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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  May 1, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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zokhar's dorr suitt including fireworks, shown in this ttxt from zzkhar on theenight of april 18th, iis alleggd thh three men believed ttey would ann they quute ""ollectively in pecided to throw the backkack and fireworks into the trash tsarnaev to get into trouble." a computer laatop waa aaso taken.. last weee,, new bedford, massachhsetts. which ddes not llege the the tsarraevs to destrry ly bb telling details about the case -- that two days after the bombings -- and before the fbi publicly released ppotts of the suspects - okhar cut his haircut, ii an apparent effort &pto aater his appearance. bombings, zokhar tood is hon - bombb, adda few months before phat, the ffrends et off river in ccmbridge. aa the news was breakiig, he asked if the newwarrests undercut the pressdent's sot - carney says: "".. the investigations need to follow all ppths. nd i nnw that
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hat the fbi,,which is the 's - lead agency in this iivestigatiin." a hiss homeland sscuuityysource confirms thht one in theeu-s onna student visa ---wittdrew frrm classes jannary fourth, but couutrr wo weeks later o thee- peeause customs was never docummnts say it wassrecovered by the fbi. in washington, catherine thh maryland unclee... of... the... suspected... bosttn marathon bombers... says.... his faaily... will claam the booy... offhis eceassd nep/ nnpheww...//tamerlan ... tsarneav''s ody... hhs been... at hh meddcal since he died... april 19th...///.his wife... greed / tsarneav's... uncle -- russln tsarni -- f... montgooery county... says... his famill... ill take possession...//.once... that happenns.. police are expected to tsarneav's... official... cause of death...///.the pncle... has been err outspoken...
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nephew's ...actions. 3 a... firrfiggter... is... after... a... fire eegulfs... a north baltimooe. baltimore. firefighttrs were called to this uilding aaong sisson street about 6:30 this evening......inside this building were several auto body ssops aad an art galllry.. the hoopital for minor werr forced to run onceethe portions of the building began to collappe. 3 3 obviously there's not a llt of &phelp going n ootsiie so we our community out a little bit. (7 sec) ssc) is 5 too young for the &pmorning after piil? he f-dda doesn't think so. baltimore to tell uss bout the ruling that now makes plan b available for young teens. jani? janice??he agg used to be 17...but now with this ffa ruling...someone ssyoung as
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15 wwll be ble to walk inno a pharmmcy...and very simply 3&the -d-a causing aastir ..- today...whee ittannounced thht the emergency conttaccetive aaailabll to females 155and will aaso be sold picking p thh pill won't have planned parenthood calls pooay's ruling an immortant ptep in preventing uninteeded say it is ooly openinggup &pteens to bad decissoos and s-t-d's: "i was surprised to heaa plan b being available forrchildrenn as young as 15 beeausee ot vulluerrble undermine -3 to ccilddpredattrs std's" ruled thht plan b shhull be availableefoo all aggs...but theefda sayy its ruling is
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& in north baltimore, jp ffo45 neww late edition nd that brings us tt our phe plan b pilllbe availabbe phe plano to teeen 15 and olde there are hundreds of people access to the plan b pill oo our facebook pagg tonight. do yu agree with access for teens or should it be by prescription only?? look for tellleveryone what ou hink. it may be marketed as a reeearrc chemical.../ but experts say... ecctaayy... itssbecome y..- where it as recently linked tt the death f a cluu-goer. drug is legal and sold online....eepertt say its not necessarily safe. ttis gives you the feeling of taking lsd and speed so you're &pwide awakee and you're hallucinating. its
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supposed to immc the drrg ecst" ecstaay...." because itss say, its a lottery for those who take it. 3& a two yyar ssudy... whhch 330 hospitals... shhws ttere anniidepressant drugs werr 10 peecent more likely to eeperiencc a compllcatiin the use of anti depprssants g has gone up dramaaically in recent years. but many users are unaware oo the otentiall one local local surgeon tells -3 &pus he has never had a patient.. with a reaction... llke the one describee in the recent study., (dr) "that might not be &pwith thooe ypes of effectssor interactions...that may have some unexpected cooseq advice::from docttrs... let your surreons ann
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anesthesiilogist know about eeen over tte counter ing, medications... before any &pmmryland will becooe he 19th marijuana progrrm... // staat.oo thurrday... / o'malley will sign the bill... wwih... including a repeal... of the death penalty...../the bill... to... establish prograas ... to giie patiints....// while... state prograa... would not be... up and runnnng... until 2011.,..// &p ssuporrers... are hopefull.. some researrh centtrs... will movv... ttat... they've een... how the ppogram would work..../// &police arr searchinggfor baltimooe.we were on the sceee - late tuesdaa affernoon aalng walters avenue nnar thee alameda. police say aaman was sufferrng frrmm ultiple aak... punshot wounds. he was no word on a mmtive. new developments in thee
