa regiie &pis trringgto use that warines to insisttassad is being ramed jaaaffri says: "what &phaapened in iraq as issid, i this very ommettour region ladies and gentllmee is still living the consequenccs f &suc says: there are ew iggs ttoay that the us miiht ffr to theerebelssin syria. an aid 3 vehicles ann rmor. what's es, - wwll let tte wwite house know while still fflling a stepp-3
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shorttoffdirect us miliiary intervenniinn attthe white a ballimore woan says a city rew ttwed her car &pforringghee toopay up before geettng herrcar back. city she wants her mooey back. bacc. keith daniils is livvein northeaattbaltimore keiih. jennifer... e- we're liveeon greenfield avenue neaa kkene avenue..... p......takeea loookbehind me.. barrelss. ciiy crews are pheir ob. butttonightt one woman believes they mayy fare gooe too farr- p aren gronberg lives on preenfield avenue.. sse hhs no drivewwy.. he parks on the
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street.......she did it oveer friend left for a wwekeed trii friday morriig, goo baakk monday afterroon and both cars were ooe....."towwd by the the bllok.. but wworers did off not poott"no parking" signs the 3-ddy warning... hich is reeuired by city ode. more than 600-dolllrs to ggt thh city aater ooething, she - says, hat ever should have happened. &ppark in front of ur houss it's our property. but you don'ttevvn have to bbther to give uss otice. , "i go away for a couple days and you can edition..-els, fox45 news late - hh accused leader of a jaalhouse smuggging ring is moved to different prison one day after pleading not thh casee tavvo wwitt iss
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one oo 25 people chaaged... including 13 female ccrrections officerr. white also fatheerd 5 children with 4 of the correctiins officersswhile awaiting trial for attemmped murder in the center. prooecuttrs say he's the leader of a gang known as that smuggled drugs, connrabann into the jail.whhie has been moved too acility in hagerstown. ggvvrnoo o'malley calls pllegationsat the citty shocking.the governor tells tt- the federal investigationone pearrago.but aas ndictments of 22 innattsaad oorectional offiiers ii a posittve developmmnt. (goverrno) "i see hese acchevemenn and positivv milestone in our fight to combat angsand ang viollnce." vvilenne." but one staae lawmaker calls theproblems at baltimore's
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leadership ailure..ublic ssaety sscretary gary maynarr &ppousecommittee in annapolis next week...toanswer questiins about the probe. that brings uu to our question of theeday.who is utimateey responsible for the detentton center scaadal... govvrnnr o'malley, ublic safety addinistrator or tavon white? whhte? head to ur facebook page and day and tell usswho oo think should be held resonsible for tteecooplete breadown at the petention centerr eeening aaddpolice are still - &plooking for thh soottr. 12 hundred walttes avenue. deteccivee are stillltryinn to a... second k t... the inner . chhrged... derek shuler with ffrrt degree murdee.... in....theedeath of... annhooy black.... stabbed... while llaving hiis
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faatoryy.. april 7th....// pchullr's friend... &p matthew darbb... was this month....//the... two... appprently ott into an argumenn... with thh victimm...over... his victimm.tday.councilman todd hu given a one year suspended superivised probation for - drinking in towson n february. huff was ullld over forr drivinn without is headlights on york rraddneaa towson univerisst..uff is also a ood conooic iidicator crystal baal... but ii a fa -3 broon boo...... (nattpoo-hmmmmm ) &pbooming riggtt nw. shippinn (sst)"this year we are hopiing &pinnreases as it has been the
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case.. last year, he abc box company did oo see much changeein the eeonomy. they say the boom in the real estate business may be part o the fast growth this sprinn. 3& it's... hard... to... imaaine life... but t wasn'tteven thaa longgago that we weee twitter & tells us...on this eryyday i 1999...the plattorr for thee pnternet was born -- the worlld web! can you believv was 20 announcemmnt.that they would connect compuuerss everywherr...all around the globe....nd it would be free &pand open to ll.thhs is a version of the very first web google....egan in 996....s a
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a... melee... 3&----natt oo kids fightingg yy- &pyelling-- in d-c... dozenssof stuuents are caught fighting... oo the subway platform.... n the "gallerr pllcee.. chinatown... metro station"...//. police aa... tte fight was aa between students... at... two and... hadd.. extraa//. - but... the rawl... - was so largg...// &pmore bckuu... was alled in. "one male was on top of another male and he was hittinn him closed fist were kickinggand kkcking peveral iidividuals." inddiiduals.. are... caaling on parentt... . - to... end the ffud. a good day to fighh back in new ooleans, when an armed hold-up that took an unexpected tuun is cauggt on surveillance video. be victim turnssthe ables on -- his ssailant.he grabbed he shoogun hat aa pointed at his facc ann ttkes off rrnning pborted holdd-p... two men s -
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victtm, asking him to returr phooe he supposedly had then ttok the shotgunn nd a greet day to see something out of this wooll, as mother naaure putt onnquuie aashoo in &pnorth.ssattering nats pideo ouu of meeicine lake n minnessta... thoseeare large piles of ice... splintering like glass.some all it "ice handelierrng".thatts when toosun and warmee -&temppratur &pstate whereeice first shattering sounddin the process. 3 two rainy days, when oes thh sun prrive?
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some ree money. a pin of our prize wheel could wii you up to 500- dollars.weere drawing winnees and spinning the whhel everr enner... go to hot summer" under -3 popics.thee watchhfox45 tomorrow to see if you're name every hour until 10 a-m. 3 &p3 a man loses his life pavings at a carnnval. the
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small amounttof common ssnse that could have savvd him &phundreds of ddlllrs. p33 a man is tossed off a plane thee ediial conditionnthaa stay. thee ediialgot it.ionnthaa yes! ♪ how do i make it stronger? [ male announcer ] when you've got fios quantum, you get america's fastest, most reliable internet. hey, so where's the big project? ...huh. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. [ male announcer ] technology that makes you feel superhuman... where do i sign in? [ male announcer ] that's powerful. switch to fios and we'll triple your speeds for free with an upgrade to fios quantum. marvel's iron man 3, in theaters may 3rd.
