tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 7, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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that is a safeatu)ityin other wordonce you aept ch you did works should st histo wyou obtain salvation there's no need and continue teaching salvation believe agbe savebause you are saved you happen to fall back you rent )epent brings you clor again almighty god if ha a church ful heople all the same man three or fo times you preach
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lvation messe that is se should'vebeen teaching deep into the proecies in god's word because svation is artie been alied all it takes en to rew yourself is repentance and belief naturally ahologizing to almigh g for any errs or mistakes we remember wh last verseas thecome t maturityany ofou bn in churcho long you're il like babies you veot moved rward all siá i bursting bursting to naturally those thingsre set steadft are ing to come to
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passf u are not you can't just talk aboumilk mi&k milk withougetting in a &ittl meat meat meat from god's rd to know what is about to happen that's what prophecie about it's noá %ust to give you thrill to let you ow what torrow brings because as it is wrien thaexactly w it's going to come tpass vee three verse four rsefive
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saved thseco time that near st. christ d not dois work tt's like recits up buying him all over again 'snotneskar one falls away rather than reteachg salkatr#teaching ts is mething you must do or be rebaptiz certainly that's not going to c it u have to rip wh%n you repe o heen father is going to take ca) yound you're not gog to insulthiby saying saved aga itis he that is thesaving certainly he dsn once benet u mayll away from so far you'll go to helbut did @ his part all it takes to renew
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at ispeancehis is why its a sin you have a room fullf peoplehat so-called sad teachingalvaon messeis kind of ain it's milk when th need at at's exactly o heavenly father considers it you have you don't ever nt togo th#re the seriousness of á price he paid on that cross to b)ing saation toou simy for the acceptan and &iving in etinand holding steaast
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that were that's just precious that is as it o father and h%s word ormature it takes a mature christian foll tyet áhe same met is a simplicity nothing complicateabout iá if you senin your saved repent and a f forgiveness how many tes didhrist tell the people you can be forgiven you can be forgivefor hundred 90x7x70 as long as your scere when it comes to shaming the lorbes christ you ceainly notant to go tre thereforef youer learthe lesson from the new tesáent
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from g's word let it be the six chapter in the of heews where you don't cast a shadow ignorance of god weron the lord jes cist he on the crs pang the price that you would bettle him who does the saving yosay you have to be saved agaour moing rist that doesot cut it my iend he c#rtnly dootagt to go there our father mak áhat very clear @ once oneomes total do tdat all very farawaynd does t repent you not to make it you have to love the lord say mething else if you not getinto the meat of the
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find t whaáheen trumps me you don't realize into cist comes in the sixth trunk d thetrue messiah does noteturntill t seventh idocarefu consider yourself a if you haveot beentaht and y wohip the false e did you lose youchristianity it'll ke a &ottery team the mienni áhat that would trshire alsá just@ impossib i thinkt's oge of e reasons written in @ revelation cpter 9 certain ohle pray for mountains fall to shame tb$ace chsá mature one they beenhoring after the falsone that's n agood reputation have trying tenterthe ternal
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wife with almighty god it's so ráto getnto the meaá god's word whery you ha tde dersnding next ve)se verse sen@ is good ge you an example here listen carefullyi want you áo understand áhat were blessed in your gind td means tail men's wk th iá other words you worat it i'll read that again using that word is god givesou mp answer here makes it
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true to anyone rather th being la tryg to just ttlefeed yourselfall yo life make it on pablum to get into the meat in other words the ra is the natural order of things but goodor the earth to dnkp in the arena,pon it and bringt forth herbs with em by whit is stssed that is us atailedk youdowork it lose itei blessingfr gob so it is when you work until the scriptures searching for unrstanding thatour self away frothe milk wch the
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a shadow if youested in theistols adow you would suffer a lot of the other wdsyou do tend i'&l cal& ithe gardenf god inhe pisto b)iars will take over your mindnd yok'll switch to the tradions of men that me thevoid the árue word ofgod rather tn telling the ripture essing up c&eaningyour mind om traditions of men weeding them out bringing in the murity of the teaching of the lordesus cdst how better teheth we could have whene llus about saatioabout milk about ople
