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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 5, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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rest as in reclining or been relaxed totally at peacehere will be one verse thatest willhicd is to say sabbatical other wordst our venth will learn to do let's go with chapter 4 e one ie reads lecture atrings you short nly open simy put offto themselves around to believing
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the have a heanly father that he is willi control vee two in other wor doenot play favoris they heard the gospel oneay or another the word preached did not profit brings that belief you either have fth in it trus(inour lord lovingm or youlready have the roo of unlief growing in your mind that is a dangers because to doubt god the c)eator ofll things and judge of all judges the judge
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thatill beudging youo have on believeconcerning him is a dangerous thing notnly dangerous kind of on the ignorant side yo you look see the hand od man cannot do the things are ther and @ how precious it is to have the faith in him to ow his word the word his &ove letter to you tellinyou how to find how to derive fromo joy it caress it eveg in your life with t date the son d the holy spirit because they will
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with you you hr the word preacded you aorb it is so good in whereby it becomes a part of you and part of that word of god because you faith in him does firste this goes ry deep you know wh this word foundion is in the greek it katale meaning the ove)threw the overthw fromhenthe first earáh age it grows all (he way back to that time you with
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companion bibles if yo a note appendix 146 peix 146 will telyou about earth that was wthappeged to it falling away fling down or distractwhen god destroyed tde first earth agecae satandrove a irdof god's chilen awainfluencedany more god raár than destroy his children even san destroyed the first earth age brought tdis age of salvio into being we've had this since the beginning of time gos plan oproviding salvatfor those that would faith those that would believe those that would enter
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into isra#l his rest áhey have nothg to worry about but have nothing to fear never let your take you over when you're crear of all this here you know god has a plan he h goes this plafrom the vy beginning of time that is to say from the save the children as many as he could verse four was going to neeversfivese man
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ofourse oved that in psalms 95 verse 11 in the st lecture is a wonde)fkl thing in life have aá st that god provides for us it'srrest it's hard for many people to understa why the nonbelievers they don't have the in detethr ith but it takes to abrb the very letter tgod has nt us in untand following his instructions to find tha peace you ow he did nosay i won't instruct you andow
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instcting you how to find peace of mind how to find complete what a vi #aáher we have t the are stilher those that would not accept that because of unbelief verse five verse six cause of disedience sot terrible thing it very is a
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difficult crack intthe ve tin of thought of the nonbe&iever to get tm to seriously think about for a moment the rt that godives fiáhout that st the fix your health is a picture fami your community your everyday life because if you have tt content meant it give t sure knowdge are father %s in cont)ol that he is arrest for you fd out necessarily a day that is our so bbath en you readfrom firsrinthians chapr 5 verse six and seven you find christ become our passover
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th's theeight of all seven christ become that sabbath meaning what sabbath means rest christ becomeur rest hoy worshithisorship ss tdat worship replaced by @ christ higselfaid to the crosto bring about the e forgiveness of sin for all those that would disedience and unbeliefsaterrle thing to all to grow and your family igto yourry being verse seven
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us tt a all right iwant to to colossians ifi may chapter 2 ways we can find that resin him why is it it'sn m certaiy it is we find it coloss chapter 2 verse 12 lten carefully him through thfaith o# the operion of god who has a&so ve)se3 and you ead and b#ing did ig your sins and the
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and circumcisionf ur flesh has he quickened that is áhe lly me lk together with him ving fgiven you all trespaes thas where rgiveness li áhat's why is a arrest verse 14 btting out the hand writing ordinances that was against us which was coturning to uto get out of the way naing it to the cross in other words it s completed he became that naed to thecrs wdat was it exact nailed their lips read and learn verse0 having spoiled principalies and powers that means even @ syntonic evil spirits he made k%ng over them in it that me
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victory comes to you when u find that peace mind that beuse you use the power that chri ges you in his name follow the true christ and his instructions witfaith and belief 16 t no man did @ yoin meat orn drink orn or goon or of the sabbath days why their not of the cross whicare shadow of things to come theody is of christ syou' not goingo find rest in you where else u cannot find it in some day of the week set aside and
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worship today you must ratr find cist wohip m every @@ day the week and be in his rest every day of the week to have the cpleáeness of following the rdesus christ know we wn you are ig him when you are a boawith him the father nd the ho&y spi)it áhat yobecome a part in that sensthat they watch over you you know they can use you why because you faith youve pea of mind whigh that god knows he can count on you can unt onou because you have attained that peace of mindn th youolw them refully okay let's return if
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we make for cdapter verse eight you have to correct this joshua joshua is pronound or spelled tly áhe word jesus is before translation what it's talking abt was joshua afterome felt to go @ into the promiselandas tread as verse nine he is this ninth verse where resá is different word where algeth to replying to be totally resteb find pee of
