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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  May 22, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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your photo albums. i've seen those... a lot. come on, it's gonna happen. don't fight it. uh, honey? we're out of jerky, huh? oh, you're right. i am so sorry. why don't you come have a seat right there. sit right there. and i'm gonna go... do something else. honey! ah, here's another beaut. ocean city, 1958. that's me in the pompadour. there we are in hershey, pennsylvania, getting the chocolate tour. and there's what a flesh-eating bacteria can do to the human hand. there's the lake at camp wigwam, and there's me in the trenches with mickey dugan
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right after his leg got blown off. wow. maybe you should think about organizing these a little, huh? what do you mean? oh, i don't know. maybe get 2 books, you know? one for family stuff, and one for bloody carnage. look at that. little carrie. look at her there. what is she, about 10? yeah. heh heh heh. oh, look at her here. she's just a little baby in the bathtub. look at that tushie. i could just bite it. that's me. organize these, would you?! hey, who's that? oh. that's my first wife sophia. carrie's mom. it is? yeah. that's up in the catskills, about a year before she passed. wow, i didn't-- i didn't realize she was so... fat? oh, yeah, big girl. but i've seen other pictures of her, and she wasn't so...
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fat? yeah, she was slim like carrie when i first met her, but eventually she just got, you know. fat? hey! you're talking about my wife! sorry. sorry. ah, don't worry about it. actually, i didn't mind a bit. just so much more to love. then you must've adored her. you know, it's funny. all the women in that family start out thin and then just blow up. it must be the genes. hmm. honey. funny thing at the office today. somebody shoves a birthday card in front of me, says we're all signing it, it's for chris. so i'm thinking it's chris, the kid who runs the copy machine. so i write, "happy birthday to the sexiest thing in the office," right? ha ha ha.
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turns out that it's for christine, the senior partner! so either i'm fired, or i got a new girlfriend. honey, what's the matter? nothing. well, you had a weird look on your face. i was just, uh, just thinking how... beautiful you are and... how happy i am with the life that we built together. whatever. [chuckles] hey, whoa! what are you doing? i thought i'd pick you up, carry you over to the bed. it's romantic. oh, ok. ha ha! hey, you!
11:04 pm
it's romantic, huh? not yet. all right. there you go. oh...hey, that was great. i'm gonna go watch the news, ok? man, did you see what they did to the snack machine? you know g-11, the big cookie? now it's raisins, the yellow ones. what the hell is that about? hey, deac, let me ask you-- do you think carrie's gained weight? what? carrie, my wife, do you think she's gained a little weight? a couple pounds, maybe? i don't know. every time i see her, she's blocked by you. i know i'm fat, all right? that's a given. good, because i didn't want to have to break that to you. yeah, but you know what? i'm not gaining, ok? i've plateaued. everything now is just maintenance. look, even if she has gained some weight, there's nothing you can do about it. sure there is. i can talk to her about it.
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actually, i'm gonna. let me ask you a question. would you say, basically, your life is good right now? yeah. good wife, good job, the whole thing? yeah. don't pick at it. carrie and i have a very open relationship. we talk about things. i think i can bring it up. oh, really? let me tell you a little story. last summer, i noticed that kelly had put on about 15 pounds. so i figured, like you, that i'd bring it up, all casual, like really supportive and everything. it's been 7 months, ok? and my life still isn't back to normal. she was so mad at me that she kept the 15 pounds and gained another 10, just as spite weight. you know what? i think carrie can take constructive criticism a little bit better than kelly. ok, fine. then go with god.
11:06 pm
what happened to my coffeecake? what? you ate my cake? was that yours? well, i put it on my plate. i didn't think i had to label it. whatever. i'll just have a doughnut or something. hey! uh, you know what? don't scream. what? i was just thinking. you know what? you're right. i shouldn't have eaten that coffeecake, you know? i'm, uh, so...fat, you know? i just--i really need to lose some weight.