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to salvation that is to y true charity not over lookig thsimplicity and serving god whereby those principl aly in your life you knowhat if you've lisnecarelly if you have gnedthrest that was mentioned inhapters 3 d four for our hean&y faer is tthe author of usn but of pce and st then you can move into that áimeofest anmaturity and no of e traditions of n whereby you havehe blesngfrom god rememr the promise is you kill the rd tentde garden i
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will send youblessings yore going to bblesd i believe that with all my hearthat her fatherones his cr%n and what goodfather he is ve10 áo continue you haveerved yos#rve god you serve the ints got children he loves at are searching r t)uáh yore not li group mentioned back in chapter closing vers you're like 80s sometimes you shldeach chairs alyou are a bunch of babies tha have to
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be rethought again that's whygain that's a prise om god i'm not goi to forget you i't goto forget your labor your work uses both sthere can be no miktake yourwork at kiing a cleansg your fami for the wk due to ster to e cddren of the god he gever ing to forget it that's y itringsfoh blessings verse 11 th's bei careful since
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in oth words you stick with bon'tou you stay true áo high hurpo don't let man pull you away 's too valuable of e blessing god trade them blessings of me which you cannot cnt on n might sahe blesses you wishes yom will that's the end of it when god says i bless you andwish you wl he produces for you see touches your lifees the &he bethe yohat brin upway the hardships on the things you wi&l face in this life certainly that's so @ imrtant that'sled maturi in the word of d in
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servinhim rse 12 lten carefu that means lazy i'm going to repeat and hair the promes u nnherit promises by beg th means to hut io#f quitt arnd to it i'd like to stillhave time right now you don't hav time for god de does not have time for you that's just a natural thing that father is per naral th's why it's easy to dersta him if
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l ust amomená naturaheagts you to be sincere we want you st%ck with t matury at he teaches if you'ralitále disrespectful proaab shouldn't usto the matury you'reotoing to inrit the promises areromises by thelivi is not goigg to forget never count yourself t many people do don't verse 13 other words god cannot lie there a brgs 100 yearsld
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his from us to abraham is his fspring oing to him will come as numerous as t ars of heavend the sand of the sea sarahven left that's whi iacas called laughter becsehe was 90 and past child bearing age natully e laughebut ined she was and dn't bring forth that o god made ses to inheat he set asidis a beautiful thnext verse 1
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that's the promise god made that onebraham verse 50 ingiá took long time you have to rememberthisn yo own mi you don'á want to be like those of seconpeter chapter 3 it's not going to ha things have gonen li they have since theegng of me nothing has cnged so thers a t of things thaá change ve)sehree earth as i'm quoting from the third chapter of sondpetea lot changed and a lot shall change to those that inrit he says sáicwi tt the patient study to shoyourself approveb rightly dividing the
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yot count thayou'l& docount anytding when @@ d makea note it n attempto pass as a written that heisure@he gets his word says i wil& never forget i'm goigg to remembewhen you look on this chapter you realize what father isaying, in amature f me get into the worb y have atined @ lvatn rentanceepairs a oken salvation in sincerit but mo on theuture prophecies ithe word prom of god anclaiming
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thheir yrs butou have to learn of them if yore itting aroundo word naturally youe not going to inherit iwhen you strive en if someone thi has thinto bo td heople that are hanpped in e pe even smilletting people know they love lord jesuschst good unselen i can ver g#because people say thr ndicapped how could he possiy lieve in the lo jes christ and handapped person ds grt deal quite a witne ráainly god honondrespects thow precious @ that is xt verse 18 it's an changeabody
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of god our father is beigg very tender for as of thishapter the simplicity in which he teaches gives you a clearer undetanbing about saatio about bapáism ere is one salvation there is one bapsm it's all done in the name of the lord jhrist and to pair that it ihis promise alyou haveo do is repent and beincere about itthat fixes it then get work build that arto your soul ere yore noá a fh out of war popping around all over the place having no
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desáiny o) purpose aut that year sure and on tart to be a pleasure to the ling god n#xt vse áo mplete the chapter 20 we can't enter that ache has entered theplac precus it is that goholds nothing backrom s electi from tse tt love him those at follow him he layabout a this is promise you can inherithat by swng by his own name it do not get any better it can beo sure @@ thats your anchor tomorrow
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