tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX May 2, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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is even safe this morning. good morning guus,as you taae a look at tte damage done behind me... ii's amazing that the irefighter onny sufffred minor injuries.with 22- ppartments in thissbuilding... ffur auto repair shops and an arr galleey... that waa the &ponly injjred reported.buu the desttuctionnis all around us. you can see parts of the building have actually collapse. collapsed....his is what t lookeddlike when rews arrived on the scene ere along sisssn street... around 6:33 laat night.flamms ann smoke just shooting out.the two alrm fire obviously inside the auto an repair shops... a hazmat unit building began to collapse....
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many fiieefiihers were the eed t was a community effort that helpee crews ggt the blaze under she started........she kindd see)we're ttld the red c))- cross is proving theevictimss pinancial assistance to &pand reelly whatever ng... necessities to ggt them through theenew ew days.they lost prettt much everything besides the clothes on their backs. still no word on what causee thhs fiie.i'm megan giililand, news. ii was first recorded in it was first it was first recorded in
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1773...and todda maryland'ss stroke of a pen. will sign a bill rrpealing it death row and theebill will t.3- retroactively.howevvr... the governor ádoesá have the option to commute their sentences to life in rison paroll. &psign aabiil toddy ... to - approoe amedical marijjana proogam for the state.the law will allowwaaademic mediicl pesearch centers to establlsh marijuana to sick patients. state officiils projected the running uutil 20--6.but nd - &pget ready for higher taxes... if you own a home or business in anne arundel county. county council chhse ot tto raise ápropertyá taxes....butt instead vooed to "override" a veto by thh county delayed employing he ld have -
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&pso-callld "rain tax."it's a fee home and business wners faceefor ain that falls on theii prrperty. environmentalists caal the feeecruciall.. to help ann its trrbutaries. but ssme the bay. (prost) "this is a local water piver, your stream, the westt river, the severn, the the argest ax increase in pounty history,,it's imeefor us to stand up and say no, enough is enough, we'vv been hit with enough taxesswith the general assembly and now we're much."if you own single family home... that means another 85-dollars on your propprty tax bill.ownees oo &pcondos nd townhouses will a businesses could wind up paying thousands of ollars. the fees are set tootake eefect july first. the misssssippi man accusee of sending riccn-tainted lettees to president obbma anddtwo otherrofficials... wwll be in coort today. tooay.jjmes evvrett dutsshke
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will appearrfor a prrliminary hearing.police arrestee dutschke last sattrray. investigators say they found traces of deadly ricinnon ittms ttaa dutschkeedumped... prom his marrial arts studio. theyyalso say that he bought castor eans on the innernet. castor beaassare ussd tt ake the ppreidenttissheaddd tt meeico toddy ii tte name of reffrr.he wants to win n immmgration veehaul áhereá... stronger economy áthere.áthat wwuld make crossing into &paaerica lesssattractive to mexiians.preeident bamm will also meet with theemexican presidentttt ask for help with &psecuring the border. 3presidenn obamaa as takeenpen air traffic controllees o - remain oo the job.the furroughs stemmed from spending cuts that started as uch as 253-millioo dollars throughhseptember.
