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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 6, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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on a year must often since @ r himself before heenrs the holy of holies or god my strien dead therefore need someáhing better certainly god saw fitto give usetter and as much as h came himselfs emmanuelle bursting services say áhey ve patiegts with tdose that need teacng to be taut and scoledn the very wo)d of god remember whawe learned
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thword of d is power the ignorant be without it but to terrible thing aecauseou mi the blessings of god god achi down touching y the)eforenaturally does offer since for himselnouman beinis perfe buá chris at when u plac rt on him he's never going to leave you he willnever foake you and you will ner disappnt you you'll always get what you got coming to you that's fair hone and above
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the god weight and teaching of timeand correction tough and unberstanding sit ishat it means menre surrounded by weaknesses god ner is god is the one that strengthens us oneere at o weakest verse three agso what is his weakness that he had to offer the sacrifices for hisense and naturally es tt mean it needs to repent letter father know your week and you need@ s help you one always be honest and not respect with
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hefatherf you expect his touch because that's how i comes to be mainly especially in this generation when you ofred you) &ove sacrificiay evpa great vidends to srifice thatill go a long way with our heavenly fatr verse four here we go wiáh agd being the first ofhe levitical priesthood mes was suppod to be es said oh lord my mouthi'm t a great speaker i don't talk all that way well
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said okay i wi point you there and util%zed r year a clinton does it choose the lo deeper and reckon what her father we visited to asar as the priesthood of the ader melchek wha was aaron th and was a @ vite hest even as wenow elizabeth zacharias high priest duringtime of christ's rth luke chapter 1 of the co of a buyer that elizabeth was a full blood levite woman marriedo levit# priest but the ruirement then we know on day mary
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coeived this is importantto know the identity of melchzedek whichwill be discussing in this cpter when mary conceid she rued to her coun elizabeth john the baptissix months in the womb leapt in her world what es ts meanea the dol spirit began dlling with us at conception foit was t day of conception eson how uld elizabeth the levi and themary's coun it's really quite simple luke three plains mars mother was a levite mary's father he was o#
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the tribeof judah here you havehe marriage coming gether of tde priest &ine and the king line thefore you have king of kings and lord of lords he boes not neeb to offerercent because he has no s speak of the lorb jes christ tt's why you can find your rest in him that's why you can depend upon him is where you can come upon him he is no weakness in that sense he needs n make any offering youan walk right in as a matter fact on the day of the crucifixion rent th ve veilthat elosed the holy of holies from topto bottomt 3 pm said ybody can come in andthey love me you don'tha to have high
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priest you don't have @ td or another he opened himself he been that high prie the othe thronef god there áo represent us thr spokpers to stand tween and the world sits at the right hand of god being our adveary against satan himsf he gned a lot of strength wn you t this tother ulizehat nd of priest we have tt reprents us in christ that he is a&l in l so what is at tde little difficu&t priesthood we join with helio as we find in mary'senealogy in hew
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chapter 1 is not have mary's genealogy is the genlogy of josepd her husbandehad nothigg to dwith the airth of christ so you can just scratch th genealogy other than thet its adoption option is ve importa t manyeople in the wor that are not of the house of israel o) judah have the optiomes and strangelyimporáant and nkhapter 3 of the genealogy of mary herself whichis the motr the lord jesus christ tderefore havi pest forever after the order of melchized that is taking a piece and lord of rds versfiv# to continue
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you read the psas cdapr 2 verse seven ev on the y john the baptist ts babe and elizabeáh's womb that baptized the lord jesus christwhat ened but don't come down from heaven can hearhis voice ey could hear this is my bovedon whom i am well pleaseving credentls rely from almighty god that this wasthat priest this wathson of god this was the only begotten of god if you want to find that re this is wdere you find it find iá with perfection man is not
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perfect man camature where macan reason and the mature sense man is never herf#ct becauke he/whi heos the flh there will be that inconsistency with the perfection which christ showed us the way this would be god himsf sang this is my beloved son wdo i well pleased isaiah chapter 7 ver 14 came to pasa rsion woulconcedthere a midd child and you will call his name emmanlle beg interpreted god with us god gan to walk with us ve word which was god bece lush plush waed among us teaching us leading us and preparg at resting place of total
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resthat you can share and at any timehat's why you ould love h certainly he loves you what he would following the pay for the sins of the world to defeat satan is awese awesomthing verse six toontinue weead that not long ago psalms 1 to work out himlf would saves forever it becomes importantyou know what melchizedek translates mocha kiet up just ghous god's electthe zadok ishere the word comes from in the heew it means he
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that is rfect as far as our prie is concerned of that walkedith abram before christ was ever bornf woman yet melchizedek was the havingo mother no father narally was that mean it means he came from g god with us as an example that melchizedek that wld be abraham saw fit even td to m knowing he w the high priest the you have that name so impoant melczedek dinghy kings lord lords and king of righteousness verse seven
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so it was god always protects even in this ve)se eight he did noá havean easy trip a lot of people will say i want to be the best of christia i want to walk in the footsteps of jesus ty crucified m they nailed him to a css they placed a crown of thorns on his head with bloodlowing down the him he suffered much
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by the end of adversarth as well the law get what they haveoming them 100% he suered in the nse@that he was paying therice for us the eker complain he never whimpered he gladly did th first nine he was the author he was the ntagon is the pioneer of the word for he was the word whatever profit would speak wou&d be from he put those words and his mouth ine to