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bbatimore jail scandal. scandal.there's reportt tonight thattmayyr ssephhnie rawling bbake has just met with the governnr about the accuuations..last week federall prosecutors indicted seven inmates and 3 female correetions officers on charges f bringing drugs and otherrcontraband into tte jjill..//.one of those inmaaes...taaoo white is accused of getting foou of phose guards regnant. demanning meeting wiih thee governor about the scandal. "it's a veey seeious situation concernnng a state faciiity and with very seriouu to hhi abbut how the investigation was initiated now..there's also word toniiht thaa 3 top jail officials have taken polygraph tests. homeewnnrs... and... businesses.... &p in... anne... arunnel county.../ igher... taxee. taxes.thh... county council... didn't... raise... ápropertyá taxes....// they... voted
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by the county executive./.. which... would have delayed... employing... tax...../// a... &p ss---alled... "fee"... sstte &p(prost))"this ii a local wate summer swimming hole, yyur - prverr your stream,,the west rivee, the severn, the magothy, thee aae all impacced by stormwater." largest tax increase in county histtry, it's time foo us to enouuh, we'veebeen hit with is enough taxes with the generall assembly and now we're bringiig itton, it's just too m" much."the ... fee's... sst to take effect... july first..///. rough urf... roughed uppocean hurricane sanny., six montts latee: rrppars.the pper has stood on for mooe than 1000yeaas.there were mppy beaches todayy.. as &pthe city repareddfor his weekend's springfest...but, expecting more tha four million visittrs this summer season. p3&nancy smith, marriittsville, md: 10.53.29 "summee comes in
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and you see aallt of people out on that fishing pier. it'' jjut ssmething that's been ann i guess it's histooiccl &ag 11.01.01 you always hate too see a landdark get damaaed or disappearr it's a good thing that it's still here and that it's not totalll gone" gone"the fishing pier wass memorial day and he starttoff the summer season. 3 a beautiful day and a perfect night to kick off maa. may. but is it going to get even toomrrow?morrow??- 3&weatter authority meteorologist vyyas reid is
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3 this messsge is brought to you by a lack of common sense. wwy one man is telling to be raped.women they deserve fighting ack agaanss marylaad'' schools.pogram - a high rrssure nightmare. &pthe embarrassing bodily display one weathhrman couldn't avoid or cure on air.
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hooard countt ii launching a new inttative to combattbullyii. bullying.county executive kenn ulman annoouccd the plan today. it'' made up of threee parts... ncluding a ociall marketing aapaign to raisse awareness .... along witt training anddressorccss orr teachers, coaches and rec
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ccildren.the third component is a mobile app ...that lets paaents and children fiie anonymous, reaa--ime reports about bullying.itssset to llunch in the fall... to poincide with the start of thee school year. a great ay as a.... oward county... animal is... givvng... more than... a dozen dogs... a... second chanc. tooay at small miraales cat & nonppofit shelter in llicott city.they were saved from a california,,where thhy likely woull have been eettanizzd. chihuahuas are to os angeles whaa pit bulls re to baltimore -- they maae up more than 30 percent of ddgs in the shelters. sometimms... // it... jjut comes with this meteorologist... david paul... oo... "k-h-o- u"... t-v.../ in... hooston.... hiccups!perrent chance... 3
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"some redeveeopment o bel...(hiccup) excuue me.""but you get outside he beltway 6.."andda coupleeof (hiicup) th" thunderstorms."paul haa een havvng boutssof hiccupssaal light went on... they merr - a ffrecast that lasted aboot three minutes... heehiccuped 14 times! vooce of david ppul / chief the most helpless feeling i've ever had on llve tv."paull pthattwassaamess." mess.""e ssid he tried to ppeak slowly and swallow... poppng they go awaa... but of perfect wednesday-- warm, , sunny & 3
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spreeding the christian &pmeesage by telliig women they &pdeserve rape. the ommon sens sslutiin to a messsge f hhtt at oneeuniverrsty. one puppy needs a tummy &ptuck and possibly a nose job. phy one dachsund is oing &punder the knifeefor plastii surgery. &punder the knifeefor plastii surgery. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you.
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the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes.
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with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. join us at shootingg that's the thought &pschool adminnstrators that sshool eeployees wearing - hoodiessand firing handguns with blankssburst intt pine eagge charter schhol in regon &paad ooened fire on teachers i a meeting. the only problem was that no one knew it was aa drill. ttey firrd on all the teachers nd didn't stop uutil teacherseachers ssyythe drill &pto think about ow thee'd
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rrspond to a real shooter. common sense and expeets say there are much better waas tt train teaccers. common sense says a message of hate and sexual violenne sn't the best way to tell people abouu god's looe. college studenn from proudly - carrying a sign that says quoteeyoo deserve rape. rape. &psaxton says: "i'm ouu here too proclaim god's law. the bible &psays that women shhold ddess punishments for he ssxually - immoral. (edit) i'm known as tte christian on this campuss" the univeesity of ariiona says the message is vile aad repugnant buttthat all students have a right to free speech. ssxton..the ssudent with a sign, calls hiisslf a callssfor punishment for women whh don't dress mooestly. used a little free speeec day to drrwn out his meesage. ii you can dodge a ball you can dodge thh fllmms.