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i rely on the speed and power of claritin-d. it starts working in just 30 minutes. nothing relieves nasal congestion faster or stronger. to get claritin-d, blow past the shelves and go straight to the pharmacy counter. we know the value of your at ueducation of phoenix is where it can take you. [now arriving: city hospital] which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation. [next stop financial center] ((traffii reporter ad libs)) p3 3 ad liis))((traffic reporter 33 ((ttaffic reporter ad libs))
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original recipe? dad, i think you ate the bones. i did what? you ate the bones! i ate the bones? i ate the bones! i ate the bones! [ male announcer ] kfc original recipe, now available without the bone. freshly prepared white or dark meat chicken, boneless and skinless. get 4 delicious, mouth-watering pieces in your next 10 piece mixed bucket for $14.99. today tastes so good. a doctor corrupted by his sexual desires.medical &pvoyeurism destroyed dr. nikit used by the obstetrician to record his pptients duriig today's cover story... crime and jjutice reporttr joy lepola ttat led dr. levy to bettayy those whootruuted him thh most. most. ((pkg))for 20 years doctoo nikita levy... saa pattents at
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this eass baltimore clinic. this week i sat down with one iddntity who hh is. (victii) 18:33:51 you don't think a perron liie this would abuse pour trrst innany kind of way. a johnn hopkins physician... wooen were proud to call theii type offman who would bbttay - youu trust, etray you in any type of intimate way. you see go ut of his way. so you this person who wants to help.i a level of trust... levy's may have destroyed.stand up- two months ago, more thannten hard drives were seiied from doctor levy's hhme. on them, were imaggs and videos of his patients durinn exams. investigators ound hidden cameras throughout thh clinnc. pen. that caaght the eye of a a- nurss.levy was let go... and hh later committed suicide. (berlin) 3:20:11 t can be -aw
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abnormal recurrrnt sexual cravings they've hiiden them for years. doctor fred berlin ... is a psychiaarist who speciallzes in treating sex offenders.(2-shoo w/ berlin&joy) orr he voyeur if they take video of ssmeone i mean that'' a tuur on forrthem they do it.. by definition... a vvyeuu... is onn who obtains sexual graaifiiation rom observing unsuspecting undressed, naked or engaged in &psexuaa acts. ffr some peoppe... there choice of profession can be influenced by their private desires. into thinking if i go ito a professiin where i don't have to worry about beinn sexuallor say in a ppysician were i may be ale to look inna benignn way and i'm not really harming to be rationalizations that and theee is an audience for whatts known aa "meeical
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on thee... thousandd oo stagedd- mediccl exams.but some of them look to be real... eccrded with hidden cameeas. patients unknowingly videooapeddby on-line. (pettit) :15:32 his horror storr becomes ore of a pettit represents ozens of formmr pptients of doctor levy. ttese womee are undergoing is pndescrrbabll. sufferrng that's been brought on by fear. whether doctor levy pooted any of the exams he recorddd.thh f-b-i is still investigatinn. 18:40:58 drrlevy and i hadd succha reaaly cllse relatiinshii i want to know that. was i one of those patientt that he fulll betrayed and viieetaped me. two months later.... agents &pare still going thhough material from the computers thee seized from levy's house. an investigation that's also
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looking in to whether anyone else was involved. some paaients have aaready filed aa class action llwsuii. other amazingly... seem to have already put his ultimaae betrayal of trusttbehind them. 18:44:46 i do forrive him or what hh did desppte him not &pbeing herr to ask for forgivennss. he's helped me so for me to orgive im and iidd. ten.y lepola fox 45 news att coming up in ouur6 o'clock hour... we''l breaa out tte box... and draw nother name in our ""pin into summer" givea. giveaway.that's áifá we don't hear from tamekk brown... in the neet 8 inutes.go to fox baltimore dot coo to gt your name in the box. ed reedds replacemenn has more thaanin ccmmon with the rrvens legend... than just a love of foottall.why he'll be doing his own contract negotiatiins... just likk reed did. (((reak 3))
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can't handle tthi soft line drive... it goes oof his ggove... it's rrled a single but a play that could have peen made... that runner ould come around to score laaer in the inning.on to the second... pifferenttinning, same ssory. ryan flaherry caant handle the line drive... one rrn three - nothing after two ad innings.then in the fourth.... the dagger.... michael morse with the two-run hooer to righttfield... o's faal 8 to &pin this one... theyylooe two next up foo the o's... a le. four-game series in anaheim, before returning homeenext ii'ssour "spin intt ssumer" viewerr can enter to wii... up to 500-dollars..ur wiiner is tameka from catoosvilleshe's on the phhne right now.'s spin the wheel... you won óóóóóóóó.if we didn't
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i drive. i drive the kids to school. i drive myself to work. i drive off-road. i drive whenever dad lets me have the car. i belong to bp driver rewards. a new rewards program for people who drive. it's easy to join. i save on quality bp gasoline. just by using bp gasoline. then i keep on saving. i drive.
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