11:07 pm
hey, i know! you know what? we should go on a diet together so i can take some of this off. we? yeah. yeah. i-- you know what? i feel bloated, you know, very disgusting right now, and i just really feel if we went on a diet that... it would really do the trick. uh-huh. and is there a reason you keep saying "we"? yeah. it's-- it's just like, whee! we're on a diet! what do you think, i'm an idiot? hmm? if you want me to lose weight, why don't you just come out and say it? ok, look, i know it's ridiculous for me to be bringing this up. i mean, look at me. i look like i'm in my 12th trimester here, but... honey, maybe it is possible that over the last couple of years you have gained a few tiny, tiny pounds. it is so not a big deal, carrie. i mean...
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deacon's wife, whew! he said she gained, like, 15 pounds, so, by comparison, this is nothing. you talked to deacon about this? no. i would never do that. no. honey, i shouldn't have ever brought this up. i-i'm sorry. ah, it's--you're-- you're right. i... maybe i have put on a few pounds, but i will take it off. only if you're ok with it. i said i would. i will. ok. ok. well, great. great. hah. hey, baby, who's my best girl, huh? [door slams] you--you are. even the inside of your dishwasher sparkles. whoa! kitchen counselor. see, new cascade platinum is unlike finish gel. it not only cleans your dishes, it helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. [ female announcer ] new cascade platinum.
11:09 pm
[ female announcer ] off! deep woods dry repellent. the protection of off! deep woods with a formula that feels dry not greasy. off! deep woods dry. keeps bugs off! sc johnson.
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off! deep woods dry. keeps bugs off! [clears throat] hey, what do you got there? 3 ounces of poached haddock. ooh, nice. dining in style tonight, huh? greetings, one and all. sorry i'm late, but i was going through those boxes and found my old... little black book. sit down, dad. dinner's ready. ooh, lenore bickle. i should give that little hottie a call. i wonder if she's still at klondike 5-0197. maybe after dinner you can ask myrtle to patch you through. ah, dinner italiano. oompah. aren't you having anything, sweetheart? no. i'm on a diet. ah. you kids with your dieting and your health. in my day, we dropped dead of a massive coronary in our mid-50s,
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and we liked it. it's fine, dad. i wanted to lose a little weight. honey, could you pass the "i can't believe it's not salad dressing"? thank you. all right, carrie, this is stupid. you don't need to lose weight. you're fine the way you are. no, no, no. i'm doing this. you know, here. let me give you some spaghetti. doug, please, would you just leave me alone? you know what? if you're going on a diet, then i'm going on a diet. hey! stop with the diet talk! it's crazy! actually, you could lose a few pounds. you know what? i intend to, ok? i'll tell you that right now. i'm gonna fix myself a nice plate right here. a good hunk of haddock... some veggies... and i am golden.
11:14 pm
honey, was that enough for you? oh, yeah, plenty. i couldn't eat another drop. ah, sweet broccoli. honey, i gotta tell you, i am loving this celery. and unlike a chili dog, no mess in the bed. flannels? what happened to that little cute number you were wearing last night? what are those on your p.j.s? ducks.
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you know, i've always been a little attracted to ducks. webbed feet... feathers... flying in a "v." what-what's the matter? oh, i guess i'm a little tired from being so fat. come on, carrie, i should have never brought this up. that stupid picture. what picture? when your dad was showing me the albums, there was this picture of your mother, and i-- oh, i get it. so because my mom gained a lot of weight, you're afraid i'm going to? no, not afraid. just... mildly aware. come on, doug, i really want to know. how would you feel if i did end up looking like my mother? i'd be fine with it. doug. i can see your reflection in the window.
11:16 pm
what did you do? what did you do?! what? you told carrie what i said about my wife being overweight? what? i don't--i think you're wrong. i'm not wrong! they talk! damn it, what are you doing to me, huh? i was gonna make carrie feel better. i didn't think-- that's right, you didn't think. 7 months of work-- undone. i came home last night, and kelly was weeping and giving me the finger at the same time. never seen that before. well, if it's any consolation to you, my life is hell, too. that does make me feel better. now i'm on a diet. carrie won't sleep with me.
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no sex. no food. if the cable goes out, i'm gonna have to kill myself. didn't i warn you not to pick at your life? hey, what's on that? but you couldn't listen, could you? no. "we talk. we communicate." look at you now. hey, dad. hello, darlin'. where were you? at the gym. nothing like jumping jacks and the old vibrating belt to get you in the pink, huh? right. look what i found in here. some pictures from your wedding. what year was that? uh... '95. oh...that was a simpler time, wasn't it? oh, look at me in my wedding dress.