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sharewith the world that's why the wo of godbecome so ever very important to us you might say who wrote the bible reallyhen you get ght wn to it christ d tre were father one and t same worb beme flesh a wked amon tt were is powerful you can look many placeshat word is so powerful even ves you thority over satan himself that's at the very t o jes christ and a great bk look it ves you that authority and his name that poweover all of your enemies not just part o# them all of
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them that's whaá is so @ prec tt he lrns @@ obedience and charity and was madeerfect in what sa&vation lies in peect if y fo&low and ey your believer you inherit eternal life at what salvation isis eternal life right here on earáh were gob @ were to tablh his kingdom as it's written in the great book of r#velation chapter 21 how precious that is next versburstyn 10 when we get chapter 7 will mail this and put away for good for those that might
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doubt who this melizedek is god ll mail it for you kerse 11 chindifficult toress it built means little bit slow it's difficulthen soone is slow thinking be able to express for ever aer the der melchidek is a began with god's plan of salvation ase told us inn earlier chter and verse three of chapter 4 when he says my wrath in her into my rest al rkfinished fromthe foundations of the world been thereforeisll time it was therefore es al& the
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time it's difficult sometimes to take a person and plant the seed and have them seenly there'even ai)star age for this one being the reason god could say certain one i love and the oer i hated jacob and esau whi still in e womb dyingodeing fair-minded and mature certainly younr reize what they accomplished their that brings to her father's mino# the judgment i don't le you did not like the way he started why loving are bothered nothing to him ye @ ly wanted whate could gain r himself. he was a very
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selfish selfish person it is difficulto express thiis wht)ueisdom be able to simplifgod's word wre anybody caunderstand that is thmatuty expssed devery áhat would god uld have us do verse 12 's baby talk when we have we haveeoplemay be not gng to judge anybody there certain pele you can go to our
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churchl& your li sit on thaá you mbe they don't eveg want áo to bng bible dn theryou're supposed to listen to the teacr can express to you really you're never talk about the first earth agewhich is god's word never taught about the fact in the six seal six trenton six bio the inner christ comes first price does noá retn tillhe seventh we haveork to do as it's written clearly mply in matthew 24 luke 21 and mark 13 which are suosed to bo heavy ad it 's there for you observe what he saying a lot of you all you catch is thealvation that as far as you ever go you say
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thaá eh i'm savein the story we are spoon fed ba stor that really can give a real hipped eech that'll make youeel good then what's important is after that sermon is overask urself whatdid i learn from god's word th's at's iortant otherwise you been áreading water going nowhere it is been many even tdough ty call tmselv#s christns when th suld be teache ty beeg there long egoughhey ld be able to are truth and thanven do tt they havto be
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re-taught all over again this is whyhen god pis teachers ice saidou have to be paent with thosehae slow tt's good as well at least teach them the truth the true word of god there not going to remain slow fever is to be t taught most usually is the reason thereof when one is nottaught in thr told perhaps allou have to believe sher saved you don't en have to & god's work because hst a delivery you that's not biblical. heap of r fu aá level which is pu milk
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instead of the truth from god's worb that sticks toyour ribs sees yoall the way rough a&l the y to t very end this hy it's importanhe fortified you chapter 3 and four to find that rest becae that rest is theword when yosorb that worb your ráifd your mind s absorbed the trutd from god's wo you know what's coming dn the wayn only. the owno once you know som#thing you're going to plan howto get through itaround ove) ior whatever with god's help very simple thing paul is kind of comingown on him little bit
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hsaid there's a lot of you here you've bee christians and converted for long time you should be able to cry on your babies you're not even pty trained spiriáually eaking you nee help what is the help of course it's threst mentioned in three and fr tdat res christ christ ishe wo)d of god of the substance that so powerful your member what is said in the 12th verse of the third chapter 7 at 12 verse of e tdird chapter 4 the word of gods quick tdateans @ it's a life iá's noá dd and powerfu&harp than th
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two-edgeorpiercing en to t biding asunder of soul and spirit that's what the word will do hergi sobody that satisfied to hang around folitt sip ofilk when there's me when ere'power and rest an ugdetanding and knledge and ev leadership cos fr our avenly father by the power of the word the word i that howerful tdat's why you never waste me studying the word of god becauseit will alwa beth youo precious commodity n may deceive you eir weak man may not even know the truth and he thinks he does christ does the teacher atures is the priest
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the priests is priest r ever after the order melczedek next verse 13@ thiss a shame i don't see the senior stems that were big but they did n stay there they ce out it ey become stude thought into the meat and the power of god's work no longer de ed for the middle of the word the desire the truth the tth that sets us fe from any anxieties any hangups gives you the authority to find that
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st even in this troubled world gets more troubled every year that is as iá's written so it isith god's word you have nproalems in overcoming thworld because u have earned eternal life rtaiy the world age of t% has no per upon you when youre ady inside sealed in t book of life for eternal life that's rest at's how y can find it that's how you can stay with it oneore first and fished the chapter
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war trained that's whathe real woror two for you you're able discern good from evil naturally always ta the good avoid the evil but recognize it for what it is forhere's much evil in the world@god makethat very plain and clr the re mt ofod's word the stngtd a&ong with to th for age was for age me it means that to her and gosword able to diuss it y know it aad ste of affairs that you can walk out on the streets of amera walk up to most erage person they cannoá
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discuss e ble th any deptat allith you it is a shame it is a n that teachers do t teach that evgest dnot draw people in with them milk better storethat can feed from the very table of the lord that gives you that rest and string that youain from that priest aá is for%ver of the order of melchizedek that is the safe the lorjesus christ there's nothing wrong with being a babe not havingbeen taught necessarily don't stay thatay never to late tget into timpliciáy which christ teaches boming a


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