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the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. a 19-yeer-old who
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&psuffeer from touretes syndroo says he was not alllwed to get on a flight recently becaase of a ord he couldn't keep sillnt. ichaee doyle nddhis frienddswere booked on a jet ticket e alerted jet blue and 3 the t-s-a aaout hhs ticking aad frequent outburst. but juss minutes before boarding the pilot refuue to let him on. news abouu the bbston bombings pnd stuff... iistarted ticking you're not supposed to say." y - jet blue officials sayssdoyle was deemed a saffty concern by the &pbomb. althouuh after investigating it waa ffund he
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a... nee hampshire ... an's ...trip toothe carnnval.../ turnss.. into... a... horror showw.. // he loses... his life game...//.hank ggibb-boo... says ...he lost &phis life savings.../ 26- hundred-dollars....on a carnivvl gamee.... and... all....he has show for it ... ii... this stuffed banana... with says....he wanted... - "x- box... n... 3 at....a... gamm called... "ttbs of fun"....// wherr conteetants tosss balls... into a tub...///. when... e practiced....he says it as when he started playing.... the bblls... kkpt popping out. "you're expecting the kids to &pdidn't turn ut that way.. -butt tt-"it's not possible that it wasn't riggee." rigged."gribbom....says... he &pkept win back hi
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poney... by... going... dooble ....300--dollars... in juss a few minntes.../ phen... went home to get... 23- hundred dollars... more... ...lost all well....///..grib-bbm... says... he went back the nexx day... to ccmplain./ .. and... the man running he gamm... gave him he's... since... filld a police report...//.an 3s now underway. a close ncounter f the phe ecounter that will be flying aruood your office cooputers tomorrow. flying aruood your office cooputers tomorrow. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to?
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but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. &pp couple ..with a new caaera ...couldn'ttresist... recording their daughter's... first enccunter with a camel. handdng out their last treat at aaddive through zooonearr bransoo, missouri.... when a camee decided ittwasn't through tte windowwaad liccing their almoot 3-yeaa old daughter aaiyah.aliyah's dadd pyler, callly puuhed thh amel persisted, thhy took off. 3
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i drive. i drive the kids to school. i drive myself to work. i drive off-road. i drive whenever dad lets me have the car. i belong to bp driver rewards. a new rewards program for people who drive. it's easy to join. i save on quality bp gasoline. just by using bp gasoline. then i keep on saving. i drive. i drive. (yelling) i drive. it sure beats walking. [laughing] pick up a brochure at bp and join driver rewards now. you can save ten cents per gallon on your first fill-up. that's all for the late barnn.tion, i'mmjeff barnd. and i'm jennifer gilberr. ere's ruce cunningham with sports unliiiitd. unlimited.
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baseball from the coast...the ooioles cootiiue their swing with the second of three inseattle..they went n lloking to revenge a defeet at the hands offthe arinees monday night... night... pnddaa nightmare irst inning mmuer..he gives up a hooeerun the birds nntt mc loothwith ...latee, ame inning, maurer with the wild pitch...that brings ii manny achadofrom 3rd...2-0 birds.....still first inning...matt wietees riissthe dduble uu the first base line..birds get 4 in the inning, and they lead -0 ii phenom, ront...dylannbundy is for the next ix weeks...we's been bothered by sorreess in hisselbow,,and rrcently underwent a proceedure that required plateletplassaato be elbbw..the good newss,no surgery was required..bundy, a former too ddaft pick who wenn from aaball tt the majoos laat year, will spenn the 6 weeks downtime in sarasota withwith
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cluu's medical word on whennhe'll begin now to thh ravens...and the great bryant mckinney tour continues...still unsigned bb phe ravees, the free agent tackllspent yesterday inn nd he insists he'sstill in contact with the ravees,who this wwekend, we'll see this yyar's rookke class aalin one numbbr one pick, safety mmttt& elam of flooida,who will join pissnew teammates forrthree days of workouts atthe avens believe the team he grrw upars 3 watching is tte one who ccooe him number one. 3-3 it's another tuesday night, and around here hat means playee f the week aaard...nw
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in ii's 3rd decaae, it hha honooed the aree's inest high school athletes sinceeway ack in 1991...thissweek, we're on thh lacrosse field.. at roland ark country schooll all sports..but this year, the laarosse team is very youug..aad it shows...oach kristin nicolini has seen her team play to a 5-66record thus far...uttsheshudders to think finney...a juniio, cece turned win of the 500 mark..buu like many grrat athletes, she defers tteepraise...rrminding that laarosse if a team sport, firsttaad oremost..cece finney
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ppayer of the weekkaward.. called tte allolite, it's provided by allogram onn trophies and awards... that's all for this edition of sports unnimiied...i'm bruce sure to tune for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year.
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george, you're not really handicapped, are you? i've had my difficulties. i saw you running down amsterdam avenue, lifting that 200-pound motorized cart with one hand. mr. thomassoulo, during times of great stress, people are capable of superhuman strength. have you ever seen the incredible hulk, sir? no! how about the old spiderman live-action show? i realize we've signed a one-year contract with you, but at this point, i think it's best if we both go our separate ways. i--i don't understand. we don't like you. we want you to leave. clearer. so you're staying at play now? why not? the pay is good, i got dental, and private access to one of the great handicapped toilets in the city. but they know you're not handicapped.
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