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i looked good, didn't i? breathtaking. well... those days are gone. what are you talking about? i'm just getting older and gaining weight, and before i know it, i'm just going to be big and fat and not attractive anymore. ha ha ha ha ha! you're crazy. and even if you do gain a little weight, believe me... men like that. no, they don't. oh, no? look at this. look at the women in here. full-figured and voluptuous. this is a men's magazine. this is what men like. va-voom. april 1951. honey? lordy, lordy, lord.
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hello. what are you-- what are you doing? i just ate an entire yule log i was saving for christmas. now i'm even fatter. and we have no holiday dessert. oh, honey. you got out your wedding dress. you were right. i couldn't even zip it up. i'm just a big fat fatty. you just can't reach the zipper. here, let me. [zipper moving with difficulty] ok, inhale a little. [inhales] little more. [inhales more] [zip] there you go. i'm dizzy. you know what? so what? you know, who cares? you still look... great. no, i don't. doug, the day i wore this dress 3 years ago... that's the best i'm ever gonna look. it's all downhill from here.
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it's not downhill! yes, it is! no, it's not! yes, it is! yes, it is! look, look. look. this is my mother's dress. one day, i'm gonna fill out this entire thing! you know what? give me the dress. what? give me-- give me the dress. what are you doing? i'm--i'm-- i'm gonna put on your mother's dress. why? why? because it'll be way too small for me, which means that even if you do get to be as big as her, i'll still be bigger, which means you'll always, always be... my skinny wife. it fits! actually, it needs to be taken in a little. carrie, just... i'm begging you to let go of this. i want you to stop feeling bad. i want us to laugh. i want us to have sex. for the sweet love of god, i want a sandwich.
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listen to me. i think you're beautiful. you'll always, always be beautiful. yeah, right. yes, right. but what if i do get fat? just...come in under a metric ton. or sag? hey, sagging's great. what if i get stretch marks and... retain water? i love water. look at you in this thing. you're likin' this, aren't you? you know what's scarin' me? somethin' feels right. douglas... a little advice-- wear a slip with that.
11:22 pm
olay ultra moisture body wash can with more moisturizers than seven bottles of the leading body wash. with ultra moisture your body wash is anything but basic soft, smooth skin with olay. over any other carrier? many choose us because we have the largest 4glte network. others, because of our reputation for reliability. or maybe it's because we've received jd power and associates' customer service award 4x in a row. in the end, there are countless reasons. but one choice.
11:23 pm
♪ [ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. feel the taste.
11:24 pm
11:25 pm
[ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. what a night, huh? some chinese food... followed by some good deli... followed by some good lovin' with the most beautiful girl i know. oh, honey, that's sweet. so the lovin' part-- was my performance to my lady's likin'? yeah. what was that pause? captioning made possible by sony pictures television captioned by the national captioning institute public performance of captions prohibited without permission of national captioning institute
11:26 pm
good night.
11:27 pm
go olive garden's three course italian dinner, just $12.95. choose one of five new entrees. go grilled with our new chicken toscano served with creamy parmesan risotto. or go succulent with our new shrimp penne. plus soup or salad and breadsticks. finish on a high note - dessert! three full courses just $12.95. olive garden, we're all family here! and try our lighter fare menu. 5 delicious choices under 575 calories. >> ooh. that's good. >> okay, i have to get ready to get out of here. hey, good morning, mr. brown. >> [ muffled speaking ] >> mr. brown, have you seen the pie i made? >> [ grunting ]
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cora, unh-unh, i ain't seen no pie. >> mr. brown. >> hmm? >> well, what is all of that? >> what -- what is what, cora? >> mr. brown, how could you? i made that pie for the needy. >> good. i needy another one. can you make another one? >> how could you be so selfish? >> selfish?! do you know, if them needy people taste that pie, they're gonna realize what they're missing. and i can't be that cruel. i'm not gonna be cruel to people. >> mr. brown, when i put that out the oven, i told you one thing. do you remember what i said? do you? >> you said, for me, "don't eat --" >> "don't eat that pie"! and what did you do?! >> i ate. >> what? i can't hear you! >> i ate. >> i can't hear you! >> i ate. >> what am i gonna do now? what am i gonna do? >> cora, calm down -- >> i can't calm down. now i don't i have a pie to take! >> oh, stop whining like a little girl. you can make another one. >> what? what's gonna keep you from eating that one? >> you know what? you got a point. you have got a point. maybe you should make two. >> oh, that's not funny, mr. brown. don't be funny right now.
