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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 1, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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a former guard speaks out bout the alleged jailhouse smuggling ring inside the baltimmre city detention psked toosmuggle contraband in hhmself. we're learning more aad moree about what appened behind thhss walls...ann although guilty... rom whattwe hear...
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he corrupteddthhm.... omeesay this investigation.aacused of in drugs ann ceellphones... g officerr.white became the leader offa gang... called the bblck gureillaafamily... inside thh detention centerr a riie to power... made possible bb the women who were hired to p retiied ggarr here... it was his first day on the job... phen he was asked to hell biie... but 13 other guards haveebeen indicted. 19:13:35 i was approached to extra moneyyby bringing in drrgs18:41:57 tte 13 people which is less than 1/5 of 1percent that have been recentlyyindicted are ot a refllction of the hard working men anddwomennthat erve the everyday.:10instead....union policies... put in pllce... to save money. for nstancc... working with less officers... yesterday... a public safety staffing at aal inntitutions
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&pis attssfeelevels. pooice have arrestte a seccnd man and chargee hhm for a murrer attthe inner arbor. harbor.derek shulee is cchaged with ffrst degree muuder. police ayyhe was involved in the cheesecake factory. to -y schuler's friend -- mmtthee parby -- asschhrged with thh murderrlast month. investigators say the two suupects ggt iino an arggment witt the ictim ovee his ggrlfrieed. &p3 3&the maryland uncle of the ccaim tte body of his deceasedd. nnphee.tamerlaa tssrneav's now agreed to release his body. tsarneav's uncle --- ruslan county... saas his famill will take possession..nne that &phappens... policc are expecte to rellasee sarneav's official toward hii nephews actions. en & geooge zimmerman will not have a "standdyour groundd hearing
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thattright."stand our groond" is florida's deadly force law... stating a person an zimmerman is charggd with ed. 17-year-old ii selffdeffnse last year after theeteen attackee im. the udge at the michael siblings ay be ii the time.defense lawyers hhd argued thaattherr was a risk in llowing any of thee in the &pccurtrooo.that's bbeause the defense ppans tt call all of ttee -- except one -- as wittessss.the kingg f pop's suing "a-eeg lliee... thh n are commback concertt... saying due tt hiring dootor conrad . - there aapears to be mmre &pevidence linkingga mississipp man to taanted letttrs sent to president obaaa and other puulic officials.according to pnsealee court ddoummnts... found in a trass an down the
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&paffidavit alss says dutschkk purrhhsed asttr beans on the pnternettcastorrbeans are used to make ricii. p equusts ffo food... &pconttnue tt be among the top reasoosspeoole call "the united way" or elp. &ppnd t's aaproblem that is pecooing more exxeessve to solve. &&p oelld. mith is ive in good morning joee d. d.. 33 3 3
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a school in a school in washingttn staae had a pretty odd way to hooor was calledd-- get wednesday.""unnycrrst ednesday." elementary school's p-tta put mmnddy" -- serving mufffis aad 3
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tuesday" -- ith free massages. &pann then there was white trash wednesday" -- wheeee staff would have barbecce seeved to thee on trash can lids.of couuss... there was backlassh.. "that's nottappropriateefor school, wwether it be -&elemeny oo it.""i don'' ondone that type of talk in my house, ss i certainny wouldn't want to see &pit at school." schooo."thh p-t-a presiddnt said the barbecue wassgoing tt president e barbecue the p-t-a be served on trash can lids to - because it is aacommon practice at some barbecue &pprinnipal quickly caancled h eveet. beeore ww get tt jonnthan... we haveeanooher
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&pyouucominngup neet onnthe hear what naaural bodily por g& occcrrence derailed his porecass.&
5:10 am
yeah, kfc! original recipe. original recipe? dad, i think you ate the bones. i did what? you ate the bones! i ate the bones? i ate the bones! i ate the bones! [ male announcer ] kfc original recipe, now available without the bone. freshly prepared white or dark meat chicken,
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boneless and skinless. get 4 delicious, mouth-watering pieces in your next 10 piece mixed bucket for $14.99. today tastes so good. david paul of khou--vvin hooston wounn up forecasting a &p70-percenn ccance of ssatteres thunddrstorms right in here of - (hiccup) really it's hiihway t
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6."""nd a couple of ((iccup) tt" thunnerstorms..paul had been dayy-- aan hen the camera -3 a forecast thaa he hiccuped 14 imes! voice of daviddpauu / chief meteorologist, khou: "it was the most eeplesssfeelinggi've mess."he said he tried tt &pspeaa slowly and ssaalow... hoping hey go awayy.. ut of &p((2-shht ttss tooweather)) 3
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p(ad llb meteorrlogist)) 3
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((traffic reporter ad lbb))), mappgreen map 40 amop
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& 3 mother's day is just around tte corner... and here at fox45... we'reelooking for the best mom in baltimoree &por lesss hy our mom deservess &ptheetitle..end your ntry o fox-baltimore dot com.yyu can n3
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enter through may 3rr... and we'll annoonce the wwiner the daa.ttat mmmmwill win an "island routes" cariibean lucia... a 5-thousannddollar custom ade rrng rom edward ooe-thousand dollarssfrom gardiner's furniture.make ssre you go to foo-balttmore dot com tt read the official peehaas bbeast milk iss't eenug. and yoo caa purchase a vvriity - offbirth control products at the drug store -- over-the- counner.there s abouttto be controversy surrounding it... even áwiihá a pressription. that's next on ffo44 earll pdition. ((break 2)) weigh you down?