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mind it sabbatical seven there remain tthe people of god what is thatba its cdrist in christ for christ and by christ rse 10 in other wordst wasas we learn coians chapter to these things were nailed to the cross ev the de god rest to become man's sabbath man saath maly become cdrist why because áhere a no other rest in thiworld no oge elsegoing to bringou peace ofind other than
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chst himlf t fatr that's his misog why naeansouave a savior because he givesou that eternal%fe with he wiáh tde father whereby you orcome ath you overcome death i @ have an inrgal life of eternal fe comes fronone other th your heavenly e father why because he loves you and ufollow him you have faith and you have only wi that combination anthe steadfastns that y place in absorbing his word he does not over look th xt verse verse 11or sire
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let it ae your desire in other words n't let n's traditions or the teacngs of some squirrel that's to say person that feels gospokto them and god did nott mislead people that are bunch of fakes don't let them rob of tde beautyhaving faith in the wo m's word man' god god's word tharaises mf rest it gives you that etern life all t tngs thatre worthaving in life. find it anm certainly in serving him how precious that is 12 to
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continue mes that the &ife which the pages being alivpower it will accomplish things you cannot set twodge sword described even as christ #ound that cuts both ways that's whod's word will do so powerful powerful thg your soul is yourself your spirit is your intellect the word of intellect to bng you to a
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higher leve& of tdigking that's one form of resurrecti onef the meanings of thword r#surrection is return a higher level of inki en a englh bodi i mn the word of god cag divide this assay take out the bri in the good of the thoughts or judge even if yowill the thoughts and intents of the heart of ow whe thawdy youve is a hard toay something out loud fees knheo)of god can is to accomplish these things never gi up on the soul you
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pltethe seed with for you cann make th seae when u plant the seed if it's gos word and sharp piercing itnables only god n make it come to life you ve to leave that an our father sam's let him gue thepeon át you plted the seed with whher it will grow or not let god be the deciber thereof is tt sharp pointed itan dividehe keryintellect from e entity the self the pers the soul wtever body th
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the flesh or spiritual e in body the intellect still gs with it in the pror intellectis that that you that's what it's all aut that's a perful verse there god's word is how aningful it is 13 to continue that's a ame áhought you @ know what word open is picturhe err your
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ro wheyou open yr mouth oks right into áhe center of your very being tde throat theord so it that he knows evytng about worry that's why hs a od o judge can't hide something from dim you cannot deceive very bei in so doing your thoughtprocess th is why his word is so srp they can divide thepirit and the sou& the joint and tomorrow tt's god's word you never want to
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forget as me might have little unbelievable god's the one that created these bobies knows howy function every nerke every little part of tparty even down to the capillars the metabolism designed boy he did a preáty good job tt itselfails in many cas if you treat it right this way of taking care of us never tdink for a moment you kn if you really love him you want him to be able to e to assist you accomplish his workorim to giveou the health and the kwledge and the wisdom to be able to plant the seeds thatring
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forth thaá for therefore when he sees youhave a shortage of tdis that or another a tt way he can love you d tt increase his w of knowing that's why he can be áhe judge causeheees to your very first 1ees to your very let's hang on to it firmly why cause the suty you have a why high priest sits at the right
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hand of god and he loves you he can figd no better corron asstae healtd @ or comfort menu derived from him right from the very tdrone ofod were talking rest here were talng peace of mind th peace of mind comes directly from alghty god through the son very alt of god entersn gos own guiding them and leadinghem you migdt yi had a preacher e time th were tking he priest re talking herehe priesf priests were talking about a priest forever afr that orbe) melchizedek the king of peace you have dim be the)e for the
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taking of this ass believing having #aith in hiwh you pickp thatord recognize thestrength and the power being and steadfastly hold @ onto it direct from the altar of the living goyofi the rest it's very difficult for some to find because he brings yothat heace of nd tt completeness the totality of happiness in the #lesh in being able áo do hisork th for agd ound h and he and you that'shat makeito successful that's one of the
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greatest gifts is after e crucifixioreturn to the thronehere he hears you there that word lives don't ever think it is dead it i't verse 15 hour with mrs. in other words apter 2 ttg isp for @@ this day not on&y come in the flesh to destroy the devil which is tsay san in verse angel beme not aome supe
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natural entity income and a flesh body just ke ware the sdow was it can be de that deis a real thate in this dimension came in this dimension ad or accomplished whate read about concerning the cross from colossians 2 he did iá for you you sáeadfastness uld be rewarded with the rest with the sabbatthat sabbath as christ himself as i prst does notet any aetter than notmy friendwill never find a better resthat from tde very son sf the lord jesus chri throne of godknowing your
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erthoughist you to help you comfort you we talking rest of re here ceráy christ is our st one more person to fish the chapter per 60 in oer words when you're at your weaknesweuess tt's when st)engthened you you beme youngest that's why sometis it would sm ke something isa total failure all a sudden it shakes up you have it in depth look at you straighten it out it's vy


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