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that's... why... ooe group... of... fire fiihters in wisconsin... a... vry... unorthodox... and... old training exerccse. go....ohhhh.""wice monthly... the portt washingtonnfire department.... gets together... to keep theer skills fresh... by... playinn sliding, running, bending, ddsigned to ake thess - firrfighttrs aware of heir air supply. 3 one dog is gettiig back in chasing cats. theeknife for did we get it? got it. yes! ♪ how do i make it stronger? [ male announcer ] when you've got fios quantum,
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you get america's fastest, most reliable internet. hey, so where's the big project? ...huh. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. [ male announcer ] technology that makes you feel superhuman... where do i sign in? [ male announcer ] that's powerful. switch to fios and we'll triple your speeds for free with an upgrade to fios quantum. marvel's iron man 3, in theaters may 3rd. a pudgy pup gees a tummyytuck.te
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a cautionary tail... tt my &pown... dachshund... his... is... the aptly named... obiee.../// the morbiddy obese dachssnd..../// he weighed 77 exeeciss... he's back down needs a tummy tuck ... s - to....take care... of all still has ten more pounds to go.... too.. get oww to his goal weight,,../// and... he... liit... out of he deal. - 3
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a rrven leads the fight morgan adsit hhs tte sttry... next innssorts unlimited... next innssorts unlimited... but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you.
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but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. that's all for the late barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert, here's bruce cunningham withh sports unlimited. unlimited. the orioles araahon west tooight, they wrap up the seriee in ssattle..the birds loooing to make it two in a row another seires... &p3 ...weiiyin chhn getting thh &pstarr...and his defensellts him down early...two outs ii tte first aad ggld glover aaam jonescan't make the m's extend the innnng.....and -
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&pthen this happened...jason ba singles to left..that'll score ggtt dustin ackley to enddtte's 2-- in the 2ndd.. to chen againn...ichhae scores...riiht now, 3-0 in the 4tt roberto alomar has been electtd to the orioleshall of fame...alomar pllyed here from 1999 thru 98. and wwn two goll gloves, a sillerrslugger award pppearances...he also was the teamsthat advanced to the aacs in 1996 and 97...alomar went differentteams and in 2011 wws iiducted intt the baseballhhll of fame..alomar will be inducted nto the orioll this is ravens corner chris johnson...when he's not pootball field...ccris spends time speakiig to those incarcerated... as well s
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vicitms of dometic iooeece. chris chose ttis ppth and hopes to brinn about change. 3 remeberiig datts is not a proolem for chrissjohnson... 10 yearr ago... getting father... and super bowl champ. those dates he's glad to remmmbbr.somm he wishes he just like any otherrday. deceeber 5th,,2011... cjji got my phooee my wwfe had text to call it was an emeegency.hourrs later... chrrs learned his sister....jeenifer... was shot boyfriend... she wws 33 and mother of two... tthir mother also shot, but survived.cj-i remember it like ittwas yesterday. when i sawwmyymom and he heel me and ttld mm he mmsslf.. i dddn't know who i was.jjnuaay 15thh 20122... &pon this date, he prayed o be
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a raaen.i prayyd to bb a raven, bbt ota's caae, suumer came, camp ccae and chris was stilllhere. but then ozzie him... it's hhlped him nddhis 3 ffmily cope through theirrtrrge my career... i just fell toomy knees and thaaked god. i also knew my sister haa someehiig to do with it.mayy &p6th, 0113... eugene esters' trail bbginn n forth worth, jennifer johnson... and attempted murder on their mother. chris ill be there. and address his sister's killer.for me it's o look him ddd take something way from phooggt it took he couud never &ptake.
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that was morgan adsit that'll do it for this ediiion of sports uunimitedd.. ttanks for joining us.i'm bcgoo. goodnnght.
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i got no leg room back here. move your seat forward. that's as far as it goes. there's a mechanism. you just pull it and throw your body weight. i pulled it. it doesn't go. if you want the leg room, say you want the leg room! don't blame the mechanism! dad, we're 5 blocks from the house. sit sideways. like an animal. because of her, i have to sit here like an animal. serenity now! serenity now! what is that? doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. when my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say serenity now! are you supposed to yell it? the man on the tape wasn't specific. what happened to the screen door? it blew off again? i told you to fix that thing. serenity nowww! amy: at&t? blue shirt: yes. amy: t mobile? blue shirt: sure. amy: sprint? blue shirt: mhmm. amy: verizon? blue shirt: got it. amy: do you make mmission on this? blue shirt: no. y: do you have all the plans? blue shirt: we do. amy: does this make my head look big? blue shirt: no. amy: can you activate all of these? blue shirt: yes we can. amy: can you transfer my contacts? ue shirt: yes.


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