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as soon as you feel it, try miralax. it works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to feel great. miralax. 33pdrugstore islee will sooo b making room for the the plan bb pill. as ainslee earrardt explains... the ---a has announned the conttrversial pill can be ssldd &pwwthout a prescription ... likely placiig the ittm next to ondomm and spermicidds or ooter ommn's health prooucts. the plan-b mrningg pbehindd the ccunter to over theecounner. the fooddand drug administration
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announced the decision tuesday. thh move will allo allow girls s yyung ass15 ttopurchase the drug withouu a prescrippion. pnw the f-d-a deeision is coming under fiie. enny concerned women for america, - has released a stateeent ittreads in part quote: "it -- parental permissiio tootake assirin at sshool, but they're freeeto buy ann dministtr plan b." somm college mixed reacttons.mos sayss:"i g - think it's a littll early in &page to juuttbe abll to pick thaatup anywwere. i ttink popleeshould be plannnng ahead nd youushould be using more reliable safer coottaception" mos says: "bad incest and stuff like that o stuff like hat" equivaleet of n abortion pill. but ssme health expertt this areetalking about es of - actuallyybeing fertilized which iss ifferenttttan terminatiig a pregnancy that had aaready occcrred."(anchor
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tag) the makerssof plan aayit would begiin ooer-the-counter sales in a few months. he commanyy also plaas to connuct a conssmer-education program, followinggthe agg requirement. earhaadt, fox news. you've heard thatt"breaat is they may neee a littll more ut too.while docttos eneraaly encourrge newwmothers to babies alsooneed a vitamin d mpootant for growing healthy absorb calcium. 3this is scaryya study sayss more thanna tird of people havingg troke don't aal - 1-1....even houghhthat's tte fastest rrute for lifesaviig treatment.reseerchers looked hospital emergency rooms. nd patieets who used ambulances &phad horttr prr-hhspitaa nd hospiial... tte ffsser thhea --3
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ptraiiht ahead... theehoussng market is booming! finn out how it'ssbeccoing a me- matter of chance... next. (((reek 3))
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3 roaring uch that some &phousing developerr areeholdin lotteriess o choose buuers. alison kosik is in newwyork pithh ore. demand for homes ii so hiih in some parts of the country .. home builders are resootinggto &pmoves into the neighborhood.a nne 228 unit deeelopmenn or a called ""fsion" in califfrnia. &pthe newwcul-de-sac - cceated bb deevlopee o-brien homes- beggn holddng monthllyhousinn lotttries to keee up wwth the rrsh oo prospective uyers.the lotttry iiea caaeeaftee large groups of eager bbuers began othee ew developments in the -
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prea. o-brien's system worked just like a egular lottery,, developmenn became avvilabll each month...poteettal byers mortgage aaddhad a ddwn 3 &ppaamenn available--would shoow up at the salessoffice and be assigned a numbee.o'brien would then choose a winnerrand efficienn aad fair ssit s. as alwayy the best solutioo.mmny 3 monnh, only toobeeturneddawayy monnose each time nee et f homes came p for ssll..till - homebuyers keet turning up.thhe and lltteeyyfevee appears to be catching other provinngto be popular n adopt - ffooidaa i'm alison kosik in new york cooing up... ormer anne arrndee county exxcutive john leopold already servvd some ttmm... but e'ssstill paayng for his crimess he's doiig....after beiig
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ccnvicted of isconduct in office. &p3 look aa this cartoon that pppeared in theesacramento bee carroon ttat look at thisscarroonnthaa nnwspaper.bosttn mayor tom menino says bbsinees is booming in boston." in the next panel -- an explooion. and iiapprooriate. ttree ppople diee and more thhn 200 first amendment riiht of thh sacramento bee toopubllsh such a ccrroon --no mmtter how offeesive ann tastelees. the fiist amenddent is about protecting unpooulaa speech. pi the original cartoon. this texas. in thh west, texas rrdd3 explooion, 15 people died and more thaa 200 were injured.i ddi thii o prove aa oint. thereewould have bben a mmdia uproar if thh cartoon featured boston. but for texas --'s politicclll
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acceppable to ame-call, insult,,demean and evalue christians. outherners. and - farmers. they''e white trash. trriler trash. crackers. don't you dare use a ttrm that on name-cclling. nor should -3- groups over-react o everr sacramento ee finds humor n texans dying.. doubtful ttey the first amendment protects oofensive and wrong.for mre detaill isit behind the oofensive and wrong.for mre detaill isit behind the u dflexibility and convenience. so here's a few reasons to choose university of phoenix. our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experiene. we'll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team, is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates.
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we'll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let's get to work. ccild see tafficking.why the
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victim of a case thh shocked the nation came to baltimore....on fox 45 news at five. 3 pt's ur "ssin into ssmmer" giveeway. 3 chance to win up tt 550-ddllars. 500-dollars.óóóóóóóóóó you then... we'll spin the whhel e &


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