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>> i'm not joking. make another one. >> you have no respect for other people's property. what if i took this little stinky hat and just balled it all up and threw it in the trash? >> i don't care. that's will's hat. >> oh! see, you play too much, mr. brown. things got to change around here. i can't deal with this no more. no more, mr. brown! >> well, you know what? i can't deal with you no more, neither. you know, three days, you done made sweet potato pie, and apple is my favorite. >> i like sweet potato pie! >> well, i like apple. make more apple pies. i want some apple.
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>> sasha, this article that i'm reading is about you and will. >> oh, what's it about -- married medical professionals? >> no. it's called "say it, don't do it." it's about couples that use physical contact in place of real intimacy.
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>> girl, please. will and i don't do that. >> yeah, that's because y'all always too busy getting busy. >> [ gasps ] don't hate. >> i'm not hating. want to take the test and see? >> okay. >> okay. >> [ laughs ] >> so, "when you argue, how do you make up?" >> oh, that's easy -- with a hug and a kiss. >> that's physical. yes. number 2 -- "do you ever entice him to get your own way?" >> hmm. only when i really want something. >> another "yes." freak-a-leak. >> [ scoffs ] >> "how often do you cuddle?" >> oh. [ chuckles ] you know what? don't say that in public because will doesn't like me to use the "c" word. >> cuddle. [ singsong voice ] cuddle. >> hey. hey, baby. come here a second. i got a little time to burn. you want to go somewhere and, >> oh. [ laughs ] >> yeah, and, uh, after you finish "talking," y'all want to
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cuddle? >> you watch your mouth. >> no, baby, not right now, okay? >> oh! [ laughs ] i get it. i get it. you'd rather we "talked" at home, huh? >> [ laughs ] no. no, i don't because renee seems to think our marriage is based on "talking." >> it is not. it's also based on great sex. >> well, what would you do if we never "talked" again. >> that'd be great. whoa. wait a minute. you mean like real talk-- what? huh? okay, i'm confused. >> and you went to medical school? [ laughs ] >> baby, i'm starting to think that renee is right. >> about what? that's just stupid. >> it is not stupid. it is right here in the magazine. magazines don't lie. i bet you y'all couldn't even last a week. >> no, we can't. so what?
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>> see? baby, look -- we can do this, okay? she is challenging us, and i know you and i -- yes, we can. come on, baby. >> okay. so, what? are y'all up for the magazine's 30-day challenge? >> both: 30 days? >> ha! can't not do it. >> look -- we take her, okay? we can do this, right? let's put our minds to it and let's focus and let's bring it home, okay? man up. >> that's right. we're browns, baby, browns. >> and do it for me, baby. >> for you? >> for me. >> what's in it for me? okay. it's cool -- for us. >> for us! >> that's right. chest bump! >> what?! ow! >> yeah. fine. >> [ exhales sharply ] >> all right, now, hold up. today doesn't count 'cause i know why y'all was late. >> well, wait. if today don't count, meet me in 306, girl. >> i'm gonna beat you there, baby. >> what? freak-a-leaks!
11:34 pm
>> whew. a 5-letter word for "moron." b-r-o-w-n, "brown." [ laughs ] >> hey, cora. hey, cora. so, you still not talking to me? i said i was sorry. hey, cora! ooh whoo! tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. cora, duck! here it comes! look, cora! [ doorbell rings ] girl, you must have got your attitude from your mama. i'll get it, cora. don't move. have a attitude. >> hey, brown. >> hey. >> hey, cora. >> cora not speaking to nobody. >> hi, colonel. how are you? >> [ laughs ] she's not speaking to you. what'd you do, brown? >> i-i ain't did nothing. cora made those delicious desserts, and i enjoyed it. now she trying to have a little


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